% \iffalse meta-comment % % This is file `caption.dtx'. % % Copyright (C) 1994-2023 Axel Sommerfeldt (axel.sommerfeldt@f-m.fm) % % -------------------------------------------------------------------------- % % This work may be distributed and/or modified under the % conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3 % of this license or (at your option) any later version. % The latest version of this license is in % http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt % and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX % version 2003/12/01 or later. % % This work has the LPPL maintenance status "maintained". % % This Current Maintainer of this work is Axel Sommerfeldt. % % This work consists of the files % caption.ins, caption.dtx, caption-light.dtx, caption2.dtx, caption3.dtx, % caption-ams-smf.dtx, caption-beamer.dtx, caption-elsarticle.dtx, % caption-koma.dtx, caption-memoir.dtx, caption-ntg.dtx, % caption-thesis.dtx, bicaption.dtx, ltcaption.dtx, subcaption.dtx, % the derived files % caption.sty, caption-light.sty, caption2.sty, caption3.sty, % caption-ams-smf.sto, caption-beamer.sto, caption-elsarticle.sto, % caption-koma.sto, caption-memoir.sto, caption-ntg.sto, % caption-thesis.sto, bicaption.sty, ltcaption.sty, subcaption.sty. % % \fi % % \CheckSum{2925} % % \iffalse %<*driver> \NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e}[1994/12/01] \ProvidesFile{caption.drv}[2023/09/07 v3.6 The caption package] %\errorcontextlines=3 % \documentclass{captiondoc} \hypersetup{pdfkeywords={LaTeX, package, caption}} % \usepackage[listof=false,hypcap=false]{caption}[2022/01/06] % \usepackage{graphicx,longtable} % % \ContinuedFloat \DeclareCaptionLabelFormat{continued1}{Continued #1~#2} \DeclareCaptionLabelFormat{continued2}{#1~#2\alph{ContinuedFloat}} % \DeclareCaptionLabelFormat \DeclareCaptionLabelFormat{bf-parens}{(\textbf{#2})} % \DeclareCaptionStyle \DeclareCaptionStyle{mystyle}[margin=5mm,justification=centering]% {font=footnotesize,labelfont=sc,margin={10mm,0mm}} % Example 1 \DeclareCaptionFormat{myformat1}{#1#2\\#3} \newlength\myindention \DeclareCaptionFormat{myformat2}{#1#2\\\hspace*\myindention#3} \DeclareCaptionOption{myindention}{\setlength\myindention{#1}} % Example 2 \DeclareCaptionFormat{reverse}{#3#2#1} \DeclareCaptionLabelFormat{fullparens}{(\bothIfFirst{#1}{~}#2)} \DeclareCaptionLabelSeparator{fill}{\hfill} % Example 3 \DeclareCaptionFormat{llap}{\llap{#1#2}#3\par} \DeclareCaptionFormat{llapx}{\llap{\makebox[5em][l]{#1}}#3\par} % Example 4 \DeclareCaptionLabelFormat{andtable}{#1~#2 \& \tablename~\thetable} % \begin{document} \DocInput{caption.dtx} \end{document} %</driver> % \fi % % \iffalse % ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- % % \fi % % \def\thispackage{the \pkg{caption} package} % \def\Thispackage{The \pkg{caption} package} % % \def\x{\-} % % \newenvironment{Annotation}% % {\ifvmode\else\unskip\par\fi\pagebreak[2]% % \smallskip % \small(\ignorespaces}{\unskip)\par} % \newenvironment{Annotation*}% % {\ifvmode\else\unskip\par\fi\pagebreak[2]% % \small(\ignorespaces}{\unskip)\par} % % \newenvironment{Example}% % {\ifvmode\else\unskip\par\fi\pagebreak[2]% % \minipage{\linewidth}\smallskip}% % {\smallskip\endminipage\par} % % \makeatletter % \newcommand\example{\@ifstar % {\@example{belowskip=\abovecaptionskip}}% % {\@example{}}} % \def\@example#1{% % \@testopt{\@@example{#1}}{figure}} % \long\def\@@example#1[#2]#3#4{% % \begingroup % \captionsetup{#1,size=small,margin={\leftmargini,10pt},#3}% % \captionof{#2}[]{#4}% % \endgroup} % \makeatother % % \newenvironment{Expert}% % {\ifvmode\else\unskip\par\fi\pagebreak[3]% % \smallskip % \footnotesize\ignorespaces}{\par} % \newenvironment{Expert*}% % {\ifvmode\else\unskip\par\fi\pagebreak[3]% % \footnotesize\ignorespaces}{\par} % % \newenvironment{Note}[1][\DefaultNoteText]% % {\ifvmode\else\unskip\par\fi % \smallskip % \small\emph{#1:}~\ignorespaces}{\par} % \newenvironment{Note*}[1][\DefaultNoteText]% % {\ifvmode\else\unskip\par\fi % \small\emph{#1:}~\ignorespaces}{\par} % \newcommand*\DefaultNoteText{Note} % % \makeatletter % \def\see{\@ifstar{\SEE\relax{see}}{\SEE\small{see}}} % \def\See{\@ifstar{\SEE\relax{See}}{\SEE\small{See}}} % \newcommand*\SEE[3]{\nopagebreak{#1(#2 #3)}} % \newcommand*\SeeUserDefined[1][]{\See{\longref{declare}#1}} % \makeatother % % \iffalse % ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- % % \fi % % \GetFileInfo{caption.drv} % \let\docdate\filedate % \let\docversion\fileversion % \GetFileInfo{caption.sty} % % \title{Customizing captions of floating environments%^^A % \texorpdfstring{\thanks{%^^A % This package has version number \docversion.}}%^^A % {}} % \author{Axel Sommerfeldt\\ % \url{https://gitlab.com/axelsommerfeldt/caption}} % \date{\docdate} % \maketitle % % \begin{abstract} % \Thispackage\ offers customization of captions % in floating environments such |figure| and |table| and cooperates with % many other packages. % \par\smallskip % \textit{Please note:} Many document classes already have build-in options and % commands for customizing captions. % If these possibilities are sufficient for you, there is usually no need for % you to use the \pkg{caption} package at all. % And if you are only interested in using the command \cs{captionof}, loading of % the very small \pkg{capt-of} package is usually sufficient. % \end{abstract} % % \newcommand\shortexampletext{% % White sand beaches. The pink smoothness of the conch shell. A sea abundant % with possibilities. Duty-free shops filled with Europe's finest gifts and % perfumes.} % \newcommand\exampletext{\shortexampletext\space % Play your favorite game of golf amidst the tropical greens on one % of the many championship courses.} % % \iffalse % --------------------------------------------------------------------------- % % \fi % % \section*{Introduction} % % Within the standard \LaTeX\ document classes captions haven't received the % attention they deserve. Simply typeset as an ordinary paragraph there is no % remarkable visual difference from the rest of the text, like here: % % \example*{size=normalsize,margin=0pt}{\shortexampletext} % % There should be possibilities to change this; for example, it would be nice % to make the text of the caption a little bit smaller as the normal % text, add an extra margin, typeset the caption label with the same font % family and shape as your headings etc. Just like this one: % % \example*{size=small,margin=10pt,labelfont=bf,labelsep=endash}{\shortexampletext} % % You can do this easily with this package as there are many ready-to-use % caption formatting options, but you are free to define your very own stuff, too. % % \bigskip % % \INFO\begin{minipage}[t]{\textwidth} % \small % Please note that \thispackage\ is only controlling the look \& feel of the % captions. It does \emph{not} control the placement of the captions. % (But you could do so by using other packages like the \pkg{floatrow} % package\cite{floatrow}.) % \end{minipage} % % \medskip % % \INFO\begin{minipage}[t]{\textwidth} % \small % This documentation is outdated and is currently under revision. % Progress could be tracked here: % \url{https://gitlab.com/axelsommerfeldt/caption/-/commits/doc/caption} % \end{minipage} % % \iffalse % --------------------------------------------------------------------------- % % \fi % % \clearpage % \tableofcontents % % \iffalse % --------------------------------------------------------------------------- % % \fi % % \clearpage % \section{Using this package} % \label{usage} % % Insert % \begin{quote} % |\usepackage|\oarg{options}|{caption}[|\texttt{\filedate}|]| % \end{quote} % into the preamble of your document, i.e.~the part of your document % between |\document|\-|class| and |\begin{doc|\-|u|\-|ment}|. % The options control how your captions will look like; e.g., % \begin{quote} % |\usepackage[margin=10pt,font=small,labelfont=bf,|\\ % | labelsep=endash]{caption}|% % %|[|\texttt{\filedate}|]| % \end{quote} % would result in captions looking like the second one in the introduction. % % \DescribeMacro{\captionsetup} % For a later change of options \thispackage\ provides the command % \begin{quote} % |\captionsetup|\oarg{float type}\marg{options}\quad. % \end{quote} % So % \begin{quote} % |\usepackage[margin=10pt,font=small,labelfont=bf]{caption}| % \end{quote} % and % \begin{quote} % |\usepackage{caption}|\\ % |\captionsetup{margin=10pt,font=small,labelfont=bf}| % \end{quote} % are equal in their results. % % It's good to know that |\caption|\-|setup| has an effect on the current % environment only. So if you want to change settings for the % current |figure| or |table| only, just place the |\caption|\-|setup| command % inside the |figure| or |table| right before the |\caption| command. % For example % \begin{quote} % |\begin{figure}|\\ % | |\ldots\\ % | \captionsetup{singlelinecheck=off}|\\ % | \caption{|\ldots|}|\\ % |\end{figure}| % \end{quote} % switches the single-line-check off, but only for this |figure|, % so all the other captions remain untouched. % % \begin{Annotation} % For a detailed description of |\caption|\-|setup| see \longref{captionsetup}. % \end{Annotation} % % \iffalse % --------------------------------------------------------------------------- % % \fi % % \clearpage % \section{Options} % \label{options} % % \def\OptionLabel{RaggedRight} % \def\UserDefined{\ldots} % % \iffalse % --------------------------------------------------------------------------- % % \fi % % \subsection{Formatting} % \label{formats} % % \DescribeMacro{format=} % A figure or table caption mainly consists of three parts: the caption label, % which says if this object is a `Figure' or `Table' and what number is % associated with it, the caption text itself, which is normally a short % description of contents, and the caption separator which separates the text % from the label. % % The \textit{caption format} determines how this information will be presented; % it is specified with the option % \begin{quote} % |format=|\meta{format name}\quad, % \end{quote} % having the name of the caption format as its argument. % % There are two standard caption formats: % \begin{Options}{\OptionLabel} % \item[plain]%\NEWdescription{v3.0h} % Typesets the captions as a normal paragraph. % % \item[hang] % Indents the caption text, so it will `hang' under the first line of the text. % % \item[\UserDefined] % Own formats can be defined using |\Declare|\-|Caption|\-|Format|.\LineBreak % \SeeUserDefined % \end{Options} % % \begin{Example} % An example: Specifying the option % \begin{quote} % |format=hang| % \end{quote} % yields captions like this: % \example{format=hang}{\exampletext} % \end{Example} % % \pagebreak[3] % \DescribeMacro{indention=} % For both formats (\texttt{plain} and \texttt{hang}) you can setup an extra % indention starting at the second line of the caption. You do this with the % option % \begin{quote} % |indention=|\meta{amount}\quad. % \end{quote} % % Two examples: % % \begin{Example} % \begin{quote} % |format=plain,indention=.5cm| % \end{quote} % \captionsetup{skip=0pt} % \example{format=plain,indention=.5cm}{\exampletext} % \end{Example} % % \begin{Example} % \begin{quote} % |format=hang,indention=-0.5cm| % \end{quote} % \captionsetup{skip=0pt} % \example{format=hang,indention=-0.5cm}{\exampletext} % \end{Example} % % \bigskip % % \pagebreak[3] % \DescribeMacro{labelformat=} % With the option % \nopagebreak[3] % \begin{quote} % |labelformat=|\meta{label format name} % \end{quote} % \nopagebreak[3] % you specify how the caption label will be typeset. % There are five standard caption label formats: % % \begin{Options}{\OptionLabel} % \item[original] % The caption label will be typeset as specified by the document class, % usually this means the name and the number (like \texttt{simple}). % % Until \version{3.4} of \thispackage\ this label format was called `default'. % Since \version{3.5} it is called `original' and usually is the default label % format, so |label|\-|format=|\-|default| will still select this label format, % unless the default was changed by either a document class or babel language package. % % \item[empty] % The caption label will be empty. % \iffalse % (This option makes sense when used together with other options like % \texttt{labelsep=none}.) % \fi % % \item[simple] % The caption label will be typeset as a name and a number. % % \item[brace]\NEWfeature{v3.1f} % The caption label will be closed with a single (right) brace. % % \item[parens] % The number of the caption label will be typeset in parentheses. % % \item[\UserDefined] % Own label formats can be defined using |\Declare|\-|Caption|\-|Label|\-|Format|. % \SeeUserDefined % \end{Options} % % \begin{Example} % An example: Using the options % \begin{quote} % |format=plain,labelformat=parens,labelsep=quad| % \end{quote} % gives captions like this one: % \example{format=plain,labelformat=parens,labelsep=quad}{\exampletext} % \end{Example} % % \medskip % % \begin{Note*} % Some environments, e.g.~the |algorithm| environment offered by the % \pkg{algorithm2e} package, might react allergic to a change of the % caption label format. % \end{Note*} % % \bigskip % % \pagebreak[3] % \DescribeMacro{labelsep=} % With the option % \begin{quote} % |labelsep=|\meta{label separator name} % \end{quote} % you specify what caption separator will be used.\footnote{% % If the caption label or the caption text is empty, % no separator will be used.} % You can choose one of the following: % % \begin{Options}{\OptionLabel} % \item[none] % There is no caption separator. % \iffalse % (This option makes sense when used together with other options like % \texttt{labelformat=empty}.) % \fi % % \item[colon] % The caption label and text will be separated by a colon and a space. % % \item[period] % The caption label and text will be separated by a period and a space. % % \item[space] % The caption label and text will be separated by a single space. % % \item[quad] % The caption label and text will be separated by a |\quad|. % % \item[newline] % The caption label and text will be separated by a line break (|\\|). % Please note that this separator does not work with all caption % formats (e.g.~|format=|\x|hang|), and you'll get an error message % trying such combination of options. % % \item[endash]\NEWfeature{v3.0h} % The caption label and text will be separated by an en-dash, % surrounded by spaces (\verb*| -- |). % % \item[\UserDefined] % Own separators can be defined using |\Declare|\-|Caption|\-|Label|\-|Sep|\-|a|\-|ra|\-|tor|. % \SeeUserDefined % \end{Options} % % Three examples: % \begin{Example} % \begin{quote} % |format=plain,labelsep=period| % \end{quote} % \captionsetup{skip=0pt} % \example{format=plain,labelsep=period}{\exampletext} % \end{Example} % % \begin{Example} % \begin{quote} % |format=plain,labelsep=newline,singlelinecheck=false| % \end{quote} % \captionsetup{skip=0pt} % \example{format=plain,labelsep=newline,singlelinecheck=false}{\exampletext} % \end{Example} % % \begin{Example} % \begin{quote} % |format=plain,labelsep=endash| % \end{quote} % \captionsetup{skip=0pt} % \example{format=plain,labelsep=endash}{\exampletext} % \end{Example} % % \bigskip % % \pagebreak[3] % \DescribeMacro{textformat=} % \NEWfeature*{v3.1} % With the option % \nopagebreak[3] % \begin{quote} % |textformat=|\meta{text format name} % \end{quote} % \nopagebreak[3] % you specify how the caption text will be typeset. % There are two standard caption text formats: % % \begin{Options}{\OptionLabel} % \item[empty] % The caption text will be suppressed. % % \item[simple] % The caption text will be typeset as it is. % % \item[period] % The caption text will be followed by a period. % % \item[\UserDefined] % Own text formats can be defined using |\Declare|\-|Caption|\-|Text|\-|Format|. % \SeeUserDefined % \end{Options} % % \iffalse % --------------------------------------------------------------------------- % % \fi % % \PageBreak % \subsection{Justification} % \label{justification} % % \DescribeMacro{justification=} % As addition to the caption format you could also specify a % \emph{caption justification}; it is specified with the option % \begin{quote} % |justification=|\meta{justification name}\quad. % \end{quote} % % You can choose one of the following: % % \begin{Options}{\OptionLabel} % \item[justified] % Typesets the caption as a normal paragraph. % % \item[centering] % Each line of the caption will be centered. % % \iffalse % \item[Centering] % \fi % % \item[centerlast] % The last line of each paragraph of the caption text will be centered. % % \item[centerfirst] % Only the first line of the caption will be centered. % % \item[raggedright] % Each line of the caption will be moved to the left margin. % % \iffalse % \item[RaggedRight] % Each line of the caption will be moved to the left margin using % the command |\RaggedRight| from the \pkg{ragged2e} package. % \else % \item[RaggedRight] % Each line of the caption will be moved to the left margin, too. % But this time the command |\RaggedRight| of the \pkg{ragged2e} % package will be used to achieve this. % The main difference to |raggedright| is that the word breaking % algorithm of \TeX\ will work inside captions.\footnote{% % The need for the \pkg{ragged2e} package will be detected at % run-time, therefore you maybe need a second \LaTeX\ run if this % option is used for the first time.} % \fi % % \item[raggedleft] % Each line of the caption will be moved to the right margin. % % \iffalse % \item[RaggedLeft] % Each line of the caption will be moved to the right margin using % the command |\RaggedLeft| from the \pkg{ragged2e} package. % \fi % % \item[\UserDefined] % Own justifications can be defined using |\Declare|\-|Caption|\-|Jus|\-|ti|\-|fi|\-|ca|\-|tion|. % \SeeUserDefined % \end{Options} % % Three examples: % \begin{Example} % \begin{quote} % |format=hang,justification=raggedright| % \end{quote} % \captionsetup{skip=0pt} % \example{format=hang,justification=raggedright}{\exampletext} % \end{Example} % % \begin{Example} % \begin{quote} % |format=hang,justification=centerlast| % \end{quote} % \captionsetup{skip=0pt} % \example{format=hang,justification=centerlast}{\exampletext} % \end{Example} % % \begin{Example} % \begin{quote} % |format=plain,labelsep=newline,justification=centering| % \end{quote} % \captionsetup{skip=0pt} % \example*{format=plain,labelsep=newline,justification=centering}{\exampletext} % \end{Example} % % \smallskip % % \PageBreak % \DescribeMacro{singlelinecheck=} % The standard \LaTeX\ document classes (\cls{article}, \cls{report}, and % \cls{book}) automatically center a caption if it fits in one single line: % % \example*{}{A short caption.} % % \INFO % \Thispackage\ adapts this behavior and therefore usually ignores the % justification \& indention you have set with |justification=| \& % |indention=| in such case. % But you can switch this special treatment of such short captions off % with the option % \begin{quote} % |singlelinecheck=|\meta{bool}\quad. % \end{quote} % Using |false|, |no|, |off| or |0| for \meta{bool} switches the % extra centering off: % \begin{quote} % |singlelinecheck=false| % \end{quote} % Doing so the above short caption would look like % % \begingroup % \captionsetup{type=figure} % \ContinuedFloat % \example*{singlelinecheck=false}{A short caption.} % \endgroup % % You switch the extra centering on again by using |true|, |yes|, |on| or |1| % for \meta{bool}. (The default is on.) % % \iffalse % --------------------------------------------------------------------------- % % \fi % % \subsection{Fonts} % \label{fonts} % % \DescribeMacro{font=} % \DescribeMacro{labelfont=} % \DescribeMacro{textfont=} % There are three font options which affects different parts of the caption: % One affecting the whole caption (|font|), one which only affects the caption % label and separator (|label|\-|font|) and at least one which only affects the % caption text (|text|\-|font|). % You set them up using the options % \begin{quote}\begin{tabular}{@{}r@{}ll} % |font=| & \marg{font options} & ,\\ % |labelfont=| & \marg{font options} & , and\\ % |textfont=| & \marg{font options} & ,\\ % \end{tabular}\end{quote} % where \meta{font options} is a list of comma separated font options. % % And these are the available font options: % % \begin{Options}{stretch=\meta{amount}} % \item[scriptsize] {\scriptsize Very small size} % \item[footnotesize] {\footnotesize The size usually used for footnotes} % \item[small] {\small Small size} % \item[normalsize] {\normalsize Normal size} % \item[large] {\large Large size} % \item[Large] {\Large Even larger size} % \end{Options} % \vspace{0pt}\pagebreak[3] % \begin{Options}{stretch=\meta{amount}} % \item[normalfont] {\normalfont Normal shape \& series \& family} % % \item[up] {\upshape Upright shape} % \item[it] {\itshape Italic shape} % \item[sl] {\slshape Slanted shape} % \item[sc] {\scshape Small Caps shape} % % \item[md] {\mdseries Medium series} % \item[bf] {\bfseries Bold series} % % \item[rm] {\rmfamily Roman family} % \item[sf] {\sffamily Sans Serif family} % \item[tt] {\ttfamily Typewriter family} % \end{Options} % \vspace{0pt}\pagebreak[3] % \begin{Options}{stretch=\meta{amount}} % \item[singlespacing] Single spacing \See{\longref{setspace}} % \item[onehalfspacing] One-and-a-half spacing \See{\longref{setspace}} % \item[doublespacing] Double spacing \See{\longref{setspace}} % \item[stretch=\meta{amount}] |\setstretch|\marg{amount} \See{\longref{setspace}} % \end{Options} % \vspace{0pt}\pagebreak[3] % \begin{Options}{stretch=\meta{amount}} % \item[normalcolor] |\normalcolor| % \item[color=\meta{colour}] |\color|\marg{colour} % {\small(If the \pkg{color} or \pkg{xcolor} package is loaded, % see \longref{declare} for an example)} % \end{Options} % \vspace{0pt}\pagebreak[3] % \begin{Options}{stretch=\meta{amount}} % \item[normal] The combination of the options |normal|\-|color|, % |normal|\-|font|, |normal|\-|size|, and |single|\-|spacing| % % \item[\UserDefined] % Own font options can be defined using |\Declare|\-|Caption|\-|Font|. % \SeeUserDefined % \end{Options} % % If you use only one of these options you can omit the braces; % e.g., the options % |font={small}| % and % |font=small| % will give the same result. % % Three examples: % \begin{Example} % \begin{quote} % |font=it,labelfont=bf| % \end{quote} % \captionsetup{skip=0pt} % \example{font=it,labelfont=bf}{\exampletext} % \end{Example} % % \begin{Example} % \begin{quote} % |labelfont=sc,textfont=it| % \end{quote} % \captionsetup{skip=0pt} % \example{labelfont=sc,textfont=it}{\exampletext} % \end{Example} % % \begin{Example} % \begin{quote} % |font={small,stretch=0.80}| % \end{quote} % \captionsetup{skip=0pt} % \example{font={small,stretch=0.80}}{\exampletext} % \end{Example} % % \medskip % % \pagebreak[3] % \DescribeMacro{font+=} % \DescribeMacro{labelfont+=} % \DescribeMacro{textfont+=} % \NEWfeature*{v3.1} % You can also add font options to the current ones, so for example % \begin{quote} % |\captionsetup{font=small}|\\ % |\captionsetup{font+=it}| % \end{quote} % is identical to % \begin{quote} % |\captionsetup{font={small,it}}| % \end{quote} % % \iffalse % --------------------------------------------------------------------------- % % \fi % % \subsection{Margins and further paragraph options} % \label{margins} % % \DescribeMacro{margin=} % \DescribeMacro{width=} % For all captions you can specify \emph{either} an extra margin \emph{or} % a fixed width:~\footnote{Only fixed widths are supported here; if you are % looking for a way to limit the width of the caption to the width of the % figure or table, please take a look at the \pkg{floatrow}\cite{floatrow} % or \pkg{threeparttable}\cite{threeparttable} package.} % \begin{quote}\begin{tabular}{@{}r@{}ll} % |margin=| & \meta{amount} & \emph{--or--}\\ % |margin=| & |{|\meta{left amount}|,|\meta{right amount}|}| & \emph{--or--}\\ % |width=| & \meta{amount} & \\ % \end{tabular}\end{quote} % \NEWfeature{v3.1} % If you specify just one \meta{amount} for the margin, it will be used for % both, the left and right margin, e.g.~|margin=|\x|10pt| is equivalent to % |margin=|\x|{10pt,10pt}|. % In two-side documents the left and right margin will be swapped on even pages. % \DescribeMacro{oneside} % \DescribeMacro{twoside} % To prevent this you can specify the option |oneside| additionally, % e.g.~|\caption|\-|setup{margin=|\x|{0pt,10pt},|\x|oneside}|.\par % But if you are specifying a width, then both, the left and the right margin, % will have the same amount. % % Three examples will illustrating this: % \begin{Example} % \begin{quote} % |margin=10pt| % \end{quote} % \captionsetup{skip=0pt} % \example{margin=10pt}{\exampletext} % \end{Example} % % \begin{Example} % \begin{quote} % |margin={1cm,0cm}| % \end{quote} % \captionsetup{skip=0pt} % \example{margin={1cm,0cm}}{\exampletext} % \end{Example} % % \begin{Example} % \begin{quote} % |width=.75\textwidth| % \end{quote} % \captionsetup{skip=0pt} % \example{width=.75\textwidth}{\exampletext} % \end{Example} % % \begin{Note} % When the caption is placed beside the contents (for example in a |SC|\-|figure| % environment offered by the \pkg{sidecap} package\cite{sidecap}) or the % figure is an in-text figure (for example in a |wrap|\-|figure| environment % offered by the \pkg{wrapfig} package\cite{wrapfig}), the margin setting % will be automatically reset to |0pt| at the very beginning of the environment. % But if you really want to setup an extra margin for these environments, you can % do so by setting this margin either inside the environment itself, of by % specifying a margin for this particular environment, % e.g.~|\caption|\-|setup[SC|\-|figure]{margin=|\x|10pt}|. % \end{Note} % % \begin{Expert} % \DescribeMacro{margin*=} % \NEWfeature*{v3.1} % There is also a starred variant of the |margin=| option, |margin*=|, which only % changes the margin if no width was set. % \end{Expert} % % \begin{Expert} % \DescribeMacro{minmargin=} % \DescribeMacro{maxmargin=} % \NEWfeature*{v3.1} % You can also set a minimum or maximum margin amount. This can be useful for % limiting the margin amount in smaller environments, e.g.~|minipage|s. % For example the \SmF\ document classes limit the margin amount to % |maxmargin=|\x|0.1\linewidth|. (See \longref{SMF}) % \end{Expert} % % \medskip % % \pagebreak[3] % \DescribeMacro{parskip=} % This option is useful for captions containing more than one paragraph. % It specifies the extra vertical space inserted between them: % \begin{quote} % |parskip=|\meta{amount} % \end{quote} % One example: % \begin{Example} % \begin{quote} % |margin=10pt,parskip=5pt| % \end{quote} % \captionsetup{skip=0pt} % \example{margin=10pt,parskip=5pt}{% % First paragraph of the caption. This one contains some test, just to % show how these options affect the layout of the caption.\par % Second paragraph of the caption. This one contains some text, too, to % show how these options affect the layout of the caption.} % \end{Example} % % \pagebreak[3] % \DescribeMacro{hangindent=} % The option % \begin{quote} % |hangindent=|\meta{amount} % \end{quote} % is for setting up a hanging indention starting from the second line of each % paragraph. If the caption contains just a single paragraph, using this option % leads to the same result as the option |indention=|\meta{amount} you already % know about. % But if the caption contains multiple paragraphs you will notice the difference: % % \begin{Example} % \begin{quote} % |format=hang,indention=-.5cm| % \end{quote} % \captionsetup{skip=0pt} % \example{format=hang,indention=-.5cm}{% % First paragraph of the caption. This one contains some test, just to % show how these options affect the layout of the caption.\par % Second paragraph of the caption. This one contains some text, too, to % show how these options affect the layout of the caption.} % \end{Example} % % \begin{Example} % \begin{quote} % |format=hang,hangindent=-.5cm| % \end{quote} % \captionsetup{skip=0pt} % \example{format=hang,hangindent=-.5cm}{% % First paragraph of the caption. This one contains some test, just to % show how these options affect the layout of the caption.\par % Second paragraph of the caption. This one contains some text, too, to % show how these options affect the layout of the caption.} % \end{Example} % % \begin{Note} % If your caption contains more than one paragraph, you have % to specify an alternative caption for the list-of-figures using the % optional argument of |\caption| or |\caption|\-|of|, otherwise you will % get an error message. % \end{Note} % % \iffalse % --------------------------------------------------------------------------- % % \fi % % \PageBreak % \subsection{Styles} % \label{style} % % \DescribeMacro{style=} % A suitable combination of caption options is called \emph{caption style}. % You can compare them more or less to page styles which you set up with % |\page|\-|style|; % the caption style provides all settings for a whole caption layout. % % You switch to an already defined caption style with the option % \begin{quote} % |style=|\meta{style name}\quad. % \end{quote} % \Thispackage\ pre-defines two styles: |base| and |default|. % % \NEWfeature{v3.1} % The |base| style puts all options you already know about to values reflecting % the look of the captions when using one of the base \LaTeX\ document classes % \cls{article}, \cls{report}, and \cls{book}. % This means that specifying the option % \begin{quote} % |style=base| % \end{quote} % has the same effect as specifying all these options: % \begin{quote} % |format=plain,labelformat=default,labelsep=colon,|\\ % |justification=justified,font={},labelfont={},|\\ % |textfont={},margin=0pt,indention=0pt|\\ % |parindent=0pt,hangindent=0pt,singlelinecheck=true| % \end{quote} % \begin{Annotation*} % But |justification=centering,indention=0pt| will be set if % the caption fits into a single line. % \end{Annotation*} % % In contrast the |default| style follows the default values, reflecting % the look of the captions given by the document class you actually use. % This style is selected by default and represents these options: % \begin{quote} % |format=default,labelformat=default,labelsep=default,|\\ % |justification=default,font=default,labelfont=default,|\\ % |textfont=default,margin=0pt,indention=0pt|\\ % |parindent=0pt,hangindent=0pt,singlelinecheck=true| % \end{quote} % \begin{Annotation*} % But again |justification=centering,indention=0pt| will be set if % the caption fits into a single line. % \end{Annotation*} % % So if you use one of the base \LaTeX\ document classes \cls{article}, % \cls{report}, or \cls{book}, both caption styles, |base| and |default|, % point to (nearly) the same settings. % % \begin{Note} % Own caption styles can be defined using |\Declare|\-|Caption|\-|Style|.\LineBreak % \SeeUserDefined % \end{Note} % % \iffalse % --------------------------------------------------------------------------- % % \fi % % \subsection{Skips} % \label{skips} % % \DescribeMacro{skip=} % The vertical space between the caption and the figure or table contents is % controlled by the option % \begin{quote} % |skip=|\meta{amount}\quad. % \end{quote} % The standard \LaTeX\ document classes \cls{article}, \cls{report} and % \cls{book} preset it to |skip=|\x|10pt|, but other document classes may % use a different amount. % % \bigskip % % \pagebreak[3] % \DescribeMacro{position=} % The |\caption| command offered by \LaTeX{} has a design flaw: % The command does not know if it stands on the beginning of the figure or % table, or at the end. Therefore it does not know where to put the space % separating the caption from the content of the figure or table. % While the standard implementation always puts the space above the caption % in floating environments (and inconsistently below the caption in % |long|\-|table|s), the implementation offered by this package is more % flexible: % By giving the option % \begin{quote} % |position=top|\quad or\quad |position=above| % \end{quote} % it's assumed that the caption is standing at the \emph{top} of the % environment and therefore the space setup with |skip=|\x\meta{amount} % is placed below the caption. % (Please note that |position=|\x|top| does \emph{NOT} mean that the % caption is actually placed at the top of the figure or table. % Instead the caption is usually placed where you place the |\caption| % command.) % But with % \begin{quote} % |position=bottom|\quad or\quad |position=below| % \end{quote} % it's assumed that the caption is standing at the \emph{bottom} of the % environment and therefore the space is placed above the caption. % And finally with % \begin{quote} % |position=auto|\quad {\small(which is the default setting)} % \end{quote} % \thispackage\ tries its best to determine the actual position of % the caption on its own. Please note that while this is successfully in % most cases, it could give wrong results under rare circumstances. % % \medskip % % \pagebreak[3] % \DescribeMacro{figureposition=} % \DescribeMacro{tableposition=} % The |position| option is especially useful when used together with the % optional argument of the |\caption|\-|setup| command. % \See{also \longref{captionsetup}}\par % For example % \begin{quote} % |\captionsetup[table]{position=above}| % \end{quote} % causes all captions within tables to be treated as captions \emph{above} % the table (regarding spacing around it). % Because this is a very common setting, \thispackage\ offers % the abbreviating options |figure|\-|position=|\x\meta{pos} and % |table|\-|position=|\x\meta{pos}, e.g. % \begin{quote} % |\usepackage[|\ldots|,tableposition=top]{caption}| % \end{quote} % is equivalent to % \begin{quote} % |\usepackage[|\ldots|]{caption}|\\ % |\captionsetup[table]{position=top}| % \end{quote} % % \medskip % % \INFO % Please note that the options |skip=|, |position=|, |figure|\-|position=|, % and |table|\-|position=| do not always have an effect. % Since it's a matter of the document class to supply the environments % |figure| and |table|, it could use its very own spacing, and could % decide for itself if the caption will be typeset as ``top'' or ``bottom'' % caption. % For example the \KOMAScript\ document classes support the |skip=| % setting, but will always typeset |figure| captions as ``bottom'' captions, % and |table| captions are dependent on the global option % |table|\-|captions|\-|above| or |table|\-|captions|\-|below|. % \See{\longref{KOMA}} % % Furthermore some packages control the behavior of the spacing above and % below the caption for themself, e.g.~the \pkg{float}, the % \pkg{floatrow}, and the \pkg{supertabular} package. % % \bigskip % % \begin{Expert*} % Internally the skip between caption and contents is represented by % |\above|\-|caption|\-|skip| (which is always set above the caption in % \LaTeX{}s implementation). % But there is a second value |\below|\-|caption|\-|skip| (usually set to % |0pt| by default) which is set below the caption in \LaTeX{}s implementation, % but on the other side than |\above|\-|caption|\-|skip| by this package. % So technically speaking, this package swaps the meaning of these two skips % when |position=|\x|top| is set. % Please note that there are several packages around which do the same trick % (like the \pkg{ftcap}, the \pkg{nonfloat}, and the \pkg{topcap} % package), so the usage of the \pkg{caption} option |position=| is not % supported if one of these packages will be used, too. % \end{Expert*} % % \iffalse % --------------------------------------------------------------------------- % % \fi % % \subsection{Lists} % \label{lists} % % \DescribeMacro{list=} % \NEWfeature*{v3.1} % The |\caption| command usually places an entry in the List of Figures % or List of Tables. You can either suppress that individually by giving an % empty optional argument to |\caption| {\small(see \longref{caption})}, or % programmatically by saying % \begin{quote} % |list=no|\quad(or any other boolean value instead of |no|)\quad.~\footnote{% % Please note that the \pkg{subfig} package\cite{subfig} is not supporting % this option, it uses the counters \texttt{lofdepth} \& \texttt{lotdepth} for % this purpose instead.} % \end{quote} % % \pagebreak[3] % \DescribeMacro{listformat=} % \NEWfeature*{v3.1} % With the option % \nopagebreak[3] % \begin{quote} % |listformat=|\meta{list format name} % \end{quote} % \nopagebreak[3] % you can specify how the |figure| or |table| number will be typeset within % the List of Figures or List of Tables. % There are five standard caption list formats: % % \begin{Options}{\OptionLabel} % \item[empty] % No number will be typeset. % % \item[simple] % The number will be typeset with label prefix. % % \item[parens] % The number will be typeset in parentheses, with label prefix. % % \item[subsimple] % Same as |simple|, but without label prefix. (default) % % \item[subparens] % Same as |parens|, but without label prefix. % % \item[\UserDefined] % Own list formats can be defined using |\Declare|\-|Caption|\-|List|\-|Format|. % \SeeUserDefined % \end{Options} % % The prefix ($=$|\p@figure| or |\p@table|), which runs ahead of the % number ($=$|\the|\-|figure| or |\the|\-|table|) in lists (e.g.~List of % Figure/Table) and references, is usually empty, % so the list formats |simple| and |subsimple| gives equal results; % same with |parens| and |subparens|. % But this can be different for sub-figures or sub-tables listed in the List of % Figures or List of Tables, or when the label prefix is redefined for a % different purpose.\footnote{% % Sub-figures and sub-tables can be typeset using the \pkg{subcaption} % or \pkg{subfig} package.} % % \iffalse % --------------------------------------------------------------------------- % % \fi % % \subsection{Names} % \label{names} % % \DescribeMacro{name=} % \NEWfeature*{v3.1} % The option % \begin{quote} % |name=|\meta{name} % \end{quote} % changes the name of the \emph{current} environment. % This could be useful in conjunction with the optional argument of % |\caption|\-|setup|, e.g. % \begin{quote} % |\captionsetup[wrapfigure]{name=Fig.}| % \end{quote} % changes the name to ``Fig.'' for all |wrap|\-|figure|s (while all the other % figure captions will still have ``Figure'' as name). % % \iffalse % --------------------------------------------------------------------------- % % \fi % % \subsection{Types} % \label{types} % % \DescribeMacro{type=} % The |\caption| command can typeset captions for different types, % e.g.~|figure| and |table|. If you try to use the |\caption| command outside % these environments you will get an error message, because it does not know what % kind of caption do you want to have here. But in such situations you can set % the caption type manually with % \begin{quote} % |type=|\meta{float type} % \end{quote} % prior to the usage of the |\caption| command (and other commands like % |\Continued|\-|Float|, or |\sub|\-|caption|\-|box| offered by the % \pkg{subcaption} package, or |\sub|\-|float| offered by the % \pkg{subfig} package\cite{subfig}), % for example within an non-floating environment like |minipage|: % \begin{quote} % |\noindent\begin{minipage}{\textwidth}|\\ % | \captionsetup{type=figure}|\\ % | \subfloat{|\ldots|}|\\ % | |\ldots\\ % | \caption{|\ldots|}|\\ % |\end{minipage}| % \end{quote} % % \begin{Expert} % There is also a starred variant of this option, |type*=|\meta{float type}, % which behaves different than |type=|\meta{float type} if the % \pkg{hyperref} package\cite{hyperref} is loaded: While |type=| sets an % hyperlink anchor (if |hypcap=|\x|true| is set), |type*=| does not. % (See also \longref{hyperref}\,) % \end{Expert} % \begin{Expert} % \emph{\DefaultNoteText:} Please don't re-define the internal macro |\@captype| % for yourself, like suggested by some documentations, always use % |\caption|\-|setup{type=|\x\ldots|}| instead. % \end{Expert} % % \medskip % % Own float types can be defined with % |\Declare|\-|Floating|\-|Environment| offered by the \pkg{newfloat} package, % |\new|\-|float| offered by the \pkg{float} package\cite{float}, or % |\Declare|\-|New|\-|Float|\-|Type| offered by the \pkg{floatrow} package\cite{float}. % % \medskip % % \INFO % \NEWdescription{v3.1} % Please note that you should use the option |type=| only % \emph{inside} boxes or environments (like |\par|\-|box| or |mini|\-|page|), % at best one where no page break could happen between contents and caption. % Furthermore some visual side-effects (e.g.~mixed-up figure and table settings % regarding captions) could occur without using a box or environment, % therefore a warning message will be issued if you try to do so.\footnote{% % You only get this warning message if you use \eTeX\ as underlying \TeX\ engine.} % % \iffalse % --------------------------------------------------------------------------- % % \fi % % \clearpage % \section{Commands} % % \subsection{Typesetting captions} % \label{caption} % \label{captionlistentry} % % \DescribeMacro{\caption} % The command % \begin{quote} % |\caption|\oarg{list entry}\marg{heading} % \end{quote} % typesets the caption inside a floating environment like |figure| or |table|. % Well, you already know this, but \thispackage\ offers an extension: % If you leave the argument \meta{list entry} empty, no entry in the list of % figures or tables will be made. For example: % \begin{quote} % |\caption[]{A figure without list entry.