| Index Entry | Section |
P | | |
| padding | 4.7 Formatting Strings |
| page-delimiter | 34.8 Standard Regular Expressions Used in Editing |
| paired delimiter | 35.2.1 Table of Syntax Classes |
| paragraph-separate | 34.8 Standard Regular Expressions Used in Editing |
| paragraph-start | 34.8 Standard Regular Expressions Used in Editing |
| parasha, weekly | 39.9 Sexp Entries and the Fancy Diary Display |
| parent of char-table | 6.6 Char-Tables |
| parent process | 37. Processes |
| parenthesis | 2.3.6 Cons Cell and List Types |
| parenthesis depth | 35.6 Parsing Balanced Expressions |
| parenthesis matching | 38.14 Blinking Parentheses |
| parenthesis syntax | 35.2.1 Table of Syntax Classes |
| parse state | 35.6 Parsing Balanced Expressions |
| parse-colon-path | 40.3 Operating System Environment |
| parse-partial-sexp | 35.6 Parsing Balanced Expressions |
| parse-sexp-ignore-comments | 35.6 Parsing Balanced Expressions |
| parse-sexp-lookup-properties | 35.4 Syntax Properties |
| parsing | 35. Syntax Tables |
| passwords, reading | 20.8 Reading a Password |
| PATH environment variable | 37.1 Functions that Create Subprocesses |
| path-separator | 40.3 Operating System Environment |
| pausing | 21.9 Waiting for Elapsed Time or Input |
| PBM | 38.13.6 Other Image Types |
| peculiar error | Error Symbols and Condition Names |
| peeking at input | 21.7.5 Miscellaneous Event Input Features |
| percent symbol in mode line | 23.3.1 The Data Structure of the Mode Line |
| perform-replace | 34.5 Search and Replace |
| performance analysis | 18.2.13 Coverage Testing |
| permanent local variable | 11.10.2 Creating and Deleting Buffer-Local Bindings |
| permission | 25.6.4 Other Information about Files |
| piece of advice | 17. Advising Emacs Lisp Functions |
| pipes | 37.4 Creating an Asynchronous Process |
| play-sound | 40.10 Sound Output |
| play-sound-file | 40.10 Sound Output |
| play-sound-functions | 40.10 Sound Output |
| plist | 8.4 Property Lists |
| plist-get | 8.4.3 Property Lists Outside Symbols |
| plist-member | 8.4.3 Property Lists Outside Symbols |
| plist-put | 8.4.3 Property Lists Outside Symbols |
| point | 30.1 Point |
| point excursion | 30.3 Excursions |
| point in window | 28.9 Windows and Point |
| point with narrowing | 30.1 Point |
| point-entered (text property) | 32.19.4 Properties with Special Meanings |
| point-left (text property) | 32.19.4 Properties with Special Meanings |
| point-marker | 31.3 Functions that Create Markers |
| point-max | 30.1 Point |
| point-max-marker | 31.3 Functions that Create Markers |
| point-min | 30.1 Point |
| point-min-marker | 31.3 Functions that Create Markers |
| pointer shape | 29.17 Pointer Shapes |
| pointers | 2.3.6 Cons Cell and List Types |
| pop | 5.4 Accessing Elements of Lists |
| pop-mark | 31.7 The Mark |
| pop-to-buffer | 28.7 Displaying Buffers in Windows |
| pop-up-frame-alist | 28.8 Choosing a Window for Display |
| pop-up-frame-function | 28.8 Choosing a Window for Display |
| pop-up-frames | 28.8 Choosing a Window for Display |
| pop-up-windows | 28.8 Choosing a Window for Display |
| pos-visible-in-window-p | 28.10 The Window Start Position |
| position (in buffer) | 30. Positions |
| position argument | 21.2.2 Code Characters for interactive |
| position in window | 28.9 Windows and Point |
| position of mouse | 29.14 Mouse Position |
| position-bytes | 33.1 Text Representations |
| positive infinity | 3.2 Floating Point Basics |
| posix-looking-at | 34.4 POSIX Regular Expression Searching |
| posix-search-backward | 34.4 POSIX Regular Expression Searching |
| posix-search-forward | 34.4 POSIX Regular Expression Searching |
| posix-string-match | 34.4 POSIX Regular Expression Searching |
| posn-col-row | 21.6.13 Accessing Events |
| posn-point | 21.6.13 Accessing Events |
| posn-timestamp | 21.6.13 Accessing Events |
| posn-window | 21.6.13 Accessing Events |
| posn-x-y | 21.6.13 Accessing Events |
| post-command-hook | 21.1 Command Loop Overview |
| Postscript images | 38.13.5 Postscript Images |
| pre-abbrev-expand-hook | 36.5 Looking Up and Expanding Abbreviations |
| pre-command-hook | 21.1 Command Loop Overview |
| preactivating advice | 17.7 Preactivation |
| preceding-char | 32.1 Examining Text Near Point |
| predicates | 2.6 Type Predicates |
| prefix argument | 21.11 Prefix Command Arguments |
| prefix argument unreading | 21.7.5 Miscellaneous Event Input Features |
| prefix command | 22.5 Prefix Keys |
| prefix key | 22.5 Prefix Keys |
| prefix-arg | 21.11 Prefix Command Arguments |
| prefix-help-command | 24.5 Help Functions |
| prefix-numeric-value | 21.11 Prefix Command Arguments |
| preventing backtracking | Specification List |
| preventing prefix key | 22.7 Key Lookup |
| previous complete subexpression | 35.6 Parsing Balanced Expressions |
| previous-char-property-change | 32.19.3 Text Property Search Functions |
