\subsection{Loading The Package}
You can load the package in the ordinary way;
Where \texttt{options} of the package are explained later in \autoref{options}.

When loading the package, it is important to know that:
\item \textsf{xepersian} should be the last package that you load, because otherwise you are certainly going to overwrite \textsf{bidi} and \textsf{\XePersian} package's definitions and consequently, you will not get the expected output.
\item In fact, in addition to \textsf{bidi}, \textsf{\XePersian} also makes sure that some specific packages are loaded before \textsf{bidi} and \textsf{\XePersian}; these are those packages that \textsf{bidi} and \textsf{\XePersian} modifies them for bidirectional and Persian/English typesetting. 

If you load \textsf{\XePersian} before any of these packages, then you will get an error saying that you should load \textsf{\XePersian} or \textsf{bidi} as your last package. When it says that you should load \textsf{bidi} package as your last package, it really means that you should load \textsf{\XePersian} as your last package  as \textsf{bidi} package is loaded automatically by \textsf{\XePersian} package.

For instance, consider the following minimal example:
\settextfont{XB Niloofar}
*\parsitext{این فقط یک آزمایش است}*
Where \textsf{enumerate} is loaded after \textsf{\XePersian}. If you run \texttt{xelatex} on this document, you will get an error which looks like this:
! Package xepersian Error: Oops! you have loaded package enumerate after xepersian package. Please load package enumerate before xepersian package, and then try to run xelatex on your document again.

See the xepersian package documentation for explanation.
Type  H <return>  for immediate help.
l.5 \begin{document}

\subsection{\textsf{\XePersian}'s Symbol}
 As you may know lion symbolizes \TeX{} but lion does not symbolizes \textsf{\XePersian}. \textbf{Simorgh}\footnote{\textbf{Simorgh} is an Iranian benevolent, mythical flying creature which has been shown on the titlepage of this documentation. For more details see \url{http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Simurgh}} (shown on the first page of this documentation) symbolizes \textsf{\XePersian}.
\subsection{Commands for Version number, and Date of The Package}
\item \Lcs{xepersianversion} gives the current version of the package.
\item \Lcs{xepersiandate} gives the current date of the package.
\settextfont{XB Niloofar}
This is typeset by \textsf{\XePersian} package,\xepersianversion,
\subsection{{Options of The Package\label{options}}}
There are few options:
\subsubsection{\texttt{defaultlatinfontfeatures} Option}
The \texttt{defaultlatinfontfeatures} option allows you to pass  font features to the main Latin font. \Larga{value} is a set of font features.
\subsubsection{\texttt{extrafootnotefeatures} Option}
This is just the \texttt{extrafootnotefeatures} Option of \textsf{bidi} package. If you enable this option, you can typeset footnotes in paragraph form or in multi-columns (from two-columns to ten-columns). For more details, please read the manual of \textsf{bidi} package.
\subsubsection{\texttt{Kashida} Option}
If you pass \texttt{Kashida} option to the package, you will use Kashida for stretching words for better output quality and getting rid of underfull or overfull \Lcs{hbox} messages.
Note that you can not use \texttt{Kashida} option when you are using Nastaliq-like font (well, you still can use \texttt{Kashida} option when you use any Nastaliq-like font, but I can not guarantee high quality output!).

The following two commands are provided when you activate the \texttt{Kashida} option:
\item \Lcs{KashidaOn} enables Kashida and is active by default when \texttt{Kashida} option is activated.
\item \Lcs{KashidaOff} disables Kashida.

\subsubsection{\texttt{quickindex} Option}
When you generally want to prepare index for your Persian documents, you need to first run \texttt{xelatex}, then \texttt{xindy}, and again \texttt{xelatex} on your document respectively, which is very time consuming. The \texttt{quickindex} option gives you the index with only and only one run of \texttt{xelatex}. To use this feature, you will need to run \texttt{xelatex --shell-escape} on your \TeX{} document; otherwise you get an error which indicates that shell scape (or write18) is not enabled.

