% \iffalse meta-comment
% Copyright (C) 2018 - 2021 by ChairX
% This file may be distributed and/or modified under the
% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either
% version 1.3 of this license or (at your option) any later
% version.  The latest version of this license is in:
%    http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt
% and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of
% LaTeX version 2005/12/01 or later.
% This file contains the documentation of all linear algebra related macros .
% Macros have to be described by (delete the first %)
% \DescribeMacro{\macro}
% Description and usage of the macro.
% The description will appear in the usage
% part of the documentation. Use \subsubsection{} etc. for structuring.
% The implementation of the macros defined here has to be written in
% chairxmathLinalg.dtx
%\subsubsection{General Linear Algebra}
% Trace of a linear map |\tr(A)|: $\tr(A)$ \\
% Uses |operatorfont|.
% Rank of a linear map |\rank(A)|: $\rank(A)$ \\
% Uses |operatorfont|.
% Codimension |\codim U|: $\codim U$ \\
% Uses |operatorfont|.
% Diagonal (for filling matrices etc.)  |\diag(1,-1, -1)|: $\diag(1,-1, -1)$ \\
% Uses |operatorfont|.
% Transposition of matrices |A^\Trans|: $A^\Trans$ \\
% Uses |scriptfont|.
% Matrices |\Mat_n(\mathbb{R})|: $\Mat_n(\mathbb{R})$ \\
% Uses |operatorfont|.
% Symmetric matrices |\SymMat_n(\mathbb{R})|: $\SymMat_n(\mathbb{R})$ \\
% Uses |operatorfont|.
% Annihilator of a subspace |U^\ann|: $U^\ann$ \\
% Uses |scriptfont|.
% Span of something |\Span\{v, u\}|: $\Span\{v, u\}$
% and with optional argument
% |\Span[\mathbb{C}]\{v,u\}|: $\Span[\mathbb{C}]\{v,u\}$ \\
% Uses |operatorfont|.
% Font for basis vectors |\basis{e}_i|: $\basis{e}_i$ \\
% Uses |basisfont|.
% Generic tensor product over some ring |a \tensor b|: $a \tensor b$.\\
% With optional subscript |V \tensor[\algebra{A}] U|: $V \tensor[\algebra{A}] U$
% Tensor powers, tensor algebra |\Tensor^\bullet(V)|: $\Tensor^\bullet(V)$ \\
% Uses |operatorfont|.
% Antisymmetric tensor powers, Grassmann algebra |\Anti(V)|: $\Anti(V)$
% Symmetric tensor powers, symmetric algebra |\Sym^\bullet(V)|: $\Sym^\bullet(V)$ \\
% Uses |operatorfont|.
% Symmetrizer |\Symmetrizer_n|: $\Symmetrizer_n$
% Anti-symmetrizer |\AntiSymmetrizer|: $\AntiSymmetrizer$
% Generic insertion map |\ins_X|: $\ins_X$ \\
% Uses |operatorfont|.
% Generic right insertion map |\jns_X|: $\jns_X$ \\
% Uses |operatorfont|.
% Antisymmetric insertion map |\insa(X)|: $\insa(X)$ \\
% Uses |operatorfont|, |scriptfont|.
% Symmetric insertion map |\inss(v)|: $\inss(v)$ \\
% Uses |operatorfont|, |scriptfont|.
% Antisymmetric degree |\dega(a) = ka|: $\dega(a) = ka$ \\
% Uses |operatorfont|, |scriptfont|.
% Symmetric degree |\degs(X) = \ell X|: $\degs(X) = \ell X$ \\
% Uses |operatorfont|, |scriptfont|.
%\subsubsection{Inner Products}
% Simple scalar product |\SP{x, y}|: $\SP{x, y}$.
% Small parallel to be used as a subscript |v_\littlepara|: $v_\littlepara$
% Generic inner product with five arguments to decorate it |\IP[]{}{}{}{}{}| and an optional argument to adjust the size:
%\IP[\big]{}{B}{z, w}{\perp}{R}
%\IP[\Big]{\perp}{\algebra{B}}{\prod x_i, y}{\prime}{\algebra{A}}