| previous-frame | 29.6 Finding All Frames |
| previous-history-element | 20.9 Minibuffer Miscellany |
| previous-matching-history-element | 20.9 Minibuffer Miscellany |
| previous-overlay-change | 38.9.3 Searching for Overlays |
| previous-property-change | 32.19.3 Text Property Search Functions |
| previous-single-char-property-change | 32.19.3 Text Property Search Functions |
| previous-single-property-change | 32.19.3 Text Property Search Functions |
| previous-window | 28.5 Cyclic Ordering of Windows |
| primitive | 12.1 What Is a Function? |
| primitive function internals | E.5 Writing Emacs Primitives |
| primitive type | 2. Lisp Data Types |
| primitive-undo | 32.9 Undo |
| prin1 | 19.5 Output Functions |
| prin1-to-string | 19.5 Output Functions |
| princ | 19.5 Output Functions |
| print | 19.5 Output Functions |
| print example | 19.4 Output Streams |
| print name cell | 8.1 Symbol Components |
| print-circle | 19.6 Variables Affecting Output |
| print-diary-entries | 39.6 Customizing the Diary |
| print-diary-entries-hook | 39.6 Customizing the Diary |
| print-escape-multibyte | 19.6 Variables Affecting Output |
| print-escape-newlines | 19.6 Variables Affecting Output |
| print-escape-nonascii | 19.6 Variables Affecting Output |
| print-gensym | 19.6 Variables Affecting Output |
| print-help-return-message | 24.5 Help Functions |
| print-length | 19.6 Variables Affecting Output |
| print-level | 19.6 Variables Affecting Output |
| printed representation | 2.1 Printed Representation and Read Syntax |
| printed representation for characters | 2.3.3 Character Type |
| printing | 19.1 Introduction to Reading and Printing |
| printing (Edebug) | 18.2.11 Printing in Edebug |
| printing circular structures | 18.2.11 Printing in Edebug |
| printing limits | 19.6 Variables Affecting Output |
| printing notation | 1.3.4 Printing Notation |
| priority (overlay property) | 38.9.1 Overlay Properties |
| process | 37. Processes |
| process filter | 37.9.2 Process Filter Functions |
| process input | 37.7 Sending Input to Processes |
| process internals | E.6.3 Process Internals |
| process output | 37.9 Receiving Output from Processes |
| process sentinel | 37.10 Sentinels: Detecting Process Status Changes |
| process signals | 37.8 Sending Signals to Processes |
| process-buffer | 37.9.1 Process Buffers |
| process-coding-system | 37.6 Process Information |
| process-coding-system-alist | 33.10.5 Default Coding Systems |
| process-command | 37.6 Process Information |
| process-connection-type | 37.4 Creating an Asynchronous Process |
| process-contact | 37.6 Process Information |
| process-environment | 40.3 Operating System Environment |
| process-exit-status | 37.6 Process Information |
| process-filter | 37.9.2 Process Filter Functions |
| process-id | 37.6 Process Information |
| process-kill-without-query | 37.5 Deleting Processes |
| process-list | 37.6 Process Information |
| process-mark | 37.9.1 Process Buffers |
| process-name | 37.6 Process Information |
| process-running-child-p | 37.7 Sending Input to Processes |
| process-send-eof | 37.7 Sending Input to Processes |
| process-send-region | 37.7 Sending Input to Processes |
| process-send-string | 37.7 Sending Input to Processes |
| process-sentinel | 37.10 Sentinels: Detecting Process Status Changes |
| process-status | 37.6 Process Information |
| process-tty-name | 37.6 Process Information |
| processp | 37. Processes |
| `profile.el' | D.2 Tips for Making Compiled Code Fast |
| profiling | D.2 Tips for Making Compiled Code Fast |
| prog1 | 10.1 Sequencing |
| prog2 | 10.1 Sequencing |
| progn | 10.1 Sequencing |
| program arguments | 37.1 Functions that Create Subprocesses |
| program directories | 37.1 Functions that Create Subprocesses |
| programmed completion | 20.5.6 Programmed Completion |
| programming types | 2.3 Programming Types |
| prompt string (of menu) | 22.12.1 Defining Menus |
| prompt string of keymap | 22.2 Format of Keymaps |
| properties of text | 32.19 Text Properties |
| propertize | 32.19.2 Changing Text Properties |
| property list | 8.4 Property Lists |
| property list cell | 8.1 Symbol Components |
| property lists vs association lists | 8.4.1 Property Lists and Association Lists |
| protected forms | 10.5.4 Cleaning Up from Nonlocal Exits |
| provide | 15.6 Features |
| providing features | 15.6 Features |
| PTYs | 37.4 Creating an Asynchronous Process |
| punctuation character | 35.2.1 Table of Syntax Classes |
| pure storage | E.2 Pure Storage |
| pure-bytes-used | E.2 Pure Storage |
| purecopy | E.2 Pure Storage |
| purify-flag | E.2 Pure Storage |
| push | 5.5 Building Cons Cells and Lists |
| push-mark | 31.7 The Mark |
| put | 8.4.2 Property List Functions for Symbols |
| put-image | 38.13.8 Showing Images |
| put-text-property | 32.19.2 Changing Text Properties |
| puthash | 7.2 Hash Table Access |