 This option is now obsolete and  equivalent to \texttt{quickindex-variant2} option.
\subsubsection{\texttt{quickindex-variant1} Option}
 Same as \texttt{quickindex} Option but uses variant one (in which \parsitext{آ} is grouped under \parsitext{ا}) for sorting Persian alphabets. 
\subsubsection{\texttt{quickindex-variant2} Option}
 Same as \texttt{quickindex} Option but uses variant two (in which \parsitext{آ} is a separate letter) for sorting Persian alphabets. 
\subsubsection{\texttt{localise} Option}
This option allows you to use most frequently-used \LaTeX\ commands and environments in Persian, almost like what \TeX-e-Parsi offers. This is still work in progress and we wish to add lots more Persian equivalents of \LaTeX\ and \TeX\ commands and environments. The Persian equivalents of \LaTeX\ and \TeX\ commands are shown in \autoref{lcs},  The Persian equivalents of \XePersian\ commands are shown in \autoref{xcs},  Persian equivalents of \LaTeX\  environments are shown in \autoref{lenv} and Persian equivalents of \XePersian\  environments are shown in \autoref{xenv}

Please note that the Persian equivalents of \LaTeX\ and \TeX\ commands and environments are only available after loading \textsf{xepersian} package. This means that  you  have to write all commands or environments that come before \Lcs{usepackage}\Largb{xepersian}, in its original form, i.e. \Lcs{documentclass}.

Not only you can use Persian equivalents of \LaTeX\ and \TeX\ commands and environments, but still original \LaTeX\ and \TeX\ commands and environments work too.

The \TeX\,  \LaTeX\, and \XePersian\  commands and environments and their Persian equivalents listed in \autoref{lcs}, \autoref{xcs}, \autoref{lenv} and \autoref{xenv} is not the whole story; If any command and environment in \autoref{lcs}, \autoref{xcs}, \autoref{lenv} and \autoref{xenv} have a starred version, their starred version also work. For example in \autoref{lcs}, the Persian equivalent of \Lcs{chapter}  is \Pcs{فصل}. I know that \Lcs{chapter} has a starred version, so this means \Pcs{فصل*} is also the Persian equivalent of \Lcs{chapter*}. Is that clear?

However there is more; you can localise any other commands/environments you want. You can use the following commands to localise your own commands/environments: 
\Lcs{eqcommand}\Largb{\Larga{command-name in Persian}}\Largb{\Larga{original  \LaTeX{} command-name}}\\
\Lcs{eqenvironment}\Largb{\Larga{environment-name in Persian}}\Largb{\Larga{original \LaTeX{} environment-name}}
\tablecaption{The Equivalent \LaTeX\ and \TeX\ Commands\label{lcs}}
   {\bfseries Command in \TeX\ or \LaTeX\ &\bfseries  Equivalent Persian Command\\ \hline}
   {\hline \multicolumn{2}{r}{\emph{Continued on next page}}\\}

\tablecaption{The Equivalent \XePersian\ Commands\label{xcs}}
   {\bfseries Command in \XePersian &\bfseries  Equivalent Persian Command\\ \hline}
   {\hline \multicolumn{2}{r}{\emph{Continued on next page}}\\}

\tablecaption{The Equivalent \LaTeX\ Environments\label{lenv}}
   {\bfseries Environment in  \LaTeX\ &\bfseries  Equivalent Persian Environment\\ \hline}
   {\hline \multicolumn{2}{r}{\emph{Continued on next page}}\\}