}| % \end{quote} % % \begin{Expert} % Please remember that the \meta{heading} is a so-called \emph{moving} argument, % if no \meta{list entry} has been given. But if a \meta{list entry} is given, % this argument is moving instead. % ``\emph{Moving} argument'' means that the argument will be written to the % list-of file, make it appearing in the ``List of Figures'' or % ``List of Tables'', too. % \emph{Moving} arguments are not allowed to contain \emph{fragile} commands, % everything must be \emph{robust}, otherwise the argument could get % \emph{broken}, resulting in strange errors at the next \LaTeX\ run. % Some \emph{fragile} commands could be \emph{protected} by a leading |\protect|, % own definitions could get defined with |\Declare|\-|Robust|\-|Command| instead of % |\new|\-|command| to make them \emph{robust}. % % An example: |\caption{${}^{137}_{\phantom{1}55}$Cs}| will cause errors since % |\phantom| is \emph{fragile}. % So we have either have to use the optional argument \meta{list entry} % (e.g.~|\caption[${}^|\x|{137}_|\x|{55}$|\x|Cs]|\x|{${}^|\x|{137}_|\x|{\phantom{1}55}$|\x|Cs}|) % or add |\protect| to prevent the |\phantom| command from getting \emph{broken}: % |\caption{${}^|\x|{137}_|\x|{|\textcolor{blue}{\cs{protect}}|\phantom{1}55}$|\x|Cs}|. % % But sometimes even this is not sufficient. The reason behind is the so-called % single-line-check: It puts the \meta{heading} into a horizontal box to determine % the width of the caption, and this could cause error messages, too. % An example: % |\caption{A| |scheme.| |\[V_{C}| |\sim| |\left| |\{| |\begin{array}{cc}| % |E_{g}| |&| |\textrm{p-n}| |\\| |e\phi_{B}| |&| |\textrm{M-S}| |\end{array}| % |\right.| |\]}|. % Using |\caption[A| |scheme]{|\ldots|}| is not sufficient here, it's still % leading to errors. (``\texttt{Missing \$ inserted.}'') % So we have to put a |\caption|\-|setup{single|\-|line|\-|check=|\x|off}| % just in front of the |\caption| command additionally. % % For more information about \emph{moving} arguments and \emph{fragile} \& % \emph{robust} commands, take a closer look at your \LaTeX\ manual or visit % \url{http://www-h.eng.cam.ac.uk/help/tpl/textprocessing/teTeX/latex/latex2e-html/fragile.html}. % \end{Expert} % % \medskip % % \pagebreak[3] % \DescribeMacro{\caption*} % The \pkg{longtable} package defines the command |\caption*| which % typesets the caption without label and without entry in the list of tables. % An example: % \begin{quote} % |\begin{longtable}{|\ldots|}|\\ % | \caption*{A table}\\|\\ % | |\ldots\\ % |\end{longtable}| % \end{quote} % looks like % \DeleteShortVerb{\|} % \vskip\intextsep % \begin{minipage}{\linewidth} % \captionsetup{type=table,position=t} % \caption*{A table} % \centering % \begin{tabular}{r|rr} % & x & y \\\hline % a & 1 & 2 \\ % b & 3 & 4 \\ % \end{tabular} % \end{minipage} % \vskip\intextsep % \MakeShortVerb{\|} % \Thispackage\ offers this feature, too, so you can use this command now within % every floating environment like |figure| or |table|, like: % \begin{quote} % |\begin{table}|\\ % | \caption*{A table}|\\ % | |\ldots\\ % |\end{table}| % \end{quote} % % \pagebreak[3] % \DescribeMacro{\captionof} % \DescribeMacro{\captionof*} % Sometimes you want to typeset a caption \emph{outside} a floating environment, % putting a figure within a non-floating |mini|\-|page| for instance. % For this purpose \thispackage\ offers the command % \begin{quote} % |\captionof|\marg{float type}\oarg{list entry}\marg{heading}\quad. % \end{quote} % Note that the first argument, the \meta{float type}, is mandatory here, because % the |\captionof| command needs to know which name to put into the caption label % (e.g. ``Figure'' or ``Table'') and in which list to put the contents entry. % An example: % \begin{quote} % |\captionof{table}{A table}| % \end{quote} % typesets captions like this: % \begin{Example} % \captionsetup{position=top} % \captionof{table}{A table} % \end{Example} % % The star variant |\caption|\-|of*| has the same behavior as the |\caption*| % command: % It typesets the caption without label and without entry to the list of figures % or tables. % % \INFO % \NEWdescription{v3.1} % Since |\caption|\-|of| uses the option |type| internally, the same % restrictions as for the |type| option apply here, so you should use both % |\caption|\-|of| and |\caption|\-|of*| only \emph{inside} boxes or % environments, too. % \See{\longref{types}} % % \bigskip % % \pagebreak[3] % \DescribeMacro{\captionlistentry} % \NEWfeature*{v3.1} % Under certain circumstances it could be useful to make a list-of-figure % (or table) entry on its own. % This could be achieved with % \begin{quote} % |\captionlistentry|\oarg{float type}\marg{list entry}\quad. % \end{quote} % % One example: It's quite easy to have a |long|\-|table| with captions above the % contents and a single list entry which points to the first page of the table: % \begin{quote} % |\begin{longtable}{|\ldots|}|\\ % | \caption{|\ldots|}\\|\\ % |\endfirsthead|\\ % | \caption[]{|\ldots|}\\|\\ % |\endhead|\\ % | |\ldots % \end{quote} % But since the \pkg{longtable} package does not offer an % |\end|\-|first|\-|foot| command, you cannot easily have captions \emph{below} % the table contents and a single list entry which points to the first page of % the table. % Here is were the |\caption|\-|list|\-|entry| command could be used: % \begin{quote} % |\begin{longtable}{|\ldots|}|\\ % | \caption[]{|\ldots|}\\|\\ % |\endfoot|\\ % | \captionlistentry{|\ldots|}|\\ % | |\ldots % \end{quote} % % \begin{Annotation*} % Another example can be found in \longref{examples}. % \end{Annotation*} % % \begin{Expert} % There is also a starred variant, |\caption|\-|list|\-|entry*|, which does not % increment the \meta{float type} counter. % (Note that inside |long|\-|table| environments |\caption|\-|list|\-|entry| % never increments the |table| counter. See also \longref{longtable}.) % \end{Expert} % % \begin{Expert} % Please note that \meta{list entry} is a \emph{moving} argument, so everything % it contains must be \emph{robust}. (See also explanation of |\caption|) % \end{Expert} % % \subsection{Setting options} % \label{captionsetup} % % \DescribeMacro{\captionsetup} % We already know the |\caption|\-|setup| command (see \longref{usage}), % but this time we get enlighten about its optional argument % \meta{float type}. % % Remember, the syntax of this command is % \begin{quote} % |\captionsetup|\oarg{float type}\marg{options}\quad. % \end{quote} % If a \meta{float type} gets specified, all the \meta{options} don't % change anything at this time. Instead they only get marked for a later use, % when a caption inside of a floating environment of the particular type % \meta{float type} gets typeset. % For example % \begin{quote} % |\captionsetup[figure]|\marg{options} % \end{quote} % forces captions within a |figure| environment to use the given \meta{options}. % % Here comes an example to illustrate this: % \begin{quote} % |\captionsetup{font=small}|\\ % |\captionsetup[figure]{labelfont=bf,textfont=it}| % \end{quote} % gives captions like this: % \begin{Example} % \captionsetup{font=small} % \captionsetup[figure]{labelfont=bf,textfont=it} % \begingroup % \captionof{figure}{A figure} % \endgroup % \captionsetup{position=top} % \begingroup % \captionof{table}{A table} % \endgroup % \end{Example} % As you see the command |\caption|\-|setup[figure]{|\ldots|}| only changes % the look of the |figure| caption labels, not touching the other ones. % % As \meta{float type} you can usually give one of these two only: % |figure| or |table|. % But as we will see later some \LaTeX\ packages (like the \pkg{floatrow}, % \pkg{longtable}, and \pkg{sidecap} package for example) and also % this package offer additional environments with captions and these two % commands can also be used with them. % \See{\longref{declare} and \longref{packages}} % % \begin{Expert} % \NEWfeature{v3.1} % There is also a starred variant of |\caption|\-|setup|: % \begin{quote} % |\captionsetup*|\oarg{float type}\marg{options} % \end{quote} % While the non-starred variant can give you warnings---for example if the % \meta{options} are actually not used throughout the document % (e.g.~a |\caption|\-|setup[table]{font=|\x|sf}| without a |table|)---the % starred variant will not. % \iffalse % This can get quite useful when setting generic options which are independent % of a specific document. % \fi % \end{Expert} % % \medskip % % \pagebreak[3] % \DescribeMacro{\clearcaptionsetup} % If you want to get rid of these parameters marked for an automatic use within % a particular environment you can use the command % \begin{quote} % |\clearcaptionsetup|\oarg{option}\marg{float type}\quad. % \end{quote} % % For example |\clearcaptionsetup{figure}| would clear all the extra handling % for figures in the example above: % \begin{quote} % |\captionsetup{font=small}|\\ % |\captionsetup[figure]{labelfont=bf,textfont=it}|\\ % \ldots\\ % | \caption{A figure}|\\ % \ldots\\ % |\clearcaptionsetup{figure}|\\ % \ldots\\ % | \caption{A figure}|\\ % \ldots % \end{quote} % \begin{Example} % \captionsetup{font=small} % \captionsetup[figure]{labelfont=bf,textfont=it} % \begingroup % \captionof{figure}{A figure} % \endgroup % \captionsetup{position=top} % \clearcaptionsetup{figure} % \begingroup % \captionof{figure}{A figure} % \endgroup % \end{Example} % % \pagebreak[3] % \NEWfeature{v3.1} % If an optional argument \meta{option} is given, only the settings regarding % this particular \meta{option} are cleared.\footnote{You can only specify % \emph{one} option here, not a list of options. % If you want to clean more than one option, you need to use more than one % \cs{clear}\-\texttt{caption}\-\texttt{setup}.} % While the example above not only clears the options % |labelfont=bf,|\x|textfont=it| % for figures (but all options for figures instead), % this one would only clear the |labelfont=bf| setting, leaving all other % settings for figures intact: % \begin{quote} % |\captionsetup{font=small}|\\ % |\captionsetup[figure]{labelfont=bf,textfont=it}|\\ % \ldots\\ % | \caption{A figure}|\\ % \ldots\\ % |\clearcaptionsetup[labelfont]{figure}|\\ % \ldots\\ % | \caption{A figure}|\\ % \ldots % \end{quote} % \begin{Example} % \captionsetup{font=small} % \captionsetup[figure]{labelfont=bf,textfont=it} % \begingroup % \captionof{figure}{A figure} % \endgroup % \captionsetup{position=top} % \clearcaptionsetup[labelfont]{figure} % \begingroup % \captionof{figure}{A figure} % \endgroup % \end{Example} % \begin{Expert} % Analogous to |\caption|\-|setup*| there is also a starred form % |\clear|\-|caption|\-|setup*| which suppresses warnings if the given % \meta{option} was not setup for the specified \meta{float type}. % \end{Expert} % % \medskip % % \pagebreak[3] % \DescribeMacro{\showcaptionsetup} % For debugging purposes the command % \nopagebreak[3] % \begin{quote} % |\showcaptionsetup|\marg{float type} % \end{quote} % \nopagebreak[3] % is offered. It generates a log file entry, showing the given options % for the specified \meta{float type}. For example % \begin{quote} % |\captionsetup[figure]{labelfont=bf,textfont=it}|\\ % |\showcaptionsetup{figure}| % \end{quote} % gives the info: % \begin{quote}\small % |Caption Info: Option list on `figure'|\\ % |Caption Data: {labelfont=bf,textfont=it} on input line 5.| % \end{quote} % % \pagebreak[3] % \subsection{Continued floats} % \label{ContinuedFloat} % % \DescribeMacro{\ContinuedFloat} % Sometimes you want to split figures or tables without giving them % their own reference number. This is what the command % \begin{quote} % |\ContinuedFloat| % \end{quote} % is for; it should be used as first command inside the floating environment. % It prevents the incrementation of the relevant counter (usually done by % |\caption|), so a figure or table containing a |\Continued|\-|Float| inside % gets the same reference number as the figure or table before. % An example: % \begin{quote} % |\begin{table}|\\ % | \caption{A table}|\\ % | |\ldots\\ % |\end{table}|\\ % \ldots\\ % |\begin{table}\ContinuedFloat|\\ % | \caption{A table (cont.)}|\\ % | |\ldots\\ % |\end{table}| % \end{quote} % gives the following result: % \begin{Example} % \captionsetup{type=table,position=b,skip=0pt} % \caption{A table} % \centerline{\ldots} % \end{Example} % \begin{Example} % \captionsetup{type=table,position=b,skip=0pt} % \ContinuedFloat % \caption{A table (cont.)} % \centerline{\ldots} % \end{Example} % % \bigskip % % \NEWfeature{v3.1} % Furthermore the |\Continued|\-|Float| command executes options associated with % the type name ``|Continued|\-|Float|''. For example this can be used to switch % to a different label format for continued figures or tables, as shown here: % \begin{quote} % |\DeclareCaptionLabelFormat{continued}{Continued #1~#2}|\\ % |\captionsetup[ContinuedFloat]{labelformat=continued}|\\ % \ldots\\ % |\begin{table}\ContinuedFloat|\\ % | \caption{A table}|\\ % | |\ldots\\ % |\end{table}| % \end{quote} % \begin{Example} % \captionsetup{type=table,position=b,skip=0pt} % \captionsetup[ContinuedFloat]{labelformat=continued1} % \ContinuedFloat % \caption{A table}\label{continued1} % \centerline{\ldots} % \end{Example} % \smallskip % \See{\longref{declare} for an explanation of % \cs{Declare}\-\texttt{Caption}\-\texttt{Label}\-\texttt{Format}.} % % \medskip % % There is also a \LaTeX\ counter called |Continued|\-|Float| which could be % used for own purposes. % For ordinary (floating) environments it's set to zero, to one for the first % continued float, to two inside the second one, and so on. % So every |\Continued|\-|Float| increments this counter and a floating % environment without |\Continued|\-|Float| command resets this counter to zero. % An example: % \begin{quote} % |\DeclareCaptionLabelFormat{cont}{#1~#2\alph{ContinuedFloat}}|\\ % |\captionsetup[ContinuedFloat]{labelformat=cont}|\\ % \ldots\\ % |\begin{table}\ContinuedFloat|\\ % | \caption{A table}|\\ % | |\ldots\\ % |\end{table}| % \end{quote} % \begin{Example} % \captionsetup{type=table,position=b,skip=0pt} % \captionsetup[ContinuedFloat]{labelformat=continued2} % \ContinuedFloat % \caption{A table}\label{continued2} % \centerline{\ldots} % \end{Example} % \medskip % A reference to this table would still result in the output % ``\autoref{continued2}'' since only the caption label format was changed. % If you would like to use the |Continued|\-|Float| counter for the references, % too, you could redefine the command |\the|\-|Continued|\-|Float| instead, % which will be appended to the figure or table counter automatically in % continued floats and is preset to be empty. % \begin{quote} % |\renewcommand\theContinuedFloat{\alph{ContinuedFloat}}|\\ % \ldots\\ % |\begin{table}\ContinuedFloat|\\ % | \caption{A table}|\\ % | |\ldots\\ % |\end{table}| % \end{quote} % \begin{Example} % \captionsetup{type=table,position=b,skip=0pt} % \renewcommand\theContinuedFloat{\alph{ContinuedFloat}} % \ContinuedFloat % \caption{A table}\label{continued3} % \centerline{\ldots} % \end{Example} % \medskip % A reference to that table would result in the output ``\autoref{continued3}''. % % \pagebreak[3] % \DescribeMacro{\ContinuedFloat*} % Suppose you want to start the first figure or table of such a series with a % kind of ``Figure 7a'' and not with ``Figure 7'' (and the second one with % ``Figure 7b'' instead of ``Figure 7a''). % This is possible, too, by using the starred variant |\Continued|\-|Float*| % which---just like |\Continued|\-|Float|---executes options associated with the % type name ``|Continued|\-|Float|'' and increments the \LaTeX\ counter % |Continued|\-|Float|, \emph{but} marks the first figure or table of a series % instead: % \begin{quote} % |\renewcommand\theContinuedFloat{\alph{ContinuedFloat}}|\\ % \ldots\\ % |\begin{figure}\ContinuedFloat*|\\ % | |\ldots\\ % | \caption{First figure of a series}|\\ % |\end{figure}|\\ % \ldots\\ % |\begin{figure}\ContinuedFloat|\\ % | |\ldots\\ % | \caption{Second figure of a series}|\\ % |\end{figure}|\\ % \ldots\\ % |\begin{figure}\ContinuedFloat|\\ % | |\ldots\\ % | \caption{Third figure of a series}|\\ % |\end{figure}| % \end{quote} % \begin{Example} % \captionsetup{type=figure,position=b,skip=0pt} % \renewcommand\theContinuedFloat{\alph{ContinuedFloat}} % \begingroup % \ContinuedFloat* % \centerline{\ldots} % \caption{First figure of a series} % \endgroup % \begingroup % \ContinuedFloat % \centerline{\ldots} % \caption{Second figure of a series} % \endgroup % \begingroup % \ContinuedFloat % \centerline{\ldots} % \caption{Third figure of a series} % \endgroup % \end{Example} % % \begin{Note} % Unfortunately \cs{ContinuedFloat*} is not available if the % \pkg{subfig} package\cite{subfig} is loaded. % \end{Note} % % \pagebreak[3] % \subsubsection*{A note about longtables} % If you want to have a different caption label in |long|\-|table|s (offered % by the \pkg{longtable} package\cite{longtable}) after a page break, % this can \emph{not} be archived by using |\Continued|\-|Float|, % but instead you could write something like: % \begin{quote} % |\DeclareCaptionLabelFormat{continued}{Continued #1~#2}|\\ % \ldots\\ % |\begin{longtable}{|\ldots|}|\\ % | \caption{A longtable}\\|\\ % |\endfirsthead|\\ % | \captionsetup{labelformat=continued}|\\ % | \caption[]{A longtable}\\|\\ % |\endhead|\\ % | |\ldots\\ % |\end{longtable}| % \end{quote} % % \iffalse % --------------------------------------------------------------------------- % % \fi % % \clearpage % \section{Own enhancements} % \label{declare} % % A family of commands is provided to allow users to define their own formats % etc. % This enables information on separators, justification, fonts, and styles to % be associated with a name and kept in one place. % (These commands need to appear in the document preamble, % this is the part between |\document|\-|class| and |\begin{document}|.) % % \pagebreak[3] % \DescribeMacro{\DeclareCaption-\\Format} % You can define your own caption formats using the command % \begin{quote} % |\DeclareCaptionFormat|\marg{name}\marg{code using \#1, \#2 and \#3}\mbox{\quad.} % \end{quote} % At usage the system replaces \#1 with the caption label, \#2 with the % separator and \#3 with the text. So the standard format |plain| is % pre-defined by \thispackage\ as % \begin{quote} % |\DeclareCaptionFormat{plain}{#1#2#3\par}|\quad. % \end{quote} % \begin{Expert} % There is also a starred variant, |\Declare|\-|Caption|\-|Format*|, % which causes the code being typeset in \TeX s vertical (instead of % horizontal) mode, but does not support the |indention=| option. % \end{Expert} % % \pagebreak[3] % \DescribeMacro{\DeclareCaption-\\LabelFormat} % Likewise you can define your own caption label formats: % \begin{quote} % |\DeclareCaptionLabelFormat|\marg{name}\marg{code using \#1 and \#2} % \end{quote} % At usage \#1 gets replaced with the name (e.g. ``figure'') and \#2 % gets replaced with the reference number (e.g. ``12''). % An example: % \begin{quote} % |\DeclareCaptionLabelFormat{bf-parens}{(\textbf{#2})}|\\ % |\captionsetup{labelformat=bf-parens,labelsep=quad}| % \end{quote} % \example*{labelformat=bf-parens,labelsep=quad}{\exampletext} % % \pagebreak[3] % \DescribeMacro{\bothIfFirst} % \DescribeMacro{\bothIfSecond} % If you define your own caption label formats and use the % \pkg{subcaption} or \pkg{subfig}\cite{subfig} package, % you should take care of empty caption label names. % For this purpose the commands % \begin{quote} % |\bothIfFirst|\marg{first arg}\marg{second arg}\quad and\\ % |\bothIfSecond|\marg{first arg}\marg{second arg} % \end{quote} % are offered. |\bothIfFirst| tests if the first argument exists (means: is % not empty), |\bothIfSecond| tests if the second argument exists. If yes, % both arguments get typeset, otherwise none of them. % % \smallskip % % \pagebreak[3] % For example the standard label format |simple| is \emph{not} defined as % \begin{quote} % |\DeclareCaptionLabelFormat{simple}{#1~#2}|\mbox{\quad,} % \end{quote} % because this could cause an extra space if \#1 is empty. Instead |simple| % is defined as % \begin{quote} % |\DeclareCaptionLabelFormat{simple}%|\\ % | {\bothIfFirst{#1}{~}#2}|\mbox{\quad,} % \end{quote} % causing the space to appear only if the label name is present. % % \smallskip % % \pagebreak[3] % \DescribeMacro{\DeclareCaption-\\TextFormat} % \NEWfeature*{v3.1} % Likewise you can define your own caption text formats: % \begin{quote} % |\DeclareCaptionTextFormat|\marg{name}\marg{code using \#1} % \end{quote} % At usage \#1 gets replaced with the caption text. % % \bigskip % % \pagebreak[3] % \DescribeMacro{\DeclareCaption-\\LabelSeparator} % You can define your own caption label separators with % \begin{quote} % |\DeclareCaptionLabelSeparator|\marg{name}\marg{code}\mbox{\quad.} % \end{quote} % Again an easy example taken from \thispackage\ itself: % \begin{quote} % |\DeclareCaptionLabelSeparator{colon}{: }| % \end{quote} % \begin{Expert} % There is also a starred variant, |\Declare|\-|Caption|\-|Label|\-|Separator*|, % which causes the code being typeset without using the |label|\-|font=| setting. % So for example the label separators |quad|, |new|\-|line|, and |en|\-|dash| % are defined in this way. % \end{Expert} % % \bigskip % % \pagebreak[3] % \DescribeMacro{\DeclareCaption-\\Justification} % You can define your own caption justifications with % \begin{quote} % |\DeclareCaptionJustification|\marg{name}\marg{code}\mbox{\quad.} % \end{quote} % The \meta{code} simply gets typeset just before the caption. % E.g.~using the justification |raggedright|, which is defined as % \begin{quote} % |\DeclareCaptionJustification{raggedright}{\raggedright}|\mbox{\quad,} % \end{quote} % typesets captions with all lines moved to the left margin. % % \bigskip % % \pagebreak[3] % \DescribeMacro{\DeclareCaption-\\Font} % You can define your own caption fonts with % \begin{quote} % |\DeclareCaptionFont|\marg{name}\marg{code}\quad. % \end{quote} % For example this package defines the options |small| and |bf| as % \begin{quote} % |\DeclareCaptionFont{small}{\small}|\quad and\\ % |\DeclareCaptionFont{bf}{\bfseries}|\quad. % \end{quote} % \iffalse % The line spacing could be customized using the \pkg{setspace} package, % for example:%\NEWdescription{v3.0h} % \begin{quote} % |\usepackage{setspace}|\\ % |\DeclareCaptionFont{singlespacing}{\setstretch{1}}|~\footnote{% % \emph{\DefaultNoteText:} Using \cs{singlespacing} does not work here since % it contains a \cs{vskip} command.}\\ % |\DeclareCaptionFont{onehalfspacing}{\onehalfspacing}|\\ % |\DeclareCaptionFont{doublespacing}{\doublespacing}|\\ % |\captionsetup{font={onehalfspacing,small},labelfont=bf}| % \end{quote} % \example{font={onehalfspacing,small},labelfont=bf,singlelinecheck=off}{\exampletext} % \fi % An example which brings color into life: % \begin{quote} % |\usepackage{color}|\\ % |\DeclareCaptionFont{red}{\color{red}}|\\ % |\DeclareCaptionFont{green}{\color{green}}|\\ % |\DeclareCaptionFont{blue}{\color{blue}}|\\ % |\captionsetup{labelfont={blue,bf},textfont=green}| % \end{quote} % \example*{labelfont={color=blue,bf},textfont={color=green},singlelinecheck=off}{\exampletext} % But since \thispackage\ already includes the tricky definition % \begin{quote} % |\DeclareCaptionFont{color}{\color{#1}}| % \end{quote} % you can get the same result simply with % \begin{quote} % |\usepackage{color}|\\ % |\captionsetup{labelfont={color=blue,bf},|\\ % | textfont={color=green}}|\quad. % \end{quote} % % \medskip % % \pagebreak[3] % \DescribeMacro{\DeclareCaption-\\Style} % You can define your own caption styles with % \begin{quote} % |\DeclareCaptionStyle|\marg{name}\oarg{additional options}\marg{options}\mbox{\quad.} % \end{quote} % Remember, caption styles are just a collection of suitable options, saved % under a given name. You can wake up these options at any time with the % option |style=|\meta{style name}. % % All caption styles are based on the |base| set of options. (See \longref{style} % for a complete list.) So you only need to specify options which are different % to them. % % If you specify \meta{additional options} they get used in addition when % the caption fits into a single line and this check was not disabled with % the option |single|\-|line|\-|check=off|. % % Again a very easy example taken from the core of this package: The % caption style |base| is pre-defined as % \begin{quote} % |\DeclareCaptionStyle{base}%|\\ % | [justification=centering,indention=0pt]{}|\quad. % \end{quote} % % Something more exciting: % \begin{quote} % |\DeclareCaptionStyle{mystyle}%|\\ % | [margin=5mm,justification=centering]%|\\ % | {font=footnotesize,labelfont=sc,margin={10mm,0mm}}|\\ % |\captionsetup{style=mystyle}| % \end{quote} % gives you caption like these ones: % \begin{Example} % \captionsetup{type=figure,style=mystyle,position=b} % \caption{A short caption.} % \caption{A long long long long long long long long long % long long long long long long long long long % long long long long long long long long long caption.} % \end{Example} % % \bigskip % % \pagebreak[3] % \DescribeMacro{\DeclareCaption-\\ListFormat} % \NEWfeature*{v3.1} % You can define your own caption list formats with % \begin{quote} % |\DeclareCaptionListFormat|\marg{name}\marg{code using \#1 and \#2}\mbox{\quad.} % \end{quote} % At usage \#1 gets replaced with the label prefix (e.g.~|\p@figure|), % and \#2 gets replaced with the reference number (e.g.~|\thefigure|). % % \iffalse % --------------------------------------------------------------------------- % % \fi % % \subsection{Further examples} % \label{examples} % % \subsubsection*{Example 1} % % If you would like to have a line break between caption label and text % you could define it this way: % \begin{quote} % |\DeclareCaptionFormat{myformat}{#1#2\\#3}| % \end{quote} % If you select this format with |\caption|\-|setup{format=|\x|myformat}| % you get captions like this: % \example{format=myformat1,labelfont=bf}{\exampletext} % You could even use an indention with this caption format: % \begin{quote} % |\captionsetup{format=myformat,indention=1cm}| % \end{quote} % This would look like this: % \example{format=myformat1,indention=1cm,labelfont=bf}{\exampletext} % Instead, you would like to have an indention only of the first line of % the caption text? No problem, e.g. % \begin{quote} % |\newlength\myindention|\\ % |\DeclareCaptionFormat{myformat}%|\\ % | {#1#2\\\hspace*{\myindention}#3}|\\ % \ldots\\ % |\setlength\myindention{1cm}|\\ % |\captionsetup{format=myformat}| % \end{quote} % would give you captions like % \example{format=myformat2,myindention=1cm,labelfont=bf}{\exampletext} % But you want to have an caption option for this indention, so you can use % it for example with % |\caption|\-|setup|\x|[figure]|\x|{my|\-|indention=|\x\ldots|}|? % This could be done, too: % \begin{quote} % |\newlength\myindention|\\ % |\DeclareCaptionOption{myindention}%|\\ % | {\setlength\myindention{#1}}|\\ % |\DeclareCaptionFormat{myformat}%|\\ % | {#1#2\\\hspace*{\myindention} #3}|\\ % \ldots\\ % |\captionsetup{format=myformat,myindention=1cm}| % \end{quote} % would give the same result as the example above. % % \subsubsection*{Example 2} % % You want captions to look like this: % \example{format=reverse,labelformat=fullparens,labelsep=fill,labelfont=it}{\exampletext} % % \pagebreak[2] % You could do it this way: % \nopagebreak[3] % \begin{quote} % |\DeclareCaptionFormat{reverse}{#3#2#1}|\\ % |\DeclareCaptionLabelFormat{fullparens}%|\\ % | {(\bothIfFirst{#1}{~}#2)}|\\ % |\DeclareCaptionLabelSeparator{fill}{\hfill}|\\ % |\captionsetup{format=reverse,labelformat=fullparens,|\\ % | labelsep=fill,font=small,labelfont=it}| % \end{quote} % % \subsubsection*{Example 3} % % The caption text should go into the left margin? A possible solution would be: % \begin{quote} % |\DeclareCaptionFormat{llap}{\llap{#1#2}#3\par}|\\ % |\captionsetup{format=llap,labelsep=quad,singlelinecheck=no}| % \end{quote} % As a result you would get captions like this: % \example{format=llap,labelsep=quad,singlelinecheck=no,margin=0pt}{\exampletext} % % \medskip % % If the indention into the margin shall be fixed, you could use a combination % of |\llap| and |\makebox|, for example: % \begin{quote} % |\DeclareCaptionFormat{llapx}%|\\ % | {\llap{\makebox[5em][l]{#1}}#3\par}|\\ % |\captionsetup{format=llapx,singlelinecheck=off}| % \end{quote} % \example{format=llapx,singlelinecheck=off,skip=0pt,margin=0pt}{\exampletext} % % \subsubsection*{Example 4} % % This example puts a figure aside a table, but uses only one common caption for both. % This will be achieved by a combination of % |\Declare|\-|Caption|\-|Label|\-|Format| and |\caption|\-|list|\-|entry|: % \begin{quote} % |\DeclareCaptionLabelFormat{andtable}%|\\ % | {#1~#2 \& \tablename~\thetable}|\\ % \ldots\\ % |\begin{figure}|\\ % | \centering|\\ % | \includegraphics{|\ldots|}%|\\ % | \qquad|\\ % | \begin{tabular}[b]{\ldots}|\\ % | |\ldots\\ % | \end{tabular}|\\ % | \captionlistentry[table]{|\ldots|}|\\ % | \captionsetup{labelformat=andtable}|\\ % | \caption{|\ldots|}|\\ % |\end{figure}| % \end{quote} % \DeleteShortVerb{\|}% % \noindent\begin{minipage}{\linewidth} % \captionsetup{type=figure} % \centering % \includegraphics[width=30pt]{cat}% % \qquad % \begin{tabular}[b]{r|rr} % & x & y \\\hline % a & 1 & 2 \\ % b & 3 & 4 \\ % \end{tabular} % \captionlistentry[table]{A figure and a table with a common caption} % \captionsetup{labelformat=andtable} % \caption{A figure and a table with a common caption~\footnotemark} % \end{minipage} % \footnotetext{The picture was taken with permission from the % \LaTeX\ Companion\cite{TLC2} examples.} % \MakeShortVerb{\|} % % (Please remember that |\caption|\-|list|\-|entry| increments the figure % or table counter.) % % \iffalse % --------------------------------------------------------------------------- % % \fi % % \clearpage % \section{Supported document classes} % \label{classes} % % This section will give you an overview of the document classes the % \pkg{caption} supports, what do they already offer regarding captions, % what side effects will occur when using the \pkg{caption} package with % them, and what are the `default' settings for them. % % \NEWfeature{v3.1} % The `default' settings depend on the document class you use; they represent % how the class author wanted the captions to look like. So for example % setting |format=|\x|default| can give you different visual designs when used % with different document classes. % % \begingroup\setlength\leftmargini{0.3em}% default = 2.5em % \INFO % If you don't find the document class you use in this section, you usually % don't have to worry: Many document classes (e.g.~the \cls{octavo} class) % are derived from one of the standard document classes \cls{article}, % \cls{report}, or \cls{book}, and behave the same regarding captions. % \Thispackage\ automatically does a compatibility check against the document % class used and will give you the clear warning % \begin{quote}\footnotesize % |Package caption Warning: Unsupported document class (or package) detected,|\\ % |(caption) usage of the caption package is not recommended.|\\ % |See the caption package documentation for explanation.| % \end{quote} % if such an incompatibility was detected. % If you don't get such warning everything is fine, but if you get it the % usage of \thispackage\ is not recommended and especially not supported. % \endgroup % % \begin{Expert} % If you get such a compatibility warning but decide to use \thispackage{} % anyway, you should watch carefully what side-effects occur, usually the % look and feel of your captions will change by just including \thispackage{} % without options, meaning they do not look like as intended by the author % of the document class. % If this is fine for you, you should first specify the option |style=|\x|base| % via |\use|\-|package[style=|\x|base]{caption}| or % |\caption|\-|setup{style=|\x|base}| to set \thispackage\ into a well-defined % state. % Afterwards you can start setting your own options additionally and % keep your fingers crossed. % \end{Expert} % % \newcommand*\Option{Option} % \newcommand*\defaultvalue{\texttt{default} value} % \newcommand*\uses{\textit{uses}} % \newcommand*\settings{\textit{settings}} % \newcommand*\nofont{\textit{none}} % % \subsection{Standard \LaTeX: article, report, and book} % % \begin{tabular}{ll} % \Option & \defaultvalue \\\hline % |format=| & |plain| \\ % |labelformat=| & |simple| \\ % |labelsep=| & |colon| \\ % |justification=| & |justified| \\ % |font=| & \nofont \\ % |labelfont=| & \nofont \\ % |textfont=| & \nofont \\ % \end{tabular} % % \begin{Annotation} % This also applies to document classes derived from them. % \end{Annotation} % % \subsection{\AmS: amsart, amsproc, and amsbook} % \label{AMS} % % \begin{tabular}{ll} % \Option & \defaultvalue \\\hline % |format=| & |plain| \\ % |labelformat=| & |simple| \\ % |labelsep=| & |.\enspace| \\ % |justification=| & |justified| \\ % |font=| & |\@captionfont| \\ % |labelfont=| & |\@captionheadfont| \\ % |textfont=| & |\@captionfont\upshape| \\ % \end{tabular} % % \begin{Annotation*} % |\@caption|\-|font| will be set to |\normal|\-|font|, and % |\@caption|\-|head|\-|font| to |\sc|\-|shape| by the \AmS\ document classes. % \end{Annotation*} % % Furthermore the margin will be set to |\caption|\-|indent| for % more-than-one-line captions (which will be set to |3pc| by the \AmS\ classes), % the margin for single-line captions will be set to the half of it instead. % If you want to use a common margin for both, insert % |\clear|\-|caption|\-|setup[margin*]{single|\-|line}| % into the preamble of your document, after loading \thispackage. % % Additionally the options |figure|\-|position=b,|\x|table|\-|position=t| % will be set. You can override these settings by specifying other values for % |figure|\-|position=| or |table|\-|position=| in the option list while % loading \thispackage. % % \subsection{beamer} % \label{beamer} % % \begin{tabular}{ll} % \Option & \defaultvalue \\\hline % |format=| & |plain| \\ % |labelformat=| & \textit{not numbered} \\ % |labelsep=| & |colon| \\ % |justification=| & |raggedright| \\ % |font=| & \cls{beamer} ``|caption|'' \settings \\ % |labelfont=| & \cls{beamer} ``|caption name|'' \settings \\ % |textfont=| & \nofont \\ % \end{tabular} % % \subsubsection*{Build-in features, and side-effects} % You can setup font and color settings with % |\set|\-|beamer|\-|font{caption}|\marg{options} and % |\set|\-|beamer|\-|font{caption name}|\marg{options}. % This will still work, unless you set a different font with % |\caption|\-|setup{font=|\x\meta{options}|}| or % |\caption|\-|setup{label|\-|font=|\x\meta{options}|}|.\par % Furthermore the \cls{beamer} classes offer different caption templates % which can be chosen with % |\set|\-|beamer|\-|template|\x|{caption}|\x|[|\meta{template}|]|. % Since \thispackage\ replaces this caption template mechanism, % |\def|\-|beamer|\-|template*|\x|{caption}|\x\marg{template code} % and % |\set|\-|beamer|\-|template|\x|{caption}|\x|[|\meta{template}|]| % will have no effect when \thispackage\ is used. % (Exception: Selecting the template |default|, |num|\-|bered|, or % |caption| |name| |own| |line| will be recognized by \thispackage and be mapped % to corresponding options.) % % \subsection{\KOMAScript: scrartcl, scrreprt, and scrbook} % \label{KOMA} % % \begin{tabular}{ll} % \Option & \defaultvalue \\\hline % |format=| & \uses\ |\setcapindent| \textit{\&} |\setcaphanging| \settings \\ % |labelformat=| & \textit{like \purett{simple}, but with support of ``autodot''}\\ % |labelsep=| & |\captionformat| \\ % |justification=| & |justified| \\ % |font=| & |\setkomafont{caption}| \settings \\ % |labelfont=| & |\setkomafont{captionlabel}| \settings \\ % |textfont=| & \nofont \\ % \end{tabular} % % \subsubsection*{Build-in features} % The \KOMAScript\ document classes offer many ways to customize the look and % feel of the captions. For an overview and a full description please take a % look at the \KOMAScript\ documentation, section `Tables and Figures'. % % \subsubsection*{Side effects} % The optional argument of |\set|\-|cap|\-|width| is not supported and % will be ignored if used in conjunction with the \pkg{caption} package. % Furthermore the \KOMAScript\ options |table|\-|caption|\-|above| \& % |table|\-|caption|\-|below| and the commands |\caption|\-|above| \& % |\caption|\-|below| are stronger than the |position=| setting offered by % the \pkg{caption} package. % % \subsection{\NTG: artikel, rapport, and boek} % \label{NTG} % % \begin{tabular}{ll} % \Option & \defaultvalue \\\hline % |format=| & |plain| \\ % |labelformat=| & |simple| \\ % |labelsep=| & |colon| \\ % |justification=| & |justified| \\ % |font=| & \nofont \\ % |labelfont=| & |\CaptionLabelFont| \\ % |textfont=| & |\CaptionTextFont| \\ % \end{tabular} % % \subsubsection*{Build-in features, and side-effects} % |\Caption|\-|Label|\-|Font| and |\Caption|\-|Text|\-|Font| can be set either % directly or by using |\Caption|\-|Fonts|. % Both is still supported unless you use one of the two options % |label|\-|font=| or |text|\-|font=| offered by \thispackage. % % \subsection{\SmF: smfart and smfbook} % \label{SMF} % % Since the \SmF\ document classes are derived from the \AmS\ document classes % the same default values are valid here. % % Additionally the margin is limited up to the tenth of the |\line|\-|width|. % If you don't like this limitation, you can switch it off with the option % |max|\-|margin=|\x|off| or |max|\-|margin=|\x|false| % (which both means the same). % % \subsection{thesis} % \label{thesis} % % \begin{tabular}{ll} % \Option & \defaultvalue \\\hline % |format=| & |hang| \\ % |labelformat=| & \textit{like \purett{simple}, but with short name}\\ % |labelsep=| & |colon| \\ % |justification=| & |justified| \\ % |font=| & \nofont \\ % |labelfont=| & |\captionheaderfont| \\ % |textfont=| & |\captionbodyfont| \\ % \end{tabular} % % \subsubsection*{Build-in features, and side-effects} % The caption label font can be set with |\caption|\-|header|\-|font|, % the caption text font with |\caption|\-|body|\-|font|. % Both is still supported unless you use one of the two options % |label|\-|font=| or |text|\-|font=| offered by \thispackage. % % \iffalse % --------------------------------------------------------------------------- % % \fi % % \clearpage % \section{Supported babel package options} % \label{babel} % % \NEWfeature{v3.5} % Since version \version{3.5} of the \pkg{caption} package the support % is independent on the load order of \pkg{caption} and \pkg{babel}. % % \subsection{french babel option} % \label{french} % % If you use the \pkg{french} option of the \pkg{babel} package % with one of the three standard \LaTeX{} classes (or a one derived from them) % the default |label|\-|sep=| will be set to |\Caption|\-|Sep|\-|a|\-|ra|\-|tor| % (offered by \pkg{french}), overriding the default value set by the % document class. % So redefining |\Caption|\-|Sep|\-|a|\-|ra|\-|tor| will still work, unless you % don't select a different |label|\-|sep=| than the default one. % % \iffalse % --------------------------------------------------------------------------- % % \fi % % \clearpage % \section{Supported packages} % \label{packages} % \label{compatibility} % % \Thispackage\ was adapted to the following packages which deals with % captions, too: % \begin{quote} % \pkg{float}, \pkg{floatflt}, \pkg{fltpage}, % \pkg{hyperref}, \pkg{hypcap}, \pkg{listings}, % \pkg{longtable}, \pkg{picinpar}, \pkg{picins}, % \pkg{rotating}, \pkg{setspace}, \pkg{sidecap}, % \pkg{subfigure}, \pkg{supertabular}, \pkg{threeparttable}, % \pkg{wrapfig}, and \pkg{xtab} % \end{quote} % % Furthermore the \pkg{floatrow} package\cite{floatrow}, the % \pkg{subcaption} package (which is part of the \pkg{caption} package % bundle), and the \pkg{subfig} package\cite{subfig} support \thispackage{} % and use its |\caption|\-|setup| interface. % % \bigskip % % \begingroup\setlength\leftmargini{0.3em}% default = 2.5em % \INFO % If a package (or document class) unknown to \thispackage\ redefines % the |\caption| command as well, this redefinition will be preferred % over the one this package offers, providing maximum compatibility and % avoiding conflicts. % If such a potential incompatibility is detected, you will see this % warning message:~\footnote{% % You can suppress this warning by specifying the option % \texttt{compatibility=true} when loading \thispackage.} % \begin{quote}\footnotesize % |Package caption Warning: \caption will not be redefined since it's already|\\ % |(caption) redefined by a document class or package which is|\\ % |(caption) unknown to the caption package.|\\ % |See the caption package documentation for explanation.