% isonums.sty v1.0, based on ziffer.sty v2.2
% Author:
% M. V\"ath      vaeth()mathematik.uni-wuerzburg.de
% Adapted to handle English formatted numbers:
% Luis Rivera    jlrn77()gmail.com
% This package provides the macros
% \ZifferAn        (equivalent with \ZifferPunktAn \ZifferStrichAn )
% \ZifferAus       (equivalent with \ZifferPunktAus\ZifferStrichAus)
% \ZifferPunktAn
% \ZifferPunktAus
% \ZifferStrichAn
% \ZifferStrichAus
% If \ZifferAn was used, then in numbers in math-mode the following happens:
%   `.' is used as a `one-thousand separator' as common in Germany
%   `,' is used as a decimal separator as common in Germany
%  `--' generates a -- with better spacing (e.g. in 1.000,-- )
% You may still use the symbols `.' `,' and `-' in other context in math mode.
% The first two conversions are switched on by default, the last conversion has
% to be switched on explicitly (this has been changed in v2.1):
% You may switch on/off the conversions with
% \ZifferPunktAn/\ZifferPunktAus   (for the first two conversions) respectively
% \ZifferStrichAn/\ZifferStrichAus (for the last conversion).
% The reason why the last conversion is not on by default (and why it might be
% necessary to [temporarily] switch off a conversion) is that certain packages
% (in particular, newer versions of amsmath) cause problems with it.
% There were some discussions which should be the correct output of the
% above conversions (in particular, of `--').
% If you do not like my choice: You may customize (i.e. redefine) the macros
% \ZifferLeer and \ZifferStrich
% after loading the package to produce the `one-thousand separator'
% respectively the `--'.
% All above command-names are in German, because I had expected that this
% package is only needed for German texts. Meanwhile, I learned that also
% other countries use this strange convention for numbers. However, for
% downward compatibility, I decided to keep the name conventions anyway
% (after all, the name of the package is in German anyway).
% The extension options (euro,anglo) define the input format, so that all numbers
% in math mode are displayed in ISO-31-0 format, regardless of input format.
% The commands \EuroZiffer and \AngloZiffer make local changes within the document body.
% I wrote these extensions as I use the decimal point consistently and I found 
% convenient to make conversions to all numbers simply by adjusting a command line 
% in the whole document.--- Luis.
\ProvidesPackage{isonums}[2007/12/31 v1.0 Ziffer for automated ISO number format]