\tablecaption{The Equivalent \XePersian\ Environments\label{xenv}}
   {\bfseries Environment in  \XePersian\ &\bfseries  Equivalent Persian Environment\\ \hline}
   {\hline \multicolumn{2}{r}{\emph{Continued on next page}}\\}
\paragraph{Localisation of postion arguments.}
 Some environments like \texttt{tabular} and some commands like \Lcs{parbox} have an argument which specifies the position. Table \autoref{table-pos} shows their localisations.
\tablecaption{The Equivalent \LaTeX{} position arguments\label{table-pos}}
   {\bfseries Position argument in \LaTeX &\bfseries  Equivalent Persian position argument\\ \hline}
   {\hline \multicolumn{2}{r}{\emph{Continued on next page}}\\}
\item There are two \texttt{p}s in \autoref{table-pos},  first \texttt{p} and its Persian equivalent \Penv{پ} stand for paragraph (used in \texttt{tabular} and similar environments) and the second  \texttt{p} and its Persian equivalent \Penv{ص} stand for page (used in \texttt{float}-like environments).
\subsubsection{Localizations of the keys and key values of \textsf{graphicx} package}
The equivalent Persian keys and key values of \textsf{graphicx} package is shown in \autoref{table:key} and \autoref{table:keyvalue} respectively.
\tablecaption{Persian Equivalent keys of \textsf{graphicx} package\label{table:key}}
   {\bfseries Original Key &\bfseries  Equivalent Persian Key\\ \hline}
   {\hline \multicolumn{2}{r}{\emph{Continued on next page}}\\}
\tablecaption{Persian Equivalent key values of \textsf{graphicx} package\label{table:keyvalue}}
   {\bfseries Original Key value&\bfseries  Equivalent Persian Key value\\ \hline}
   {\hline \multicolumn{2}{r}{\emph{Continued on next page}}\\}
\subsubsection{Localizations of font features and font feature options}
The equivalent Persian font features and font feature options is shown in \autoref{table:ff} and \autoref{table:ffo} respectively.
\tablecaption{Persian Equivalent font features\label{table:ff}}
   {\bfseries Original font feature &\bfseries  Equivalent Persian font feature\\ \hline}
   {\hline \multicolumn{2}{r}{\emph{Continued on next page}}\\}
\tablecaption{Persian Equivalent font feature options\label{table:ffo}}
   {\bfseries font feature&\bfseries font feature option &\bfseries  Persian font feature option\\ \hline}
   {\hline \multicolumn{3}{r}{\emph{Continued on next page}}\\}
\subsection{A Sample Input \TeX\ File}
\settextfont{XB Niloofar}
\title{*\parsitext{یک سند نمونه}*}
\author{*\parsitext{نام نویسنده}*}
\part{*\parsitext{عنوان بخش}*}
\section{*\parsitext{عنوان قسمت}*}
\subsection{*\parsitext{عنوان زیرقسمت}*}
\subsubsection{*\parsitext{عنوان زیر زیرقسمت}*}
\subsection{Font Commands}
\subsubsection{Basic Font Commands}
\Lcs{settextfont}\OptArgs\Largb{\Larga{font name}}\\
\Lcs{setlatintextfont}\OptArgs\Largb{\Larga{font name}}\\
\Lcs{setmathdigitfont}\OptArgs\Largb{\Larga{font name}}\\
\Lcs{setmathsfdigitfont}\OptArgs\Largb{\Larga{font name}}\\
\Lcs{setmathttdigitfont}\OptArgs\Largb{\Larga{font name}}
\item Options in any font command in this documentation are anything that \textsf{fontspec} package provides as the option of loading fonts, except \texttt{Script} and \texttt{Mapping}.
\item \Lcs{settextfont} will choose the default font for Persian texts of your document. 
\item \Lcs{setlatintextfont} will choose the font for Latin texts of your document. If you do not use this command at all, the default \TeX\ font (fonts used in this documentation) will be used for Latin texts of your document.
\item \Lcs{setmathdigitfont} will choose the Persian font for digits in math mode. By default, digits in math mode will appear in Persian form.
\item \Lcs{setmathsfdigitfont} will choose the Persian font for digits in math mode inside \Lcs{mathsf}. By using this command, digits in math mode inside \Lcs{mathsf} will appear in Persian form and if you do not use this command at all, you will get default \TeX\ font for digits in math mode inside \Lcs{mathsf} and digits appear in their original form (Western).
\item \Lcs{setmathttdigitfont} will choose the Persian font for digits in math mode inside \Lcs{mathtt}. By using this command, digits in math mode inside \Lcs{mathtt} will appear in Persian form and if you do not use this command at all, you will get default \TeX\ font for digits in math mode inside \Lcs{mathtt} and digits appear in their original form (Western).
\subsubsection{Defining Extra Persian and Latin Fonts}
\Lcs{defpersianfont}\Lcs{CS}\OptArgs\Largb{\Larga{font name}}\\
\Lcs{deflatinfont}\Lcs{CS}\OptArgs\Largb{\Larga{font name}}
\item With \Lcs{defpersianfont}, you can define extra Persian fonts.
In this example, we define \Lcs{Nastaliq} to stand for IranNastaliq font.
\item With \Lcs{deflatinfont}, you can define extra Latin fonts.
In this example, we define \Lcs{junicode} to stand for Junicode font.
\subsubsection{Choosing Persian Sans Font}
\Lcs{setpersiansansfont}\OptArgs\Largb{\Larga{font name}}\\
\subsubsection{Choosing Persian Mono Font}
\Lcs{setpersianmonofont}\OptArgs\Largb{\Larga{font name}}\\
\subsubsection{Choosing Persian Iranic Font}
\Lcs{setiranicfont}\OptArgs\Largb{\Larga{font name}}\\
\subsubsection{Choosing Persian Navar Font}
\Lcs{setnavarfont}\OptArgs\Largb{\Larga{font name}}\\
\subsubsection{Choosing Persian Pook Font}
\Lcs{setpookfont}\OptArgs\Largb{\Larga{font name}}\\

\subsubsection{Choosing Persian Sayeh Font}
\Lcs{setsayehfont}\OptArgs\Largb{\Larga{font name}}\\

\subsubsection{Choosing Latin Sans Font}
\Lcs{setlatinsansfont}\OptArgs\Largb{\Larga{font name}}\\
\subsubsection{Choosing Latin Mono Font}
\Lcs{setlatinmonofont}\OptArgs\Largb{\Larga{font name}}\\