| % \end{quote} % \endgroup % % As a result, the following features offered by \thispackage\ will not be available: % \begin{itemize} % \item the options |labelformat=|, |position=auto|, |list=|, and |listformat=| % \item |\caption*| (to produce a caption without label) % \item |\caption[]{|\ldots|}| (to produce no entry in the List of Figures or Tables) % \item |\caption{}| (to produce an empty caption without label separator) % \item |\ContinuedFloat| % \item correctly justified captions in environments like \texttt{wide} and % \texttt{addmargin} which add extra margins % \item the \textsf{hypcap} feature \See{\longref{hyperref}\,} % \item the sub-caption feature \See{\pkg{subcaption} package documentation} % \end{itemize} % % \DescribeMacro{compatibility=} % You can override this compatibility mode by specifying the option % \begin{quote} % |compatibility=false| % \end{quote} % when loading \thispackage. % But please note that using this option is neither recommended nor supported % since unwanted side-effects or even errors could occur afterwards. % (For that reason you will get a warning about this.) % % \newcommand\packagedescription[1]{% % \ifvmode\else\par\fi % \nopagebreak % \parbox[b]{\linewidth}{\footnotesize\leftskip=10pt\rightskip=10pt\relax#1}\par % \nopagebreak\smallskip\nopagebreak} % % \PageBreak % \subsection{algorithms} % \label{algorithms} % \packagedescription{% % The \pkg{algorithms} package bundle\cite{algorithms} provides two % environments: The \texttt{algorithmic} environment provides a possibility % for describing algorithms, and the \texttt{algorithm} environment provides % a ``float'' wrapper for algorithms.} % % Since the \texttt{algorithm} environment is implemented via |\new|\-|float| % provided by the \pkg{float} package\cite{float}, please see \longref{float}. % % \iffalse % \pagebreak[3] % \subsection{algorithm2e} % \label{algorithm2e} % \packagedescription{% % The \pkg{algorithm2e} package\cite{algorithm2e} offers an environment for % writing algorithms in LaTeX2e.} % % Since the \pkg{algorithm2e} package does not use some kind of standard % interface for defining its floating environment (e.g.~|\newfloat| of the % \pkg{float} package) and typesetting its caption, % the \pkg{algorithm2e} package is \emph{not} supported by \thispackage. % % So if you want to customize the captions using \thispackage, % you have to build a new environment which uses a supported interface regarding % floats (e.g. using the \pkg{float} or \pkg{floatrow} package), % and combine this environment with the internal \pkg{algorithm2e} code. % % As first step you could define a non-floating environment \texttt{algorithmic}, % for example: % \begin{quote} % |\usepackage{algorithm2e}|\\ % |% save the "algorithm" environment from the algorithm2e package|\\ % |\let\ORIGalgorithm\algorithm|\\ % |\let\ORIGendalgorithm\endalgorithm|\\ % |% define the algorithmic environment|\\ % , based on the saved environment % |\newenvironment{algorithmic}%|\\ % | {\renewenvironment{algocf}[1][h]{}{}% pass over floating stuff|\\ % | \ORIGalgorithm}%|\\ % | {\ORIGendalgorithm}|\\ % \ldots % \end{quote} % Having defined this non-floating environment, you could define your own new % floating environment with |\newfloat| of the \pkg{float} package % (or |\DeclareNewFloatType| of the \pkg{floatrow} package), % and use the combination of this floating environment and \texttt{algorithmic} % in its body, just like you would do when you use the % \pkg{algorithm}/\pkg{algorithmic} package tandem. % % You could even use the \pkg{algorithm} package for this purpose, for example: % \begin{quote} % \ldots\\ % |% load the algorithm package to re-define the|\\ % |% floating environment "algorithm" and \listofalgorithms|\\ % |\let\listofalgorithms\undefined|\\ % |\usepackage{algorithm}|\\ % \ldots\\ % |% Example usage:|\\ % |\begin{algorithm}|\\ % |\caption{An algorithm}|\\ % |\begin{algorithmic}|\\ % | \SetVline|\\ % | \eIf{cond1}{|\\ % | a line\;|\\ % | }{|\\ % | another line\;|\\ % | }|\\ % |\end{algorithmic}| % \end{quote} % Now you are finally able to customize the float and caption layout like every % other floating environment defined with the \pkg{float} package\cite{float}, % please see \longref{float}. % % \begin{Annotation} % An alternative would be using the \pkg{algorithmicx} package. % \end{Annotation} % \fi % % \pagebreak[3] % \subsection{float} % \label{float} % \packagedescription{% % The \pkg{float} package\cite{float} introduces the commands % \cs{restylefloat} to give existing floating environments a new look \& feel % and \cs{newfloat} to define new floating environments. % It also provides the ``\texttt{H}'' float placement option which places % the environments ``here'' instead of letting them floating around.} % % For floating environments defined with \cs{newfloat} or \cs{restylefloat} the % |po|\-|si|\-|tion| option has no effect on the main caption anymore, since its % placement and spacing will be controlled by the selected float style instead. % % A caption style and options defined with the name of the float style will be % executed additionally to the regular ones. % Using this mechanism \thispackage\ emulates the default look \& feel of the % |ruled| captions: It defines the caption style % \begin{quote} % |\DeclareCaptionStyle{ruled}%|\\ % | {labelfont=bf,labelsep=space,strut=off}|\mbox{\quad.} % \end{quote} % So to change this you need either define your own caption style called % |ruled| or use |\caption|\-|setup[ruled]|\marg{options} to specify additional % options. % % Also by using this mechanism the skip between a |boxed| float and its caption % is specified, overriding its global value: % \begin{quote} % |\captionsetup[boxed]{skip=2pt}| % \end{quote} % For changing this, just use |\caption|\-|setup[boxed]{skip=|\x\meta{value}|}| % with an appropriate value. Or if you want to use the global |skip| setting % instead, you can remove the usage of the local setting for these floats with % |\clear|\-|caption|\-|setup[skip]{boxed}|. % % \begin{Note} % Only one single caption can be typeset inside environments defined with % |\new|\-|float| or |\re|\-|style|\-|float|, furthermore these environments % are not behaving exactly like the pre-defined floats |figure| and |table|. % As a consequence many packages do not cooperate well with these. % Furthermore the \pkg{float} package has some caveats \& limitations, % so if you just want to define a new simple floating environment---behaving % like |figure| or |table|---I recommend using |\Declare|\-|Floating|\-|Environment| % offered by the \pkg{newfloat} package instead. % And for defining non-simple floating environments and customization I % recommend using |\Declare|\-|New|\-|Float|\-|Type| offered by the % \pkg{floatrow} package\cite{floatrow}. % \end{Note} % % \iffalse % Please also note that you \emph{don't} need a |\restyle|\-|float| for using % the ``|H|'' float placement specifier. Some docs say so, but they are % wrong. % And |\restyle|\-|float{table}| is a very good method to shoot yourself % in the foot, since many packages using |table| internally are not working % correctly afterwards. % \fi % % \pagebreak[3] % \subsection{floatflt} % \label{floatflt} % \packagedescription{% % The \pkg{floatflt} package\cite{floatflt} offers figures and tables % which do not span the full width of a page and are float around by text.} % % \NEWfeature{v3.1} % If you want to setup special options for the |float|\-|ing|\-|figure| and % |float|\-|ing|\-|table| environments you can use % \begin{quote} % |\captionsetup[floatingfigure]|\marg{options}\quad\emph{and}\\ % |\captionsetup[floatingtable]|\marg{options}\quad. % \end{quote} % These options will be executed additionally to the regular ones for % |figure| or |table|. % % \begin{Note} % The |margin| or |width| setting will not be used for these figures or tables, % unless you set it explicit with |\caption|\-|setup[floating|\-|figure]{|\ldots|}| % or |\caption|\-|setup[floating|\-|table]{|\ldots|}|. % \end{Note} % % \pagebreak[3] % \subsection{fltpage} % \label{fltpage} % \packagedescription{% % The \pkg{fltpage} package\cite{fltpage} offers the outhouse of the % caption for |figure|s or |table|s which needs the whole page % for its contents. This will be done by placing the caption on the bottom % of the previous or next page.} % % \iffalse % \NEWfeature{v3.1} % Two options control the links to the environments |FPfigure| and |FPtable|: % \begin{description} % \item{\texttt{FPlist=caption} or \texttt{FPlist=figure}}\\[\smallskipamount] % If set to |caption|, the list entry will link to the caption; if set to % |figure|, it will link to the figure contents. % (The default setting is |FP|\-|list=|\x|caption|.) % \item{\texttt{FPref=caption} or \texttt{FPref=figure}}\\[\smallskipamount] % If set to |caption|, a \cs{ref}, \cs{pageref}, \cs{autoref}, or \cs{nameref} % will link to the caption; if set to |figure|, it will link to the figure contents. % (The default setting is |FP|\-|ref=|\x|figure|.) % \end{description} % \fi % % If you want to setup special options for the |FPfigure| and |FPtable| % environments you can use % \begin{quote} % |\captionsetup[FPfigure]|\marg{options}\quad\emph{and}\\ % |\captionsetup[FPtable]|\marg{options}\quad. % \end{quote} % These options will be executed additionally to the regular ones for % |figure| or |table|. % % \pagebreak[3] % \subsection{frenchle and frenchpro packages} % \label{frenchpro} % % If you use the \pkg{frenchle} or \pkg{frenchpro} package, % the default |label|\-|sep=| will be set to |\caption|\-|sep|\-|a|\-|ra|\-|tor| % (offered by \pkg{frenchle/pro}) plus \cs{space}, overriding the default % value set by the document class. % So redefining |\caption|\-|sep|\-|a|\-|ra|\-|tor| will still work, unless you % don't select a different |label|\-|sep=| than the default one. % % Furthermore the default |text|\-|font=| will be set to |text|\-|font=|\x|it|, % since this emulates the default setting of |\caption|\-|font| defined by the % \pkg{frenchle} or \pkg{frenchpro} package. % Please note that the command |\caption|\-|font| is used by the % \pkg{caption} package internally for a different purpose, % so you should not change it (anymore). % % The command |\un|\-|numbered|\-|captions|\marg{figure \emph{or} table} will % still work, but only unless you don't select a different |label|\-|format=| % than the default one. % % \NEWfeature{v3.5} % Since version \version{3.5} of the \pkg{caption} package the support % is independent on the load order of \pkg{caption} and \pkg{frenchle} % resp~.\pkg{frenchpro}. % % \pagebreak[3] % \subsection{hyperref} % \label{hyperref} % \packagedescription{% % The \pkg{hyperref} package\cite{hyperref} is used to handle cross % referencing commands in LaTeX to produce hypertext links in the document.} % % \NEWfeature{v3.1} % There are two options available to control the placement of hyperlink % anchors:~\footnote{These options are named after the \pkg{hypcap} package % which they supersede.} % \begin{description} % \item{\texttt{hypcap=true} or \texttt{hypcap=false}}\\[\smallskipamount] % If set to |true| all hyperlink anchors -- where entries in the % List of Figures, |\ref|, and |\auto|\-|ref| will link to -- are placed at % the beginning of the (floating) environment.\par % If set to |false| the hyperlink anchor is (usually) placed at the caption.\par % (The default setting is |hypcap=|\x|true|.) % \item{\texttt{hypcapspace=}\meta{amount}}\\[\smallskipamount] % Because it looks poor if the hyperlink points exactly at the top of % the figure or table, you can specify a vertical distance between % the hyperlink anchor and the (floating) environment itself, % e.g.~|hyp|\-|cap|\-|space=|\x|0pt| removes this distance.\par % (The default setting is |hyp|\-|cap|\-|space=|\x|0.5\base|\-|line|\-|skip|.) % \end{description} % % Both settings have no effect in |lst|\-|listing|s (provided by the % \pkg{listings} package), |long|\-|table|s (provided by the % \pkg{longtable} package), |super|\-|tabular|s (provided by the % \pkg{supertabular} package), and |x|\-|tabular|s (provided by the % \pkg{xtab} package), within these environments hyperlink % anchors will always be placed as if |hyp|\-|cap=|\x|true| and % |hyp|\-|cap|\-|space=|\x|0pt| would be set. % % \pagebreak[3]Please note:\nopagebreak % \begin{description} % \item{\cs{captionof}\marg{type}\csmarg{\purerm\ldots} % vs.~\cs{captionsetup}\csmarg{type=\textrm{\meta{type}}}$+$\cs{caption}\csmarg{\purerm\ldots}}% % \\[\smallskipamount] % Without \pkg{hyperref} loaded, both will give you identical results. % But with \pkg{hyperref} loaded, and with |hyp|\-|cap=|\x|true| requested, % the hyperlink anchor will be placed different. % For example: % \begin{quote} % |\begin{minipage}{\linewidth}|\\ % | |\ldots\\ % | \captionof{figure}{A figure}|\\ % |\end{minipage}| % \end{quote} % will place the hyperlink anchor at the caption. % (And if |hyp|\-|cap=|\x|true| is set, you will get a warning about this.) % But % \begin{quote} % |\begin{minipage}{\linewidth}|\\ % | \captionsetup{type=figure}|\\ % | |\ldots\\ % | \caption{A figure}|\\ % |\end{minipage}| % \end{quote} % will place the hyperlink anchor at the beginning of the |mini|\-|page|, % since |\caption|\-|setup{type=|\x|figure}| does not only set the caption type % to ``figure'' but does place a hyperlink anchor, too. % % \item{\cs{caption}\csoarg{}\csmarg{\purerm\ldots} % vs.~\cs{captionsetup}\csmarg{list=false}$+$\cs{caption}\csmarg{\purerm\ldots}}\\[\smallskipamount] % Again, without \pkg{hyperref} loaded, both will give you identical results. % But with \pkg{hyperref} loaded, the difference is in the nuances. % So for example the optional argument of |\caption| will also be written to % the |aux| file, and will be used by the |\name|\-|ref| command. % So if you choose to use |\caption| with empty optional argument, % |\name|\-|ref| will also give you an empty result. % So it's better to use |\caption|\-|setup{list=|\x|false}| if you don't % want an entry in the List of Figures or List of Tables. % \end{description} % % \pagebreak[3] % \subsection{hypcap} % \label{hypcap} % \packagedescription{% % The \pkg{hyp\-cap} package\cite{hypcap} offers a solution to the problem % that links to a float using \pkg{hyper\-ref} may anchors to the caption % rather than the beginning of the float. % Since \thispackage\ \version{3.1} already solves this problem for itself, % the \pkg{hypcap} package is usually not needed.} % % If the \pkg{hyp\-cap} package is loaded additionally to the % \pkg{hyper\-ref} package, it takes over the control of the hyperlink % anchor placement from \thispackage, overriding the options |hyp|\-|cap=| % and |hyp|\-|cap|\-|space=|. % % So for a manual placement of hyperlink anchors % |\caption|\-|setup{type=|\x\meta{type}|}| is not sufficient anymore, % instead you need to use |\cap|\-|start| (provided by the \pkg{hyp\-cap} % package) for this. % % Regarding the automatically placement the \pkg{hypcap} package offers good % placement of hyperlink anchors for the floating environments |figure| and % |table| only. In contrast the |hypcap=|\x|true| option of \thispackage\ also % offers good placements of hyperlink anchors for % |floating|\-|figure|s (provided by the \pkg{float\-flt} package), % |FP|\-|figure|s \& |FPtable|s (provided by the \pkg{flt\-page} package), % |fig|\-|window|s (provided by the \pkg{pic\-in\-par} package), % |par|\-|pic|s (provided by the \pkg{pic\-ins} package), % |SC|\-|figure|s (provided by the \pkg{side\-cap} package), % |three|\-|part|\-|table|s (provided by the \pkg{three\-part\-table} package), % and |wrapfigure|s (provided by the \pkg{wrap\-fig} package). % % \pagebreak[3] % \subsection{listings} % \label{listings} % \packagedescription{% % The \pkg{listings} package\cite{listings} typesets programming code.} % % If you want to setup special options for the |lst|\-|listing| environment % you can use % \begin{quote} % |\captionsetup[lstlisting]|\marg{options}\quad. % \end{quote} % % Please note that the \pkg{listings} package has its very own options % for controlling the position and the skips of the caption: % |caption|\-|pos=|, |above|\-|caption|\-|skip=|, and |below|\-|caption|\-|skip=|. % \See{\pkg{listings} documentation for details.} % These \pkg{listings} options override the \pkg{caption}'s ones, but % can be again overwritten by |\caption|\-|setup[lst|\-|listing]{|\ldots|}|, % e.g.%~ % \begin{quote}|\caption|\-|setup[lst|\-|listing]{skip=|\x|10pt}|\quad.\end{quote} % % \pagebreak[3] % \subsection{longtable} % \label{longtable} % \packagedescription{% % The \pkg{longtable} package\cite{longtable} offers an environment % which behaves similar to the \texttt{tabular} environment, but the table % itself can span multiple pages.} % % If you want to setup special options for the |long|\-|table| environment % you can use % \begin{quote} % |\captionsetup[longtable]|\marg{options}\quad. % \end{quote} % These options will be executed additionally to the regular ones for % |table|. % % The |margin| and |width| settings usually override |\LT|\-|cap|\-|width|, % so you get an equal look \& feel of the captions in |table|s and % |long|\-|table|s. % But if you set |\LT|\-|cap|\-|width| to a value different than its default % $=$ |4in|, \thispackage\ will follow that. % (But |\LT|\-|cap|\-|width| will be overwritten by % |\caption|\-|setup[long|\-|table]{width=|\x\meta{value}|}|, % even if it is set to a value different than |4in|.) % % \begin{Note} % |\caption|\-|of| and |\Continued|\-|Float| do \emph{not} work for |long|\-|table|s. % Furthermore neither |\caption| nor |\caption|\-|list|\-|entry| will increment % the |table| counter here; it's incremented by the |long|\-|table| environment % instead. % \NEWfeature{v3.1} % If you need a |long|\-|table| which does not increment the |table| counter % please use the |long|\-|table*| environment (offered by the % \pkg{ltcaption} package which is part of \thispackage\ bundle and will be % loaded automatically). % \end{Note} % % \pagebreak[3] % \subsection{picinpar} % \label{picinpar} % \packagedescription{% % Similar to the \pkg{floatflt} package the \pkg{picinpar} % package\cite{picinpar} offers figures and tables which do not span the full % width of a page and are float around by text. % For a detailed discussion about the differences between these packages % please take a look at The \LaTeX\ Companion\cite{TLC2}.} % % \NEWfeature{v3.1} % If you want to setup special options for the |fig|\-|window| and % |tab|\-|window| environments you can use % \begin{quote} % |\captionsetup[figwindow]|\marg{options}\quad\emph{and}\\ % |\captionsetup[tabwindow]|\marg{options}\quad. % \end{quote} % These options will be executed additionally to the regular ones for % |figure| or |table|. % % \begin{Note} % The |margin| or |width| setting will not be used for these figures and tables, % unless you set it explicit with |\caption|\-|setup[fig|\-|window]{|\ldots|}| or % |\caption|\-|setup[fig|\-|table]{|\ldots|}|. % \end{Note} % % \pagebreak[3] % \subsection{picins} % \label{picins} % \packagedescription{% % Similar to the \pkg{floatflt} and \pkg{picinpar} package the % \pkg{picins} package\cite{picins} offers figures and tables which do not % span the full width of a page and are float around by text. % For a detailed discussion about the differences between these packages % please take a look at The \LaTeX\ Companion\cite{TLC2}.} % % \NEWfeature{v3.1} % If you want to setup special options for the |par|\-|pic| environment you can use % \begin{quote} % |\captionsetup[parpic]|\marg{options}\quad. % \end{quote} % These options will be executed additionally to the regular ones for % |figure| or |table|. % % Furthermore |\pic|\-|caption[]{|\ldots|}| produce no entry in the List of Figures, % and |\pic|\-|caption*{|\ldots|}| gives an unlabeled \& unnumbered caption. % % \begin{Note} % The |margin| or |width| setting will not be used for these figures and tables. % \iffalse % if |pic|\-|caption|\-|side| or |pic|\-|caption|\-|top|\-|side| is used. % The |width| setting will not be used (but the |margin| setting will) if % |pic|\-|caption|\-|out|\-|side| or |pic|\-|caption|\-|in|\-|side| is used. % \fi % But you can override this by setting it explicit with % |\caption|\-|setup[par|\-|pic]{|\ldots|}|. % \end{Note} % % If you want to have a |\pic|\-|caption| of another type as |figure|, please % do \emph{not} re-define |\@cap|\-|type| as suggested by the \pkg{picins} % documentation. Please use the |\pic|\-|caption|\-|type|\marg{type} command % which is offered by \thispackage\ instead, e.g.: % \begin{quote} % |\piccaptiontype{table}|\\ % |\piccaption{An example table}|\\ % |\parpic(50mm,10mm)[s]{|\ldots|}| % \end{quote} % % \pagebreak[3] % \subsection{rotating} % \label{rotating} % \packagedescription{% % The \pkg{rotating} package\cite{rotating} offers the floating % environments \texttt{side\-ways\-figure} and \texttt{side\-ways\-table} which % are just like normal figures and tables but rotated by 90 or 270 degree. % Furthermore a command \cs{rot\-caption} is offered for rotated captions only.} % % \iffalse % No, we don't do that % If you want to setup special options for the |side|\-|ways|\-|figure| and % |side|\-|ways|\-|table| environments you can use % \begin{quote} % |\captionsetup[sidewaysfigure]|\marg{options}\\ % |\captionsetup[sidewaystable]|\marg{options}\quad. % \end{quote} % These options will be executed additionally to the regular ones for % |figure| or |table|. % \fi % % The command |\rot|\-|caption| will be extended by \thispackage, so % |\rot|\-|caption*| and |\rot|\-|caption|\-|of| can be used analogous to % |\caption*| and |\caption|\-|of|. % % \pagebreak[3] % \subsection{setspace} % \label{setspace} % \packagedescription{% % The \pkg{setspace} package\cite{setspace} offers options and commands % to change the spacing, % e.g.\ \cs{usepackage}\x\csoarg{one\-half\-spacing}\x\csmarg{set\-space} % causes the document to be typeset in one-and-a-half spacing.} % % If the \pkg{setspace} package is used in conjunction with \thispackage, % the caption will be typeset with single spacing as default. This can be changed % by specifying either |font=|\x|one|\-|half|\-|spacing|, % |font=|\x|double|\-|spacing|, or |font={stretch=|\x\meta{amount}|}|. % \See{also \longref{fonts}} % % \pagebreak[3] % \subsection{sidecap} % \label{sidecap} % \packagedescription{% % The \pkg{sidecap} package\cite{sidecap} offers the floating environments % \texttt{SC\-figure} and \texttt{SC\-table} which are like usual figures % and tables but the caption will be put \emph{beside} the contents.} % % If you want to setup special options for the |SCfigure| and |SCtable| % environments you can use % \begin{quote} % |\captionsetup[SCfigure]|\marg{options}\quad\emph{and}\\ % |\captionsetup[SCtable]|\marg{options}\quad. % \end{quote} % These options will be executed additionally to the regular ones for % |figure| or |table|. % % \pagebreak[3] % \begin{Note} % The \pkg{sidecap} package offers its own options for justification. % If set, they will override the one specified with the caption option % |jus|\-|ti|\-|fi|\-|ca|\-|tion=| for captions beside their contents. % \end{Note} % % \begin{Note} % The |margin| or |width| setting will not be used for these figures and tables, % unless you set it explicit with |\caption|\-|setup[SC|\-|figure]{|\ldots|}| % or |\caption|\-|setup[SC|\-|table]{|\ldots|}|. % \end{Note} % % \medskip % % \begin{Annotation*} % Instead of using the \pkg{sidecap} package you can also use the more % powerful and flexible \pkg{floatrow} package\cite{floatrow} for typesetting % captions beside the contents. % \end{Annotation*} % % \pagebreak[3] % \subsubsection*{Undocumented features} % The \pkg{sidecap} package \version{1.6} has some undocumented package % options and commands which allow further customization of the side-captions: % % \pagebreak[3] % \DescribeMacro{margincaption} % The package option % \begin{quote} % |margincaption|\qquad{\small(e.g.~|\usepackage[margincaption]{sidecap}|)} % \end{quote} % causes all side-captions to be placed into the margin. % % \pagebreak[3] % \DescribeMacro{\sidecaptionvpos} % The command % \begin{quote} % |\sidecaptionvpos|\marg{float type}\marg{pos} % \end{quote} % sets the vertical position of the side-caption. \meta{pos} can be either `|t|' % (for top alignment), `|b|' (for bottom alignment), or `|c|' (for center alignment). % The default setting for |table| is `|t|', for |figure| and all other ones % defined with |\Declare|\-|Floating|\-|Environment| it's `|b|'. % % \pagebreak[3] % \subsection{subfigure} % \label{subfigure} % \packagedescription{% % The \pkg{subfigure} package\cite{subfigure} provides support for small or % `sub' figures and tables within a single figure or table environment. % This package is obsolete, new users should use \pkg{subfig} instead.} % % Since the \pkg{subfigure} package is obsolete it will only be supported in % a way that old documents (which have used \thispackage\ \version{1.x} during % development) should still compile as expected. % % Please use the \pkg{subfig} or \pkg{subcaption} package instead which both supports \thispackage\ % \version{3.x}. % % \See{the \pkg{subfig} package\cite{subfig} documentation for details.} % % \pagebreak[3] % \subsection{supertabular and xtab} % \label{supertabular} % \packagedescription{% % The \pkg{supertabular}\cite{supertabular} and \pkg{xtab}\cite{xtab} % packages offer an environment which can span multiple pages and is quite % similar to the \texttt{long\-table} environment provided by the % \pkg{longtable} package\cite{longtable}. % For a detailed discussion about the differences between these powerful % packages please take a look at The \LaTeX\ Companion\cite{TLC2}.} % % If you want to setup special options for the |super|\-|tabular| % or |x|\-|tabular| environment you can use % \begin{quote} % |\captionsetup[supertabular]|\marg{options}\quad\emph{or}\\ % |\captionsetup[xtabular]|\marg{options}\quad. % \end{quote} % These options will be executed additionally to the regular ones for % |table|. % % \begin{Note} % |\Continued|\-|Float| does not work for |super|\-|tabular|s and |x|\-|tabular|s. % \end{Note} % % \pagebreak[3] % \subsection{threeparttable} % \label{threeparttable} % \packagedescription{% % The \pkg{threeparttable} package\cite{threeparttable} provides a scheme % for tables that have a structured note section after the table contents and % the caption. % This scheme provides an answer to the old problem of putting footnotes in % tables---by making footnotes entirely unnecessary.} % % \NEWfeature{v3.1} % If you want to setup special options for the |three|\-|part|\-|table| and % |measured|\-|figure| environments you can use % \begin{quote} % |\captionsetup[threeparttable]|\marg{options}\quad\emph{and}\\ % |\captionsetup[measuredfigure]|\marg{options}\quad. % \end{quote} % These options will be executed additionally to the regular ones for % |table| or |figure|. % % \begin{Note} % Since the caption will have the same width as the contents here, % the |margin| or |width| setting will not be used for these figures and tables, % at least unless you set it explicit with % |\caption|\-|setup[three|\-|part|\-|table]{|\ldots|}| or % |\caption|\-|setup[measured|\-|figure]{|\ldots|}|. % \end{Note} % % \medskip % % \begin{Annotation*} % Instead of using the \pkg{threeparttable} package you can % also use the \pkg{floatrow} package\cite{floatrow} for this purpose. % \end{Annotation*} % % \pagebreak[3] % \subsection{wrapfig} % \label{wrapfig} % \packagedescription{% % Similar to the \pkg{floatflt}, the \pkg{picinpar}, and the % \pkg{picins} package the \pkg{wrapfig} package\cite{wrapfig} offers % figures and tables which do not span the full width of a page and are float % around by text. % For a detailed discussion about the differences between these packages % please take a look at The \LaTeX\ Companion\cite{TLC2}.} % % \NEWfeature{v3.1} % If you want to setup special options for the |wrap|\-|figure| and % |wrap|\-|table| environments you can use % \begin{quote} % |\captionsetup[wrapfigure]|\marg{options}\quad\emph{and}\\ % |\captionsetup[wraptable]|\marg{options}\quad. % \end{quote} % These options will be executed additionally to the regular ones for % |figure| or |table|. % % \begin{Note} % The |margin| or |width| setting will not be used for these figures and % tables, unless you set it explicit with % |\caption|\-|setup[wrap|\-|figure]{|\ldots|}| % or |\caption|\-|setup[wrap|\-|table]{|\ldots|}|. % \end{Note} % % \iffalse % --------------------------------------------------------------------------- % % \fi % % \clearpage % \section{Further reading} % % I recommend the following documents for further reading: % % \begin{itemize} % \item % The \TeX\ FAQ -- Frequently asked questions about \TeX\ and \LaTeX: % \begin{quote}\url{http://faq.tug.org/}\end{quote} % % \item % A French FAQ can be found at % \begin{quote}\url{http://www.grappa.univ-lille3.fr/FAQ-LaTeX/}\end{quote} % % \item % ``What is a minimal working example?'' from Christian Faulhammer and Ulrich Schwarz: % \begin{quote}\url{http://www.minimalbeispiel.de/mini-en.html}\end{quote} % % \item % \textsf{epslatex} from Keith Reckdahl contains many tips around % including graphics in \LaTeXe\ documents. % You will find this document in the directory % \begin{quote}\url{http://mirror.ctan.org/info/epslatex/}\end{quote} % \end{itemize} % % \iffalse % --------------------------------------------------------------------------- % % \fi % % \pagebreak[3] % \section{Thanks} % % I would like to thank Katja Melzner, % Steven D. Cochran, Frank Mittelbach, Olga Lapko, % David Carlisle, Carsten Heinz, Keith Reckdahl, Markus Kohm, % Heiko Oberdiek, and Herbert Vo\ss. % Thanks a lot for all your help, ideas, patience, spirit, and support! % % Also I would like to thank % Harald Harders, % Peter L\"offler, % Peng Yu, % Alexander Zimmermann, % Matthias Pospiech, % J\"urgen Wieferink, % Christoph Bartoschek, % Uwe St\"ohr, % Ralf Stubner, % Geoff Vallis, % Florian Keiler, % J\"urgen G\"obel, % Uwe Siart, % Sang-Heon Shim, % Henrik Lundell, % David Byers, % William Asquith, % Prof.~Dr.~Dirk Hoffmann, % Frank Martini, % Danie Els, % Philipp Woock, % Fadi Semmo, % Matthias Stevens, and % Leo Liu % who all helped to make this package a better one. % % \iffalse % --------------------------------------------------------------------------- % % \fi % % \clearpage\appendix % \section{Alphabetical Reference} % % \makeatletter % \newenvironment{Warnings}{% % \newif\ifMessage % \def\Message{% % \ifMessage\end{minipage}\par\vspace\itemsep\pagebreak[3]\fi % \begin{minipage}{\linewidth}% % \setlength\parindent{0pt}% % \setlength\parskip{\smallskipamount}% % \setlength\leftskip{0pt}% % \color{blue}% % \Messagetrue}% % \def\Description{% % \par\color{black}\leftskip=1.5em}% % \def\Or{\@testopt\@Or{or}}% % \def\@Or[##1]{% % \\{\small\color{black}\hspace{1.5em}\textit{-- ##1 --}}\\}% % }{% % \ifMessage\end{minipage}\par\fi % } % \makeatother % % \subsection{Options} % \newcommand\preambleoption{~% % \begingroup\def\thefootnote{\fnsymbol{footnote}}% % \footnotemark[2]% % \endgroup} % \newcommand\preambleoptiontext{% % \begingroup\def\thefootnote{\fnsymbol{footnote}}% % \footnotetext[2]{These options are only available in the preamble of the document.}% % \endgroup} % % \begin{longtable*}{lll} % Option & Short description & Section \\ % \hline % \endhead % |aboveskip| & sets the skip above caption & \ref{skips} \\ % |belowskip| & sets the skip below caption & \ref{skips} \\ % |compatibility|\preambleoption & force (non-)compatibility & \ref{compatibility} \\ % |figureposition|\preambleoption & gives a hint about the figure caption position & \ref{skips} \\ % |font|(|+|) & sets the font & \ref{fonts} \\ % |format| & sets the format & \ref{formats} \\ % \iffalse % |FPlist| & To where the list entry of a FPfigure should link? & \ref{fltpage} \\ % |FPref| & To where a |\ref| to a FPfigure should link? & \ref{fltpage} \\ % \fi % |hangindent| & sets the hang indention & \ref{margins} \\ % |hypcap| & selects `hypcap' feature & \ref{hyperref} \\ % |hypcapspace| & sets the distance between hyperlink and contents & \ref{hyperref} \\ % |indention| & sets the indention & \ref{margins} \\ % |justification| & sets the justification & \ref{justification} \\ % |labelfont|(|+|) & sets the font of the caption label & \ref{fonts} \\ % |labelformat| & sets the format of the caption label & \ref{formats} \\ % |labelsep| & sets the label separator & \ref{formats} \\ % |labelseparator| & --same as |labelsep|-- & \ref{formats} \\ % |list| & switches the entries in the List on or off & \ref{lists} \\ % |listformat| & sets the `List of Figure/Table' entry format & \ref{lists} \\ % |margin| & sets the margin & \ref{margins} \\ % |margin*| & sets the margin, but only if no width is set & \ref{margins} \\ % |maxmargin| & sets the max. margin & \ref{margins} \\ % |minmargin| & sets the min. margin & \ref{margins} \\ % |name| & sets the name of the current environment & \ref{names} \\ % |oneside| & selects the one-side mode & \ref{margins} \\ % |options| & executes the given option list & \\ % |parindent| & sets the paragraph indention & \ref{margins} \\ % |parskip| & sets the skip between paragraphs & \ref{margins} \\ % |position| & gives a hint about the caption position & \ref{skips} \\ % |singlelinecheck| & switches the single-line-check on or off & \ref{justification} \\ % |skip| & sets the skip between content and caption & \ref{skips} \\ % |strut| & switches the usage of |\strut|s on or off & \ref{formats} \\ % |style| & sets the caption style & \ref{style} \\ % |subtype| & sets the sub-caption type & \phantom{t}--~\footnotemark \\ % |tableposition|\preambleoption & gives a hint about the table caption position & \ref{skips} \\ % |textfont|(|+|) & sets the font of the caption text & \ref{fonts} \\ % |textformat| & sets the format of the caption text & \ref{formats} \\ % |twoside| & selects the two-side mode & \ref{margins} \\ % |type| & sets the caption type \& places a hyperlink anchor & \ref{types} \\ % |type*| & sets the caption type only & \ref{types} \\ % |width| & sets a fixed caption width & \ref{margins} \\ % \end{longtable*} % \preambleoptiontext % \footnotetext{The option \texttt{subtype} is explained in the % \pkg{subcaption} package documentation.} % % \nopagebreak\parbox[t]{\linewidth}{% prevent from page break % \begin{Note*} % Obsolete options are not listed here. See % \longref{caption1} and % \longref{caption2} for a list of these options. % \end{Note*}} % % \pagebreak[3] % \subsection{Commands} % % \begin{longtable*}{lll} % Command & & Section \\ % \hline % \endhead % |\abovecaptionskip| & & \ref{skips} \\ % |\belowcaptionskip| & & \ref{skips} \\ % |\caption| & & \ref{caption} \\ % |\caption*| & & \ref{caption} \\ % |\captionlistentry| & & \ref{captionlistentry} \\ % |\captionof| & & \ref{caption} \\ % |\captionof*| & & \ref{caption} \\ % |\captionsetup| & & \ref{captionsetup} \\ % |\captionsetup*| & & \ref{captionsetup} \\ % |\centerfirst| & & \ref{justification} \\ % |\centerlast| & & \ref{justification} \\ % |\clearcaptionsetup| & & \ref{captionsetup} \\ % |\clearcaptionsetup*| & & \ref{captionsetup} \\ % |\ContinuedFloat| & & \ref{ContinuedFloat} \\ % |\DeclareCaptionFont| & & \ref{declare} \\ % |\DeclareCaptionFormat| & & \ref{declare} \\ % |\DeclareCaptionFormat*| & & \ref{declare} \\ % |\DeclareCaptionJustification| & & \ref{declare} \\ % |\DeclareCaptionLabelFormat| & & \ref{declare} \\ % |\DeclareCaptionLabelSeparator| & & \ref{declare} \\ % |\DeclareCaptionLabelSeparator*| & & \ref{declare} \\ % |\DeclareCaptionListFormat| & & \ref{declare} \\ % |\DeclareCaptionOption| & & \ref{declare} \\ % |\DeclareCaptionStyle| & & \ref{declare} \\ % |\DeclareCaptionSubType| & & --~\footnotemark \\ % |\DeclareCaptionTextFormat| & & \ref{declare} \\ % |\showcaptionsetup| & & \ref{captionsetup} \\ % \end{longtable*} % \footnotetext{\cs{DeclareCaptionSubType} is explained in the % \pkg{subcaption} package documentation.} % % \clearpage % \subsection{Warnings} % % \begin{Warnings} % % \Message % |\caption outside box or environment.| % \Or % |\captionsetup{type=...} outside box or environment.| % \Or % |\captionsetup{type*=...} or \captionof outside box|\\ % | or environment.| % \Description % You have placed a |\caption|, |\caption|\-|of|, or % |\caption|\-|setup{type=|\x\meta{type}|}| command outside an box, group, % or environment. % You should not do this since it could cause some bad side-effects. % \par\See{\longref{types} and \longref{caption}} % % \Message % |\caption will not be redefined since it's already|\\ % |redefined by a document class or package which is|\\ % |unknown to the caption package.| % \Description % If \thispackage\ detects that some (unknown) document class or % package has enhanced |\caption|, it will not redefine % |\caption|, too, since this would simply kill the enhancement. % As a result some features, like |\caption*|, |\Continued|\-|Float|, % using the optional argument of |\caption|\-|setup|, % or the options |list=| and |hypcap=| will not be available.\par % If you don't care about the original enhancements but would % like to use the full range of features of \thispackage\ instead % you can give the unsupported(!) option |compatibility=|\x|false| % a try and keep your fingers crossed. % (But you will get the next warning instead.) % \par\See{\longref{classes} and \longref{compatibility}} % % \Message % |Forced redefinition of \caption since the|\\ % |unsupported(!) package option `compatibility=false'|\\ % |was given.| % \Description % Since you were so keen to specify the option |compatibility=|\x|false| % \thispackage\ will try to do its best to fulfill your wishes. % But depending on the document class or other packages you use that % can end in non-functional features or even errors. So keep your % fingers crossed! % \par\See{\longref{compatibility}} % % \Message % |Hyperref support is turned off because hyperref has|\\ % |stopped early.| % \Description % If the \pkg{hyperref} package stops early during loading % (because of what-ever reason), the \pkg{hyperref} support of % \thispackage\ will not be available. As a result you could get % \pkg{hyperref} warnings and non-functional hyperlinks to figures % or tables. % \par\See{\longref{hyperref}\,} % % \Message % |Ignoring optional argument [|\meta{pos}|] of \setcapwidth.| % \Description % \Thispackage\ tries to emulate the \KOMAScript\ commands regarding % captions as best as it can. But the optional argument of the % \KOMAScript\ command |\setcapwidth| is not (yet) working if you use % this package, so if you try to use it anyway, you will get this warning. % \par\See{\longref{KOMA}} % % \Message % |Internal Warning: |\meta{warning message}|.| % \Description % You should never see this warning, either you use a package which redefines % |figure| or |table| and which is unknown to \thispackage, or this is a bug % in \thispackage. % Please send me an e-mail reporting this issue. % % \Message % |\label without proper \caption| % \Description % Regarding |\label| the floating environments behave differently than its % non-floating counterparts: The internal reference will not be generated % at the beginning of the environment, but at |\caption| instead. % So you have to place the |\label| command either just \emph{after} or % \emph{inside} the caption text (mandatory argument of |\caption|). % % \Message % |Option `|\meta{option}|' was not in list `|\meta{option list}|'.| % \Description % If you try to remove a specific option of an option list, % for example with |\clear|\-|caption|\-|setup[po|\-|si|\-|tion]{table}|, % and this option can not be found inside the option list, you will % get this warning. If this is not because of a typo and you would like % to suppress this warning, use |\clear|\-|caption|\-|setup*| instead of % |\clear|\-|caption|\-|setup|. % \par\See{\longref{captionsetup}} % % \Message % |Option list `|\meta{option list}|' undefined.| % \Description % If you try to remove a specific option of an option list, % for example with |\clear|\-|caption|\-|setup[for|\-|mat]{figure}|, % and this option list is not defined (yet), you will % get this warning. If this is not because of a typo and you would like % to suppress this warning, use |\clear|\-|caption|\-|setup*| instead of % |\clear|\-|caption|\-|setup|. % \par\See{\longref{captionsetup}} % % \Message % |Obsolete option `ignoreLTcapwidth' ignored.| % \Description % The \pkg{caption2} package option |ignoreLTcapwidth| will not be % emulated by this version of \thispackage, usually you can simply wipe it % away. % \par\See{\longref{caption2} and \longref{longtable}} % % \Message % |`ragged2e' support has been changed. Rerun to get|\\ % |captions right.| % \Description % The \pkg{ragged2e} package will only be loaded by \thispackage\ if it % is actually needed. % At least two \LaTeX\ runs are needed for that, so on the first run you could % get this warning. % Just compile your document again and this warning should go away. % \par\See{\longref{justification}} % % \Message % |Reference on page |\meta{page no.}| undefined.