% begriffHeck.sty - a LaTeX2e package for typesetting begriffsschrift

% Copyright (C) 2003 by Josh Parsons <josh@coombs.anu.edu.au>
% This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
% it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
% the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
% (at your option) any later version.
% This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
% General Public License for more details.
% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
% along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
% Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111,
% USA.

% Changes made in October 2004 by Richard Heck <heck@fas.harvard.edu>
% Purpose of changes: To make the format of the formulae closer to how
% they are set in Frege's published works.
% Minor changes by Josh Parsons to fix problem with linespacing (May 2005)

%%% identification

%%% initial code

% thickness of lines

% additional length after a quantifier, conditional, negation, or assertion

% additional length before a quantifier, conditional, or negation

% space inserted before a formula

% total width of diagram
% Heck (10/2004): Due to changes below, this is the total width of the DIAGRAM
% and does not include the width of the terminal formulae. In previous versions,
% it did include them.

%%% options
%	\renewcommand{\mythanks}[1]{}
%	\let\@mythanks\relax

%%% package dependencies

%%% main code
\typeout{Begriffsschrift: 20 May 2005}

% variable-sized parenthesis
\left(\vbox to \dp0 {\vskip.5\baselineskip\box0\vss}\right)%

% generate a terminal node with fill-line to the left
\vrule height \baselineskip depth 0pt width 0pt% strut
\vrule height \BGthickness width \BGafterlen depth 0pt%
\ensuremath{\hskip\BGspace #1}%
% Heck (10/2004): Removed the following line, so that the terminal formulae will
% be left-aligned, as in Frege's published works.
\vrule height \BGthickness width \BGlinewidth depth 0pt%

% box up some maths and subtract its width from linewidth
% Heck (10/2004): Because of the changes above, this should no longer be needed.
% It remains for compatibility with previous versions.
\ensuremath{\hskip\BGspace #1}%

% generate a conditional \BGconditional{antecedent}{consequent}
\vrule height \baselineskip depth 3pt width 0pt% strut
\vrule height \BGthickness width \BGafterlen depth 0pt%
\ensuremath{\hskip\BGspace #1}%
\vrule height 0pt depth .3\baselineskip width 0pt% strut
\vrule height \BGthickness width \BGafterlen depth 0pt%
\ensuremath{\hskip\BGspace #2}%
\vrule width \BGbeforelen height \BGthickness depth 0pt%
\vrule width \BGthickness height \BGthickness depth \dimen0%

% generate an assertion sign
\vrule width \BGthickness height 5pt depth 5pt%
\vrule depth 0pt height \BGthickness width \BGafterlen%
\hskip \BGspace%

% generate a content stroke
\vrule depth 0pt height \BGthickness width \BGafterlen%
\hskip \BGspace%

% generate a negation
\vrule width \BGbeforelen height \BGthickness depth 0pt%
\vrule width \BGthickness height \BGthickness depth 3pt%
\vrule depth 0pt height \BGthickness width \BGafterlen%
\hskip \BGspace%

% generate a universal quantifier
\vrule width \BGbeforelen height \BGthickness depth 0pt%
% Heck (10/2004): Added "\mathfrak", since variables are always fraktur over quantifiers
\vbox{\hbox to 8pt {\hskip1pt\hskip\BGthickness\hss$_{\mathfrak{#1}}$\hss}\vskip1pt}%
\vrule width \BGafterlen height \BGthickness depth 0pt%

% Heck (10/2004): Convenience functions
% Heck: What I'd like to do is add another (optional) argument to 
% \BGif, so that if it is p, the premise is treated as \BGterm;
% if it is c, the conculsion is; if it is d, both are. But this will
% do for now.
% Treat premise as a terminal node
% Treat conclusion as a terminal node
% Treat both as terminal nodes