| % \Description % If you use a |twoside| page layout, \thispackage\ needs to track the % page numbers to get the margins right. % At least two \LaTeX\ runs are needed for that, on the first run you could get % this warning. % Just compile your document again and this warning should go away. % \par\See{\longref{margins}} % % \Message % |The caption type was already set to `|\meta{type}|'.| % \Description % This warning informs you about mixed caption options. For example if % you use a |\caption|\-|setup{type=|\x|table}| or % |\caption|\-|of{table}{|\ldots|}| inside a |figure| environment, % this would result in using both option sets for that specific caption, % the one for |figure| (specified with |\caption|\-|setup[figure]{|\ldots|}|) % and the one for |table| (specified with |\caption|\-|setup[table]{|\ldots|}|) % as well.\par % {\small(You can suppress this warning by using the starred form % |\caption|\-|setup*{type=|\x\ldots|}|.)\par} % \par\See{\longref{captionsetup}} % % \Message % |The option `hypcap=true' will be ignored for this|\\ % |particular \caption.| % \Description % \Thispackage\ hasn't found a proper hyperlink anchor for this particular % caption, so it decides to ignore the setting |hypcap=|\x|true| (which is set by % default). As a result a link to this caption (e.g.~in the List of Figures, % or set by |\ref| or |\auto|\-|ref|) will link you to the caption of the figure % or table, not to the figure or table itself.\par % This can happen if you use |\caption|\-|of| inside a non-floating environment, % but also if you use some package which redefines |figure| or |table|, and % which is unknown to \thispackage.\par % If this is ok for you but you want to suppress this warning, simply place a % |\caption|\-|setup{hyp|\-|cap=|\x|false}| just before the |\caption| or % |\caption|\-|of| command which is causing the warning. % If this is not ok for you, you can set a hyperlink anchor with % |\caption|\-|setup{type=|\x\meta{float type}|}| for yourself. % \par\See{\longref{hyperref}\,} % % \Message % |Unsupported document class (or package) detected,|\\ % |usage of the caption package is not recommended.| % \Description % Either the document class you use is unknown to \thispackage, or you % have included a package in your document which redefines |\@make|\-|caption| % (which is responsible for typesetting the caption internally) as well. % This means \thispackage\ will either change the design of captions in an % unwanted way, or it even refuses to work correctly at all. % \par\See{\longref{classes} and \longref{compatibility}} % % \Message % |Unused \captionsetup[|\meta{type}|].| % \Description % You have specified options with |\caption|\-|setup[|\meta{type}|]| which are % not used later on. % This can be because of a typo in \meta{type}, % or because you use a package which redefines |figure| or |table| and % which is unknown to \thispackage, or simply because you don't have any usage % of the environment \meta{type} after this line. % (If you want to suppress this warning you can use |\caption|\-|setup*| % instead of |\caption|\-|setup|.) % \par\See{\longref{captionsetup}} % % \Message % |Usage of the |\meta{package}| package together with the|\\ % |caption package is strongly not recommended.|\\ % |Instead of loading the |\meta{package}| package you should|\\ % |use the caption package option `tableposition=top'.| % \Description % The package \meta{package} is dealing with caption skips as well. % Please decide which one do you actually want to use, \thispackage\ or the % other one, using both can lead to wrong skips above or below the caption. % \par\See{\longref{skips}} % % \end{Warnings} % % \pagebreak[3] % \subsection{Errors} % % \begin{Warnings} % % \Message % |Argument of \@caption has an extra }.| % \Or % |Paragraph ended before \@caption was complete.| % \Description % If you want to typeset something special (like a tabular) as caption, % you need to give an optional argument to |\caption| or |\caption|\-|of| % for the List of Figures or List of Tables, too, even if you don't % use such list. % \par\See{\longref{caption}, \longref{lists}, and \longref{hyperref}\,} % % \Message % |\caption outside float.| % \Description % You have placed a |\caption| command outside a floating environment, or % a |long|\-|table| or |wrap|\-|figure|. % If this is what you want to, please use either % |\caption|\-|setup{type=|\x\meta{type}|}| $+$ |\caption| or % |\caption|\-|of|. % \par\See{\longref{caption}} % % \Message % |\ContinuedFloat outside float.| % \Description % You have placed a |\Continued|\-|Float| command outside a floating % environment. % or |long|\-|table|. % If this is what you want to, please use the combination % |\caption|\-|setup{type=|\x\meta{type}|}| $+$ |\Continued|\-|Float|.\par % Please note that |\Continued|\-|Float| inside a |long|\-|table| is not % working, but maybe using the |long|\-|table*| environment, which % typesets a |long|\-|table| without incrementing the |table| counter, % if sufficient for you. % \par\See{\longref{ContinuedFloat} and \longref{longtable}} % % \Message % |Continued `|\meta{type}|' after `|\meta{type}|'.| % \Description % Continued figures or tables are not allowed to be interrupted by a floating % environment (or |long|\-|table|) of another type, % e.g.~a table between a figure and a continued figure. % \par\See{\longref{ContinuedFloat}} % % \Message % |For a successful cooperation we need at least version|\\ % |`|\meta{date}|' of package |\meta{package}|, but only version|\\ % |`|\meta{old-date}|' is available.| % \Description % \Thispackage\ does not work with such an outdated package, please update it % to a more recent version, at least to the one requested. % % \Message % |Internal Error: |\meta{error message}|.| % \Description % You should never see this error. % Please send me an e-mail reporting this issue. % % \Message % |No float type '|\meta{type}|' defined.| % \Description % The \meta{type} you have specified in |\caption|\-|setup{type=|\x\meta{type}|}|, % |\caption|\-|of|\marg{type}, or |\Declare|\-|Caption|\-|Sub|\-|Type| is % not defined. % \meta{type} should be either `\texttt{figure}' or `\texttt{table}', or % any other floating environment defined with % |\Declare|\-|Floating|\-|Environment| offered by the \pkg{newfloat} package, % |\new|\-|float| offered by the \pkg{float} package\cite{float}, or % |\Declare|\-|New|\-|Float|\-|Type| offered by the \pkg{floatrow} package\cite{floatrow}. % % \Message % |Not allowed in longtable* environment.| % \Description % The usage of |\caption| is not allowed inside the |long|\-|table*| environment. % Please use either |\caption*| for a caption without label or use the regular % |long|\-|table| environment instead. % % \Message % |Not available in compatibility mode.| % \Description % The feature required is not supported in compatibility mode. % `compatibility mode' means that \thispackage\ has detected either an % incompatible document class or an incompatible package which also % extents the |\caption| command. Leaving the original extension intact, % some features of \thispackage\ are not supported. % \par\See{\longref{compatibility}} % % \Message % |Only one \caption can be placed in this environment.| % \Description % Inside the environments offered by the \pkg{fltpage} and \pkg{sidecap} % package only \emph{one} caption can be placed. (This is due implementation design.) % % \Message % |Paragraph ended before \caption@makecurrent was complete.| % \Or % |Paragraph ended before \caption@prepareanchor was complete.| % \Description % If you want to typeset multi-paragraph captions, you need to give an % optional argument to |\caption| or |\caption|\-|of| for the List of % Figures or List of Tables, too, even if you don't use such list. % \par\See{\longref{caption}, \longref{lists}, and \longref{hyperref}\,} % % \Message % |Something's wrong--perhaps a missing \caption|\\ % |in the last figure or table.| % \Description % It seems that you have used a |\sub|\-|caption| command (or a different one % which has typeset a sub-caption) without a corresponding |\caption| command. % This is not supported. % % \Message % |The option `labelsep=|\meta{name}|' does not work|\\ % |with `format=hang'.| % \Or % |The option `labelsep=|\meta{name}|' does not work|\\ % |with \setcaphanging (which is set by default).| % \Description % A caption label separator which contains a |\\| command (like % |labelsep=|\x|newline|) can not be combined with a hanging caption format % (like |format=|\x|hang|). % Please select either another caption label separator % (e.g.~|labelsep=|\x|colon|) or another caption format % (e.g.~|format=|\x|plain|). % \par\See{\longref{formats} or \longref{KOMA}} % % \Message % |The package option `caption=false' is obsolete.|\\ % |Please pass this option to the subfig package instead|\\ % |and do *not* load the caption package anymore.| % \Description % You have specified the option |caption=|\x|false|. This used to be a workaround % for not using the whole \pkg{caption} package (leaving the caption stuff % offered by the document class or other packages intact), but keeping the % \pkg{subfig} package working. This mechanism is obsolete and not offered % anymore, please pass this option to the \pkg{subfig} package instead and % do not load \thispackage\ anymore. % \par\See{the \pkg{subfig} package\cite{subfig} documentation} % % \Message % |Undefined boolean value `|\meta{value}|'.| % \Description % You tried to set a boolean option (like |singlelinecheck=| or |hypcap=|) % with an improper value. Only |false|, |no|, |off|, |0| or |true|, |yes|, % |on|, |1| is allowed here. % % \Message % |Undefined format `|\meta{name}|'.| % \Description % You tried to set a caption format which does not exists. % Maybe a typo!? % \par\See{\longref{formats}} % % \Message % |Undefined label format `|\meta{name}|'.| % \Description % You tried to set a caption label format which does not exists. % Maybe a typo!? % \par\See{\longref{formats}} % % \Message % |Undefined label separator `|\meta{name}|'.| % \Description % You tried to set a caption label separator which does not exists. % Maybe a typo!? % \par\See{\longref{formats}} % % \Message % |Undefined list format `|\meta{name}|'.| % \Description % You tried to set a caption list-of format which does not exists. % Maybe a typo!? % \par\See{\longref{lists}} % % \Message % |Undefined position `|\meta{name}|'.| % \Description % You tried to set a caption position with an improper value. % Maybe a typo!? % \par\See{\longref{skips}} % % \Message % |Undefined style `|\meta{name}|'.| % \Description % You tried to set a caption style which does not exists. % Maybe a typo!? % \par\See{\longref{style}} % % \Message % |Usage of the `position' option is incompatible|\\ % |to the `|\meta{package}|' package.| % \Description % The given package is dealing with caption skips as well. % Please decide which one do you actually want to use: The |position=| option % of \thispackage\ or the mechanism of the other one; using both this way % would lead to wrong skips above or below the caption and is therefore % not supported. % \par\See{\longref{skips}} % % \Message % |Undefined text format `|\meta{name}|'.| % \Description % You tried to set a caption text format which does not exists. % Maybe a typo!? % \par\See{\longref{formats}} % % \Message % |You can't use both, the (obsolete) caption2 *and*|\\ % |the (current) caption package.| % \Description % This error message says it all, you simply can't do that. % Please use only \thispackage. % \par\See{\longref{caption2}} % % \end{Warnings} % % \iffalse % --------------------------------------------------------------------------- % % \fi % % \clearpage % \section{Version history} % \label{history} % % The version $1.0$ was written in 1994 and was offering a handful of options % to customize the look \& feel of the captions. % Furthermore this version already supported the \pkg{rotating} and % \pkg{subfigure} packages. % Version $1.1$ introduced the |center|\-|last| option; % version $1.2$ added the support of the \pkg{float} package. % Version $1,3$ offered a better support of the \pkg{subfigure} package, % while version $1.4$ came with the new option |nooneline|. % % The \pkg{caption2} package $2.0$ was an experimental side-version of % the regular \pkg{caption} package. It was made public as beta test version % without proper documentation in 1995 because of the strong demand for new % features and adaptations to additional packages like the \pkg{longtable} % package. % Furthermore it offered a revised support of the \pkg{subfigure} package. % (An improved version $2.1$ was offered in 2002.) % % In 2003 I finally found some time, so a new regular release $3.0$ % of the \pkg{caption} package could be build in cooperation with % Frank Mittelbach and Steven Cochran. % It was released in December 2003 and superseded the neglected % \pkg{caption2} package. % Main parts were re-written and it provided a complete re-work of % the user interface. % Furthermore it supported the \pkg{hyperref}, \pkg{hypcap}, % \pkg{listings}, \pkg{sidecap}, and \pkg{supertabular} packages % additionally. % % While all the previous versions were designed for usage with the standard % \LaTeX\ document classes \cls{article}, \cls{report}, and \cls{book}, % the current version $3.1$ released in 2007 also supports the \AmS, % \KOMAScript, \NTG, and \SmF\ document classes, and the \cls{beamer} class % as well. % Furthermore it was adapted to the \pkg{french} Babel option, % the \pkg{frenchle} \& \pkg{frenchpro} packages, % and the \pkg{floatflt}, \pkg{fltpage}, \pkg{picinpar}, % \pkg{picins}, \pkg{setspace}, \pkg{threeparttable}, % and \pkg{wrapfig} packages. % New options and commands were introduced as well, among other things % |font+|, |figure|\-|within| \& |table|\-|within|, % |list| \& |list|\-|format|, |max|\-|margin| \& |min|\-|margin|, % |\caption|\-|list|\-|entry|, |\Declare|\-|Caption|\-|List|\-|Format|. % Further benefits are the new compatibility check \see*{\longref{compatibility}}, % the new ``hypcap'' feature \see*{\longref{hyperref}\,}, and the sub-caption % feature \see*{\pkg{subcaption} package documentation}. % % \iffalse % --------------------------------------------------------------------------- % % \fi % % \clearpage % \section{Compatibility to older versions} % % \subsection{caption v\texorpdfstring{$1.x$}{1.x}} % \label{caption1} % % This version of \thispackage\ still supports the old options % and commands provided by the version $1.0$ to $1.4$ of this package. % So there shouldn't occur any problems compiling old documents, but please % don't mix old options and commands with the new ones. This isn't supported % and can cause ugly side effects. % % Here comes a short oversight of the obsolete options and how % they have been replaced within this version of \thispackage: % % \begin{center}\small % \begin{tabular}{ll} % \pkg{caption} \version{1.x} & \pkg{caption} \version{3.x}\\ % \hline % |normal| & |format=plain|\\ % |hang| & |format=hang|\\ % |isu| & |format=hang|\\ % |center| & |justification=centering|\\ % |centerlast| & |justification=centerlast|\\ % |nooneline| & |singlelinecheck=off|\\ % |scriptsize| & |font=scriptsize|\\ % |footnotesize| & |font=footnotesize|\\ % |small| & |font=small|\\ % |normalsize| & |font=normalsize|\\ % |large| & |font=large|\\ % |Large| & |font=Large|\\ % |up| & |labelfont=up|\\ % |it| & |labelfont=it|\\ % |sl| & |labelfont=sl|\\ % |sc| & |labelfont=sc|\\ % |md| & |labelfont=md|\\ % |bf| & |labelfont=bf|\\ % |rm| & |labelfont=rm|\\ % |sf| & |labelfont=sf|\\ % |tt| & |labelfont=tt|\\ % \end{tabular} % \end{center} % % Beside the options for setting up the desired font there were also % the commands |\caption|\-|size| or |\caption|\-|font| and % |\caption|\-|label|\-|font| who could be redefined with % |\re|\-|new|\-|command| and allowed an alternate and more flexible way to % change the font used for captions. % This mechanism was replaced by the commands % \begin{quote} % |\DeclareCaptionFont{|\ldots|}{|\ldots|}|\qquad and\\ % |\captionsetup{font=|\ldots|,labelfont=|\ldots|}|\qquad. % \end{quote} % \SeeUserDefined % % Setting the margin for captions was done in \version{1.x} with % \begin{quote} % |\setlength{\captionmargin}{|\ldots|}|\quad. % \end{quote} % This was replaced by % \begin{quote} % |\captionsetup{margin=|\ldots|}|\qquad. % \end{quote} % \See{\longref{margins}} % % For example the old-style code % \begin{quote} % |\usepackage[hang,bf]{caption}|\\ % |\renewcommand\captionfont{\small\sffamily}|\\ % |\setlength\captionmargin{10pt}| % \end{quote} % will still work fine, but should be written today as % \begin{quote} % |\usepackage[format=hang,labelfont=bf,font={small,sf},|\\ % | margin=10pt]{caption}| % \end{quote} % or % \begin{quote} % |\usepackage{caption}|\\ % |\captionsetup{format=hang,labelfont=bf,font={small,sf},|\\ % | margin=10pt}|\qquad. % \end{quote} % % The quite exotic option |ruled| which allowed a partial usage of % the caption settings for |ruled| floats defined with the % \pkg{float} package will be emulated by this version of the % caption package, too. % But using this option is not recommended anymore since this % version of \thispackage\ offers a more flexible way % for changing the captions of these floating environments: % \begin{quote} % |\DeclareCaptionStyle{ruled}{|\ldots|}| % \end{quote} % or % \begin{quote} % |\captionsetup[ruled]{|\ldots|}|\qquad. % \end{quote} % \SeeUserDefined[, \longref{captionsetup}, and \longref{float}] % % \subsection{caption2 v\texorpdfstring{$2.x$}{2.x}} % \label{caption2} % % Although they do very similar stuff, the packages \pkg{caption} and % its experimental and now obsolete variant \pkg{caption2} have a % very different implementation design. % Therefore a full compatibility could not be offered. % For that reason you will still find a file called |caption2.sty| in % this package distribution, so old documents using the \pkg{caption2} % package will still compile fine. % % Newly created documents should use the actual version of % \thispackage\ instead. In most cases it's sufficient to replace the command % \begin{quote} % |\usepackage[...]{caption2}| % \end{quote} % by % \begin{quote} % |\usepackage[...]{caption}|\qquad. % \end{quote} % But some options and commands will not be emulated, so you can get % error messages afterwards. This section will hopefully help you removing % these errors. If you have problems migrating from \pkg{caption2} % to \pkg{caption} please don't hesitate to send me an e-mail asking % for help. % % In addition to the obsolete options shown in the last section % these ones will be emulated, too: % % \begin{center}\small % \begin{tabular}{ll} % \pkg{caption2} \version{2.x} & \pkg{caption} \version{3.x}\\ % \hline % |flushleft| & |justification=raggedright|\\ % |flushright| & |justification=raggedleft|\\ % |oneline| & |singlelinecheck=on|\\ % \end{tabular} % \end{center} % % Setting the margin for captions was done in \version{2.x} with % \begin{quote}\leavevmode\hbox{% % |\setcaptionmargin{|\ldots|}| or % |\setcaptionwidth{|\ldots|}|\quad. % }\end{quote} % This was replaced by % \begin{quote}\leavevmode\hbox{% % |\captionsetup{margin=|\ldots|}| or % |\captionsetup{width=|\ldots|}|\quad. % }\end{quote} % \See{\longref{margins}} % % Setting an indention was done in \version{2.x} with % \begin{quote} % |\captionstyle{indent}|\\ % |\setlength\captionindent{|\ldots|}|\quad. % \end{quote} % \pagebreak[3] % This is now done with % \nopagebreak[3] % \begin{quote} % |\captionsetup{format=plain,indention=|\ldots|}|\quad. % \end{quote} % % The so-called single-line-check was controlled by the commands % |\oneline|\-|captions|\-|false| (for switching the check off) and % |\oneline|\-|captions|\-|true| (for switching the check on). % This was replaced by % |\caption|\-|setup{single|\-|line|\-|check=|\x|off}| % or % |\caption|\-|setup{single|\-|line|\-|check=|\x|on}|\quad. % \See{\longref{justification}} % % The commands % \begin{quote} % |\captionlabeldelim|, |\captionlabelsep|, |\captionstyle|,\\ % |\defcaptionstyle|, |\newcaptionstyle|, and |\renewcaptionstyle| % \end{quote} % do not have a simple replacement and therefore will not be emulated % by this version of \thispackage. (So using them will % cause error messages.) Rewriting such code is not always easy and % straight-ahead, but by conscientious reading of this manual you should % be able to find appropriate options and commands instead. % % \iffalse % ... (some examples) % \fi % % The \version{2.x} option |ignore|\-|LT|\-|cap|\-|width| do not have a % replacement, too. % But in most cases you can simply drop using that option because % in this version of \thispackage\ the value of |\LT|\-|cap|\-|width| % will be ignored anyway (unless you set it to a different value than the % default one which is |4in|). % \See{\longref{longtable}} % % \subsection{caption v\texorpdfstring{$3.0$}{3.0}} % \label{caption3} % % \Thispackage\ \version{3.0} did not support any document classes % other than the standard \LaTeX\ ones: \cls{article}, \cls{report}, % and \cls{book}. % Therefore the default settings used to be fixed, but now \thispackage{} % supports more classes, therefore they are now set in dependence on the % document class used. % % For example: While in \version{3.0} the default caption % |jus|\-|ti|\-|fi|\-|ca|\-|tion| used to be always |jus|\-|ti|\-|fied|, % it's now still |jus|\-|ti|\-|fied| when using one of the standard document % classes, but |ragged|\-|right| will be used as default format when used % with the \cls{beamer} document class. % % An easy way to select the `old' defaults is using the option % |style=base| when loading \thispackage\ (or later on using |\caption|\-|setup|). % % \medskip % % Another new feature is the automatic check for compatibility; if an % incompatibility will be found, a warning message will be issued and if a strong % incompatibility was found some features of \thispackage\ will be disabled. % Please note that only this check was added to \thispackage, so if you get % such warning message, the previous versions of \thispackage\ were incompatible % as well, but did not issued such warning, they were ``only'' having % side-effects or causing problems. % So these warnings only say that some bad side effects or problems could % happen, but not that they actually will happen. % Anyway, if you use \thispackage\ in such circumstances, % you should use it with care. % % \bigskip % % \begin{Note*} % \Thispackage\ \version{3.0} offered the option |caption=|\x|false|, % which used to be a workaround for not using the whole \pkg{caption} package % (leaving the caption stuff offered by the document class or other packages % intact), but keeping the \pkg{subfig} package\cite{subfig} working. % This mechanism is obsolete and not offered anymore, please pass this option % to the \pkg{subfig} package instead and do not load \thispackage\ anymore. % \end{Note*} % % \iffalse % --------------------------------------------------------------------------- % % \fi % % \clearpage % \section{Commands for document class authors} % % A document class could simply load the \pkg{caption} package instead % of defining an own variant of |\@make|\-|caption|. However if the author decides % not to do this -- for whatever reason -- there is a second option: % % \NEWfeature{v3.5} % If a document class defines |\caption@document|\-|class|, an adaption to the % \pkg{caption} package will be loaded as |caption-|\meta{documentclass}|.sto| % if the \pkg{caption} kernel is loaded. % The goal of this adaption file is changing the default settings of the % \pkg{caption} package so simply loading it (without any package options) % will not make any harm to the look at feel of the captions. % This gives end-users the opportunity to fine-tune certain aspects of the % appearance of captions by adding package options, without unwanted % side-effects on other aspects of the appearance. % % In both cases the command |\Set|\-|Caption|\-|Default| % could be used to adapt the \pkg{caption} package default values: % % \DescribeMacro{\SetCaptionDefault} % The command % \begin{quote} % |\SetCaptionDefault*|\marg{option}\marg{default value} % \end{quote} % changes the default value for the option \meta{option}, for example: % \begin{quote} % |\SetCaptionDefault{format}{hang}|\\ % |\SetCaptionDefault{justification}{raggedright}|\\ % |\DeclareCaptionLabelSeparator{silly}{ +++ }|\\ % |\SetCaptionDefault{labelseparator}{silly}| % \end{quote} % This command is available for the options % |box|, % |font|, % |format|, % |justification|, % |label|\-|font|, % |label|\-|format|, % |label|\-|separator|, % |list|\-|format|, % |margin|, % |parbox|, % |position|, % |single|\-|line|\-|check|, % |text|\-|font|, % |text|\-|format|, and % |width|. % % The starred variant only makes a difference when setting the default length % of either |margin| or |width|, in this case it will use |\def| internally % instead of |\edef| to store the value so the actual margin will be calculated % when used (and not when set). % % \DescribeMacro{\SetCaptionFallback} % The command % \begin{quote} % |\SetCaptionFallback|\marg{option}\marg{fallback value} % \end{quote} % changes the fallback value for the option \meta{option}, for example: % \begin{quote} % |\SetCaptionFallback{labelformat}{simple}| % \end{quote} % Currently only the pre-defined label format `original' uses a fallback % value when |\fnum@|\meta{environment} is not defined for the current (floating) % environment. % % \DescribeMacro{\AtCaptionPackage} % The adaption file will be loaded when the \pkg{caption} kernel |caption3.sty| % will be loaded so the given adaptions will be done for the \pkg{floatrow} % and \pkg{subfig} packages even if the \pkg{caption} package isn't loaded. % % But some adaptions have to be done for the \pkg{caption} package, % and for this reason the hook % \begin{quote}|\AtCaptionPackage|\marg{code}\end{quote} % is offered to authors of adaption files. % The \meta{code} inside the hook will be executed right before the given package % options will be evaluated. % % For example the adaption file for the \KOMAScript\ document classes % uses |\At|\-|Begin|\-|Caption| to re-define the \pkg{caption} package % options |figure|\-|position| and |table|\-|position| to issue a warning % that using these options have little effect here. % % \DescribeMacro{\AfterCaptionPackage} % The additional hook % \begin{quote}|\AfterCaptionPackage|\marg{code}\end{quote} % is offered to authors of adaption files as well. % The \meta{code} inside the hook will be executed at the very end of the % \pkg{caption} package. % % \iffalse % --------------------------------------------------------------------------- % % \fi % % \clearpage % \section{Commands for babel language package authors} % % \NEWfeature{v3.5} % \DescribeMacro{\caption@switchdefault} % If the \pkg{caption3} kernel package is loaded, the command % \begin{quote}|\caption@switchdefault|\marg{option}\marg{code with \#1}\marg{new value}\end{quote} % is available which saves the old default value of the given option using % \meta{code} and sets the new default value afterwards. % % \DescribeMacro{\caption@restoredefault} % The command % \begin{quote}|\caption@restoredefault|\marg{option}\marg{old value}\end{quote} % restores the old default value which was stored in \meta{old value} before. % % Example: % \begin{quote} % |\DeclareCaptionLabelSeparator{french}{|\ldots|}|\\ % |\addto\extrasfrench{%|\\ % | \caption@switchdefault{labelseparator}{\babel@save #1}{french}}|\\ % |% Note: \caption@restoredefault isn't needed here| % \end{quote} % % Another example: % \begin{quote} % |\caption@switchdefault{font}{\let\original@captionfont#1}{it}%|\\ % \ldots\\ % |\caption@restoredefault{font}{\original@captionfont}%|\\ % \end{quote} % % Since boths commands are defined with |\def| inside the \pkg{caption3} % kernel, they could be pre-defined with % \begin{quote} % |\providecommand\caption@switchdefault[3]{}|\\ % |\providecommand\caption@restoredefault[2]{}| % \end{quote} % inside the babel language package so their existence doesn't need to be tested % prior use. % % Additionally babel language packages should not re-define |\@make|\-|caption| % if the \pkg{caption} package is loaded, i.e.~if |\caption@makecaption| is % defined. (Unfortunately one cannot use the \LaTeX{} kernel command % |\@if|\-|package|\-|loaded{caption}| here since it's only available in the % document preamble.) % % Please note that code like % \begin{quote} % |\addto\extraswhatever{%|\\ % | \@ifundefined{caption@makecaption}{%|\\ % | \babel@save\@makecaption|\\ % | \let\@makecaption\my@makecaption|\\ % | }{%|\\ % | \caption@switchdefault{|\ldots|}{\babel@save #1}{|\ldots|}%|\\ % | }}| % \end{quote} % would be wrong since it mixes up the presence of the \pkg{caption3} kernel % and the \pkg{caption} package. % If the \pkg{caption3} kernel is loaded this does not mean that the % \pkg{caption} package is loaded, too, and the latter one re-defines % |\caption|, |\@caption|, and |\@make|\-|caption| while the \pkg{caption3} % kernel does not re-define any of them, instead it only provides (default) values % for the \pkg{caption}, \pkg{floatrow}, and \pkg{subfig} package. % % Currently there is build-in support for the following babel language options: % |arabic|, |farsi|, |french|, |hungarian|, |latvian|, and |magyar|. % This support could be deactivated by defining % \begin{quote} % |\def\caption@ifbabel@|\meta{package}|{false}| % \end{quote} % where \meta{package} is either |arabi|, |french|, |frenchle|, |hungarian|, % or |latvian|. % % \iffalse % --------------------------------------------------------------------------- % % \fi % % \pagebreak[4] % \section*{Internal commands} % % These internal commands are save to use by other packages as well % since their interface will not change in future releases: % \begin{quote}\begin{tabular}{ll} % Internal command & Currently used by \\ % \hline % |\caption@kernel@addcontentsline| & \pkg{floatrow} \\ % |\caption@settype| & \pkg{newfloat} \\ % |\caption@xlabel| & \pkg{cleveref} \\ % \end{tabular}\end{quote} % % If your package wants to use any other internal command of the \pkg{caption} package, % please write me an e-mail so we can define a proper interface together. % % The \pkg{lwarp} package uses a lot of internal commands as well, % but we are working on it on the Git branch \texttt{feature/lwarp}: % \url{https://gitlab.com/axelsommerfeldt/caption/-/tree/feature/lwarp} % % \iffalse % --------------------------------------------------------------------------- % % \fi % % \StopEventually{%^^A % \begin{thebibliography}{99} % % \bibitem{TLC2} % Frank Mittelbach and Michel Goossens:\\ % \newblock {\em The {\LaTeX} Companion (2nd.~Ed.)},\\ % \newblock Addison-Wesley, 2004. % % \bibitem{beamer} % Till Tantau:\\ % \href{http://www.ctan.org/pkg/beamer}% % {\emph{User Guide to the Beamer Class, Version 3.07}},\\ % March 11, 2007 % % \bibitem{KOMAScript} % Markus Kohm \& Jens-Uwe-Morawski:\\ % \href{http://www.ctan.org/pkg/koma-script}% % {\emph{KOMA-Script -- a versatile \LaTeXe\ bundle}},\\ % 2007-01-09 % % \bibitem{NTG} % Victor Eijkhout:\\ % \href{http://www.ctan.org/pkg/ntgclass}% % {\emph{An introduction to the Dutch \LaTeX\ document classes}},\\ % 3 September 1989 % % \bibitem{algorithms} % Rog\'erio Brito:\\ % \href{http://www.ctan.org/pkg/algorithms}% % {\emph{Algorithms}},\\ % June 2, 2006 % % \bibitem{float} % Anselm Lingnau:\\ % \href{http://www.ctan.org/pkg/float}% % {\emph{An Improved Environment for Floats}},\\ % 2001/11/08 % % \bibitem{floatflt} % Mats Dahlgren:\\ % \href{http://www.ctan.org/pkg/floatflt}% % {\emph{Welcome to the floatflt package}},\\ % 1998/06/05 % % \bibitem{floatrow} % Olga Lapko:\\ % \href{http://www.ctan.org/pkg/floatrow}% % {\emph{The floatrow package documentation}},\\ % 2009/08/02 % % \bibitem{fltpage} % Sebastian Gross:\\ % \href{http://www.ctan.org/pkg/fltpage}% % {\emph{Welcome to the beta test of fltpage package!}},\\ % 1998/11/13 % % \bibitem{hyperref} % Sebastian Rahtz \& Heiko Oberdiek:\\ % \href{http://www.ctan.org/pkg/hyperref}% % {\emph{Hypertext marks in \LaTeX: a manual for hyperref}},\\ % November 2012 % % \bibitem{hypcap} % Heiko Oberdiek:\\ % \href{http://www.ctan.org/pkg/oberdiek}% % {\emph{The hypcap package -- Adjusting anchors of captions}},\\ % 2011/02/16 % % \bibitem{listings} % Carsten Heinz \& Brooks Moses:\\ % \href{http://www.ctan.org/pkg/listings}% % {\emph{The Listings Package}},\\ % 2007/02/22 % % \bibitem{longtable} % David Carlisle:\\ % \href{http://www.ctan.org/pkg/longtable}% % {\emph{The longtable package}},\\ % 2004/02/01 % % \bibitem{picinpar} % Friedhelm Sowa:\\ % \href{http://www.ctan.org/pkg/picinpar}% % {\emph{Pictures in Paragraphs}},\\ % July 13, 1993 % % \bibitem{picins} % Joachim Bleser and Edmund Lang:\\ % \href{http://www.ctan.org/pkg/picins}% % {\emph{PicIns-Benutzerhandbuch Version 3.0}},\\ % September~1992 % % \bibitem{rotating} % Sebastian Rahtz and Leonor Barroca:\\ % \href{http://www.ctan.org/pkg/rotating}% % {\emph{A style option for rotated objects in \LaTeX}},\\ % 1997/09/26 % % \bibitem{setspace} % Erica M. S. Harris \& Geoffrey Tobin:\\ % \href{http://www.ctan.org/pkg/setspace}% % {\emph{LaTeX Document Package ``setspace''}},\\ % 1 December 2000 % % \bibitem{sidecap} % Rolf Niepraschk \& Hubert G\"a\ss lein:\\ % \href{http://www.ctan.org/pkg/sidecap}% % {\emph{The sidecap package}},\\ % 2003/06/06 % % \bibitem{subfigure} % Steven D. Cochran:\\ % \href{http://www.ctan.org/pkg/subfigure}% % {\emph{The subfigure package}},\\ % 2005/03/15 % % \bibitem{subfig} % Steven D. Cochran:\\ % \href{http://www.ctan.org/pkg/subfig}% % {\emph{The subfig package}},\\ % 2005/07/05 % % \bibitem{supertabular} % Johannes Braams and Theo Jurriens:\\ % \href{http://www.ctan.org/pkg/supertabular}% % {\emph{The supertabular environment}},\\ % 2004/02/20 % % \bibitem{threeparttable} % Donald Arseneau:\\ % \href{http://www.ctan.org/pkg/threeparttable}% % {\emph{Three part tables: title, tabular environment, notes}},\\ % March 5, 2010 % % \bibitem{wrapfig} % Donald Arseneau:\\ % \href{http://www.ctan.org/pkg/wrapfig}% % {\emph{WRAPFIG.STY ver 3.6}},\\ % Jan 31, 2003 % % \bibitem{xtab} % Peter Wilson:\\ % \href{http://www.ctan.org/pkg/xtab}% % {\emph{The xtab package}},\\ % 2011/07/31 % % \end{thebibliography} % } % % \iffalse % --------------------------------------------------------------------------- % % \fi % % \DoNotIndex{\\,\_,\ ,\@@par} % \DoNotIndex{\@bsphack} % \DoNotIndex{\@car,\@cdr,\@classoptionslist,\@cons,\@currext,\@currname} % \DoNotIndex{\@ehc,\@ehd,\@empty,\@esphack,\@expandtwoargs} % \DoNotIndex{\@for,\@firstofone,\@firstoftwo} % \DoNotIndex{\@gobble,\@gobblefour,\@gobbletwo,\@hangfrom} % \DoNotIndex{\if@minipage,\@ifnextchar,\@ifpackagelater,\@ifpackageloaded} % \DoNotIndex{\@ifstar,\@ifundefined,\@latex@error,\@minipagefalse,\@minipagetrue} % \DoNotIndex{\@namedef,\@nameuse} % \DoNotIndex{\@onlypreamble,\@parboxrestore,\@plus,\@ptionlist} % \DoNotIndex{\@removeelement,\@restorepar,\@secondoftwo,\@setminipage,\@setpar} % \DoNotIndex{\@tempa,\@tempboxa,\@tempdima,\@tempdimb,\@tempdimc,\@tempb,\@tempc} % \DoNotIndex{\@testopt} % \DoNotIndex{\@undefined,\@unprocessedoptions,\@unusedoptionlist} % \DoNotIndex{\p@,\z@} % \DoNotIndex{\active,\addtocounter,\addtolength,\advance,\aftergroup} % \DoNotIndex{\baselineskip,\begin,\begingroup,\bfseries,\box} % \DoNotIndex{\catcode,\centering,\changes,\csname,\def,\divide,\do,\downarrow} % \DoNotIndex{\edef,\else,\empty,\end,\endcsname,\endgraf,\endgroup,\expandafter} % \DoNotIndex{\fi,\footnotesize,\global} % \DoNotIndex{\hangindent,\hbox,\hfil,\hsize,\hskip,\hspace,\hss} % \DoNotIndex{\ifcase,\ifdim,\ifnum,\ifodd,\ifvoid,\ifvmode} % \DoNotIndex{\ifx,\ignorespaces,\itshape} % \DoNotIndex{\kernel@ifnextchar} % \DoNotIndex{\Large,\large,\leavevmode,\leftmargini,\leftskip,\let,\linewidth} % \DoNotIndex{\llap,\long,\m@ne,\margin,\mdseries,\message} % \DoNotIndex{\newcommand,\newdimen,\newlength,\newline,\newif,\newsavebox} % \DoNotIndex{\next,\nobreak,\nobreakspace,\noexpand,\noindent,\numberline} % \DoNotIndex{\normalcolor,\normalfont,\normalsize,\or,\par,\parbox,\parfillskip} % \DoNotIndex{\parindent,\parskip,\prevdepth,\protect,\protected@edef,\protected@write} % \DoNotIndex{\providecommand,\quad} % \DoNotIndex{\raggedleft,\raggedright,\relax,\renewcommand,\RequirePackage} % \DoNotIndex{\rightskip,\rmfamily} % \DoNotIndex{\sbox,\scriptsize,\scshape,\setbox,\setlength,\sffamily,\slshape} % \DoNotIndex{\small,\string,\space,\strut} % \DoNotIndex{\textheight,\the,\toks@,\typeout,\ttfamily} % \DoNotIndex{\unvbox,\uparrow,\upshape,\usebox,\usepackage} % \DoNotIndex{\value,\vbox,\vsize,\vskip,\wd,\width,\z@skip} % \DoNotIndex{\AtBeginDocument,\AtEndOfPackage,\CurrentOption,\DeclareOption} % \DoNotIndex{\ExecuteOptions,\GenericWarning,\IfFileExists,\InputIfFileExists} % \DoNotIndex{\NeedsTeXFormat,\MessageBreak} % \DoNotIndex{\PackageError,\PackageInfo,\PackageWarning,\PackageWarningNoLine} % \DoNotIndex{\PassOptionsToPackage,\ProcessOptions,\ProvidesPackage} % % \iffalse % --------------------------------------------------------------------------- % % \fi % % \setlength{\parskip}{0pt plus 1pt} % \renewcommand*\Note[2][Note]{\par{\small\emph{#1:} #2}\par} % \let\endNote\undefined % % \changes{v1.0}{1994/10/27}{First release} % \changes{v1.1}{1994/11/03}{New option \texttt{centerlast}} % \changes{v1.2}{1994/11/28}{Support of the \pkg{float} package} % \changes{v1.3}{1995/01/09}{Support of \cs{captionlabelfont} in subcaptions} % \changes{v1.4}{1995/01/30}{New option \texttt{nooneline}} % \changes{v1.4b}{1995/04/05}{Bugfix release} % \changes{v3.0}{2003/12/20}{Rewritten; many new commands and features} % \changes{v3.0d}{2004/11/28}{Split into two packages: \pkg{caption} \& \pkg{caption3}} % % \iffalse % --------------------------------------------------------------------------- % % \fi % % \clearpage % \section{The implementation} % % \iffalse %<*package> % \fi % % \subsection{Introduction} % % \Thispackage\ consists of two parts -- the kernel % (|caption3.sty|) and the main package (|caption.sty|). % % \Thispackage\ redefines the \LaTeX\ commands % |\caption|, |\@caption|, and |\@makecaption| and maps the latter one to % |\caption@@make|, giving the user the possibility to control the look \& feel % of the captions from floating environments like |figure| and |table|. % Furthermore it does similar to the caption stuff coming from other packages % (like the \pkg{longtable} or \pkg{supertabular} package): % Mapping the appropriate internal commands (like |\LT@makecaption| or % |\ST@caption|) to the ones offered by the \pkg{caption3} kernel. % So you can think of \thispackage\ as a layer package, it % simply provides adaptation layers between the caption stuff coming from % \LaTeXe\ or packages, and the caption stuff offered by the % \pkg{caption3} kernel. % % \subsection{Identification} % % We need at least \LaTeX2e\ version 1994/12/01. % \begin{macrocode} \NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e}[1994/12/01] % \end{macrocode} % % Bypass the release declarations in case the \LaTeX\ kernel doesn’t know how to deal with them % (as suggested by \url{https://www.latex-project.org/publications/2018-FMi-TUB-tb122mitt-version-rollback.pdf}). % \begin{macrocode} \providecommand\DeclareRelease[3]{} \providecommand\DeclareCurrentRelease[2]{} % \end{macrocode} % % Declare all supported releases. % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareRelease{v1}{1994-10-27}{caption_1995-04-05.sty} \DeclareRelease{v3.0}{2003-12-20}{caption_2007-04-16.sty} \DeclareRelease{v3.1}{2007-09-01}{caption_2010-01-09.sty} \DeclareRelease{v3.2}{2011-08-06}{caption_2011-11-10.sty} \DeclareRelease{v3.3}{2013-01-10}{caption_2019-09-01.sty} \DeclareRelease{v3.4}{2019-11-24}{caption_2020-07-29.sty} \DeclareRelease{v3.5}{2020-08-30}{caption_2020-10-26.sty} \DeclareCurrentRelease{v3.6}{2022-02-20} % \end{macrocode} % % Identify the current version of the package. % \begin{macrocode} \ProvidesPackage{caption}[2023/08/05 v3.6o Customizing captions (AR)] % \end{macrocode} % % \subsection{Loading the kernel} % % Load a matching version of the \pkg{caption} kernel. % \begin{macrocode} \RequirePackage{caption3}[2023/07/31] % needs v2.4d or newer % \end{macrocode} % % \subsection{Check against unknown document classes} % % \begin{macrocode} \caption@ifdocumentclass{unknown}% {\caption@WarningNoLine{% Unknown document class (or package),\MessageBreak standard defaults will be used}}% {} % \end{macrocode} % % \subsection{Check against incompatible packages} % % \changes{v3.0p}{2007/04/06}{Check against obsolete \pkg{caption2} package added} % \begin{macrocode} \@ifpackageloaded{caption2}{% \caption@Error{% You can't use both, the (obsolete) caption2 *and*\MessageBreak the (current) caption package}% \endinput }{} % \end{macrocode} % % Check against incompatible packages which used to work fine with \version{1} of the `caption' package. % \changes{v3.1}{2007/06/15}{Check against incompatible \pkg{ftcap} package added} % \changes{v3.1}{2007/06/15}{Check against incompatible \pkg{nonfloat} package added} % \changes{v3.1}{2007/06/18}{Check against incompatible \pkg{topcapt} package added} % \changes{v3.6}{2021/01/02}{Check against incompatible packages \pkg{ftcap}, \pkg{nonfloat}, and \pkg{topcapt} revised} % \begin{macrocode} \caption@AtBeginDocument{% \caption@setincompatible{\@ifpackageloaded{captcont}}{captcont package}% \caption@setincompatible{\@ifpackageloaded{ftcap}}{ftcap package}% \caption@setincompatible{\@ifpackageloaded{nonfloat}}{nonfloat package}% \caption@setincompatible{\@ifpackageloaded{topcapt}}{topcapt package}} % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macro}{\caption@setincompatible} % \changes{v3.4}{2019/09/09}{This macro added} % \changes{v3.6}{2020/12/22}{Adapted to fallback concept} % |\caption@setincompatible|\marg{condition}\marg{message text} % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*\caption@setincompatible[2]{% #1{% \caption@Error{% The #2 is incompatible to the\MessageBreak current version of the `caption' package,\MessageBreak so try \string\usepackage{caption}[=v1] instead}% }{}} \@onlypreamble\caption@setincompatible % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \subsection{Positioning} % % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareCaptionPosition{auto}{#2}{% \caption@ifsubcaption@above{#2}{% \ifvmode \caption@autoposition{#1}{#2}% \else #2% \fi}} % \end{macrocode} % % \subsection{Declaration of options} % % \subsubsection{Miscellaneous options} % % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareCaptionOption*{config}[caption]{% \InputIfFileExists{#1.cfg}% {\typeout{*** Local configuration file #1.cfg used ***}}% {\caption@Warning{Configuration file #1.cfg not found}}} % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macro}{\caption@selectlistentry} % \changes{v3.2}{2010/11/07}{This macro added} % |\caption@selectlistentry|\marg{\purett{heading} or \purett{entry}} % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*\caption@selectlistentry[1]{% \caption@ifinlist{#1}{heading}{% \let\caption@iflistheading\@firstoftwo }{\caption@ifinlist{#1}{default,list-entry,entry}{% \let\caption@iflistheading\@secondoftwo }{% \caption@Error{Undefined list-entry selection `#1'}% }}} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \changes{v3.3}{2012-03-25}{Option \opt{list-entry} added} % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareCaptionOption{list-entry}{\caption@selectlistentry{#1}} \captionsetup{list-entry=default} % \end{macrocode} % % \changes{v3.2}{2010/11/07}{Option \opt{parboxrestore} added} % \changes{v3.6}{2021/01/07}{(Undocumented) Option \opt{parboxrestore} removed} % % \changes{v3.1f}{2007/11/28}{Option \opt{@minipage=} added} % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareCaptionOption{@minipage}{% \caption@ifinlist{#1}{auto,default}% {\let\caption@if@minipage\@gobbletwo}% {\caption@set@bool\caption@if@minipage{#1}}} \captionsetup{@minipage=default} % \end{macrocode} % % \changes{v3.1}{2007/07/21}{Option `compatibility' added} % \changes{v3.1}{2007/09/01}{caption v1.x compatibility options revised} % \changes{v3.1d}{2007/10/24}{Bugfix 07-10-24 in caption v1.x$ compatibility options} % \changes{v3.5a}{2020/09/02}{caption v1.x compatibility options fixed} % \changes{v3.6}{2020/12/22}{Option `compatibility' adapted to fallback concept} % \changes{v3.6h}{2022/07/03}{Command \cs{caption@ifcompatibility} re-added} % % We only support boolean values for the |compatibility=| option % since these were the only one which were documented in the past. % % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareCaptionOption{compatibility}[1]{% \caption@ifinlist{#1}{1,true,yes,on}{% \caption@Error{% Obsolete compatibility value `#1',\MessageBreak please use either \string\usepackage{caption}[=v1]\MessageBreak or \string\usepackage{caption-light} instead}% }{\caption@ifinlist{#1}{0,false,no,off}{% \let\caption@ifcompatibility\@secondoftwo % not used; for backward compatibility only }{% \caption@Error{Undefined compatibility value `#1'}% }}} \@onlypreamble@key{caption}{compatibility} \caption@setbool{compatibility}{0} % default: Try not to be compatible to v1.x % \end{macrocode} % % \subsubsection{caption v1.x compatibility options} % % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareCaptionOptionNoValue*{normal}{% \caption@setup{format=plain,justification=justified}} \DeclareCaptionOptionNoValue*{isu}{% \caption@setup{format=hang,justification=justified}} \DeclareCaptionOptionNoValue*{hang}{% \caption@setup{format=hang,justification=justified}} \DeclareCaptionOptionNoValue*{center}{% \caption@setup{format=plain,justification=centering}} \DeclareCaptionOptionNoValue*{centerlast}{% \caption@setup{format=plain,justification=centerlast}} % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareCaptionOptionNoValue*{scriptsize}{\def\captionfont{\scriptsize}} \DeclareCaptionOptionNoValue*{footnotesize}{\def\captionfont{\footnotesize}} \DeclareCaptionOptionNoValue*{small}{\def\captionfont{\small}} \DeclareCaptionOptionNoValue*{normalsize}{\def\captionfont{\normalsize}} \DeclareCaptionOptionNoValue*{large}{\def\captionfont{\large}} \DeclareCaptionOptionNoValue*{Large}{\def\captionfont{\Large}} % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareCaptionOptionNoValue*{up}{\caption@setup{labelfont+=up}} \DeclareCaptionOptionNoValue*{it}{\caption@setup{labelfont+=it}} \DeclareCaptionOptionNoValue*{sl}{\caption@setup{labelfont+=sl}} \DeclareCaptionOptionNoValue*{sc}{\caption@setup{labelfont+=sc}} \DeclareCaptionOptionNoValue*{md}{\caption@setup{labelfont+=md}} \DeclareCaptionOptionNoValue*{bf}{\caption@setup{labelfont+=bf}} \DeclareCaptionOptionNoValue*{rm}{\caption@setup{labelfont+=rm}} \DeclareCaptionOptionNoValue*{sf}{\caption@setup{labelfont+=sf}} \DeclareCaptionOptionNoValue*{tt}{\caption@setup{labelfont+=tt}} % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareCaptionOptionNoValue*{nooneline}{\caption@setup{slc=0}} % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} \caption@setbool{ruled}{0} \DeclareCaptionOptionNoValue*{ruled}{\caption@setbool{ruled}{1}} % \end{macrocode} % % \subsubsection{caption2 v2.x compatibility options} % \changes{v3.0h}{2005/07/08}{caption2 \version{2.x} compatibility options added} % \changes{v3.1}{2007/09/01}{caption2 v2.x compatibility options revised} % \changes{v3.1d}{2007/10/24}{Bugfix 07-10-24 in caption v2.x$ compatibility options} % \changes{v3.5a}{2020/09/02}{caption v2.x compatibility options fixed} % % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareCaptionOptionNoValue*{flushleft}{% \caption@setup{format=plain,justification=raggedright}} \DeclareCaptionOptionNoValue*{flushright}{% \caption@setup{format=plain,justification=raggedleft}} % \end{macrocode} % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareCaptionOptionNoValue*{oneline}{\caption@setup{slc=1}} % \end{macrocode} % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareCaptionOptionNoValue*{ignoreLTcapwidth}{% \caption@WarningNoLine{Obsolete option `ignoreLTcapwidth' ignored}} % \end{macrocode} % % \subsubsection{Obsolete caption v3.0 options} % \changes{v3.1}{2007/05/07}{Package option \opt{caption} marked as obsolete, % gives error now} % % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareCaptionOption*{caption}{% \caption@setbool{temp}{#1}% \caption@ifbool{temp}{}{% \caption@Error{% The package option `caption=#1' is obsolete.\MessageBreak Please pass this option to the subfig package instead\MessageBreak and do *not* load the caption package anymore}}} % \end{macrocode} % % \subsubsection{fltpage package support options} % % \changes{v3.1}{2007/09/01}{Options `FPlist' \& `FPref' added} % With these options is controlled where the list-of entry and |\ref| or % |\pageref| or |\autoref| will link to. % Defaults are |FPlist=caption| and |FPref=figure| which is inconsistent, % but compatible to the usual behaviour of the \pkg{fltpage} package. % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareCaptionOption{FPlist}[1]{\caption@setFPoption{list}{#1}} \DeclareCaptionOption{FPref}[1]{\caption@setFPoption{ref}{#1}} \@onlypreamble@key{caption}{FPlist} \@onlypreamble@key{caption}{FPref} % \end{macrocode} % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*\caption@setFPoption[2]{% \edef\caption@tempa{\@car#2\@nil}% \caption@setbool{FP#1cap}{\if c\caption@tempa 1\else 0\fi}} \@onlypreamble\caption@setFPoption % \end{macrocode} % \begin{macrocode} \captionsetup{FPlist=caption,FPref=figure} % \end{macrocode} % % \subsubsection{hyperref package support options} % % \changes{v3.1}{2007/06/21}{Options `hypcap' \& `hypcapspace' added} % With |hypcap=off| one can turn the \pkg{hypcap} support off % (default is |on|). % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareCaptionOption{hypcap}[1]{\caption@setbool{hypcap}{#1}} \DeclareCaptionOption{hypcapspace}{\def\caption@hypcapspace{#1}} % \end{macrocode} % \begin{macrocode} \captionsetup{hypcap=1,hypcapspace=.5\baselineskip} % \end{macrocode} % % \subsection{Document class support} % % Execute the code declared with |\At|\-|Caption|\-|Package|. % We do this right before processing the options so stuff done with % |\At|\-|Caption|\-|Package| could be overwritten by user options. % % \begin{macrocode} \caption@documentclass@code \let\caption@documentclass@code\@undefined \let\AtCaptionPackage\@firstofone % \end{macrocode} % % \subsection{Processing of options} % % \changes{v3.0m}{2007/03/04}{Verbose option added} % \changes{v3.1}{2007/07/02}{Verbose option removed from package} % \changes{v3.1}{2007/03/17}{We do not process global options anymore} % % \begin{macrocode} \caption@SetupOptions{caption}{\caption@setkeys{#1}{#2}} \caption@ProcessOptions*{caption} % \end{macrocode} % % \subsection{\cs{caption}, \cs{@caption}, and \cs{@makecaption}} % % \begin{macro}{\caption@flags} % \changes{v3.3}{2018/08/08}{This counter and associated macros added} % Since we support continued floats and sub-figures it's not an easy task % to manage the figure (and table) counter, especially since previous versions % of the caption package have proven that correcting a counter locally is not a good idea, % and to make it dependent on the |position=| setting (like the \pkg{subfig} package does) % is not a good idea, either. % % In the past three boolean switches were used to store the flags, but since some % packages (like the \pkg{floatrow} and \pkg{tabu} package) try hard to keep % \LaTeX{} counter changes locally under certain circumstances, it seems a good idea to make % these flags a \LaTeX{} counter value. % % See also: % \url{https://gitlab.com/axelsommerfeldt/caption/-/issues/27} and % \url{https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/444942/subcaptionbox-in-tabu-wrong-numbering-of-subfigures} % % \begin{macrocode} \newcounter{caption@flags} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\caption@clrflags} % \changes{v3.3}{2018/08/08}{This macro added} % |\caption@clrflags| clears all flags. % Note that we have to use |\set|\-|counter| here (instead of using \TeX{} primitives) % since some packages re-define |\set|\-|counter| to keep counter changes local. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*\caption@clrflags{% \setcounter{caption@flags}{0}} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\caption@ifflags} % \changes{v3.6}{2020/12/28}{This macro added} % |\caption@ifflags|\marg{yes-code}\marg{no-code}\\ % tests if any of the flags is set. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*\caption@ifflags{% \ifcase\c@caption@flags \expandafter\@secondoftwo \else \expandafter\@firstoftwo \fi} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\caption@setflag} % \changes{v3.3}{2013/04/14}{This macro added} % \changes{v3.3}{2018/08/08}{Rewritten so a counter is used instead of a switch} % |\caption@setflag|\marg{number}\\ % sets the flag with the given number (where \meta{number} is one of 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, \ldots). % Note that we have to use |\add|\-|to|\-|counter| here (instead of |\advance|) % since some packages re-define |\add|\-|to|\-|counter| to keep counter changes local. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*\caption@setflag[1]{% \caption@ifflag{#1}{}{\addtocounter{caption@flags}{#1}}} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\caption@ifflag} % \changes{v3.3}{2011/12/28}{This switch added} % \changes{v3.3}{2018/08/08}{Rewritten (and renamed) so a counter is used instead of a switch} % |\caption@ifflag|\marg{number}\marg{yes-code}\marg{no-code}\\ % tests if the flag with the given number is set (where \meta{number} is one of 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, \ldots). % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*\caption@ifflag[1]{% \@tempcnta\c@caption@flags \divide\@tempcnta #1\relax \ifodd\@tempcnta \expandafter\@firstoftwo \else \expandafter\@secondoftwo \fi} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\caption@setcontinued} % \changes{v3.6}{2020/09/20}{This macro added} % |\caption@setcontinued| sets the `continued float' flag, i.e. |\continued|\-|float| was used. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*\caption@setcontinued{\caption@setflag1} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\caption@ifcontinued} % \changes{v3.3}{2011/12/28}{This switch added} % \changes{v3.3}{2018/08/08}{\cs{ifcaption@ContinuedFloat} replaced by \cs{caption@ifflag1}} % \changes{v3.6}{2020/09/20}{Revived as \cs{caption@ifcontinued}} % |\caption@if|\-|continued|\marg{yes-code}\marg{no-code}\\ % tests if the `continued float' flag is set. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*\caption@ifcontinued{\caption@ifflag1} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\caption@setcaption} % \changes{v3.6}{2020/09/20}{This macro added} % |\caption@setcaption| sets the `caption' flag, i.e. |\caption|, |\phantom|\-|caption|, or |\caption|\-|list|\-|entry| was used. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*\caption@setcaption{\caption@setflag2} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\caption@ifcaption} % \changes{v3.3}{2011/12/28}{This switch added} % \changes{v3.3}{2018/08/08}{\cs{ifcaption@caption} replaced by \cs{caption@ifflag2}} % \changes{v3.6}{2020/09/20}{Revived as \cs{caption@ifcaption}} % |\caption@if|\-|caption|\marg{yes-code}\marg{no-code}\\ % tests if the `caption' flag is set. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*\caption@ifcaption{\caption@ifflag2} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\caption@setsubcaption} % \changes{v3.6}{2020/09/20}{This macro added} % |\caption@setsubcaption| sets the `subcaption' flag, i.e. |\subcaption|, |\subcaptionbox|, \ldots was used. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*\caption@setsubcaption{% \caption@ifcaption{\caption@setflag8}{\caption@setflag4}} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\caption@ifsubcaption@above} % \changes{v3.3}{2011/12/28}{This switch added} % \changes{v3.3}{2018/08/08}{\cs{ifcaption@subcaption} replaced by \cs{caption@ifflag4}} % \changes{v3.6}{2020/09/20}{Revived as \cs{caption@ifsubcaption@above} and \cs{caption@ifsubcaption@below}} % |\caption@if|\-|sub|\-|caption@above|\marg{yes-code}\marg{no-code}\\ % tests if the `subcaption' flag was set before the `caption' flag was set, i.e. a sub-caption was typeset \emph{above} the corresponding caption. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*\caption@ifsubcaption@above{\caption@ifflag4} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\caption@ifsubcaption@below} % \changes{v3.3}{2011/12/28}{This switch added} % \changes{v3.3}{2018/08/08}{\cs{ifcaption@subcaption} replaced by \cs{caption@ifflag4}} % \changes{v3.6}{2020/09/20}{Revived as \cs{caption@ifsubcaption@above} and \cs{caption@ifsubcaption@below}} % |\caption@if|\-|sub|\-|caption@below|\marg{yes-code}\marg{no-code}\\ % tests if the `subcaption' flag was set after the `caption' flag was set, i.e. a sub-caption was typeset \emph{below} the corresponding caption. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*\caption@ifsubcaption@below{\caption@ifflag8} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\caption@caption} % \changes{v3.0f}{2005/05/22}{Bugfix: \cs{ContinuedFloat} added} % \changes{v3.0f}{2005/06/13}{Support of \cs{caption*[]} removed} % \changes{v3.0l}{2007/01/19}{Minimal support of \textsf{combine} package added} % \changes{v3.1}{2007/02/04}{Re-written, does not save \& use original definition anymore} % \changes{v3.6}{2022/01/05}{Usage of \cs{caption@Error} replaced by \cs{caption@OutsideFloat}} % Here comes our definition of |\caption| and |\caption*|. % Beside the support of the starred variant this code was adapted to the % various packages we support. % We are using |\caption@dblarg| instead of |\@dblarg| so |\caption{}| % (with an empty arg.) will produce a list-of entry, but |\caption[]{}| % won't. % \begin{macrocode} \def\caption@caption{% \caption@iftype {\caption@checkgrouplevel\@empty\caption \caption@star {\caption@refstepcounter\@captype}% {\caption@dblarg{\@caption\@captype}}}% {\caption@OutsideFloat\caption \caption@withoptargs\@gobbletwo}} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\caption@OutsideFloat} % \changes{v3.6}{2022/01/05}{This macro added} % |\caption@OutsideFloat}| issues a ``\meta{command} outside float'' error. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*\caption@OutsideFloat[1]{% \caption@Error{\string#1 outside float}} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\caption@star} % \changes{v3.1}{2007/06/24}{Renamed from \cs{caption@caption} to \cs{caption@star}} % \changes{v3.2c}{2011/08/21}{\cs{global} removed} % A helper macro which processes the optional |*| after |\caption|. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*\caption@star[2]{% \@ifstar{\caption@startrue#2[]}{#1#2}} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\caption@@caption} % \changes{v3.1}{2007/02/04}{Re-written, does not save\&use original definition anymore} % \changes{v3.1f}{2007/11/28}{Bugfix: Handling of \texttt{@minipage} flag added} % \changes{v3.1f}{2007/11/28}{Support of option \opt{@minipage} added} % \changes{v3.1g}{2008/03/16}{Internal: Uses \cs{caption@prepareanchor} now} % \changes{v3.2d}{2011/10/21}{Adapted to the \textsf{memoir} document class} % \changes{v3.2f}{2012/01/14}{Usage of \cs{M@gettitle} moved to \cs{caption@prepareanchor}} % \changes{v3.3}{2013/01/06}{Adapted to the \textsf{nag} package} % \changes{v3.6}{2022/01/06}{Usage of \cs{caption@nobreak} added to improve \textsf{beamer} document class support} % As above, our version has been adapted to the packages we support. % Additionally our code is nested by |\caption@begin|\-|ex| \& % |\caption@end| instead of |\begin|\-|group| \& |\end|\-|group|. % Furthermore we use |\caption@par|\-|box|\-|restore| instead of % |\@parbox|\-|restore|. % \begin{macrocode} \long\def\caption@@caption#1[#2]#3{% % \end{macrocode} % \begin{macrocode} \ifcaption@star \else \caption@prepareanchor{#1}{#2}% \memcaptioninfo{#1}{\csname the#1\endcsname}{#2}{#3}% \@nameuse{nag@hascaptiontrue}% \fi % \end{macrocode} % \begin{macrocode} \par \caption@nobreak \caption@beginex{#1}{#2}{#3}% \caption@setfloatcapt{% \caption@parboxrestore \if@minipage \@setminipage \fi \caption@normalsize \ifcaption@star \let\caption@makeanchor\@firstofone \fi \@makecaption{\csname fnum@#1\endcsname}% {\ignorespaces\caption@makeanchor{#3}}\par \caption@nobreak \caption@if@minipage\@minipagetrue\@minipagefalse}% \caption@end} % \end{macrocode} % \cls{memoir} document class stuff: % \begin{macrocode} \providecommand\memcaptioninfo[4]{} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\caption@prepareanchor} % \changes{v3.1g}{2008/03/16}{This macro added} % \changes{v3.2f}{2012/01/14}{Usage of \cs{M@gettitle} moved from \cs{caption@@caption}} % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*\caption@prepareanchor[2]{% \caption@makecurrent{#1}{#2}% \caption@ifhypcap\caption@@start\relax \M@gettitle{#2}} % \end{macrocode} % \cls{memoir} document class stuff: % \begin{macrocode} \providecommand\M@gettitle[1]{} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\caption@nobreak} % \changes{v3.6}{2022/01/06}{This macro added} % |\caption@nobreak| for use in places where |\@caption| or |\beamer@makecaption| does |\nobreak|. % It's defined to do nothing unless the \cls{beamer} document class is used. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*\caption@nobreak{} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\caption@parboxrestore} % \changes{v3.1}{2007/03/03}{This macro definition added} % \changes{v3.1b}{2007/09/17}{Bugfix: Redefinition of CR added} % \changes{v3.2}{2010/11/07}{Support of option \opt{parboxrestore} added} % \changes{v3.5g}{2020/10/26}{New implementation; renamed from \cs{caption@boxrestore} to \cs{caption@parboxrestore}} % \changes{v3.6}{2021/01/02}{Always uses \cs{@parboxrestore} now} % |\caption@parboxrestore| simply expands to |\@par|\-|box|\-|restore|. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*\caption@parboxrestore{\@parboxrestore} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\caption@makecaption} % \changes{v3.1i}{2008/05/06}{Usage of \cs{caption@rule} added} % \changes{v3.6}{2022/01/06}{Usage of \cs{caption@nobreak} added to improve \textsf{beamer} document class support} % |\@makecaption|\marg{label}\marg{text}\par % We do basically the same as the original code (from the standard % \LaTeX\ document classes), but take care of the |position=| setting % and use |\caption@@make| from the \pkg{caption} kernel to finally % typeset the caption. % \begin{macrocode} \long\def\caption@makecaption#1#2{% \caption@nobreak \caption@make@above \caption@nobreak \caption@@make{#1}{#2}% \caption@nobreak \caption@make@below \caption@nobreak} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\caption@make@above} % \begin{macro}{\caption@make@below} % \changes{v3.3a}{2019/04/02}{This macro added} % |\caption@make@above|\\ % |\caption@make@below|\par % Typesets the stuff above or below the caption, depending on |\caption@iftop|. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*\caption@make@above{% \caption@iftop \caption@belowskip {\caption@rule\caption@aboveskip}} % \end{macrocode} % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*\caption@make@below{% \caption@iftop {\caption@aboveskip\caption@rule}% \caption@belowskip} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\caption@redefine} % \changes{v3.1}{2007/05/09}{Re-definition of \cs{@xfloat} added} % \changes{v3.1b}{2007/09/22}{cs{@xfloat} will now be redefined in compatibility mode, too} % \changes{v3.1k}{2009/03/30}{The macro \cs{caption@redefine} contains the patching code now} % \changes{v3.5}{2020/08/30}{Re-definition of \cs{@xdblfloat} added} % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*\caption@redefine{% % \end{macrocode} % Prior to \version{3.4} we only redefined |\caption| and |\@caption| if the current definitions % were well known, so documents written in the old (\pkg{caption} package \version{1.x}) days % (where |\caption| \& |\@caption| were not redefined by us) still compiled fine. % This used to make sense when introducing \version{3.0} in the year 2003 % but is simply overcautious and especially unwanted by the user nowadays. % So starting with \version{3.4} we only do not redefine |\caption| and |\@caption| if the % `compatibility' option is set to `true', and starting with \version{3.6} we always redefine them. % \begin{macrocode} \let\caption\caption@caption \let\@caption\caption@@caption % \end{macrocode} % We redefine |\@x|\-|float| so inside floating environments our % type-specific options will be used, a \pkg{hyperref} % anchor will be set etc. % \begin{macrocode} \let\caption@ORI@xfloat\@xfloat \let\@xfloat\caption@xfloat % \end{macrocode} % We redefine |\@xdbl|\-|float|, too, so special options for |figure*| % or |table*| will be applied here. % \begin{macrocode} \let\caption@ORI@xdblfloat\@xdblfloat \let\@xdblfloat\caption@xdblfloat % \end{macrocode} % \begin{macrocode} } % \end{macrocode} % Some packages (like the \pkg{hyperref} package for example) redefines % |\caption| and |\@caption|, too. % So we have to use |\At|\-|Begin|\-|Document| here, so we can make sure % our definition is the one which will be valid at last. % \begin{macrocode} \caption@AtBeginDocument{% \caption@redefine \let\caption@redefine\relax} % \end{macrocode} % The redefinition of |\@make|\-|caption| will be done immediately. % \begin{macrocode} \let\@makecaption\caption@makecaption % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\caption@xfloat} % \changes{v3.1}{2007/05/09}{Re-definition of \cs{@xfloat} added} % \changes{v3.5}{2020/08/30}{Definition and usage of \cs{caption@xfloat@hook} added} % \changes{v3.6}{2020/12/27}{Re-definition of \cs{@xfloat} put into \cs{caption@xfloat}} % \begin{macrocode} \def\caption@xfloat#1[#2]{% \caption@ORI@xfloat{#1}[#2]% \caption@settype{#1}% \caption@setanchor \caption@xfloat@hook} % \end{macrocode} % Hook, could be extended with |\g@addto@macro\caption@x|\-|float@hook{|\ldots|}|. % (The caption type could be found in |\@cap|\-|type|.) % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*\caption@xfloat@hook{} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\caption@xdblfloat} % \changes{v3.5}{2020/08/30}{Re-definition of \cs{@xdblfloat} added} % \changes{v3.5}{2020/08/30}{Definition and usage of \cs{caption@xdblfloat@hook} added} % \changes{v3.6}{2020/12/27}{Re-definition of \cs{@xdblfloat} put into \cs{caption@xdblfloat}} % \begin{macrocode} \def\caption@xdblfloat#1[#2]{% \caption@ORI@xdblfloat{#1}[#2]% expands to \@xfloat{#1}[#2] + extra stuff \caption@setoptions{#1*}% \caption@xdblfloat@hook} % \end{macrocode} % Hook, could be extended with |\g@addto@macro\caption@xdbl|\-|float@hook{|\ldots|}|. % (The caption type could be found in |\@cap|\-|type|.) % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*\caption@xdblfloat@hook{} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \subsection{\cs{setcaptiontype} and \cs{setcaptionsubtype}} % % \changes{v3.0d}{2004/08/03}{Option \opt{type=} added} % \changes{v3.1}{2007/06/25}{Option \opt{type*=} added} % \changes{v3.1f}{2007/11/16}{Option \opt{subtype} \& \opt{subtype*} added} % \changes{v3.2}{2010/10/24}{Bugfix 10-10-17: Option \opt{type=} uses \cs{setcaptiontype} instead of \cs{caption@settype} now} % % \begin{macrocode} \caption@AtBeginDocument{% % \end{macrocode} % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareCaptionOption{type}{\setcaptiontype{#1}}% \DeclareCaptionOption{type*}{\setcaptiontype*{#1}}% % \end{macrocode} % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareCaptionOptionNoValue{subtype}{\setcaptionsubtype\relax}% \DeclareCaptionOptionNoValue{subtype*}{\setcaptionsubtype*}% % \end{macrocode} % \begin{macrocode} } % \end{macrocode} % % \emph{Important Note:} % Like |\captionof| the option |type=| should only be used inside a % group, box, or environment and does not check if the argument is a valid % floating environment or not. % % \begin{macro}{\setcaptiontype} % \changes{v3.2}{2010/10/24}{This macro added} % \changes{v3.5}{2020/08/24}{Definition method adapted to the \pkg{caption-light} package} % \changes{v3.6}{2022/02/20}{Optional argument added} % \changes{v3.6e}{2022/04/17}{Re-written, task sequence corrected} % \changes{v3.6f}{2022/04/18}{\cs{@ifnextchar} replaced by \cs{kernel@ifnextchar}} % |\setcaptiontype*|\oarg{additional options}\marg{type}\\ % Like |\captionsetup{type=|\meta{type}|}|, but also works if |\caption|\-|setup| was redefined. % The non-starred version sets a \pkg{hyperref} anchor additionally % (if |hypcap=|\-|true| and the \pkg{hypcap} package is not loaded). % \begin{macrocode} \def\setcaptiontype{% \caption@teststar\@setcaptiontype\@gobble\@iden} % \end{macrocode} % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*\@setcaptiontype[1]{% \kernel@ifnextchar[%] {\@setcaptiontype@#1}% {\@@setcaptiontype#1\relax}} % \end{macrocode} % \begin{macrocode} \def\@setcaptiontype@#1[#2]{% \@@setcaptiontype{#1}{\caption@setoptions{#2}}} % \end{macrocode} % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*\@@setcaptiontype[3]{% \caption@settype{#3}#2% \caption@parboxrestore@light #1\caption@setanchor} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\caption@settype} % \changes{v3.1}{2007/05/09}{This macro added} % \changes{v3.1b}{2007/09/22}{Usage of \cs{caption@xlabel} added} % \changes{v3.1d}{2007/10/23}{Error message for \cs{caption@checkgrouplevel} revised} % \changes{v3.1f}{2007/12/03}{Crappy \cs{caption@iftypewarning} replaced} % \changes{v3.1g}{2008/01/12}{Usage of \cs{ifcaptionsetup@star} added} % \changes{v3.2}{2010/10/26}{Error message moved from here to \cs{caption@refstepcounter}} % \changes{v3.3}{2011/12/28}{Resetting of \cs{ifcaption@caption} and \cs{ifcaption@subcaption} added} % \changes{v3.4e}{2020/01/02}{Checks added to prevent misuse regading subtypes} % \changes{v3.4e}{2020/01/02}{Check added if the subtype is defined} % \changes{v3.5d}{2020/09/28}{This macro revised} % \changes{v3.6}{2020/12/27}{Some code out-sourced to \cs{caption@reset@currentlabel}} % \changes{v3.6}{2021/01/02}{Usage of \cs{caption@initposition} added} % \changes{v3.6}{2021/01/09}{Usage of \cs{flushsubcaptionlistentries} added} % \changes{v3.6e}{2022/04/17}{Starred variant and optional argument removed} % \changes{v3.6g}{2022/04/18}{Usage of \cs{ifcaptionsetup@star} removed} % |\caption@settype|\marg{type}\\ % sets |\@captype| and executes the options associated with it % (using |\caption@set|\-|options|). % Furthermore we check |\current|\-|group|\-|level| (if avail), and % use the macro |\caption@|(|sub|)|type|\-|hook| (which will be used by our % \pkg{float} package support).\par % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*\caption@settype{% \caption@initposition \caption@clrflags \aftergroup\flushsubcaptionlistentries \caption@@settype{}} % \end{macrocode} % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*\caption@@settype[2]{% % #1 = "" or "sub" % #2 = <type>, e.g.: "figure" or "subfigure" \caption@Debug{#1type:=#2}% \@nameuse{caption@check#1type}{#2}% {\caption@checkgrouplevel{#1}{\setcaption#1type}% % \end{macrocode} % \begin{macrocode} \edef\caption@tempa{#2}% \expandafter\ifx\csname @#1captype\endcsname\caption@tempa \else \@nameuse{caption@#1type@warning}% \fi \expandafter\let\csname @#1captype\endcsname\caption@tempa % \end{macrocode} % \begin{macrocode} \@nameuse{caption@#1typehook}% % \end{macrocode} % \begin{macrocode} \caption@setoptions{#2}% \ifx\caption@opt\relax \@nameundef{caption@#1type@warning}% \else \@namedef{caption@#1type@warning}{\caption@Warning{% The #1type was already set to `\csname @#1captype\endcsname'\MessageBreak}}% \fi}} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\setcaptionsubtype} % \changes{v3.2a}{2011/08/15}{This macro added} % \changes{v3.5d}{2020/09/28}{This macro revised} % \changes{v3.6}{2022/01/05}{Usage of \cs{caption@Error} replaced by \cs{caption@OutsideFloat}} % \changes{v3.6}{2022/01/07}{Multiple use is suppressed now by checking \cs{caption@ifsubtype}} % \changes{v3.6e}{2022/04/17}{Re-written} % |\setcaptionsubtype*|\\ % Like |\captionsetup{subtype}|, but also works if |\caption|\-|setup| was redefined. % Sets |\@sub|\-|cap|\-|type| and executes the options associated with it. % The non-starred version sets a \pkg{hyperref} anchor additionally % (if |hypcap=|\-|true| and the \pkg{hypcap} package is not loaded). % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*\setcaptionsubtype{% \caption@teststar\@setcaptionsubtype\@gobble\@iden} % \end{macrocode} % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*\@setcaptionsubtype[1]{% \caption@iftype {\caption@ifsubtype {\caption@Debug{type=\@captype, subtype=\@subcaptype}}% {\caption@@settype{sub}{sub\@captype}% #1\caption@setanchor}}% {\caption@OutsideFloat\setcaptionsubtype}} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\caption@parboxrestore@light} % \changes{v3.2}{2010/10/24}{This macro added} % \changes{v3.5g}{2020/10/26}{Renamed from \cs{caption@boxrestore@mini} to \cs{caption@parboxrestore@mini}} % \changes{v3.6}{2021/01/02}{Renamed from \cs{caption@parboxrestore@mini} to \cs{caption@parboxrestore@light}} % Resets |\par| so the very first |\par| in |\@caption| behaves quite the same as in floating environments. % Will be used by |\set|\-|caption|\-|type|. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*\caption@parboxrestore@light{% \let\par\@@par \parindent\z@ \parskip\z@skip \sloppy} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\caption@setanchor} % \changes{v3.6e}{2022/04/17}{Code extracted from \cs{caption@settype}} % |\caption@setanchor|\\ % sets a \pkg{hyperref} anchor. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*\caption@setanchor{% \caption@reset@currentlabel \caption@start} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\caption@reset@currentlabel} % \changes{v3.6}{2020/12/27}{This macro out-sourced from \cs{caption@settype}} % Redefine |\@currentlabel| so a |\label| before |\caption| will result % in a hint instead of a wrong reference. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*\caption@reset@currentlabel{% \let\@currentlabel\caption@undefinedlabel % \let\@currentHlabel\@undefined \ifx\caption@x@label\@undefined \let\caption@x@label\label \let\label\caption@xlabel \fi} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\caption@iftype} % \changes{v3.1}{2007/04/11}{This macro definition added} % Since we often need to check if |\@cap|\-|type| is defined (means: we % are inside a floating environment) this helper macro was introduced. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*\caption@iftype{\caption@ifdefined\@captype} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\caption@ifsubtype} % \changes{v3.6}{2022/01/07}{This macro definition added} % Since we often need to check if |\@sub|\-|cap|\-|type| is defined (means: we % are inside a sub-caption group of a floating environment) this helper macro was introduced. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*\caption@ifsubtype{\caption@ifdefined\@subcaptype} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\caption@checktype} % \changes{v3.4g}{2020/01/02}{This macro definition added} % \changes{v3.4m}{2020/07/29}{Check of \cs{sf@counterlist} from \pkg{subfig} package added} % |\caption@checktype|\marg{type}\marg{code}\par % is used by |\caption@settype| and should either expand the code or issue an error % if the given type is not a proper type, i.e. it is a sub-type instead (either defined by % |\DeclareCaptionSubType| or |\newsubfloat|\cite{subfig}). % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*\caption@checktype[1]{% \caption@ifdefined@subtype{#1}\@firstoftwo{\caption@ifin@list\sf@counterlist{#1}}% {\caption@Error{Should not be used with subtype `#1'}% \@gobble}% \@firstofone} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\caption@checksubtype} % \changes{v3.4g}{2020/01/02}{This macro definition added} % \changes{v3.4m}{2020/07/29}{Check of \cs{sf@counterlist} from \pkg{subfig} package added} % \changes{v3.6c}{2022/04/06}{Check of \cs{sf@counterlist} from \pkg{subfig} package removed} % \changes{v3.6c}{2022/04/06}{Usage of \cs{caption@subtypesource} added} % |\caption@checksubtype|\marg{type}\marg{code}\par % is used by |\caption@settype| and should either expand the code or issue an error % if the given type is not a proper sub-type, i.e. not defined by |\Declare|\-|Caption|\-|Sub|\-|Type|. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*\caption@checksubtype[1]{% \caption@ifdefined@subtype{#1}% \@firstofone {\@ifundefined{c@#1}% {\caption@Error{Undefined counter `#1'}}% {\caption@subtypesource\caption@subtype@source{#1}% \caption@Error{The counter `#1' was defined by\MessageBreak\caption@subtype@source}}% \@gobble}} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\caption@checkgrouplevel} % \changes{v3.1}{2007/07/15}{This macro definition added} % \changes{v3.1f}{2007/11/28}{Error changed to warning (compatibility)} % \changes{v3.3}{2013/04/21}{Uses \cs{caption@ifeTeX} now} % \changes{v3.5}{2019/09/11}{Relies on \eTeX{} now} % Checks if |\captionsetup{type=|\ldots|}| or |\caption| is done % inside a group or not -- in the latter case a warning message will % be issued. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*\caption@checkgrouplevel[2]{% \@ifundefined{#1caption@grouplevel}{% \caption@ifundefined\caption@grouplevel{\let\caption@grouplevel\z@}{}% \ifnum\currentgrouplevel>\caption@grouplevel\relax \expandafter\edef\csname #1caption@grouplevel\endcsname{% \the\currentgrouplevel}% \else \caption@Warning{\string#2\MessageBreak outside box or environment}% \fi }{}}% % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\caption@undefinedlabel} % \changes{v3.1}{2007/07/03}{This macro definition added} % \changes{v3.1b}{2007/09/22}{Contents changed to \texttt{??}} % \changes{v3.1i}{2008/04/13}{Contents changed to \cs{caption@xref}(\ldots)} % \changes{v3.1k}{2009/03/30}{Bugfix 08-12-08: \cs{caption@xref} is robust now} % \changes{v3.2c}{2011/09/13}{Text changed from `before' to `without proper'} % \changes{v3.3}{2016/02/21}{Text changed from `without proper \cs{caption}' to `without proper reference'} % This label will be used for |\currentlabel| inside (floating) environments % as default. (see above) % \iffalse\Note{All commands used have to be robust here.}\fi % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*\caption@undefinedlabel{% \protect\caption@xref{\caption@labelname}{\on@line}} % \end{macrocode} % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareRobustCommand*\caption@xref[2]{% \caption@WarningNoLine{\noexpand\label without proper reference#2}% \@setref\relax\@undefined{#1}} % \end{macrocode} % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*\caption@labelname{??} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\caption@xlabel} % \changes{v3.1b}{2007/09/22}{This macro definition added} % \changes{v3.1f}{2007/11/11}{Revised} % \changes{v3.1i}{2008/04/13}{Bugfix: \cs{pageref} should always work now} % \changes{v3.2c}{2011/08/19}{Works with optional arguments now, too} % The new code of |\label| inside floating environments. % |\label| will be redefined using |\caption@withoptargs|, so % |#1| are the optional arguments (if any), and % |#2| is the mandatory argument here. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*\caption@xlabel{% \caption@withoptargs\caption@@xlabel} % \end{macrocode} % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*\caption@@xlabel[2]{% \caption@@@xlabel \def\caption@labelname{#2}% \caption@x@label#1{#2}} % \end{macrocode} % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*\caption@@@xlabel{% \global\let\caption@@@xlabel\@empty \@bsphack \protected@write\@auxout{}% {\string\providecommand*\string\caption@xref[2]{% \string\@setref\string\relax\string\@undefined{\string##1}}}% \@esphack} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\captionof} % \changes{v3.1}{2007/05/09}{Uses \cs{caption@settype} instead of \cs{def}\cs{@captype}} % \changes{v3.1c}{2007/09/22}{Bugfix: Redefinition of \cs{caption@setfloatcapt} removed} % \changes{v3.1e}{2007/10/30}{Better compatibility: Will be defined with \cs{AtBeginDocument} now} % \changes{v3.2}{2010/10/24}{Bugfix 10-10-17: Uses \cs{setcaptiontype} instead of \cs{caption@settype} now} % \changes{v3.5}{2020/08/24}{Definition method adapted to the \pkg{caption-light} package} % |\captionof|\marg{type}\oarg{lst\_entry}\marg{heading}\\ % |\captionof*|\oarg{lst\_entry}\marg{heading}\par % \Note{This will be defined with \cs{AtBeginDocument} so % \cs{usepackage}\csmarg{caption,capt-of} will still work. % (Compatibility to \version{1.x})} % \begin{macrocode} \caption@AtBeginDocument{% \def\captionof{\caption@teststar\caption@of{\caption*}\caption}} % \end{macrocode} % \begin{macrocode} \providecommand*\caption@of[2]{\setcaptiontype*{#2}#1} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \subsection{\cs{phantomcaption}} % % \begin{macro}{\phantomcaption} % \changes{v3.2}{2010/10/31}{Bugfix 10-09-01b: This macro added} % \changes{v3.6}{2022/01/05}{Usage of \cs{caption@Error} replaced by \cs{caption@OutsideFloat}} % |\phantomcaption|\par % increments the counter and generates an reference % which could be used with |\label|, but does not typeset anything. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*\phantomcaption{% \caption@iftype {\caption@refstepcounter\@captype}% {\caption@OutsideFloat\phantomcaption}} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \subsection{\cs{captionlistentry}} % % \begin{macro}{\captionlistentry} % \changes{v3.1}{2007/07/28}{This macro added} % \changes{v3.1f}{2007/11/16}{Bugfix 07-11-09: `space hack' added} % \changes{v3.1g}{2008/01/20}{Starred variant added} % \changes{v3.1l}{2010/01/09}{Adapted to current version of nameref package} % \changes{v3.6}{2020/12/27}{With optional argument \cs{caption@refstepcounter@} is used instead of \cs{caption@refstepcounter}} % \changes{v3.6}{2022/01/05}{Usage of \cs{caption@Error} replaced by \cs{caption@OutsideFloat}} % \changes{v3.6f}{2022/04/18}{\cs{@ifnextchar} replaced by \cs{kernel@ifnextchar}} % |\captionlistentry|\oarg{float type}\marg{list entry}\\ % |\captionlistentry*|\oarg{float type}\marg{list entry} % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*\captionlistentry{% \caption@teststar\caption@listentry\@firstoftwo\@secondoftwo} % \end{macrocode} % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*\caption@listentry[1]{% \kernel@ifnextchar[%] {\caption@listentry@{#1}}% {\caption@@listentry{#1}}} % \end{macrocode} % \begin{macrocode} \def\caption@listentry@#1[#2]{% \caption@@@listentry{#1}{#2}{\caption@refstepcounter@}} % \end{macrocode} % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*\caption@@listentry[1]{% \caption@iftype {\caption@@@listentry{#1}{\@captype}{\caption@refstepcounter}}% {\caption@OutsideFloat\captionlistentry \@gobble}} % \end{macrocode} % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*\caption@@@listentry[4]{% \@bsphack #1{\caption@gettitle{#4}}% {#3{#2}\caption@makecurrent{#2}{#4}}% \caption@addcontentsline{#2}{#4}% \@esphack} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \subsection{\cs{captiontext}} % % \begin{macro}{\captiontext} % \changes{v3.6}{2022/01/05}{This macro added} % \changes{v3.6}{2022/01/05}{Usage of \cs{caption@Error} replaced by \cs{caption@OutsideFloat}} % |\captiontext*|\oarg{number}\marg{text for caption}\par % typesets the caption without incrementing the counter, % without putting an entry into the list, and without skips. % The starred variant skips the single-line-check additionally % and does not use a box or parbox or margin. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*\captiontext{% \caption@iftype {\caption@text\@captype}% {\caption@OutsideFloat\captiontext \caption@withoptargs\@gobbletwo}} \newcommand*\caption@text[1]{% \caption@teststar{\caption@@text{#1}}\caption@@@make\caption@@make} \newcommand*\caption@@text[2]{% \kernel@ifnextchar[%] {\caption@@@text{#1}#2\@iden}% {\caption@@@text{#1}#2\@gobble[0]}} \long\def\caption@@@text#1#2#3[#4]#5{% \begingroup #3{\csname c@#1\endcsname #4\relax}% #2{\caption@fnum{#1}}{#5}% \endgroup} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \subsection{The \env{captiongroup} environment} % % \begin{environment}{captiongroup} % \changes{v3.6}{2022/02/20}{This environment definition added} % \env{captiongroup} is simply an environment containing |\set|\-|caption|\-|type|, that's all. % A starred variant of this environment is available, too, which uses |\set|\-|caption|\-|type*|. % \begin{macrocode} \newenvironment{captiongroup}{\setcaptiontype}{} \newenvironment{captiongroup*}{\setcaptiontype*}{} % \end{macrocode} % \end{environment} % % \subsubsection{The \env{captionblock} environment} % % \begin{macro}{\caption@minipage} % \changes{v3.6}{2022/02/20}{This macro definition added} % This is a \env{minipage} with |\set|\-|caption|\-|type| as first contents line. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*\caption@minipage{% \@testopt\caption@iminipage b} % \end{macrocode} % We pass all other optional arguments using the generic helper macro % |\caption@with|\-|opt|\-|args| offered by the \pkg{caption} kernel). % \begin{macrocode} \def\caption@iminipage[#1]{% \caption@withoptargs{\caption@iiminipage{#1}}} % \end{macrocode} % `B' and `T' will add a |\vspace{0pt}|, all other values (and additional % optional arguments) will be passed unseen to the |minipage| environment. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*\caption@iiminipage[3]{% \let\caption@endminipage@hook\@empty \if#1B% \minipage[b]#2{#3}% \def\caption@endminipage@hook{\vspace{0pt}}% \else\if#1T% \minipage[t]#2{#3}% \vspace{0pt}% \else \minipage[#1]#2{#3}% \fi\fi \@floatboxreset \setcaptiontype} % \end{macrocode} % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*\caption@endminipage{% \caption@endminipage@hook \endminipage} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{environment}{captionblock} % \changes{v3.6}{2022/02/20}{This environment definition added} % \env{captionblock} is a \env{minipage} with |\set|\-|caption|\-|type| as first contents line. % \begin{macrocode} \newenvironment{captionblock}{\caption@minipage}{\caption@endminipage} % \end{macrocode} % \end{environment} % % \subsection{\cs{captionbox}} % % \begin{macro}{\captionbox} % \changes{v3.2}{2010/12/17}{This macro added} % \changes{v3.2a}{2011/08/16}{\cs{captionsetup} replaces with \cs{captionbox@settype} and \cs{caption@setposition}} % \changes{v3.3}{2012/04/09}{Adapted to revised version of \cs{caption@withoptargs}} % \changes{v3.3}{2017/03/19}{When used with fixed witdh the content will not be hboxed anymore} % \changes{v3.3c}{2019/09/01}{Adapted so it could be used by \cs{subfloat} offered by \pkg{subcaption}} % \changes{v3.5}{2020/07/28}{Adapted to \pkg{caption3} v2.0} % \changes{v3.6}{2020/12/24}{Check of argument \meta{inner-pos} added} % A |\parbox| with contents and caption, separated by an invisible |\hrule|. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*\captionbox{% \caption@withoptargs{\caption@ibox\@gobble}} % \end{macrocode} % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand\caption@ibox[3]{% \kernel@ifnextchar[%] {\caption@iibox{#1}{#2}{#3}}% {\caption@iibox@{#1}{#2}{#3}}} % \end{macrocode} % \begin{macrocode} \long\def\caption@iibox#1#2#3[#4]{% \@testopt{\caption@iiibox{#1}{#2}{#3}[{#4}]}\captionbox@innerpos@default} % \end{macrocode} % \begin{macrocode} \long\def\caption@iibox@#1#2#3#4{% \setbox\@tempboxa\hbox{#4}% \caption@iiibox{#1}{#2}{#3}[\wd\@tempboxa][\captionbox@innerpos@default]{\unhbox\@tempboxa}} % \end{macrocode} % \begin{macrocode} \long\def\caption@iiibox#1{% \caption@iiiibox{#1}\vbox\vtop} % \end{macrocode} % \begin{macrocode} \long\def\caption@iiiibox#1#2#3#4#5[#6][#7]#8{% \caption@checkdecl{justification}{#7}{% \begingroup #1*% set \caption@position \caption@iftop{% \endgroup \parbox[t]{#6}{% #1\relax \caption@setposition t% #2{\caption#4{#5}}% \captionbox@hrule \csname caption@justification@#7\endcsname #8}% }{% \endgroup \parbox[b]{#6}{% #1\relax \caption@setposition b% \csname caption@justification@#7\endcsname #8% \captionbox@hrule #3{\caption#4{#5}}}% }}} % \end{macrocode} % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*\captionbox@innerpos@default{c} \newcommand*\captionbox@hrule{\hrule\@height\z@\relax} % \end{macrocode} % \begin{macrocode} \providecommand*\caption@justification@c{\centering} \providecommand*\caption@justification@l{\raggedright} \providecommand*\caption@justification@r{\raggedleft} \providecommand*\caption@justification@s{} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \subsection{\cs{continuedfloat}} % % \begin{macro}{\c@continuedfloat} % \changes{v3.4}{2015/09/16}{Counter renamed from \cs{ContinuedFloat} to \cs{continuedfloat}} % |\thecontinuedfloat| will be preset to |\@empty|, so usually the continuation counter is not % included in the caption label or references. % \begin{macrocode} \newcounter{continuedfloat} \let\c@ContinuedFloat\c@continuedfloat % defined for compatibility reasons % \end{macrocode} % \begin{macrocode} \def\thecontinuedfloat{\theContinuedFloat} \let\theContinuedFloat\@empty % defined for compatibility reasons % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\continuedfloat@captype} % \changes{v3.6}{Renamed from \cs{caption@CFtype} to \cs{continuedfloat@captype}} % Since we have only a single `continuedfloat' counter (and not one per caption type), % we need to attach a caption type to our counter to make sure that the counter is not % (mis-)used for a different float type while it holds a value other than zero. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*\continuedfloat@captype{??} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\caption@reset@continuedfloat} % |\caption@reset@continuedfloat|\marg{caption type}\\ % resets the continuation counter to zero and attaches the given caption type to it. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*\caption@reset@continuedfloat[1]{% \xdef\continuedfloat@captype{#1}% \@stpelt{continuedfloat}} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\caption@set@continuedfloat} % \changes{v3.6}{2020/12/27}{Some code of \cs{continuedfloat} out-sourced to this macro} % |\caption@set@continuedfloat|\marg{yes-code}\marg{no-code}\\ % checks if the current caption type matches the one attached to the `continuedfloat' counter % before increasing it. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*\caption@set@continuedfloat{% \ifx\@captype\continuedfloat@captype \stepcounter{continuedfloat}% \expandafter\@firstoftwo \else \caption@Error{Continued `\@captype' after `\continuedfloat@captype'}% \expandafter\@secondoftwo \fi} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\continuedfloat} % \changes{v3.0i}{2005/11/12}{Optional argument added} % \changes{v3.0g}{2005/06/28}{Bugfix: \cs{newcounter} replaced by \cs{newcount}} % \changes{v3.1}{2007/07/02}{Format of \pkg{hyperref} extension changed} % \changes{v3.1}{2007/07/07}{\cs{caption@setoptions} added} % \changes{v3.1g}{2008/01/29}{Starred variant added} % \changes{v3.2f}{2011/12/17}{Undocumented optional argument removed} % \changes{v3.2f}{2011/12/17}{Redefinition of \cs{caption@@@continuedfloat} added} % \changes{v3.3}{2011/12/28}{Uses \cs{ifcaption@ContinuedFloat} now} % \changes{v3.3}{2013/05/01}{Usage of \cs{caption@restorecounters} added} % \changes{v3.3}{2013/12/16}{Bugfix: Does not use \cs{caption@ContinuedFloat} anymore since this breaks \cs{ContinuedFloat} offered by the \pkg{subfig} package} % \changes{v3.4}{2015/09/16}{Renamed from \cs{ContinuedFloat} to \cs{continuedfloat}} % \changes{v3.5f}{2020/10/06}{Usage of \cs{caption@restorecounters} removed} % \changes{v3.6}{2020/12/27}{Check of counter caption type out-sourced to \cs{caption@check@continuedfloat}} % \changes{v3.6}{2022/01/05}{Usage of \cs{caption@Error} replaced by \cs{caption@OutsideFloat}} % |\continuedfloat|\\ % |\continuedfloat*|\par % This mainly sets the `continued float' flag, increments the continuation counter, and executes the given options. % \begin{macrocode} \def\continuedfloat{% \caption@teststar\caption@continuedfloat\@firstoftwo\@secondoftwo} % \end{macrocode} % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*\caption@continuedfloat[1]{% \caption@iftype {#1{\caption@@refstepcounter\@captype}{}% \caption@@continuedfloat\@captype}% {\caption@OutsideFloat\continuedfloat}} % \end{macrocode} % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*\caption@@continuedfloat{% \caption@clrflags \caption@set@continuedfloat {\caption@setcontinued \caption@@@continuedfloat}% {\@gobble}} % \end{macrocode} % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*\caption@@@continuedfloat[1]{% \caption@setoptions{ContinuedFloat}% for compatibility reasons \caption@setoptions{continuedfloat}% \caption@setoptions{continued#1}% \expandafter\l@addto@macro\csname the#1\endcsname\thecontinuedfloat % \end{macrocode} % When the \pkg{hyperref} package is used we have the problem % that the usage of |\continued|\-|float| will create duplicate % hyper links -- |\@current|\-|Href| will be the same for the main float and % the continued ones. So we have to make sure unique labels and references % will be created each time. We do this by extending |\the|\-|H|\-|figure| and % |\the|\-|H|\-|table|, so for continued floats the scheme % \begin{quote}\meta{type}|.|\meta{type \#}|\alph{|\meta{continued \#}|}|\end{quote} % will be used instead of % \begin{quote}\meta{type}|.|\meta{type \#}\quad\quad.\end{quote} % \par{\small(This implementation follows an idea from Steven Douglas Cochran.)} % \Note{This does not help if the \pkg{hyperref} package option \texttt{naturalnames=true} is set.} % \begin{macrocode} \@ifundefined{theH#1}{}{% \expandafter\l@addto@macro\csname theH#1\endcsname{% \@alph\c@continuedfloat}}% % \end{macrocode} % Make sure the options and the \pkg{hyperref} patch is only applied once (per group). % \begin{macrocode} \let\caption@@@continuedfloat\@gobble} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\ContinuedFloat} % For compatibility reasons we still support the obsolete |\Continued|\-|Float|. % \begin{macrocode} \def\ContinuedFloat{\continuedfloat} % defined for compatibility reasons % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\caption@ContinuedFloat} % \changes{v3.0f}{2005/06/11}{This macro added} % \changes{v3.3}{2013/12/16}{Bugfix: Revised and defined with \cs{def} instead of \cs{newcommand}} % |\caption@ContinuedFloat|\marg{caption type}\par % This one is used by \cs{ContinuedFloat} offered by the \pkg{subfig} package. % Since the \pkg{subfig} package does its own counter handling we try not to % interfere by changing couter-related flags. % not interfere with it % \begin{macrocode} \def\caption@ContinuedFloat{% \caption@set@continuedfloat\caption@@@continuedfloat\@gobble} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\nextfloat} % \changes{v3.6}{2020/09/20}{This command added} % \changes{v3.6}{2021/01/09}{Usage of \cs{flushsubcaptionlistentries} added} % \changes{v3.6}{2022/01/05}{Usage of \cs{caption@Error} replaced by \cs{caption@OutsideFloat}} % |\nextfloat| resets the flags (indicating that the next contents of the floating environment starts here), % and sets a new \pkg{hyperref} anchor. % \begin{macrocode} \providecommand*\nextfloat{% \caption@teststar\caption@nextfloat\@firstoftwo\@secondoftwo} % \end{macrocode} % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*\caption@nextfloat[1]{% \caption@iftype {\caption@@nextfloat\@captype #1{}{\caption@reset@currentlabel\caption@start}}% {\caption@OutsideFloat\nextfloat}} % \end{macrocode} % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*\caption@@nextfloat[1]{% \flushsubcaptionlistentries \caption@clrflags \ifx\caption@@@continuedfloat\@gobble % next continued float \caption@set@continuedfloat\caption@setcontinued\relax \fi} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \subsection{Internal helpers} % % \begin{macro}{\caption@refstepcounter} % \changes{v3.1}{2007/07/28}{This macro added} % \changes{v3.2}{2010/10/26}{Error message moved from \cs{caption@@@settype} to here} % \changes{v3.2c}{2011/09/04}{Support of \cs{donemaincaptiontrue} from \textsf{memoir} document class added} % \changes{v3.3}{2011/12/28}{Usage of \cs{ifcaption@caption}, \cs{ifcaption@subcaption}, and \cs{ifcaption@ContinuedFloat} added} % \changes{v3.5e}{2020/09/28}{Bugfix in re-definition of \cs{stepcounter}; uses \cs{edef} instead of \cs{def} now} % \changes{v3.6}{2020/09/20}{Handling of flags out-sourced to \cs{caption@ifrefstepcounter}} % \changes{v3.6}{2020/12/27}{\cs{caption@@@refstepcounter} renamed to \cs{caption@refstepcounter@}} % \changes{v3.6}{2021/01/09}{Adapted to current interface of \cs{caption@prepare@stepcounter}} % |\caption@refstepcounter|\marg{counter}\\ % increments the float counter (using |\ref|\-|step|\-|counter|) and resets the continuation counter. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*\caption@refstepcounter{% \@nameuse{donemaincaptiontrue}% Support of the memoir document class \caption@ifrefstepcounter\caption@@refstepcounter\caption@@refcounter} % \end{macrocode} % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*\caption@@refstepcounter[1]{% \caption@prepare@stepcounter{#1}% \caption@refstepcounter@{#1}} % \end{macrocode} % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*\caption@@refcounter[1]{% \let\caption@stepcounter@ORI\stepcounter \def\stepcounter##1{% \edef\caption@tempa{#1}% \edef\caption@tempb{##1}% \ifx\caption@tempa\caption@tempb % Suppress incrementation of counter \else \caption@stepcounter@ORI{##1}% \fi}% \caption@refstepcounter@{#1}% \let\stepcounter\caption@stepcounter@ORI} % \end{macrocode} % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*\caption@refstepcounter@{\refstepcounter} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\caption@stepcounter} % \changes{v3.6}{2020/09/20}{This macro added} % \changes{v3.6}{2020/12/27}{Handling of flags out-sourced to \cs{caption@ifstepcounter}} % \changes{v3.6}{2020/12/27}{\cs{caption@@@stepcounter} renamed to \cs{caption@stepcounter@}} % \changes{v3.6}{2021/01/09}{Adapted to current interface of \cs{caption@prepare@stepcounter}} % |\caption@stepcounter|\marg{counter}\\ % increments the float counter (using |\step|\-|counter|) and resets the continuation counter. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*\caption@stepcounter{% \caption@ifstepcounter\caption@@stepcounter\caption@@counter} % \end{macrocode} % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*\caption@@stepcounter[1]{% \caption@prepare@stepcounter{#1}% \caption@stepcounter@{#1}} % \end{macrocode} % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*\caption@@counter[1]{} % nothing to do % \end{macrocode} % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*\caption@stepcounter@{\stepcounter} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\caption@prepare@stepcounter} % \changes{v3.3}{2011/12/28}{This macro added} % \changes{v3.6}{2021/01/09}{Argument \meta{source hint} dropped; adapted to current interface of \cs{caption@addsubcontentslines}} % |\caption@prepare@stepcounter|\marg{counter} % Dumps the cached list entries and resets the continuation counter. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*\caption@prepare@stepcounter{% \caption@addsubcontentslines\relax \caption@reset@continuedfloat} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\caption@ifrefstepcounter} % \changes{v3.6}{2020/09/20}{This macro added} % |\caption@ifrefstepcounter|\marg{yes-code}\marg{no-code}\\ % tests if the counter should be increased or not. Furthermore it updates the flags accordingly. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*\caption@ifrefstepcounter{% \caption@ifcounter % \end{macrocode} % If a caption was already typeset in this environment, we need to increment the counter (again). % \begin{macrocode} {\caption@ifcaption}% % \end{macrocode} % If a caption and a sub-caption below it were already typeset, we issue a warning additionally. % (This will only be done if |position=b| is set because this is the case were the sub-caption numbering got most likely wrong.) % \begin{macrocode} {\caption@ifsubcaption@below{\caption@iftop\@secondoftwo\@firstoftwo}{\@secondoftwo}}% % \end{macrocode} % In each case set the `caption' flag to indicate a caption was typeset. % \begin{macrocode} {\caption@setcaption}} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\caption@ifstepcounter} % \changes{v3.6}{2020/12/27}{This macro added} % |\caption@ifstepcounter|\marg{yes-code}\marg{no-code}\\ % tests if the counter should be increased or not. Furthermore it updates the flags accordingly. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*\caption@ifstepcounter{% \caption@ifcounter % \end{macrocode} % If a caption and a sub-caption above it were already typeset in this environment, we need to increment the counter (again). % \begin{macrocode} {\caption@ifcaption\caption@ifsubcaption@above\@secondoftwo}% % \end{macrocode} % In this case issue a warning additionally. % (This will only be done if |position=t| is set because this is the case were the sub-caption numbering got most likely wrong.) % \begin{macrocode} {\caption@iftop}% % \end{macrocode} % In each case set the `subcaption' flag to indicate a sub-caption was typeset. % \begin{macrocode} {\caption@setsubcaption}} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\caption@ifcounter} % \changes{v3.6}{2020/12/28}{This macro added} % |\caption@ifcounter|\marg{increment the counter?}\marg{issue a warning?}\marg{set flag}\marg{yes-code}\marg{no-code}\\ % contains the common code of |\caption@if|\-|ref|\-|step|\-|counter| and |\caption@if|\-|step|\-|counter|. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*\caption@ifcounter[3]{% \caption@ifflags % \end{macrocode} % Test if the counter should be incremented (again). If yes, test if a warning should be issued additionally. % (If the counter gets incremented all flags will be cleared to indicate a new run.) % \begin{macrocode} {#1% {#2\caption@Warning\@gobble{Ambiguous sub-caption(s), use \string\nextfloat}% \caption@clrflags \let\caption@next\@firstoftwo}% {\let\caption@next\@secondoftwo}}% % \end{macrocode} % Always increment the counter if no flag was set so far. % \begin{macrocode} {\let\caption@next\@firstoftwo}% % \end{macrocode} % Set either the `caption' or `subcaption' flag. % \begin{macrocode} #3% % \end{macrocode} % \begin{macrocode} \caption@next} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\caption@dblarg} % \changes{v3.1}{2007/02/05}{This macro added} % \changes{v3.3}{2012/03/25}{Support of option \opt{list-entry} added} % \changes{v3.6n}{2023/07/31}{Only an empty list-entry will expand to \cs{relax}, otherwise it remains unchanged} % A |\relax| was added compared to |\@dblarg| so |\caption{}| will be % expanded to |\caption[\relax]{}| (and not to |\caption[]{}|). % Furthermore support for option \opt{list-entry} was added. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand\caption@dblarg[1]{% \kernel@ifnextchar[%] {\caption@ydblarg{#1}}% {\caption@xdblarg{#1}}} % \end{macrocode} % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand\caption@xdblarg[2]{% \caption@iftokens{#2}{#1[{#2}]{#2}}{#1[\relax]{}}} % \end{macrocode} % \begin{macrocode} \long\def\caption@ydblarg#1[#2]#3{% \caption@iflistheading{#1[{#3}]{#3}}{#1[{#2}]{#3}}} % \end{macrocode} % \begin{macrocode} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\caption@begin} % \changes{v3.0a}{2004/01/23}{\cs{caption@settype} changed to \cs{caption@setfloattype}} % \changes{v3.0e}{2005/04/12}{Check for default label format added} % \changes{v3.0f}{2005/06/11}{Usage of \cs{caption@resetContinuedFloat} added} % \changes{v3.1}{2007/05/09}{Usage of \cs{caption@setfloattype} \& \cs{caption@resetContinuedFloat} removed} % \changes{v3.3}{2011/12/29}{Usage of \cs{caption@fixedposition} removed} % Our handling of |\caption| will always be surrounded by % |\caption@begin| (or |\caption@beginex|) and |\caption@end|.\par % |\caption@begin|\marg{type} performs these tasks: % \begin{enumerate} % \item[1.] Override the |position=| setting, if necessary. % (for example if set to |auto| or used inside a |supertabular|) % \item[2.] Start a new group. % \item[3.] Define |\fnum@|\meta{type} if the caption label format is set % to non-default. % \end{enumerate} % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*\caption@begin[1]{% \caption@fixposition \begingroup \caption@setfnum{#1}} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\caption@beginex} % \changes{v3.0b}{2004/05/16}{Support of \opt{listof=} added} % \changes{v3.0l}{2007/02/04}{Takes now 3 args instead of 2, check for empty heading added} % \changes{v3.1}{2007/07/01}{Makes lst-entry now instead of redefining \cs{addcontentsline}} % \changes{v3.2}{2010/10/26}{Bugfix 09-05-15: Setting of \cs{lst@@caption} added} % \changes{v3.5h}{2022/03/01}{Hook added, setting of \cs{lst@@caption} removed} % |\caption@beginex|\marg{type}\marg{list entry}\marg{heading}\par % performs the same tasks as |\caption@begin| and additionally: % \begin{enumerate} % \item[4.] Apply the hook |\caption@beginex@hook| % \item[5.] Make an entry in the list-of-whatever. % \item[6.] Set |\caption@ifempty| according argument \meta{heading}. % \end{enumerate} % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand\caption@beginex[3]{% \caption@begin{#1}% \caption@beginex@hook \caption@addcontentsline{#1}{#2}% \caption@ifempty{#3}{}} % \end{macrocode} % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*\caption@beginex@hook{} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\caption@end} % \changes{v3.3}{2011/12/29}{Usage of \cs{caption@fixedposition} removed} % |\caption@end| closes the group. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*\caption@end{% \endgroup} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \changes{v3.0a}{2004/01/23}{Internal hooks \cs{caption@@begin} \& \cs{caption@@end} added} % \changes{v3.0h}{2005/10/06}{Internal hooks \cs{caption@@begin} \& \cs{caption@@end} removed} % % \begin{macro}{\caption@normalsize} % \changes{v3.1}{2007/05/05}{This macro definition added} % \changes{v3.5}{2020/07/27}{Adapted to \pkg{caption3} v2.0} % This one will be used by |\@caption| instead of |\normalsize|. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*\caption@normalsize{% \caption@font@normal\@unused} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\caption@setfloatcapt} % Needed for support of the \pkg{float} package, where the caption will % not be typeset directly, but catched in a |\vbox| called |\@floatcapt| % instead. % \begin{macrocode} \let\caption@setfloatcapt\@firstofone % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\caption@makecurrent} % This one is needed for support of the \pkg{nameref} and \pkg{hyperref} package. % \changes{v3.2f}{2012/01/14}{Bugfix: Usage of \cs{caption@gettitle} added} % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*\caption@makecurrent[1]{\caption@gettitle} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\caption@makeanchor} % \begin{macro}{\caption@start} % \begin{macro}{\caption@@start} % \begin{macro}{\caption@freezeHref} % \begin{macro}{\caption@defrostHref} % All these are needed for support of the \pkg{hyperref} package. % \begin{macrocode} \let\caption@makeanchor\@firstofone \let\caption@start\relax \let\caption@@start\relax \let\caption@freezeHref\relax \let\caption@defrostHref\relax % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\caption@gettitle} % \changes{v3.1l}{2010/01/09}{This macro and its usage added to adapt the definition of \cs{@currentlabelname} to recent versions of \pkg{nameref}} % \changes{v3.6o}{2023/08/05}{Support for older versions of \pkg{nameref} revised to make it compatible with \LaTeX\ 2023-06-01} % This one is needed for support of the \pkg{nameref} package. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand\caption@gettitle[1]{% \caption@ifdefined\NR@gettitle {\NR@gettitle{#1}}% % support for recent versions of nameref package {\caption@ifdefined\NR@sect{\def\@currentlabelname{#1}}{}}} % support for older versions of nameref package % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \subsection{Support for sub-captions} % \changes{v3.1f}{2007/11/16}{Support for sub-captions added} % % \begin{macro}{\subcaptionsetup} % \changes{v3.6l}{2023/03/22}{This macro definition moved from \pkg{subcaption} package to here} % |\subcaptionsetup*|\oarg{environment}\marg{options} % is an abbreviation for |\caption|\-|setup*[sub|\meta{environment}|]|\marg{options}, % especially |\sub|\-|caption|\-|setup|\marg{options} sets options valid for all sub-captions. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*\subcaptionsetup{% \caption@teststar\@subcaptionsetup*{}} % \end{macrocode} % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*\@subcaptionsetup[1]{% \@testopt{\captionsetup@sub{#1}}{}} % \end{macrocode} % \begin{macrocode} \def\captionsetup@sub#1[#2]#3{% \captionsetup#1[sub#2]{#3}} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\caption@subtypehook} % \changes{v3.1g}{2008/03/20}{Redefinition of \cs{caption@setlist} added} % \changes{v3.1k}{2009/10/09}{Bugfix 09-08-12b: \cs{@makecaption} will now be restored here, too} % \changes{v3.2}{2011/06/26}{Uses \cs{caption@@addcontentsline} instead of \cs{addcontentsline} now} % \changes{v3.2a}{2011/08/17}{Redefinition of \cs{phantomcaption} added} % \changes{v3.2a}{2011/08/17}{Usage of \cs{caption@warmup} added} % \changes{v3.2c}{2011/09/30}{Bugfix 11-09-26: Usage of \cs{if@subfloatrow} added} % \changes{v3.3}{2011/12/28}{Bugfix 11-12-16: \cs{caption@l@stepcounter} replaced by \cs{stepcounter}} % \changes{v3.3}{2012/03/15}{Usage of \cs{caption@setbox} added} % \changes{v3.3}{2013/05/01}{Redefinition of \cs{caption@settype} added} % \changes{v3.3}{2013/06/17}{Missing redefinition of \cs{captionlistentry} added} % \changes{v3.3}{2018/09/06}{Adapted to the \pkg{chkfloat} package} % \changes{v3.4f}{2020/01/03}{Redefinition of \cs{@caption} added since it was redefined by the \env{threeparttable} environment} % \changes{v3.5}{2020/07/27}{Adapted to \pkg{caption3} v2.0} % \changes{v3.6}{2020/09/20}{Handling of flags out-sourced to \cs{caption@stepcounter}} % \changes{v3.6d}{2022/04/17}{Usage of \cs{if@subfloatrow} removed in favour of a re-definition of \env{subfloatrow*}} % Hook, will be used inside \cs{caption@setsubtype}.\par % (Note: If we are inside an |sub|\-|float|\-|row| environment we have to keep % the |\@make|\-|caption| code of the \pkg{floatrow} package intact.) % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*\caption@subtypehook{% \ifx\caption\caption@subcaption \else \caption@warmup \caption@stepcounter\@captype \caption@ifcaption {}% {\let\caption@add@contentsline\caption@addsubcontentsline \let\caption@addsubcontentslines\@gobble}% % \end{macrocode} % \begin{macrocode} \c@continuedfloat=0\relax \let\caption@setfloatcapt\@firstofone \let\caption@chkfloat\@gobbletwo % \end{macrocode} % \begin{macrocode} \caption@set{box}{none}% \caption@clearmargin \caption@iflist{}{\let\caption@setlist\@gobble}% \caption@setoptions{sub}% \caption@setoptions{subfloat}% for subfig-package compatibility % \end{macrocode} % \begin{macrocode} % redefine \setcaptiontype \renewcommand*\caption@settype[1]{% \caption@Error{##1 inside \@subcaptype}}% % \end{macrocode} % \begin{macrocode} % redefine \caption \let\caption\caption@subcaption \let\@caption\caption@@caption \let\phantomcaption\caption@subphantom \let\captionlistentry\caption@sublistentry \let\captiontext\caption@subtext % \let\@captype\@subcaptype \let\caption@refstepcounter\caption@refstepcounter@ % \end{macrocode} % \begin{macrocode} % restore \@makecaption \let\@makecaption\caption@makecaption \fi}% % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\caption@subcaption} % Makes a sub-caption. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*\caption@subcaption{% \caption@checkgrouplevel{sub}\subcaption \caption@star {\caption@refstepcounter\@subcaptype}% {\caption@dblarg{\@caption\@subcaptype}}} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\caption@subphantom} % \changes{v3.2a}{2011/08/17}{This macro added} % Same as |\phantomcaption|, but for sub-captions. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*\caption@subphantom{% \caption@checkgrouplevel{sub}\phantomsubcaption \caption@refstepcounter\@subcaptype} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\caption@sublistentry} % \changes{v3.3}{2013/06/17}{This macro added} % Same as |\captionlistentry|, but for sub-captions. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*\caption@sublistentry{% \caption@teststar\@subcaptionlistentry\@firstoftwo\@secondoftwo} % \end{macrocode} % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*\@subcaptionlistentry[1]{% \@testopt{\caption@listentry{#1}}{\@subcaptype}} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\caption@subtext} % \changes{v3.2a}{2011/08/17}{This macro added} % Same as |\captiontext|, but for sub-captions. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*\caption@subtext{% % \caption@checkgrouplevel{sub}\subcaptiontext \caption@text\@subcaptype} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{caption@clearsubcontentslines} % Clear pending sub-caption list entries. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*\caption@clearsubcontentslines{% \global\let\caption@subcontentslines\@empty} % \end{macrocode} % \begin{macrocode} \caption@clearsubcontentslines % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\caption@addsubcontentsline} % \changes{v3.1i}{2008/08/02}{\cs{label}, \cs{index}, and \cs{glossary} are allowed inside the list entry now} % \changes{v3.2}{2011/06/26}{Uses \cs{caption@@addcontentsline} instead of \cs{addcontentsline} now} % \changes{v3.2c}{2011/08/19}{Uses \cs{caption@gobble} instead of \cs{@gobble} now} % \changes{v3.3}{2012/01/15}{Debug message added} % \changes{v3.3}{2013/03/10}{A single \cs{protect} replaced by \cs{noexpand}} % \changes{v3.6m}{2023/07/28}{Redefinition of \cs{label} etc. replaced by \cs{caption@prepareslc}} % Add a pending sub-caption list entry. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*\caption@addsubcontentsline[4]{% \caption@Debug{\string\caption@addsubcontentsline{#1}{#2}}% \begingroup \caption@prepareslc \protected@edef\@tempa{\endgroup \noexpand\g@addto@macro\noexpand\caption@subcontentslines{% \noexpand\@namedef{the#2}{\csname the#2\endcsname}% \ifx\@currentHref\@undefined \else \noexpand\def\noexpand\@currentHref{\@currentHref}% \fi \noexpand\caption@@@addcontentsline{#1}{#2}{#3}{#4}}}% \@tempa} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\flushsubcaptionlistentries} % \changes{v3.3}{2012/01/15}{Renamed from \cs{caption@addsubcontentslines} to \cs{flushsubcaptionlistentries}} % \changes{v3.3}{2013/03/10}{Bugfix: Missing redefinition of \cs{caption@addsubcontentslines} added} % \changes{v3.6}{2021/01/09}{Patch of \cs{chapter} and \cs{appendix} dropped} % Writes pending sub-caption list entries. % (Note: We keep the parameter of |\caption@add|\-|sub|\-|contents|\-|lines| for compatibility reasons although it's not used anymore.) % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*\flushsubcaptionlistentries{% \caption@addsubcontentslines\relax} % \end{macrocode} % \begin{macrocode} \renewcommand*\caption@addsubcontentslines[1]{% \caption@Debug{\string\flushsubcaptionlistentries}% \begingroup \caption@subcontentslines \endgroup \caption@clearsubcontentslines} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \subsection{Babel package support} % % \subsubsection{The arabic \& farsi babel option} % \changes{v3.5}{2020/08/02}{\pkg{arabic} babel support addded} % % \begin{macrocode} \caption@IfBabelArabi{% % \end{macrocode} % % The \pkg{arabicore} package re-defines |\@make|\-|caption|, |\fnum@figure|, and |\fnum@table| % incompatible to the \pkg{caption} package, therefore we have to restore our or the original definitions here. % % \begin{macrocode} \let\@makecaption\caption@makecaption \def\fnum@figure{\figurename\nobreakspace\thefigure}% \def\fnum@table{\tablename\nobreakspace\thetable}% % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} }{} % \end{macrocode} % % \subsubsection{The frenchle \& frenchpro package} % \changes{v3.0h}{2005/10/03}{\pkg{frenchle/pro} package support added} % \changes{v3.5}{2020/08/01}{\pkg{frenchle/pro} package support updated} % % \begin{macrocode} \caption@IfFrenchLe{% % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macro}{\f@ffrench} % \begin{macro}{\f@tfrench} % |\f@ffrench| and |\f@tfrench| reflect |\fnum@figure| and |\fnum@table| % when used in French mode. These contain additional code which typesets % the caption separator |\caption|\-|separator| instead of the usual colon. % Because this breaks with our |\@make|\-|caption| code we have to remove % this additional code here. % \begin{macrocode} \def\f@ffrench{\ifx\listoffigures\relax\else\figurename~\thefigure\fi}% \def\f@tfrench{\ifx\listoftables\relax\else\tablename~\thetable\fi}% \let\@eatDP\@undefined % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % % Since the \pkg{frenchle} package overwrites |\@make|\-|caption| (within |\GO|\-|french|), % we need to save it beforehand and restore it afterwards. % \begin{macrocode} \caption@AtBeginDocument{% \let\caption@original@makecaption\@makecaption}% \g@addto@macro\GOfrench{% \let\@makecaption\caption@original@makecaption}% % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} }{} % \end{macrocode} % % \subsubsection{The hungarian \& magyar babel option} % \changes{v3.2}{2009/03/29}{\pkg{magyar} babel support added} % \changes{v3.3}{2018/08/26}{\pkg{magyar} babel support revised} % \changes{v3.5}{2020/08/02}{\pkg{magyar} babel support updated} % % \begin{macrocode} \caption@IfBabelHungarian{% % \end{macrocode} % % Since the \pkg{magyar} package tends to overwrite |\@make|\-|caption| % we save it beforehand and restore it afterwards. % \Note{Currently it will not be overwritten, caused by a side-effect of a % work-around for the \pkg{floatrow} package within \pkg{caption3}.} % % \begin{macrocode} \caption@AtBeginDocument{% \let\caption@original@makecaption\@makecaption}% \caption@ifdefined\extrashungarian{% \addto\extrashungarian{% \let\@makecaption\caption@original@makecaption}}{}% \caption@ifdefined\extrasmagyar{% \addto\extrasmagyar{% \let\@makecaption\caption@original@makecaption}}{}% % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} }{} % \end{macrocode} % % \subsubsection{The latvian babel option} % \changes{v3.5}{2020/08/02}{\pkg{latvian} babel support updated} % % \begin{macrocode} \caption@IfBabelLatvian{% % \end{macrocode} % % The \pkg{latvian} package re-defines |\@make|\-|caption| incompatible to the \pkg{caption} package, % therefore we have to restore our definitions here. % % \begin{macrocode} \let\@makecaption\caption@makecaption % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} }{} % \end{macrocode} % % \subsection{Package support} % \changes{v3.1}{2007/04/11}{Package options `float', `longtable' etc.~are not supported anymore, removed} % % \begin{macro}{\caption@IfPackageLoaded} % \changes{v3.0f}{2005/05/29}{3rd argument \meta{code} added, so no extra check is needed} % \changes{v3.1}{2007/07/04}{Re-written \& renamed from \cs{caption@ifpackage} to \cs{caption@IfPackageLoaded}} % \changes{v3.3}{2018/12/26}{Bugfix: Missing curly braces added} % |\caption@IfPackageLoaded|\marg{package}\oarg{version}\marg{true}\marg{false}\par % Some kind of combination of |\@ifpackageloaded| and |\@ifpackagelater|. % If the \meta{package} is not loaded yet, the check will be (re-)done % |\AtBeginDocument|, so the \meta{package} could be loaded later on, too. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand\caption@IfPackageLoaded[1]{% \@testopt{\caption@@IfPackageLoaded{#1}}{}} \@onlypreamble\caption@IfPackageLoaded % \end{macrocode} % \begin{macrocode} \long\def\caption@@IfPackageLoaded#1[#2]#3#4{% \@ifpackageloaded{#1}\@firstofone{% \caption@Debug{#1 package is not loaded (yet)\@gobble}% \caption@AtBeginDocument}{% \caption@If@Package@Loaded{#1}[{#2}]{#3}{#4}}} \@onlypreamble\caption@@IfPackageLoaded % \end{macrocode} % \begin{macrocode} \long\def\caption@If@Package@Loaded#1[#2]{% \@ifpackageloaded{#1}{% \caption@InfoNoLine{#1 package is loaded}% \@ifpackagelater{#1}{#2}\@firstoftwo{% \caption@Error{% For a successful cooperation we need at least version\MessageBreak `#2' of package #1,\MessageBreak but only version\MessageBreak `\csname ver@#1.\@pkgextension\endcsname'\MessageBreak is available}% \@secondoftwo}% }{\@secondoftwo}} \@onlypreamble\caption@If@Package@Loaded % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\caption@clearmargin} % \changes{v3.1}{2007/05/05}{This macro definition added} % \changes{v3.6}{2021/01/17}{Adapted to current implementation of \cs{caption@setmargin}} % This macro will be used by some package support stuff where the usual % margin setting is not welcome, e.g. in the \pkg{sidecap} package. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*\caption@clearmargin{% \caption@setmargin\z@ \let\caption@minmargin\@undefined} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macrocode} \caption@setbool{needfreeze}{0} \caption@AtBeginDocument*{% \caption@ifneedfreeze{% % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macro}{\caption@freezetype} % \changes{v3.3}{2013/05/01}{This macro added} % |\caption@freezetype|\marg{type}\par % Used by the \pkg{fltpage} \& \pkg{sidecap} package support. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*\caption@freezetype[1]{% \caption@settype{#1}% \captionsetup*[sub]{hypcap=true}% Note: This is just a (q&d) workaround! \caption@freeze}% % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\caption@freeze} % \changes{v3.1}{2007/07/22}{This macro added} % \changes{v3.1c}{2007/10/06}{\cs{caption} \& \cs{@caption} revised for enhanced compatibility} % \changes{v3.1c}{2007/10/06}{Bugfix: Made \cs{@caption} long} % \changes{v3.1f}{2007/11/16}{Uses `space hack' instead of \cs{ignorespaces} now} % \changes{v3.1g}{2008/01/29}{Starred variants of \cs{ContinuedFloat} and \cs{captionsetup} added} % \changes{v3.2}{2010/10/26}{Bugfix 10-09-01a: Uses \cs{ignorespaces} instead of `space hack' again} % \changes{v3.2a}{2011/08/17}{Starred variant of \cs{caption@freeze} removed} % \changes{v3.2b}{2011/08/18}{Redefines \cs{caption@setup} instead of \cs{captionsetup} now} % \changes{v3.2b}{2011/08/18}{Redefinition of \cs{label} revised} % \changes{v3.2c}{2011/08/21}{Revised} % \changes{v3.3}{2013/01/06}{Adapted to new switch \cs{caption@caption} etc.} % |\caption@freeze|\par % Used by the \pkg{bicaption} package. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*\caption@freeze{% \let\caption@frozen@continuedfloat\continuedfloat \def\continuedfloat{% \caption@@freeze{\caption@@@continuedfloat\@captype}% \caption@frozen@continuedfloat}% % \end{macrocode} % \begin{macrocode} \let\caption@frozen@nextfloat\nextfloat \def\nextfloat{\caption@freeze@error}% % \end{macrocode} % \begin{macrocode} \let\caption@frozen@setup\caption@setup \def\caption@setup##1{% \caption@@freeze{\caption@setup{##1}}% \caption@frozen@setup{##1}}% % \end{macrocode} % \begin{macrocode} \let\caption@frozen@caption\caption \def\caption{% \def\caption{\caption@freeze@error\caption@gobble}% \@ifstar {\caption@SC@caption*}% {\let\@currentlabel\caption@SClabel \caption@withoptargs\caption@SC@caption}}% \long\def\caption@SC@caption##1##2{% \caption@@freeze{\caption##1{##2}}% \ignorespaces}% % \end{macrocode} % \begin{macrocode} \let\caption@frozen@label\label \def\label{% \caption@withoptargs\caption@SC@label}% \def\caption@SC@label##1##2{% \ifx\@currentlabel\caption@SClabel \@bsphack \caption@freeze@label{##1}{##2}% \@esphack \else \caption@frozen@label##1{##2}% \fi}% \def\caption@SClabel{\caption@undefinedlabel}% \def\caption@freeze@label##1##2{% \caption@@freeze{\label##1{##2}}}% % \end{macrocode} % \begin{macrocode} \global\let\caption@frozen@content\@empty \long\def\caption@@freeze{% \g@addto@macro\caption@frozen@content}% % \end{macrocode} % \begin{macrocode} \def\caption@warmup{% \let\continuedfloat\caption@frozen@continuedfloat \let\nextfloat\caption@frozen@nextfloat \let\caption@setup\caption@frozen@setup \let\caption\caption@frozen@caption \let\label\caption@frozen@label}}% % \end{macrocode} % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*\caption@freeze@error{% \caption@Error{Only one \noexpand\caption can be placed in this environment}} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\caption@prepare@defrost} % \changes{v3.3}{2013/01/06}{This macro added} % Prevent resetting the caption flags % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*\caption@prepare@defrost{% \def\caption@settype{\caption@@settype{}}} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\caption@defrost} % \changes{v3.1}{2007/07/22}{This macro added} % \changes{v3.1g}{2008/01/30}{\cs{caption@defrost@setup} added} % \changes{v3.2c}{2011/08/21}{Adapted to changes of \cs{caption@freeze}} % \changes{v3.2c}{2011/08/21}{\cs{caption@defrost@setup} removed} % |\caption@defrost| % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*\caption@defrost{% \ifx\caption@frozen@caption\@undefined \caption@frozen@content \else \caption@Error{Internal Error:\MessageBreak \noexpand\caption@defrost in same group as \string\caption@freeze}% \fi}% % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macrocode} }{}% \caption@undefbool{needfreeze}} % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macro}{\caption@warmup} % \changes{v3.2a}{2011/08/17}{This macro added} % |\caption@warmup| % \begin{macrocode} \let\caption@warmup\relax % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \subsubsection{The changepage package} % \changes{v3.4k}{2020/05/30}{Patch of the \pkg{changepage} package added} % % \begin{macrocode} \caption@IfPackageLoaded{changepage}[2008/07/23 memoir-v3.7k]{% % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macro}{\caption@patch@adjustwidth} % \changes{v3.4k}{2020/05/30}{This macro definition added} % \changes{v3.6j}{2023/03/12}{\cs{ignorespaces} added to environment re-definition} % Both environments, \env{adjustwidth} and \env{adjustwidth*}, are starting a \env{list} \cs{item}. % But \cs{hsize} isn't set properly inside a \env{list} item, and therefore \cs{@makecaption} % (offered by document classes) doesn't work properly when used inside \env{adjustwidth}. % Therefore we try to detect the situation ``Are we inside a \env{adjustwidth} environment?'' % inside \cs{@makecaption} and fix this. (Sigh!) % \begin{macrocode} \providecommand*\caption@patch@adjustwidth[1]{% \expandafter\let\csname caption@#1\expandafter\endcsname\csname #1\endcsname \expandafter\renewcommand\csname #1\endcsname[2]{% \@nameuse{caption@#1}{##1}{##2}% \caption@set@adjustwidth \ignorespaces}}% \caption@patch@adjustwidth{adjustwidth}% \caption@patch@adjustwidth{adjustwidth*}% \let\caption@patch@adjustwidth\relax % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\caption@set@adjustwidth} % \changes{v3.4k}{2020/05/30}{This macro definition added} % \changes{v3.5h}{2022/03/01}{Usage of \cs{AtBeginCaption} replaced by \cs{l@addto@macro}\cs{caption@beginex@hook}} % We cannot simply set and test a flag here since our adjustment to \cs{hsize} should % not be done within a \cs{parbox} within a \env{adjustwidth} environment for example, % and therefore we store \cs{hsize} and \cs{linewidth}, and test \cs{hsize} and \cs{linewidth} % against the stored values instead. If they are equal we are (hopefully) quite save % to assume that we are now inside a plain \env{adjustwidth} environment and therefore need % to fix \cs{hsize} before typesetting the caption. (Deep sigh!) % \begin{macrocode} \newdimen\caption@adjustwidth@hsize \newdimen\caption@adjustwidth@linewidth % \end{macrocode} % \begin{macrocode} \providecommand*\caption@set@adjustwidth{% \caption@adjustwidth@hsize\hsize \caption@adjustwidth@linewidth\linewidth \l@addto@macro\caption@beginex@hook\caption@test@adjustwidth}% % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\caption@test@adjustwidth} % \changes{v3.4k}{2020/05/30}{This macro definition added} % Test if the values of \cs{hsize} and \cs{linewidth} are identical to % the ones stored in the \env{adjustwidth} environment. % If yes, set \cs{hsize} to the correct value. % \begin{macrocode} \providecommand\caption@test@adjustwidth{% \ifdim\hsize=\caption@adjustwidth@hsize \ifdim\linewidth=\caption@adjustwidth@linewidth \hsize=\linewidth \fi \fi}% % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macrocode} }{}% % \end{macrocode} % % \subsubsection{The chkfloat package} % \changes{v3.3}{2018/09/06}{Support of the \pkg{chkfloat} package added} % % \begin{macrocode} \caption@IfPackageLoaded{chkfloat}[2012/08/19 v0.1]{% % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macro}{\caption@chkfloat} % \changes{v3.3}{2018/09/06}{This macro added} % \begin{macrocode} \caption@ifdefined\chkfloat@addcontentsline{% \renewcommand\caption@chkfloat{\chkfloat@addcontentsline}% }{% \renewcommand\caption@chkfloat[2]{% \caption@ifdefined\chkfloat@page{% \addtocontents{fof}{\protect\chkfloat@{\thepage}{\chkfloat@page}{\csname fnum@#1\endcsname: #2}}% }{}}% }% % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macrocode} }{}% % \end{macrocode} % % \subsubsection{The float package} % \changes{v3.0f}{2005/05/31}{\pkg{float} package support rewritten and improved} % \iffalse % (This is a more straight-ahead implementation, but it only works with \version{1.3} % now, so \version{1.2} is no longer supported. % \fi % % The \pkg{float} package usually do not use the \LaTeX\ kernel command % |\@caption| to typeset the caption but |\float@caption| instead. % (|\@caption| will only be used if the float is re-styled with % |\restylefloat*|.) % % The main two things |\float@caption| is doing different are: % \begin{itemize} % \item The caption will be typeset inside a |\savebox| called |\@floatcapt| % so it can be placed above or below the float contents afterwards. % \item |\@makecaption| will not be used to finally typeset the caption. % Instead |\@fs@capt| will be used which definition is part of the float % style. % (Note that |\@fs@capt| will not typeset any vertical space above or below % the caption; instead this space will be typeset by the float style code % itself.) % \end{itemize} % % \begin{macrocode} \caption@IfPackageLoaded{float}[2001/11/08 v1.3d]{% \@ifpackageloaded{floatrow}{% \caption@If@Package@Loaded{floatrow}[2007/08/24 v0.2a]{}{}% }{% % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macro}{\@float@setevery} % \changes{v3.1k}{2009/10/09}{Bugfix 08-12-05: \cs{color@begin/endgroup} added % to redefinition of \cs{caption@setfloatcapt}} % \changes{v3.4b}{2019/12/16}{Usage of \cs{caption@float@setname} added} % |\@float@setevery|\marg{float type} is provided by the \pkg{float} % package; it's called every time a floating environment defined with % |\newfloat| or |\restylefloat| begins. % We use this hook to do some adaptations and to setup the proper caption % style (if defined) and additional settings declared with % |\captionsetup|\oarg{float style}. % \begin{macrocode} \let\caption@ORI@float@setevery\@float@setevery \def\@float@setevery#1{% \float@ifcaption{#1}{% % \end{macrocode} % % First of all we set the caption position to it's proper value by % converting |\@fs@iftopcapt| (which is part of a float style and % controls where the caption will be typeset, above or below the float % contents) to our |position=| setting. % Since the spacing above and below the caption will be done by the float % style and \emph{not} by us this sounds quite useless. But in fact it isn't, % since some packages based on \thispackage\ (like the \pkg{subfig} % package) could have an interest for this information and therefore use the % |\caption@iftop| macro we provide in our kernel. Furthermore we need this % information for ourself in |\captionof| which uses |\@makecaption| to % finally typeset the caption with skips. % \begin{macrocode} \caption@setposition{\@fs@iftopcapt t\else b\fi}% % \end{macrocode} % % Afterward we redefine |\caption@setfloatcapt| (which will be used inside % |\@caption|) so the caption will be set inside the box |\@floatcapt|, % without extra vertical space. % \begin{macrocode} \renewcommand\caption@setfloatcapt[1]{% \let\@makecaption\caption@@make \global\setbox\@floatcapt\vbox{% \color@begingroup ##1\color@endgroup}}% % \end{macrocode} % % To allow different caption styles for different float styles we also % determine the current float style (e.g. `ruled') and select % a caption style (and additional settings) with the same name, if defined. % \begin{macrocode} \float@getstyle\float@style{#1}% \caption@setstyle*\float@style \caption@setoptions\float@style % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} }{}% \caption@float@setname{#1}% \caption@freezeHref % will be defrosted in \float@makebox \caption@ORI@float@setevery{#1}}% % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\float@makebox} % \changes{v3.3}{2013/01/06}{Corrects wrong load order hyperref-float now} % \changes{v3.3}{2013/02/03}{Correction of wrong load order hyperref-float revised} % Redefine |\float@makebox|: % \begin{macrocode} \caption@AtBeginDocument{% % \end{macrocode} % If it was redefined by the \pkg{hyperref} package, % we need to build on the original definition (and not on the redefined one). % \begin{macrocode} \caption@ifdefined\HyOrg@float@makebox {\let\caption@ORI@float@makebox\HyOrg@float@makebox}% {\let\caption@ORI@float@makebox\float@makebox}% \renewcommand\float@makebox[1]{% \caption@ORI@float@makebox{#1\relax \caption@defrostHref}}% % \end{macrocode} % \begin{macrocode} }% % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\caption@float@setname} % \changes{v3.1}{2007/07/08}{float package hook added} % \changes{v3.4b}{2019/12/16}{Renamed from \cs{caption@typehook} to \cs{caption@float@setname}} % \changes{v3.6i}{2023/02/19}{Uses \cs{def} instead of \cs{let} now} % \LaTeX\ and almost every other packages use % |\|\meta{type}|name| % to provide a macro for the type or environment name -- for example % the command |\figure|\-|name| will usually contain the name of the floating % environment |figure|: % \begin{quote} % |\newcommand\figurename{Figure}| % \end{quote} % But the \pkg{float} package doesn't follow this common naming % convention: % For floats defined with |\new|\-|float| it uses |\fname@|\meta{type} instead, % which breaks with our code (and with |\auto|\-|ref| and some other things as % well). % So we have to map the \pkg{float} package name to the common one here.\par % \Note{If the float was not defined with \cs{newfloat} but with % \cs{restylefloat} instead, \cs{fname@}\meta{type} is not defined.} % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*\caption@float@setname[1]{% \expandafter\ifx\csname #1name\endcsname\relax % either undefined or \relax \@namedef{#1name}{\@nameuse{fname@#1}}% \fi}% % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\caption@setname} % \changes{v3.6i}{2023/02/19}{Re-definition of \cs{caption@setname} added to \pkg{float} package support} % Same problem as in |\caption@float@set|\-|name|, but other direction: % If the option |name=| is used, we should set |\fname@|\meta{type}, too. % \begin{macrocode} \renewcommand*\caption@setname[2]{% \@ifundefined{fname@#1}{}{\caption@ifdefined\floatname\floatname\@gobbletwo{#1}{#2}}% \@namedef{#1name}{#2}}% % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \changes{v3.0f}{2005/06/26}{Skips of \env{plaintop} and \env{boxed} floats corrected} % \begin{macro}{\fs@plaintop} % \begin{macro}{\fs@boxed} % Since the float styles |plaintop| and |boxed| don't use |\abovecaptionskip| % which could be set with |skip=| (|plaintop| uses |\belowcaptionskip| instead of % |\abovecaptionskip|, and |boxed| uses a fixed space of |2pt|) % we patch the according float style macros here to change this. % \begin{macrocode} \g@addto@macro\fs@plaintop{\def\@fs@mid{\vspace\abovecaptionskip\relax}}% \g@addto@macro\fs@boxed{\def\@fs@mid{\kern\abovecaptionskip\relax}}% % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\float@getstyle} % \changes{v3.1}{2007/06/10}{This macro added} % |\float@getstyle|\marg{cmd}\marg{type}\par % Determining the float style is not so easy because the only hint % provided by the \pkg{float} package is the macro % |\fst@|\meta{float type} which points to the macro which represents the % float style. So for example after % \begin{quote} % |\floatstyle{ruled}|\\ % |\newfloat{Program}{tbp}{lop}| % \end{quote} % |\fst@Program| will be defined as % \begin{quote} % |\def\fst@Program{\fs@ruled}|\quad. % \end{quote}\par % So here is what we do: We make the first level expansion of % |\fst@|\meta{float type} a string so we can gobble the first four tokens % (= |\fs@|), so only the the name of the float style is left.\par % \emph{TODO:} We need to convert the catcodes here. % \begin{macrocode} \providecommand*\float@getstyle[2]{% \edef#1{% \noexpand\expandafter\noexpand\@gobblefour\noexpand\string \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\noexpand \csname fst@#2\endcsname}% \edef#1{#1}% \caption@Debug{floatstyle{#2} = `#1'}}% % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\float@ifcaption} % \changes{v3.1}{2007/06/23}{This macro added} % |\float@ifcaption|\marg{type}\marg{if-clause}\marg{else-clause}\par % Here we determine if the user has used |\newfloat| or |\restylefloat|, % or |\restylefloat*|. % This is quite easy: If |\@float@c@|\meta{captype} is the same as % |\float@caption|, the user has used |\newfloat| or |\restylefloat|, % otherwise we assume he has used |\restylefloat*|. % (This test will fail if some package re-defines |\float@caption|, % so we have to assume that there is no one.) % \begin{macrocode} \providecommand*\float@ifcaption[1]{% \expandafter\ifx\csname @float@c@#1\endcsname\float@caption \expandafter\@firstoftwo \else \expandafter\@secondoftwo \fi}% % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macrocode} }}{% \providecommand*\float@ifcaption[1]{\@secondoftwo}% % \clearcaptionsetup{boxed}% used by the floatrow package? } % \end{macrocode} % % The skip between `boxed' floats and their caption defaults to |2pt|. % % \begin{macrocode} \captionsetup[boxed]{skip=2pt} % do not issue a warning when not used % \end{macrocode} % % \changes{v3.0f}{2005/05/26}{\opt{strut=0} added to caption style \opt{ruled}} % \changes{v3.0f}{2005/05/27}{Option \opt{ruled} fixed} % To emulate the `ruled' definition of |\@fs@capt| we provide a caption style % `ruled' with appropriate options. But if the package option |ruled| was % specified, we setup some caption parameters to emulate the behavior % of \thispackage\ \version{1.x} option |ruled| instead, i.e., % the current caption settings will be used, but without margin and without % `single-line-check'. % \begin{macrocode} \caption@ifbool{ruled}{% \captionsetup[ruled]{margin=0pt,minmargin=0,slc=0}% }{% \DeclareCaptionStyle{ruled}{labelfont=bf,labelsep=space,strut=0}% } \caption@undefbool{ruled} % \end{macrocode} % % \subsubsection{The floatflt package} % \changes{v3.1}{2007/06/10}{Support of the \pkg{floatflt} package added} % % \begin{macrocode} \caption@IfPackageLoaded{floatflt}[1996/02/27 v1.3]{% % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macro}{\floatingfigure} % We patch |\floatingfigure| so |\caption@floatflt| will be used. % \begin{macrocode} \let\caption@ORI@floatingfigure\floatingfigure \def\floatingfigure{% \caption@floatflt{figure}% \caption@ORI@floatingfigure}% % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\floatingtable} % Same with |\floatingtable|\ldots % \begin{macrocode} \let\caption@ORI@floatingtable\floatingtable \def\floatingtable{% \caption@floatflt{table}% % \caption@setautoposition b% \caption@ORI@floatingtable}% % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\caption@floatflt} % \changes{v3.1c}{2007/10/06}{Bugfix: \cs{caption@clearmargin} added} % Here we do two things: % \begin{enumerate} % \item We use |\caption@set|\-|options{|\-|floating|\meta{type}|}| so % |\caption|\-|setup[|\-|floating|\meta{type}|]{|\ldots|}| is supported. % \item |\line|\-|width| must be set correctly. % Usually this is done by |\@par|\-|box|\-|restore| inside |\@caption|, % but since we use |\@caption@parbox|\-|restore| we have to map this to % |\@par|\-|box|\-|restore| instead. % \end{enumerate} % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*\caption@floatflt[1]{% \caption@settype{#1}% \caption@clearmargin \caption@setoptions{floating#1}% \caption@setanchor}% % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macrocode} }{} % \end{macrocode} % % \subsubsection{The floatrow package} % % \begin{macrocode} \caption@IfPackageLoaded{floatrow}[2008/08/02 v0.3b]{% % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macro}{\captionlabel} % \changes{v3.6e}{2022/04/17}{This macro re-definition added} % The original definition of |\caption|\-|label| uses the internal macro % |\caption@set|\-|sub|\-|type| which does not exist anymore and needs to % be replaced by |\set|\-|caption|\-|sub|\-|type|. % \begin{macrocode} \renewcommand\captionlabel[1]{{\def\FR@tmp{\@captype}\ifnum\floatbox@depth>\@ne \def\FR@tmp{sub\@captype}\setcaptionsubtype*\stepcounter{\FR@tmp}\fi \caption@@@make{\caption@fnum\FR@tmp}{#1}}} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{environment}{subfloatrow} % \changes{v3.6d}{2022/04/17}{This environment re-definition added} % The original definition of the environment |sub|\-|float|\-|row| % uses |\caption|\-|setup{sub|\-|type}| to switch caption commands % like |\caption| to their counterparts offered by the \pkg{subcaption} % package. % Since \pkg{caption} \version{3.6} this does not work in coorparation % with the \pkg{subfig} package anymore, and therefore we replace it % with a hook which could be filled by the \pkg{subcaption} package. % \begin{macrocode} \renewenvironment{subfloatrow}{\capsubrowsettings \caption@subfloatrow@hook % as replacement for \captionsetup{subtype} \@nameuse{subfloatrow*}}{\@nameuse{endsubfloatrow*}} % \end{macrocode} % \begin{macrocode} \providecommand*\caption@subfloatrow@hook{} % \end{macrocode} % \end{environment} % % \begin{environment}{subfloatrow*} % \changes{v3.6d}{2022/04/17}{This environment re-definition added} % Some packages (like the \pkg{float} and \pkg{floatrow} package) re-define % |\@make|\-|caption| for special handling of the main caption. % Since this usually does not work fine with sub-captions, the command % |\set|\-|caption|\-|sub|\-|type| will restore the definition % of |\@make|\-|caption|. But this is not desired here, and therefore % we make sure that |\flrow@make|\-|caption| will be used for sub-captions, % too. % \begin{macrocode} \renewenvironment{subfloatrow*}[1][2]{\let\flrow@to\empty \let\Xhsize\sXhsize%\let\Zhsize\sZhsize \FR@ifunloc{\let\FR@ifcountH\@firstoftwo}\let\c@FRobj\c@FRsobj \def\FRleftmargin{}\def\FRrightmargin{}\let\floatrowsep\subfloatrowsep \floatrow[#1]\killfloatstyle \let\caption@makecaption\flrow@makecaption}% <- This line added {\ifdim\lastskip>\z@\unskip\fi \@ifundefined{adjustsubfloats}\relax\adjustsubfloats\endfloatrow} % \end{macrocode} % \end{environment} % % \begin{macrocode} }{} % \end{macrocode} % % \subsubsection{The fltpage package} % \changes{v3.1}{2007/07/22}{Support of the \pkg{fltpage} package added} % % \begin{macrocode} \caption@IfPackageLoaded{fltpage}[1998/10/29 v.0.3]{% \caption@setbool{needfreeze}{1}% % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macro}{\FP@positionLabel} % \changes{v3.2c}{2011/08/28}{This redefinition added} % Original code: % \begin{verbatim} % \newcommand{\FP@positionLabel}{% % FP\@captype-\number\value{FP@\@captype C}-pos} % \end{verbatim}%^^A % \begin{macrocode} \renewcommand\FP@positionLabel{% FP\FP@captype-\number\value{FP@\FP@captype C}-pos}% % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\FP@helpNote} % Original code: % \begin{verbatim} % \newcommand{\FP@helpNote}[2]{% % \typeout{FP#1 is inserted on page \pageref{#2}!}}% % \end{verbatim}%^^A % \begin{macrocode} \renewcommand\FP@helpNote[2]{% \begingroup % save \caption@thepage \caption@pageref{#2}% \typeout{FP#1 is inserted on page \caption@thepage!}% \endgroup}% % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\FP@floatBegin} % \changes{v3.1f}{2007/11/16}{Uses `space hack' instead of \cs{ignorespaces} now} % \changes{v3.1k}{2009/10/09}{Bugfix 09-09-11: Missing \cs{ignorespaces} added} % \changes{v3.2c}{2011/08/28}{Adapted to current version of \cs{caption@freeze}} % \changes{v3.2f}{2012/02/19}{Bugfix 12-02-16: \texttt{minipage} environment added} % \changes{v3.3}{2013/05/01}{Usage of \cs{caption@freeze} replaced by \cs{caption@freezetype}} % Original code: % \begin{verbatim} % \newcommand{\FP@floatBegin}[1]{% % \gdef\@captype{#1}% % \global\let\FP@savedCaptionCommand\caption% % \global\let\FP@savedLabelCommand\label% % \ifthenelse{\equal{\@captype}{figure}} % {\global\let\old@Fnum\fnum@figure}% % {\global\let\old@Fnum\fnum@table}% % \let\FP@LabelText\@empty% % \let\FP@CaptionText\@empty% % \let\FP@optionalCaptionText\@empty% % \renewcommand\label[1]{\gdef\FP@LabelText{##1}}% % \renewcommand\caption[2][]{% % \gdef\FP@optionalCaptionText{##1}\gdef\FP@CaptionText{##2}}% % \begin{lrbox}{\FP@floatCorpusBOX}% % }% % \end{verbatim}%^^A % \begin{macrocode} \renewcommand*\FP@floatBegin[1]{% \def\FP@captype{#1}% \begin{lrbox}{\FP@floatCorpusBOX}% \minipage\hsize % changes from LR mode to vertical mode \caption@freezetype{#1}% \ignorespaces}% % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\FP@floatEnd} % \changes{v3.1g}{2008/01/30}{Some minor bugfixes} % \changes{v3.2c}{2011/08/28}{Adapted to current version of \cs{caption@freeze}} % \changes{v3.2f}{2012/02/19}{Bugfix 12-02-16: \texttt{minipage} environment added} % Original code: % \begin{verbatim} % \newcommand{\FP@floatEnd}{% % \end{lrbox}% % \global\setbox\FP@floatCorpusBOX=\box\FP@floatCorpusBOX % \stepcounter{FP@\@captype C}% % \FP@savedLabelCommand{\FP@positionLabel}% % \FP@helpNote{\@captype}{\FP@positionLabel}% % \FP@float % {\FP@positionLabel}% location label test % {\begin{\@captype}[p!] % \usebox{\FP@floatCorpusBOX}% % \refstepcounter{\@captype}% % \ifthenelse{\equal{\FP@LabelText}{\@empty}} % {}{\FP@savedLabelCommand{\expandafter\protect\FP@LabelText}}% % \end{\@captype}} % {\addtocounter{\@captype}{-1}} % {\begin{\@captype}[b!]% % \ifthenelse{\equal{\FP@guide}{\@empty}}% % {}{\ifthenelse{\equal{\@captype}{figure}}% % {\renewcommand{\fnum@figure}{\old@Fnum\ {\FP@guide}}}% % {\renewcommand{\fnum@table}{\old@Fnum\ {\FP@guide}}}}% % \setlength{\abovecaptionskip}{2pt plus2pt minus 1pt} % length above caption % \setlength{\belowcaptionskip}{2pt plus2pt minus 1pt} % length above caption % \FP@separatorCaption% % \ifthenelse{\equal{\FP@optionalCaptionText}{\@empty}}% % {\FP@savedCaptionCommand{\expandafter\protect\FP@CaptionText}}% % {\FP@savedCaptionCommand[\expandafter\protect\FP@optionalCaptionText]% % {\expandafter\protect\FP@CaptionText}}% % \end{\@captype}}% % }% % \end{verbatim}%^^A % \begin{macrocode} \renewcommand*\FP@floatEnd{% \endminipage \end{lrbox}% % \end{macrocode} % \begin{macrocode} \stepcounter{FP@\FP@captype C}% \caption@label\FP@positionLabel \FP@helpNote\FP@captype\FP@positionLabel % \end{macrocode} % \begin{macrocode} \FP@float {\FP@positionLabel}% location label test {\caption@prepare@defrost \begin\FP@captype[p!]% \usebox\FP@floatCorpusBOX \end\FP@captype}% {\@ifundefined{theH\FP@captype}{}{% \expandafter\l@addto@macro\csname theH\FP@captype\endcsname{.FP}}}% {\caption@prepare@defrost \begin\FP@captype[b!]% \let\FP@savedSetfnumCommand\caption@setfnum \def\caption@setfnum##1{% \FP@savedSetfnumCommand{##1}% \ifx\FP@guide\@empty \else \expandafter\l@addto@macro\csname fnum@##1\endcsname{\ {\FP@guide}}% \fi}% \setlength\abovecaptionskip{2pt plus 2pt minus 1pt}% length above caption \setlength\belowcaptionskip{2pt plus 2pt minus 1pt}% length below caption \caption@setoptions{FP\@captype}% \FP@separatorCaption \caption@defrost \end\FP@captype}% }% % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macrocode} }{% \let\caption@ifFPlistcap\@undefined \let\caption@ifFPrefcap\@undefined } % \end{macrocode} % % \subsubsection{The hyperref package} % \changes{v3.0f}{2005/06/11}{Support of the \pkg{hyperref} package added} % \changes{v3.1}{2007/03/09}{Usage of \cs{hyper@makecurrent} instead of % \cs{theHfigure} as indicator for \pkg{hyperref} package} % \changes{v3.2}{2011/07/30}{Test if \pkg{hyperref} has stopped early revised} % \changes{v3.2c}{2011/08/24}{Test if \pkg{hyperref} has stopped early adapted to current version of \pkg{hyperref} package: Usage of \cs{IfHyperBoolean} added} % % \begin{macrocode} \caption@IfPackageLoaded{hyperref}[2003/11/30 v6.74m]{% % Test if hyperref has stopped early \caption@ifundefined\IfHyperBoolean{% \caption@set@bool\caption@ifhyp@stoppedearly0% \caption@ifundefined\H@refstepcounter {\caption@set@bool\caption@ifhyp@stoppedearly1}{% \caption@ifundefined\hyper@makecurrent {\caption@set@bool\caption@ifhyp@stoppedearly1}{% \caption@ifundefined\measuring@true {\caption@set@bool\caption@ifhyp@stoppedearly1}{}}}% }{% \def\caption@ifhyp@stoppedearly{\IfHyperBoolean{stoppedearly}}% }% \caption@ifhyp@stoppedearly{% hyperref has stopped early \caption@InfoNoLine{% Hyperref support is turned off\MessageBreak because hyperref has stopped early}% }{% \AtCaptionSingleLineCheck{\measuring@true}% % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macro}{\caption@refstepcounter@} % We redefine |\caption@refstepcounter@| so |\H@refstepcounter| will be used % instead of |\refstepcounter| inside |\caption| \& |\captionlistentry|. % \begin{macrocode} \renewcommand*\caption@refstepcounter@{\H@refstepcounter}% % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\caption@makecurrent} % \changes{v3.1l}{2010/01/09}{Adapted to current version of nameref package} % We redefine |\caption@makecurrent| so a \pkg{hyperref} label % will be defined inside |\@caption|. % \Note{Will be redefined by \cs{caption@start}.} % \begin{macrocode} \renewcommand*\caption@makecurrent[2]{% \caption@makecurrentHref{#1}% \caption@Debug{hyperref current=\@currentHref}% \caption@gettitle{#2}}% % \end{macrocode} % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*\caption@makecurrentHref{\hyper@makecurrent}% % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\caption@makeanchor} % \changes{v3.1l}{2010/01/09}{Adapted to the current hyperref package} % We redefine |\caption@makeanchor| so a \pkg{hyperref} anchor % will be set inside |\@caption|. % \Note{Will be redefined by \cs{caption@start}.} % \begin{macrocode} \renewcommand\caption@makeanchor[1]{% \caption@Debug{hyperref anchor: \@currentHref}% % If we cannot have nesting, the anchor is empty. \ifHy@nesting \expandafter\hyper@@anchor\expandafter{\@currentHref}{#1}% \else \Hy@raisedlink{% \expandafter\hyper@@anchor\expandafter{\@currentHref}{\relax}% }#1% \fi}% % \end{macrocode} % \begin{macrocode} \AtCaptionSingleLineCheck{\let\caption@makeanchor\@firstofone}% % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \paragraph{The hypcap option} % % \begin{macro}{\if@capstart} % Like the \pkg{hypcap} package we define the switch |\if@capstart|, too. % \begin{macrocode} \newif\if@capstart % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\caption@start} % \changes{v3.0l}{2007/02/20}{% % \cs{caption@currentHref} renamed to \cs{hc@currentHref}} % \changes{v3.1}{2007/06/21}{% % This macro renamed from \cs{capstart} to \cs{caption@start} and revised} % While the \pkg{hypcap} package defines a macro called |\capstart| % our variant is called |\caption@start| and is controlled by the option % |hypcap=||false|/|true|. % \begin{macrocode} \def\caption@start{\caption@ifhypcap\caption@start@\relax}% \def\caption@start@{% % \end{macrocode} % Generate the \pkg{hyperref} label and set the \pkg{hyperref} anchor, % usually (if |hypcap=false|) both is done inside |\@caption|. % \begin{macrocode} \caption@makestart\@captype \caption@startanchor\@currentHref % \end{macrocode} % Prevent |\@caption| from generating a new \pkg{hyperref} label, % use the label we save in |\hc@currentHref| instead. % (We also support the |@capstart| flag from the \pkg{hypcap} package.) % \begin{macrocode} \global\@capstarttrue \let\hc@currentHref\@currentHref \def\caption@makecurrentHref##1{% \global\@capstartfalse \global\let\@currentHref\hc@currentHref}% % \end{macrocode} % Prevent |\@caption| from generating a \pkg{hyperref} anchor since this % has already been done. % \begin{macrocode} \let\caption@makeanchor\@firstofone % \end{macrocode} % \begin{macrocode} }% % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\caption@makestart} % \changes{v3.1c}{2007/09/30}{\cs{@currentHref} will be extended by \texttt{caption} % instead of \texttt{xxx} now} % |\caption@makestart|\marg{type} % defines a \pkg{hyperref} anchor inside |\caption@start|.\par % Since we offer |\continuedfloat| the float counter can change between % `now' and |\caption|, i.e., we simply don't know the figure or table counter % yet and therefore we are not able to generate the `right' \pkg{hyperref} % label. % Two different solutions of this problem came into my mind: % \begin{enumerate} % \item I could use the aux file for this purpose.\par % -or- % \item I set |hypertexnames=false| locally. % Furthermore I use |#1.caption.|\meta{counter} (instead of |#1.|\meta{counter}) % as naming scheme for |\@currentHref| to avoid conflicts with other hyper % links which are generated with |hypertexnames=true|. % \end{enumerate} % The first idea has the advantage that the `right' anchor name will be % generated, but one needs an additional \LaTeX\ run if figures or tables % will be inserted or removed.\par % The second idea has the advantage that it's very easy to implement, but % has some side-effects, e.g. the anchor names don't follow the figure or % table label names anymore.\par % Since I'm lazy I implemented the second idea, maybe I will revise this % later on. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*\caption@makestart[1]{% \begingroup \Hy@hypertexnamesfalse % \gdef\@currentHlabel{}% \hyper@makecurrent{#1.caption}% \endgroup \caption@Debug{hypcap start=\@currentHref}}% % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\caption@startanchor} % \changes{v3.1b}{2007/09/17}{Bugfix 06-09-17: We use \cs{caption@anchor} instead of \cs{hyper@@anchor}} % \changes{v3.1g}{2008/03/16}{Warning about TeX mode replaced with debug info} % |\caption@startanchor|\marg{Href} % sets a \pkg{hyperref} anchor inside |\caption@start|.\par % This code was taken from the \pkg{hypcap} package\cite{hypcap} and adapted. % \Note{Since \cs{hyper@@anchor}\marg{Href}\csmarg{\string\relax} can cause % a change from vertical mode to horizontal mode (design flaw in % \pkg{hyperref} package!?), and since the workaround % \cs{let}\cs{leavevmode}\cs{relax} which can be found in the % \pkg{hypcap} package is not always sufficient % (for example with ``Direct pdfmark support'' and \texttt{breaklinks=true}), % we use \cs{caption@anchor} instead of \cs{hyper@@anchor} here.} % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*\caption@startanchor[1]{% \ifvmode\begingroup \caption@Debug{hypcap anchor: #1 (vertical mode)}% \@tempdima\prevdepth \nointerlineskip \vspace*{-\caption@hypcapspace}% \caption@anchor{#1}% \vspace*{\caption@hypcapspace}% \prevdepth\@tempdima \endgroup\else \caption@Debug{hypcap anchor: #1 (horizontal mode)}% \caption@anchor{#1}% \fi}% % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\caption@anchor} % \changes{v3.1c}{2007/10/17}{Workaround 07-10-17: We use \cs{caption@raisedlink} instead of \cs{Hy@raisedlink} now} % |\caption@anchor|\marg{Href} sets a \pkg{hyperref} anchor. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*\caption@anchor[1]{% \ifmeasuring@ \else \caption@raisedlink{\hyper@anchorstart{#1}\hyper@anchorend}% \fi}% % \end{macrocode} % \Note{Since \cs{Hy@raisedlink} change \cs{@tempdima} we surrounded it by \cs{ifvmode}, % suppressing ``\texttt{LaTeX Warning: Float too large for page by 1.0pt}'' in \texttt{sideways} floats. % (This is not necessary since \pkg{hyperref} \version{6.77}.)} % \begin{macrocode} \ifx\HyperRaiseLinkLength\@tempdima \def\caption@raisedlink#1{\ifvmode#1\else\Hy@raisedlink{#1}\fi}% \else \let\caption@raisedlink\Hy@raisedlink \fi % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\caption@@start} % Will be used by |\caption@freezeHref|. Apart from that we issue a warning % if we expect a saved \pkg{hyperref} label coming from |\caption@start|, % but there isn't any. % \begin{macrocode} \def\caption@@start{% \caption@ifundefined\hc@currentHref{% \caption@Warning{% The option `hypcap=true' will be ignored for this\MessageBreak particular \string\caption}}{}}% % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\caption@freezeHref} % Suppress |\caption@start| from generating a \pkg{hyperref} label and % setting a \pkg{hyperref} anchor. Instead if |\@caption| generates a % \pkg{hyperref} label, it will be stored in |\caption@currentHref|. % Furthermore we need to redefine |\caption@setfloatcapt| so no % \pkg{hyperref} anchor will be placed in |\@caption|. % \iffalse % (Since |\caption@setfloatcapt| will be set to |\@firstofone| inside % |\subcaption| there is no need to add its restauration to % |\caption@subtypehook|.) % \fi % \begin{macrocode} \def\caption@freezeHref{% \let\caption@ORI@start\caption@start \def\caption@start{\let\caption@start\caption@ORI@start}% % \end{macrocode} % \begin{macrocode} % \let\caption@ORI@@start\caption@@start % \l@addto@macro\caption@subtypehook{% % \let\caption@@start\caption@ORI@@start}% % \end{macrocode} % \begin{macrocode} \global\let\caption@currentHref\@undefined \def\caption@@start{\global\let\caption@currentHref\@currentHref}% % \end{macrocode} % \begin{macrocode} \let\caption@ORI@setfloatcapt\caption@setfloatcapt \renewcommand*\caption@setfloatcapt{% \ifx\caption@currentHref\@undefined \else \let\caption@makeanchor\@firstofone \fi \caption@ORI@setfloatcapt}}% % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\caption@defrostHref} % If there is a freezed |\@currentHref|, we set the \pkg{hyperref} % anchor here. % \begin{macrocode} \def\caption@defrostHref{% \ifx\caption@currentHref\@undefined \else \caption@startanchor\caption@currentHref \global\let\caption@currentHref\@undefined \fi}% % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macrocode} }}{} % \end{macrocode} % % \subsubsection{The hypcap package} % \changes{v3.0f}{2005/06/22}{Support of the \pkg{hypcap} package added} % \changes{v3.0l}{2007/02/20}{Adapted to \pkg{hypcap} \version{1.6}} % \changes{v3.1e}{2007/11/04}{\pkg{hypcap} support adapted to \pkg{hyperref} \version{6.77}} % % \begin{macrocode} \caption@IfPackageLoaded{hypcap}{% v1.0 \ifx\caption@start\relax \else % hyperref hasn't stopped early % \end{macrocode} % % If the \pkg{hypcap} package was loaded, we give up our own % hyperlink placement algorithm and give the control over the placement % to the \pkg{hypcap} package instead. % % \begin{macro}{\capstart} % \changes{v3.1k}{2009/10/09}{Support of \cs{ifcapstart} (\pkg{hypcap} package \version{1.10}) added} % We do this simply by mapping |\capstart| to |\caption@start@|, % although our code does not behave exactly like the original one: % The original |\capstart| has an effect on the next |\caption| % only but our version affects \emph{all} |\caption|s in the same % environment, at least unless a new |\capstart| will be placed. % \begin{macrocode} \caption@ifundefined\capstarttrue % check for v1.10 of hypcap package {\def\capstart{\caption@start@}}% {\def\capstart{\ifcapstart\caption@start@\fi}}% \let\caption@start\relax \let\caption@@start\relax % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\caption@hypcapspace} % Furthermore we map our |\caption@hypcapspace| to |\hypcapspace| % offered by the \pkg{hypcap} package. % \begin{macrocode} \caption@set@bool\caption@ifhypcap 1% \renewcommand*\caption@hypcapspace{\hypcapspace}% % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macrocode} \fi}{} % \end{macrocode} % % \subsubsection{The listings package} % \changes{v3.0b}{2004/05/16}{Support of the \pkg{listings} package added} % % \begin{macrocode} \caption@IfPackageLoaded{listings}[2004/02/13 v1.2]{% % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macro}{\lst@MakeCaption} % \changes{v3.1g}{2008/01/20}{Bugfix: Skips are handled correctly now} % \changes{v3.1k}{2008/03/29}{Bugfix 08-10-16-dctt: \texttt{rule=0} added} % \changes{v3.2}{2010/10/26}{Bugfix 10-07-20a: Set \cs{hsize} to \cs{linewidth}, if necessary} % \changes{v3.4c}{2020/01/01}{Ugly workaround for usage in lists added} % \changes{v3.4d}{2020/01/01}{Ugly workaround for usage in lists revised} % \changes{v3.6}{2021/01/04}{Re-definition of \cs{addcontentsline} added} % To support the \pkg{listings} package we need to redefine % |\lst@Make|\-|Caption| so the original stuff is nested with % |\caption@begin| and |\caption@end| etc.\par % We set a flag inside the "Init" hook of the \pkg{listings} package (where adaption of |\line|\-|width| etc.~takes place). % \begin{macrocode} \caption@setbool{lst@Init}{0}% \lst@AddToHook{Init}{\caption@setbool{lst@Init}{1}}% % \end{macrocode} % \begin{macrocode} \let\caption@ORI@lst@MakeCaption\lst@MakeCaption \renewcommand*\lst@MakeCaption[1]{% #1 is `t' or `b' % \end{macrocode} % This macro is always called twice by the \pkg{listings} package (with `t' or `b' as parameter), % therefore we need an extra group here. % \begin{macrocode} \begingroup % \end{macrocode} % Inside lists the \pkg{listings} package ignores the left margin (|\@total|\-|left|\-|margin|) for captions. % We emulate this behaviour by adding a negative skip which will be typeset ahead of |\caption@box|.\par % Note: We only need to do this if the ``Init'' hook of the \pkg{listings} package wasn't called yet. % \begin{macrocode} \caption@iflst@Init{}{% \edef\caption@lst@leftskip{\noexpand\hskip-\the\@totalleftmargin\noexpand\relax}% \l@addto@macro\caption@beginhook\caption@lst@leftskip}% % \end{macrocode} % We set |position=#1| and if it was set to `top', % we swap the skips so the default behavior of the \pkg{listings} package % will not be changed. (Note that the \pkg{listings} package has set its % own |\abovecaptionskip| \& |\belowcaptionskip| values prior to calling % \cs{lst@MakeCaption}.) % \begin{macrocode} \caption@setposition{#1}% \caption@iftop{% \@tempdima\belowcaptionskip \belowcaptionskip\abovecaptionskip \abovecaptionskip\@tempdima}{}% % \end{macrocode} % Workaround for issue with wrong skips (FIXME: This should be examined further) % \begin{macrocode} \caption@setup{rule=0}% % \end{macrocode} % Afterwards we set the local `lstlisting' options. % \begin{macrocode} \caption@setoptions{lstlisting}% % \end{macrocode} % If the |position=| is now set to |auto|, we take over the |captionpos=| % setting from the \pkg{listings} package. % \begin{macrocode} \caption@setautoposition{#1}% % \end{macrocode} % \begin{macrocode} % We re-define |\addcontentsline| so our list format gets used for the lol entry etc. \ifx\lst@@caption\@empty \else \let\caption@ORI@addcontentsline\addcontentsline \renewcommand*\addcontentsline[3]{% \let\addcontentsline\caption@ORI@addcontentsline \caption@addcontentsline{lstlisting}{\lst@@caption}}% \fi % \end{macrocode} % At the end we do similar stuff as in our \cs{@caption} code. % \begin{macrocode} \caption@begin{lstlisting}% \caption@ORI@lst@MakeCaption{#1}% \caption@end % \end{macrocode} % \begin{macrocode} \endgroup}% % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\lst@makecaption} % \begin{macro}{\lst@maketitle} % Wrapper macros for typesetting the |caption=| or |title=| value. % \begin{macrocode} \def\lst@makecaption{\caption@starfalse\@makecaption}% \def\lst@maketitle{\caption@startrue\@makecaption\@empty}% % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\ext@lstlisting} % \changes{v3.1}{2007/03/03}{This macro added} % Since the \pkg{listings} package do not define |\ext@lstlisting| % but we needed it when |\captionof{lstlisting}| will be done by the end user, % we define it here. % \begin{macrocode} \providecommand*\ext@lstlisting{lol}% % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\lst@@caption} % \changes{v3.1}{2007/03/03}{This macro added} % \changes{v3.1a}{2007/07/13}{Bugfix 07-09-13: \cs{lst@@caption} will not be re-defined anymore} % \changes{v3.2}{2010/10/26}{Bugfix 09-05-15: Setting of \cs{lst@@caption} added to \cs{caption@beginex}} % \changes{v3.5h}{2022/03/01}{Re-definition of \cs{lst@@caption} moved from \cs{caption@beginex} to \cs{caption@beginex@hook}} % We define |\lst@@caption| to non-|\@empty|, so |\fnum@lst|\-|listing| will % include a numbering. % \begin{macrocode} \l@addto@macro\caption@beginex@hook{\let\lst@@caption\relax}% % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macrocode} }{} % \end{macrocode} % % \subsubsection{The longtable package} % % \begin{macro}{\LTcaptype} % \changes{v3.1}{2007/07/06}{This macro and its support added} % |\LTcaptype| is preset to |table|. % \begin{macrocode} \providecommand*\LTcaptype{table} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\caption@AtBeginLongtable} % \changes{v3.5}{2018/04/15}{This macro added} % \begin{macrocode} \providecommand*\caption@LT@array{} \newcommand\caption@AtBeginLongtable{% \g@addto@macro\caption@LT@array} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macrocode} \caption@IfPackageLoaded{longtable}[1995/05/24 v3.14]{% % \end{macrocode} % \begin{macrocode} \RequirePackage{ltcaption}[2018/08/26]% \let\LT@@makecaption\@undefined % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macro}{\LT@array} % \changes{v3.1}{2007/07/22}{This redefinition added} % \changes{v3.1a}{2007/09/16}{Bugfix: This redefinition will always be done \cs{AtBeginDocument}} % \changes{v3.1g}{2008/01/20}{Bugfix in \cs{captionlistentry}: Table counter will not be incremented anymore, \cs{nameref} works} % \changes{v3.3}{2016/01/31}{Support for \cs{bicaption} added} % \changes{v3.3}{2018/10/05}{Definition of \cs{captionlistentry} fixed} % \changes{v3.5}{2018/04/15}{Usage of \cs{caption@AtBeginLongtable} added} % \changes{v3.6}{2022/01/05}{Usage of \cs{caption@Error} replaced by \cs{caption@OutsideFloat}} % \changes{v3.6g}{2022/04/18}{Adapted to recent version of \pkg{caption3} package} % We redefine |\LT@array| here to get |\captionsetup|\marg{options} working inside |longtable|s. % \Note{Since the \pkg{hyperref} package patches \cs{LT@array} as well % and since this only works with the original definition of \cs{LT@array}, % we have to do this after the \pkg{hyperref} package, i.e.~\cs{AtBeginDocument}.} % \begin{macrocode} \caption@AtBeginDocument{% \let\caption@ORI@LT@array\LT@array \renewcommand*\LT@array{% \caption@LT@array \caption@ORI@LT@array}}% % \end{macrocode} % \begin{macrocode} \caption@AtBeginLongtable{% % |\captionsetup| for longtable: % \begin{macrocode} \global\let\caption@opt@@longtable\@undefined \def\captionsetup{% \noalign\bgroup \@ifstar\@captionsetup\@captionsetup}% gobble * \def\@captionsetup#1{\LT@captionsetup{#1}\egroup}% \def\LT@captionsetup#1{% \caption@setup@options\@gobble[@longtable]{#1}% \global\let\caption@opt@@longtable\caption@opt@@longtable}% % \end{macrocode} % |\captionlistentry| for longtable: % \begin{macrocode} \def\captionlistentry{% \noalign\bgroup \@ifstar{\egroup\LT@listentry\LTcaptype}% gobble * {\egroup\LT@listentry\LTcaptype}}% % \end{macrocode} % |\continuedfloat| for longtable:\\ % {\small(Commented out, since it's not deeply tested and quite useless anyway)} % \Note{\pkg{hyperref} versions $<$ v6.76j uses $2\times$ \cs{hyper@makecurrent}} % \begin{macrocode} % \caption@ifhypcap{% % \let\caption@ORI@hyper@makecurrent\hyper@makecurrent % \def\hyper@makecurrent##1{% % \let\hyper@makecurrent\caption@ORI@hyper@makecurrent % \caption@makestart{##1}% %% \let\Hy@LT@currentHlabel\@currentHlabel % \let\Hy@LT@currentHref\@currentHref % \def\hyper@makecurrent####1{% %% \let\@currentHlabel\Hy@LT@currentHlabel % \let\@currentHref\Hy@LT@currentHref}}% % \let\caption@ORI@continuedfloat\continuedfloat % \def\continuedfloat{\noalign{% % \gdef\caption@setContinuedFloat{% % \let\caption@reset@continuedfloat\@gobble}% % \def\caption@setoptions##1{% % \g@addto@macro\caption@setContinuedFloat{% % \caption@setoptions{##1}}}% % \let\@captype\LTcaptype % \caption@ORI@ContinuedFloat}}% % }{% % \def\continuedfloat{\noalign{% % \caption@Error{% % \noexpand\continuedfloat inside longtables\MessageBreak % is only available with `hypcap=true'}}}% % }% % \global\let\caption@setContinuedFloat\@empty \def\continuedfloat{\noalign{% \caption@OutsideFloat\continuedfloat}}% % \end{macrocode} % |\bicaption| for longtable: % \begin{macrocode} \let\bicaption\LT@bicaption % \end{macrocode} % \begin{macrocode} }% % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\LT@capti@n} % \changes{v3.3}{2016/02/01}{This re-definition added} % The original implementation: % \begin{verbatim} % \def\LT@capti@n{% % \@ifstar % {\egroup\LT@c@ption\@gobble[]}% % {\egroup\@xdblarg{\LT@c@ption\@firstofone}}} % \end{verbatim}%^^A % Our implementation uses |\caption@xdblarg| instead of |\@xdblarg|: % \begin{macrocode} \def\LT@capti@n{% \@ifstar {\egroup\LT@c@ption\@gobble[]}% {\egroup\caption@xdblarg{\LT@c@ption\@firstofone}}}% % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\LT@makecaption} % \changes{v3.0d}{2004/08/10}{Bugfix 04-08-04: \cs{abovecaptionskip} \& \cs{belowcaptionskip} will be used now} % \changes{v3.0e}{2005/05/05}{Bugfix: \cs{captionsetup[longtable]} overrides \cs{LTcapwidth} now} % \changes{v3.0h}{2005/10/07}{\cs{caption@LT@make} introduced} % \changes{v3.3}{2016/02/01}{Support for \cs{bicaption} via \cs{caption@LT@setup} added} % \changes{v3.3a}{2019/04/02}{Work-around for problem with \pkg{floatrow} added} % \changes{v3.6}{2021/01/09}{Adapted to current interface of \cs{caption@prepare@stepcounter}} % |\LT@makecaption|\marg{cmd}\marg{label}\marg{text}\par % \smallskip % The original definition: % \begin{verbatim} % \def\LT@makecaption#1#2#3{% % \LT@mcol\LT@cols c{\hbox to\z@{\hss\parbox[t]\LTcapwidth{% % % Based on article class "\@makecaption", "#1" is "\@gobble" in star % % form, and "\@firstofone" otherwise. % \sbox\@tempboxa{#1{#2: }#3}% % \ifdim\wd\@tempboxa>\hsize % #1{#2: }#3% % \else % \hbox to\hsize{\hfil\box\@tempboxa\hfil}% % \fi % \endgraf\vskip\baselineskip}% % \hss}}} % \end{verbatim}%^^A % Our definition: % \begin{macrocode} \renewcommand\LT@makecaption[3]{% \caption@LT@make{% \caption@LT@settype\LTcaptype % \end{macrocode} % |\caption@LT@setup| is re-defined inside the \pkg{bicaption} package % and contains the preparation of typesetting of the bilingual caption. % \begin{macrocode} \caption@LT@setup % \end{macrocode} % \iffalse % The default |position=| setting for longtables is |top|. % (This emulates the standard behavior of the \pkg{longtable} package % which has no skip above the caption but a skip below it.) % \fi % |position=auto| is a bad idea for longtables, but we do our very best. % This works quite well for captions inside the longtable contents, but % not for captions inside the longtable (end)foot. % \Note{This should be `top' if unclear!} % \begin{macrocode} \caption@setautoposition{\ifcase\LT@rows t\else b\fi}% % \end{macrocode} % We set |\ifcaption@star| according the 1st argument. % \begin{macrocode} \caption@startrue#1\caption@starfalse % \end{macrocode} % \begin{macrocode} \caption@prepare@stepcounter\LTcaptype % \end{macrocode} % \changes{v3.1}{2007/05/05}{\cs{caption@font@normal} added} % \begin{macrocode} \caption@begin\LTcaptype \caption@normalsize % \end{macrocode} % The following skip has the purpose to correct the height of the % |\parbox[t]|. Usually it's the height of the very first line, but % because of our extra skips (|\abovecaptionskip| and |\belowcaptionskip|) % it's always |0pt|.\par % (A different idea would be typesetting the first skip outside the longtable % column with |\noalign{\vskip|\ldots|}|, but this means we have to move % |\caption@begin| to some other place because it does not work in tabular % mode. And at the moment I have no idea on how to do this in an elegant % way\ldots) % \begin{macrocode} \vskip-\ht\strutbox % \end{macrocode} % Work-around for problem with \pkg{floatrow}: % The |\below|\-|caption|\-|skip| disturbs the environment in which the caption is actually typeset (by creating extra, unwanted space), % so we supress this skip if the \pkg{floatrow} package is loaded. % (This fixes \issue{50}) % \begin{macrocode} \caption@ifdefined\FBifcaptop{% \let\caption@belowskip\@empty}{}% % \end{macrocode} % The following code should look familiar. We do our skips and use % |\caption@@make| to typeset the caption itself. % \begin{macrocode} \caption@make@above \caption@@make{#2}{#3}\endgraf \caption@make@below \caption@end}}% % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\LT@listentry} % \changes{v3.3}{2018/08/26}{This macro added} % \changes{v3.3}{2018/10/05}{Bugfix: \cs{ignorespaces} added} % \changes{v3.3}{2018/12/26}{Bugfix: Missing curly braces added} % \begin{macrocode} \renewcommand*\LT@listentry[2]{% \begingroup \caption@LT@settype{#1}% \caption@listentry\@firstoftwo[{#1}]{#2}% \endgroup\ignorespaces}% % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\caption@LT@settype} % \changes{v3.3}{2018/08/26}{This macro added} % \changes{v3.3}{2018/10/05}{Uses argument no. 1 instead of \cs{LTcaptype}} % \changes{v3.6}{2021/01/17}{Adapted to current implementation of \cs{caption@setwidth}} % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*\caption@LT@settype[1]{% \caption@settype{#1}% % \end{macrocode} % If |\LTcapwidth| is not set to its default value |4in| we assume % that it shall overwrite our own setting. % (But |\captionsetup[longtable]{width=|\ldots|}| will overwrite |\LTcapwidth|.) % \begin{macrocode} \ifdim\LTcapwidth=4in \else \caption@setwidth\LTcapwidth \fi % \end{macrocode} % \begin{macrocode} \caption@setoptions{longtable}% % \caption@setContinuedFloat % \end{macrocode} % Finally set options applied by |\captionsetup| inside the longtable. % \begin{macrocode} \caption@setoptions{@longtable}}% % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\flrow@setlist} % \changes{v3.4g}{2020/01/03}{Redefinition of this macro added} % The \pkg{floatrow} package uses |\flrow@setlist{{table}{longtable}}| inside its redefinition of |\LT@array| without setting |\@captype| first, % and this makes |\captionsetup[table]{name=...}| doomed to fail for longtables (``Undefined control sequence''). % Unfortunately we cannot easily patch |\LT@array| again to fix this bug in \pkg{floatrow} since it will be patched |\AtBeginDocument|. % Therefore we patch |\flrow@setlist| instead to catch and fix the bug on-the-fly. % \begin{macrocode} \caption@AtBeginDocument{\caption@ifdefined\flrow@setlist@{% \caption@InfoNoLine{Fixing longtable code of `floatrow' package}% \let\caption@flrow@setlist@\flrow@setlist@ \renewcommand\flrow@setlist@[1]{% \def\caption@tempa{{table}{longtable}}% \def\caption@tempb{#1}% \ifx\caption@tempa\caption@tempb \def\@captype{table}% \fi \caption@flrow@setlist@{#1}}% }{}}% % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macrocode} }{% \let\caption@AtBeginLongtable\@gobble \let\caption@LT@array\@undefined } % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macro}{\caption@LT@setup} % \changes{v3.3}{2016/02/01}{This macro added} % Hook for stuff which prepares the typesetting of the \pkg{longtable} caption. % \begin{macrocode} \providecommand*\caption@LT@setup{} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \subsubsection{The picinpar package} % \changes{v3.1}{2007/06/13}{Support of the \pkg{picinpar} package added} % % \begin{macrocode} \caption@IfPackageLoaded{picinpar}{% % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macro}{\figwindow} % \begin{macro}{\tabwindow} % The \pkg{picinpar} package comes with its own caption code % (|\wincaption|, |\@wincaption|, |\@makewincaption|, \ldots) % so we redefine |\figwindow| \& |\tabwindow| to use |\caption| instead. % \begin{macrocode} \long\def\figwindow[#1,#2,#3,#4] {% \caption@window{figure}% \caption@setoptions{figwindow}% \begin{window}[#1,#2,{#3},\caption@wincaption{#4}] }% % \end{macrocode} % \begin{macrocode} \long\def\tabwindow[#1,#2,#3,#4] {% \caption@window{table}% \caption@setoptions{tabwindow}% \begin{window}[#1,#2,{#3},\caption@wincaption{#4}] }% % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\caption@window} % \changes{v3.1c}{2007/10/06}{Bugfix: \cs{caption@clearmargin} added} % Beside calling |\caption@settype| we redefine |\caption@par|\-|box|\-|restore| % (as in \pkg{floatflt} \& \pkg{picins} package support) % and |\@makecaption| (as in \pkg{float} package support) here. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*\caption@window[1]{% \let\@makecaption\caption@@make \caption@setautoposition b% \caption@settype{#1}% \caption@clearmargin \caption@setanchor}% % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\caption@wincaption} % \changes{v3.1d}{2007/10/25}{Missing \% added} % \changes{v3.3}{2013/04/14}{\cs{caption@ContinuedFloattrue} added} % \changes{v3.3}{2018/10/06}{\cs{caption@ContinuedFloattrue} replaced by \cs{caption@setflag1}} % \changes{v3.6}{2020/12/28}{\cs{caption@setflag1} replaced by \cs{caption@clrflags}\cs{caption@setcontinued}} % This one finally typesets the caption using |\caption|. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand\caption@wincaption[1]{% % \end{macrocode} % This will be done twice for every |figwindow| \& |tabwindow| caption -- % on the first run |\picwd| is |0pt|, on the second run |\picwd| is |\hsize|. % \begin{macrocode} \ifdim\picwd=\z@ \let\caption@makecurrent\@gobbletwo \let\caption@@start\relax \caption@prepareslc \else % don't increment the figure or table counter again \caption@clrflags \caption@setcontinued \fi % \end{macrocode} % The argument |#1| could contain simply the caption text % (e.g.~|A figure caption|), but it could also contain an optional argument, % the \meta{lst\_entry} % (e.g.~|[An| |entry| |to| |the| |LOF]||{A| |figure| |caption}|). % Therefore we have to test if |#1| begins with~|[| or not; furthermore we % support a starred variant -- as in |\caption*| -- so we test for~|*|, too. % \begin{macrocode} \edef\@tempa{\expandafter\noexpand\@car#1\@nil}% \if\@tempa*% \let\@tempa\@firstofone \else\if\@tempa[%] \let\@tempa\@firstofone \else \let\@tempa\@empty \fi\fi \expandafter\caption\@tempa{#1}}% % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macrocode} }{} % \end{macrocode} % % \subsubsection{The picins package} % \changes{v3.0j}{2006/01/26}{Support of the \pkg{picins} package added} % % \begin{macro}{\piccaptiontype} % |\piccaptiontype|\marg{type}\par % We offer this macro for changing the \meta{type} of the caption, so the user % doesn't have to redefine |\@captype|, as proposed in the \pkg{picins} % documentation. % \Note{We define this macro here so it can be used in the % preamble of the document, even when \thispackage\ was loaded prior to the % \pkg{picins} package.} % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*\piccaptiontype[1]{\def\@piccaptype{#1}} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macrocode} \caption@IfPackageLoaded{picins}{% % \end{macrocode} % % Initial set |\@piccaptype| and undefine |\@captype| which was set to % |figure| by the \pkg{picins} package. % \begin{macrocode} \caption@ifundefined\@piccaptype{% \caption@iftype{% \let\@piccaptype\@captype }{% \def\@piccaptype{figure}% }% }{}% \let\@captype\@undefined % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macro}{\piccaption} % The original code: % \begin{verbatim} % \def\piccaption{\@ifnextchar [{\@piccaption}{\@piccaption[]}} % \end{verbatim}%^^A % Our code uses |\caption@star| so |\piccaption*| works, % and |\caption@dblarg| so |\piccaption{}| works correctly. % \begin{macrocode} \def\piccaption{\caption@star\relax{\caption@dblarg\@piccaption}}% % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\make@piccaption} % \changes{v3.1}{2007/12/06}{Bugfix: \cs{caption@clearmargin} will always be used now} % The original code: % \begin{verbatim} % \def\make@piccaption{% % [...] % \setbox\@TEXT=\vbox{\hsize\hsiz@\caption[\sh@rtf@rm]{\capti@nt@xt}}% % } % \end{verbatim}%^^A % In our code we have to correct several things: % \begin{enumerate} % \item |\@captype| must be defined, since we have removed the global % definition. % \item We use |\caption@setoptions{parpic}| so % |\captionsetup[parpic]{|\ldots|}| is supported. % \item |\linewidth| must be set correctly. % Usually this is done by |\@parbox|\-|restore| inside |\@caption|, % but since we use |\@caption@parbox|\-|restore| we have to map this to % |\@parbox|\-|restore| instead. % \item The two arguments of |\caption| (|\sh@rtf@rm| \& |\capti@nt@xt|) % should be expanded on first level so |\caption[]{|\ldots|}| and % |\caption[|\ldots|]{}| work correctly. % \end{enumerate} % \begin{macrocode} \let\caption@ORI@make@piccaption\make@piccaption \def\make@piccaption{% \let\caption@ORI\caption % \end{macrocode} % \begin{macrocode} \long\def\caption[##1]##2{% \caption@freezeHref % will be defrosted in \ivparpic \caption@settype\@piccaptype % \ifnum\c@piccaptionpos>2\relax \caption@clearmargin % \else % \caption@width\z@ % do not use "width=" setting % \fi \caption@setoptions{parpic}% \caption@setautoposition b% \caption@setanchor % \end{macrocode} % \begin{macrocode} \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\caption@ORI \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter[% \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter{% \expandafter##1\expandafter}\expandafter]\expandafter{##2}}% % \end{macrocode} % {\footnotesize\begin{quote} % \leavevmode\llap{-or-\quad}%^^A % |\begingroup|\\ % | \toks0\expandafter{##1}| |\toks2\expandafter{##2}|\\ % | \edef\x{\endgroup|\\ % | \noexpand\caption@ORI[{\the\toks0}]{\the\toks2}}|\\ % | \x| % \end{quote} % \begin{quote} % \leavevmode\llap{-or-\quad}%^^A % |\edef\x{%|\\ % | \noexpand\caption@ORI[{\unexpanded\expandafter{##1}}]%|\\ % | {\unexpanded\expandafter{##2}}}|\\ % |\-| % \end{quote}} % \begin{macrocode} \caption@ORI@make@piccaption \let\caption\caption@ORI}% % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\ivparpic} % \changes{v3.3}{2018/12/26}{Bugfix: Missing curly braces added} % We need to set our \pkg{hyperref} anchor here. % Not bullet-proof since we have to redefine |\noindent| here! % \begin{macrocode} \let\caption@ORI@ivparpic\ivparpic \def\ivparpic(#1,#2)(#3,#4)[#5][#6]#7{% \let\caption@ORI@noindent\noindent \def\noindent{% \caption@defrostHref \let\noindent\caption@ORI@noindent \noindent}% \caption@ORI@ivparpic(#1,#2)(#3,#4)[{#5}][{#6}]{#7}% \let\noindent\caption@ORI@noindent}% % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macrocode} }{% \let\piccaptiontype\@undefined } % \end{macrocode} % % \subsubsection{The rotating package} % % \begin{macrocode} \caption@IfPackageLoaded{rotating}[1995/08/22 v2.10]{% % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macro}{\rotcaption} % \changes{v3.0c}{2004/07/16}{Bugfix: Check for \cs{caption@star} removed} % \changes{v3.0i}{2005/12/07}{Rewritten, works with \pkg{hyperref} now} % Make |\rotcaption*| work. % \begin{macrocode} \def\rotcaption{\let\@makecaption\@makerotcaption\caption}% % \let\@rotcaption\@undefined % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\rotcaptionof} % \changes{v3.0i}{2005/12/07}{New} % Make |\rotcaptionof(*)| work. % \begin{macrocode} \def\rotcaptionof{% \caption@teststar\caption@of{\rotcaption*}\rotcaption}% % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\@makerotcaption} % \changes{v3.0i}{2005/12/06}{Rewritten, should finally work proper now} % \changes{v3.0m}{2007/03/04}{Uses \cs{caption@parbox} instead of \cs{caption@start/endbox}} % \changes{v3.3}{2012/12/26}{Rewritten (again)} % \changes{v3.6}{2021/01/17}{Adapted to current implementation of \cs{caption@setmargin}} % Original (bugfixed) code: % \begin{verbatim} % \long\def\@makerotcaption#1#2{% % \setbox\@tempboxa\hbox{#1: #2}% % \ifdim \wd\@tempboxa > .8\vsize % \rotatebox{90}{% % \begin{minipage}{.8\textheight}#1: #2\end{minipage}% % }%\par % <== \par removed (AR) % \else% % \rotatebox{90}{\box\@tempboxa}% % \fi % \nobreak\hspace{12pt}% <== \nobreak added (AR) % } % \end{verbatim}%^^A % Our version emulates this behavior, but if |width=| is set, % the rotated caption is always typeset as |\parbox|. % (Note that |margin=| is not supported here.) % \begin{macrocode} \long\def\@makerotcaption#1#2{% \rotatebox{90}{% \ifdim\caption@width=\z@ \caption@setwidth{.8\vsize}% \l@addto@macro\caption@singleline{% \caption@setup{parbox=none}}% \fi \let\caption@calcmargin\relax \caption@@make{#1}{#2}}% \nobreak\hspace{12pt}}% % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macrocode} }{} % \end{macrocode} % % \subsubsection{The scrextend package} % \changes{v3.6j}{2023/03/12}{Patch of the \pkg{scrextend} package added} % % \begin{macro}{\caption@IfKomaPackageLoaded} % \changes{v3.6j}{2023/03/12}{This macro definition added} % \changes{v3.6k}{2023/03/14}{Check for \cs{scr@caption} replaced by \cs{caption@ifdocumentclass}} % \begin{macrocode} \caption@ifdocumentclass{koma}% {\long\def\caption@IfKomaPackageLoaded#1[#2]#3#4{% \caption@InfoNoLine{KOMA-Script #1 package detected}% #3}}% {\let\caption@IfKomaPackageLoaded\caption@IfPackageLoaded} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macrocode} \caption@IfKomaPackageLoaded{scrextend}[2002/07/01 v3.0]{% % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macro}{\caption@patch@addmargin} % \changes{v3.6j}{2023/03/12}{This macro definition added} % Both environments, \env{addmargin} and \env{addmargin*}, are starting a \env{list} \cs{item}. % But \cs{hsize} isn't set properly inside a \env{list} item, and therefore \cs{@makecaption} % (offered by document classes) doesn't work properly when used inside \env{addmargin}. % Therefore we try to detect the situation ``Are we inside a \env{addmargin} environment?'' % inside \cs{@makecaption} and fix this. (Sigh!) % \begin{macrocode} \let\caption@addmargin@env\@addmargin \renewcommand*\@addmargin{% \@testopt\caption@@addmargin\@tempa}% \def\caption@@addmargin[#1]#2{% \caption@addmargin@env[{#1}]{#2}% \caption@set@addmargin \ignorespaces}% % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\caption@set@addmargin} % \changes{v3.6j}{2023/03/12}{This macro definition added} % We cannot simply set and test a flag here since our adjustment to \cs{hsize} should % not be done within a \cs{parbox} within a \env{addmargin} environment for example, % and therefore we store \cs{hsize} and \cs{linewidth}, and test \cs{hsize} and \cs{linewidth} % against the stored values instead. If they are equal we are (hopefully) quite save % to assume that we are now inside a plain \env{addmargin} environment and therefore need % to fix \cs{hsize} before typesetting the caption. (Deep sigh!) % \begin{macrocode} \newdimen\caption@addmargin@hsize \newdimen\caption@addmargin@linewidth % \end{macrocode} % \begin{macrocode} \providecommand*\caption@set@addmargin{% \caption@addmargin@hsize\hsize \caption@addmargin@linewidth\linewidth \l@addto@macro\caption@beginex@hook\caption@test@addmargin}% % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\caption@test@addmargin} % \changes{v3.6j}{2023/03/12}{This macro definition added} % Test if the values of \cs{hsize} and \cs{linewidth} are identical to % the ones stored in the \env{addmargin} environment. % If yes, set \cs{hsize} to the correct value. % \begin{macrocode} \providecommand\caption@test@addmargin{% \ifdim\hsize=\caption@addmargin@hsize \ifdim\linewidth=\caption@addmargin@linewidth \hsize=\linewidth \fi \fi}% % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macrocode} }{}% % \end{macrocode} % % \subsubsection{The sidecap package} % % \begin{macrocode} \caption@IfPackageLoaded{sidecap}[2003/06/06 v1.6f]{% \caption@setbool{needfreeze}{1}% % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macro}{\SC@zfloat} % \changes{v3.0b}{2004/05/16}{Local definition of \cs{captionsetup} added} % \changes{v3.0c}{2004/07/16}{Bugfix 04-07-15: Check for \cs{caption@star} removed} % \changes{v3.1c}{2007/10/06}{\cs{caption} will be saved \& restored now} % \changes{v3.2a}{2011/08/17}{Bugfix: Uses \cs{caption@freeze} instead of \cs{caption@freeze*} now} % \changes{v3.3}{2013/05/01}{Usage of \cs{caption@freeze} replaced by \cs{caption@freezetype}} % \changes{v3.6i}{2022/07/10}{\cs{ignorespaces} appended} % This macro will be called at the start of the environment, here is a good % opportunity to do some adaptations to |\caption| and |\captionsetup|. % \begin{macrocode} \let\caption@ORI@SC@zfloat\SC@zfloat \def\SC@zfloat#1#2#3[#4]{% % \end{macrocode} % First we use the original definition, but restore \cs{caption} and \cs{label} % so \cs{caption@freeze} and \cs{caption@warmup} will work correctly. % \begin{macrocode} \caption@ORI@SC@zfloat{#1}{#2}{#3}[#4]% \SC@RestoreCommands % \end{macrocode} % Since the sidecap package uses our |\caption| code outside the % environment the regular |\caption|\-|setup| will not work. % So we need a special version here which saves the given argument list % which will be executed later on. % Furthermore we need to make |\caption*| work. % \begin{macrocode} \caption@freezetype{#2}% % \end{macrocode} % The sidecap package uses |\ifx\label\SC@label| to test if it is just inside a % |SC|\-|figure| or not. So we redefine |\SC@label| here so this test will still work. % \begin{macrocode} \let\SC@label\label % \end{macrocode} % Since the original definition of |\SC@zfloat| ends with |\begin{lrbox}| which ends with |\ignore|\-|spaces|, % we do have to end our re-definition of |\SC@zfloat| with |\ignore|\-|spaces| as well. % \begin{macrocode} \ignorespaces}% % \end{macrocode} % \begin{macrocode} \providecommand*\SC@RestoreCommands{% \let\caption=\SC@orig@caption \let\label=\SC@orig@label}% % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\endSC@FLOAT} % \changes{v3.0i}{2006/01/12}{\cs{@listdepth}\cs{z@} added} % \changes{v3.1}{2007/05/05}{Call of \cs{caption@setoptions}\arg{SCfloat} added} % This macro will be called at the end of the environment, here we need to % setup our stuff before the \pkg{sidecap} package actually typesets % its caption. % \begin{macrocode} \let\caption@ORI@endSC@FLOAT\endSC@FLOAT \def\endSC@FLOAT{% % \end{macrocode} % Before we can typeset the caption we need to set the margin to zero % because any extra margin would only be disturbing here.\par % (We don't need to take care about the caption position because % the sidecap package set both |\abovecaptionskip| and |\belowcaptionskip| % to a skip of zero anyway.)\par % Furthermore |\SC@justify| will override the caption justification, if set. % The usage of |\SC@justify| differs from version to version of the % \pkg{sidecap} package:\par % \begin{tabular}{ll} % Version 1.4: & |\SC@justify| is not defined\\ % Version 1.5: & |\SC@justify| is |\relax| when not set\\ % Version 1.6: & |\SC@justify| is |\@empty| when not set\\ % \end{tabular} % \begin{macrocode} \def\caption@setSC@justify{% \caption@clearmargin \ifx\SC@justify\@empty \else \let\caption@justification\SC@justify \let\SC@justify\@empty \fi}% % \end{macrocode} % Make the original definition of |\endSC@FLOAT| to use our caption % stuff instead of its own. % \Note{At this point the \pkg{sidecap} definition of \cs{caption} is valid, % not the regular one!} % \begin{macrocode} \let\caption\SC@orig@caption \def\SC@orig@caption[##1]##2{% \caption@setSC@justify %%% \caption@setoptions{SC}% \caption@setoptions{SC\@captype}% \caption@defrost}% % \end{macrocode} % Finally we call the original definition of |\endSC@FLOAT|. % \begin{macrocode} \caption@setSC@justify % for compatibility mode \caption@prepare@defrost \caption@ORI@endSC@FLOAT}% % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macrocode} }{} % \end{macrocode} % % \subsubsection{The subfigure package} % \changes{v3.1}{2007/04/06}{subfigure package support added} % % \begin{macrocode} \caption@IfPackageLoaded{subfigure}[2002/01/23 v2.1]{% % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macro}{\sf@ifpositiontop} % \changes{v3.1a}{2007/09/15}{Bugfix 07-09-15: Check for \cs{@captype} added} % If the \pkg{subfigure} package is loaded, we map |\sf@ifpositiontop| % to |\iffiguretopcap| or |\iftabletopcap|, so the \pkg{subfigure} % \version{2.1} options \opt{figbotcap} etc. will still work. % \begin{macrocode} \def\sf@ifpositiontop{% \ifx\@captype\@undefined \expandafter\@gobbletwo \else\ifx\@captype\relax \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\@gobbletwo \else \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\sf@if@position@top \fi\fi} % \end{macrocode} % \begin{macrocode} \def\sf@if@position@top{% \@ifundefined{if\@captype topcap}% {\@gobbletwo}% {\@nameuse{if\@captype topcap}% \expandafter\@firstoftwo \else \expandafter\@secondoftwo \fi}} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macrocode} }{} % \end{macrocode} % % \subsubsection{The supertabular and xtab packages} % % \begin{macrocode} \caption@IfPackageLoaded{supertabular}[2002/07/19 v4.1e]{% % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macro}{\tablecaption} % \changes{v3.0e}{2005/05/05}{Made \cs{topcaption*} and \cs{bottomcaption*} work} % \changes{v3.1h}{2008/04/01}{Bugfix: Star variant does not increment table counter anymore} % Make |\topcaption*| and |\bottomcaption*| work. % \begin{macrocode} \renewcommand*\tablecaption{% \caption@star {\refstepcounter{table}}% {\caption@dblarg{\@xtablecaption}}}% % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\@xtablecaption} % \changes{v3.1h}{2008/04/01}{Made \cs{nameref} \& \cs{autoref} work} % \changes{v3.1l}{2010/01/09}{Adapted to current version of nameref package} % \changes{v3.3}{2018/12/26}{Bugfix: Missing curly braces added} % Make |\nameref| and |\autoref| work. % \begin{macrocode} \let\caption@ORI@xtablecaption\@xtablecaption \long\def\@xtablecaption[#1]#2{% \caption@gettitle{#2}% \caption@ORI@xtablecaption[{#1}]{#2}}% % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\ST@caption} % \changes{v3.0a}{2004/01/23}{Bugfix: Missing \cs{par} added} % \changes{v3.1h}{2008/04/01}{Bugfix: \cs{@currentlabelname} will be set now} % The original code: % \begin{verbatim} % \long\def\ST@caption#1[#2]#3{\par% % \addcontentsline{\csname ext@#1\endcsname}{#1}% % {\protect\numberline{% % \csname the#1\endcsname}{\ignorespaces #2}} % \begingroup % \@parboxrestore % \normalsize % \if@topcaption \vskip -10\p@ \fi % \@makecaption{\csname fnum@#1\endcsname}{\ignorespaces #3}\par % \if@topcaption \vskip 10\p@ \fi % \endgroup} % \end{verbatim}%^^A % \begin{macrocode} \long\def\ST@caption#1[#2]#3{\par% \caption@settype{#1}% \caption@setoptions{supertabular}% % \end{macrocode} % The |position=| setting will be overwritten by the % \pkg{supertabular} package: If |\topcaption| was used, % the position will be |top| automatically, |bottom| otherwise. % \begin{macrocode} \caption@setposition{\if@topcaption t\else b\fi}% % \end{macrocode} % \begin{macrocode} \caption@beginex{#1}{#2}{#3}% \caption@parboxrestore \caption@normalsize \@makecaption{\csname fnum@#1\endcsname}{\ignorespaces #3}\par \caption@end}% % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macrocode} }{} % \end{macrocode} % % \changes{v3.1h}{2008/04/01}{Support of the xtab package added} % \begin{macrocode} \caption@IfPackageLoaded{xtab}[2000/04/09 v2.3]{% % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macro}{\tablecaption} % Make |\topcaption*| and |\bottomcaption*| work. % \begin{macrocode} \renewcommand*\tablecaption{% \caption@star {\refstepcounter{table}}% {\caption@dblarg{\@xtablecaption}}}% % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\@xtablecaption} % \changes{v3.1l}{2010/01/09}{Adapted to current version of nameref package} % \changes{v3.3}{2018/12/26}{Bugfix: Missing curly braces added} % Make |\nameref| and |\autoref| work. % \begin{macrocode} \let\caption@ORI@xtablecaption\@xtablecaption \long\def\@xtablecaption[#1]#2{% \caption@gettitle{#2}% \caption@ORI@xtablecaption[{#1}]{#2}}% % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\ST@caption} % The original code: % \begin{verbatim} % \long\def\ST@caption#1[#2]#3{\par% % \@initisotab % \addcontentsline{\csname ext@#1\endcsname}{#1}% % {\protect\numberline{% % \csname the#1\endcsname}{\ignorespaces #2}}% % \begingroup % \@parboxrestore % \normalsize % %% \if@topcaption \vskip -10\p@ \fi % \@makecaption{\csname fnum@#1\endcsname}{\ignorespaces #3}\par % %% \if@topcaption \vskip 10\p@ \fi % \endgroup % \global\advance\ST@pageleft -\PWSTcapht % \ST@trace\tw@{Added caption. Space left for xtabular: \the\ST@pageleft}} % \end{verbatim}%^^A % \begin{macrocode} \long\def\ST@caption#1[#2]#3{\par% \caption@settype{#1}% \caption@setoptions{xtabular}% % \end{macrocode} % \begin{macrocode} \caption@set{position}{\if@topcaption t\else b\fi}% % \end{macrocode} % \begin{macrocode} \@initisotab \caption@beginex{#1}{#2}{#3}% \caption@parboxrestore \caption@normalsize \@makecaption{\csname fnum@#1\endcsname}{\ignorespaces #3}\par \caption@end \global\advance\ST@pageleft -\PWSTcapht \ST@trace\tw@{Added caption. Space left for xtabular: \the\ST@pageleft}}% % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macrocode} }{} % \end{macrocode} % % \subsubsection{The threeparttable package} % \changes{v3.1}{2007/05/08}{Support of the \pkg{threeparttable} package added} % % \begin{macrocode} \caption@IfPackageLoaded{threeparttable}[2003/06/13 v3.0]{% % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macro}{\threeparttable} % \changes{v3.3}{2016/01/31}{Bugfix: \cs{@captype} will be used if already defined} % \changes{v3.6e}{2022/04/17}{Main code outsourced to \cs{caption@setthreeparttable}} % Unfortunately |\@captype| is not set when |\TPT@common| will be used, % so we have to redefine |\threeparttable| and |\measuredfigure| instead. % \begin{macrocode} \let\caption@ORI@threeparttable\threeparttable \renewcommand*\threeparttable{% \caption@setthreeparttabletype{threepart}{table}% \caption@ORI@threeparttable}% % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\measuredfigure} % \changes{v3.3}{2016/01/31}{Bugfix: \cs{@captype} will be used if already defined} % \changes{v3.6e}{2022/04/17}{Main code outsourced to \cs{caption@setthreeparttable}} % Same here\ldots % \begin{macrocode} \let\caption@ORI@measuredfigure\measuredfigure \renewcommand*\measuredfigure{% \caption@setthreeparttabletype{measured}{figure}% \caption@ORI@measuredfigure}% % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\caption@setthreeparttabletype} % \changes{v3.6e}{2022/04/17}{Extracted from \cs{threeparttable} and \cs{measuredfigure}} % \changes{v3.6e}{2022/04/17}{Support for usage inside \env{subtable} or \env{subfigure} added} % |\caption@setthreeparttabletype|\marg{threepart type}\marg{main type} % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*\caption@setthreeparttabletype[2]{% \caption@ifsubtype {\def\caption@threeparttabletype{#1sub#2}% \let\caption@setanchor\relax}% {\caption@settype{\@ifundefined{@captype}{#2}{\@captype}}% \def\caption@threeparttabletype{#1#2}}% %%% \caption@setposition{auto}% ? \caption@clearmargin \caption@setoptions\caption@threeparttabletype \caption@setanchor}% % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\TPT@caption} % The original code: % \begin{verbatim} % \def\TPT@caption#1[#2]#3{\gdef\TPT@docapt % {\par\global\let\TPT@docapt\@undefined \TPT@LA@caption{#1}[{#2}]% % {\strut\ignorespaces#3\ifhmode\unskip\@finalstrut\strutbox\fi}}% % \ifx\TPT@hsize\@empty \let\label\TPT@gatherlabel \abovecaptionskip\z@skip % \else \TPT@docapt \fi \ignorespaces} % \end{verbatim}%^^A % \begin{macrocode} \def\TPT@caption#1[#2]#3{% \gdef\TPT@docapt{% \global\let\TPT@docapt\@undefined \caption@setautoposition\caption@TPT@position \TPT@LA@caption{#1}[{#2}]{#3}}% \ifx\TPT@hsize\@empty \let\label\TPT@gatherlabel % Bug: does not work for measuredfigures \gdef\caption@TPT@position{t}% \g@addto@macro\TPT@docapt\caption@TPT@eatvskip \else \def\caption@TPT@position{b}% \TPT@docapt \fi \ignorespaces}% % \end{macrocode} % \begin{macrocode} %\newcommand*\caption@TPT@eatvskip{\vskip-.2\baselineskip}% \def\caption@TPT@eatvskip#1\vskip{#1\@tempdima=}% % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macrocode} }{} % \end{macrocode} % % \subsubsection{The wrapfig package} % \changes{v3.1}{2007/05/05}{Support of the \pkg{wrapfig} package added} % \changes{v3.2d}{2011/11/02}{Support of the \pkg{wrapfig} package rewritten} % % \begin{macrocode} \caption@IfPackageLoaded{wrapfig}[2003/01/31 v3.6]{% % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macro}{\wrapfloat} % \changes{v3.2d}{2011/11/02}{Redefinition of this macro added} % \changes{v3.6}{2020/12/28}{Usage of \cs{@testopt} added} % First of all we make the \pkg{wrapfig} package independent from the package % load order regarding the \pkg{float} package. % Since the usage of |\@float@set|\-|every| is missing in the code of the \pkg{wrapfig} % package (it should be in the redefinition of |\float@re|\-|style|, right after % |\@nameuse{fst@#1}|), we don't use it here, too, % especially since |\wrap|\-|float| will usually not be used when used with re-styled floats. % \begin{macrocode} \renewcommand*\wrapfloat[1]{% \def\@captype{#1}% \@ifundefined{fst@#1}{}{% \@nameuse{fst@#1}% % \@float@setevery{#1}% \def\WF@floatstyhook{\let\@currbox\WF@box \global\setbox\WF@box\float@makebox{\wd\WF@box}}}% \@testopt\WF@wr{}} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\WF@rapt} % \changes{v3.2d}{2011/11/02}{Usage of \cs{WF@captionstyhook} added} % Original code: % \begin{verbatim} % \def\WF@rapt[#1]#2{% final two args: #1 = overhang, #2 = width, % \gdef\WF@ovh{#1}% hold overhang for later, when \width is known % \global\setbox\WF@box\vtop\bgroup \setlength\hsize{#2}% % \ifdim\hsize>\z@ \@parboxrestore \else % \setbox\z@\hbox\bgroup \let\wf@@caption\caption \let\caption\wf@caption % \ignorespaces \fi} % \end{verbatim}%^^A % Our code has |\WF@captionstyhook| in addition: % \begin{macrocode} \def\WF@rapt[#1]#2{% final two args: #1 = overhang, #2 = width, \gdef\WF@ovh{#1}% hold overhang for later, when \width is known \global\setbox\WF@box\vtop\bgroup \setlength\hsize{#2}% \expandafter\WF@captionstyhook\expandafter{\@captype}% <= new \ifdim\hsize>\z@ \@parboxrestore \else \setbox\z@\hbox\bgroup \let\wf@@caption\caption \let\caption\wf@caption \ignorespaces \fi}% % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\WF@captionstyhook} % \changes{v3.2d}{2011/11/02}{This macro added} % \changes{v3.2e}{2011/11/10}{Bugfix 11-11-09: float package support fixed} % We place our \pkg{hyperref} anchor here, apply the `wrap' options etc. % Since the usage of |\@float@set|\-|every| is missing in the \pkg{wrapfig} % package we will catch it up here for making the necessary adaptions to the % \pkg{float} package. % \begin{macrocode} \def\WF@captionstyhook#1{% \let\@captype\@undefined \@ifundefined{fst@#1}{}{\@float@setevery{#1}}% \caption@settype{#1}% \caption@clearmargin %%% \caption@setoptions{wrap}% \caption@setoptions{wrap#1}% \caption@setanchor}% % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macrocode} }{} % \end{macrocode} % % \subsection{Debug stuff} % % \begin{macro}{\caption@checkcounter} % \changes{v3.6}{2020/12/28}{This macro added} % |\caption@checkref|\marg{counter}\marg{expected value}\\ % checks if |\value|\marg{counter} would result in the \meta{expected value}. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*\caption@checkcounter[1]{% \caption@check{\the#1}{\@nameuse{the#1}}} % \end{macrocode} % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*\caption@check[3]{% \edef\caption@tempa{#2}% \edef\caption@tempb{#3}% \ifx\caption@tempa\caption@tempb \caption@Info{\string#1 = \caption@tempa}% \else \caption@Error{\string#1 = \caption@tempa\space <> \caption@tempb}% \fi} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\caption@checkref} % \changes{v3.6}{2020/12/28}{This macro added} % |\caption@checkref|\marg{marker}\marg{expected value}\\ % checks if |\ref|\marg{marker} would result in the \meta{expected value}. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*\caption@checkref[2]{% \@ifundefined{r@#1}{}% {\expandafter\expandafter\expandafter \caption@@checkref\csname r@#1\endcsname\@nil{#1}{#2}}} % \end{macrocode} % \begin{macrocode} \def\caption@@checkref#1#2\@nil#3#4{% \caption@check{\ref{#3}}{#1}{#4}} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \subsection{That's all Folks!} % % Execute the code declared with |\After|\-|Caption|\-|Package|. % % \begin{macrocode} \caption@endtitles@code \let\caption@endtitles@code\@undefined \let\AfterCaptionPackage\@firstofone % \end{macrocode} % % \iffalse %</package> % \fi % % \iffalse % --------------------------------------------------------------------------- % % \fi % % \clearpage % \Finale % \endinput