KWIC index for TeXhax V87, issues 01--106 created Tue Jun 1 16:54:50 BST 1993 by 0.9: problems using textures * (mac) (texhax.23) 01-nov-87: dvi driver family version 2.10 released [*] (texhax.91) 09/87: more mathematical symbols. re: martin gelbaum in issue * (texhax.12) 1.0: immoderate notes: printing problems with textures * (texhax.90) 1.4: bug in gftopk.web (*) (texhax.98) 10pt: double spacing, * option, and full page figure (texhax.09) 11/23: tex/latex for pdp *+ (texhax.75) 11x14: * camera-ready conference papers (texhax.52) 15th: contents of latex style collection, * september 1987 (texhax.76) 17th: contents of latex style collection, * june 1987 (texhax.50) 1st: contents of latex style collection, * may 1987 (texhax.33) 2-column: ieee * paper format documentstyle in latex ? (texhax.51) 2.0: tex * driver for qms 800 on vms (texhax.48) 2.01: tex * and latex for vms (texhax.45) 2.07: dvi family update #7 -- version * announcement (texhax.30) 2.08: public account update (tex dvi family version *) (texhax.72) 2.09: weird behaviour with \newtheorem in latex * (texhax.104) 2.1: availability of common tex * (texhax.57) 2.1: bug in tex release * for suns (texhax.86) 2.10: dvi driver family version * released [01-nov-87] (texhax.91) 2.5: tex bug -- version * (texhax.78) 2686a: dvi-processor for hp * laserjet (texhax.56) 26xx: driver for dataproducts lzr * device (texhax.35) 26xx: driver for dataproducts lzr * device (texhax.35) 27th: contents of latex style collection, * january 1987 (texhax.07) 27th: contents of latex style collection, * february 1987 (texhax.16) 2nd: contents of latex style collection, * april 1987 (texhax.25) 2nd: contents of latex style collection, * august 1987 (texhax.66) 3.2: re: metafont problems on sun * (texhax.24) 3.2: metafont problems in sunos * (texhax.25) 3.2: sun * and metafont (texhax.25) 3.2: tex on sun * (texhax.28) 3.2: undump for sun * (texhax.71) 3.4: undump for sun os * (texhax.78) 3812-driver: no response on * request (texhax.48) 38xx: tex and ibm * printers (texhax.69) 3b1: tex on the att *? (texhax.82) 3b1: looking for previewer for at&t * (texhax.99) 4.0: tex for pyramid * unix (texhax.83) 4.2/4.3: help installing latex(2.09) mf(1.2) from unix * bsd distr. (texhax.07) 4.5: tex on vax/vms * -- a problem (texhax.80) 4010/4014: preview for tektronix * (texhax.72) 4010/4014: tex previewer for tektronix * (texhax.79) 4014-->impress: filter for tek * for vms (texhax.23) 4014-->impress: filter for tek * for vms (texhax.23) 600dpi: * postscript printers (texhax.65) 8#3: contents, tugboat * (texhax.95) 8.5: publishers that won't take * x 11 (texhax.51) 8.5x11: conference proceedings with > * (texhax.42) 8/70: tex for bull dps * (texhax.75) 86/14: texhax * re: plea from a novice tex user (texhax.02) 87-91: re: texhax * (ams fonts) (texhax.95) 87/60: re: a latex ?bug?; discussion in texhax * (texhax.63) 8pt: * article style (texhax.36) 9000/320: previewer for hp *? (texhax.97) \begin{comment: *} \end{comment} (texhax.38) \bigl: tex bug ? undesireable fontname interaction with * (texhax.87) \dotfill: * (texhax.04) \end{comment: \begin{comment} *} (texhax.38) \expandafter: * and \write with token lists (texhax.72) \font: * and grouping (texhax.32) \font\big: * problem (texhax.89) \footline: \headline and * in amstex (texhax.49) \footnote: * problem in \tabular-environment (texhax.80) \footnote: re: * problem in \tabular-environment (texhax.81) \halign: negative column widths in * -- bug or feature? (texhax.103) \halign: help with * spread to \hsize (texhax.72) \halign: flushing to right margin in an * (texhax.75) \headline: * and \footline in amstex (texhax.49) \hrule: * in double-column format (texhax.10) \hsize: help with \halign spread to * (texhax.72) \include: response to * questions (texhax.92) \input: mixing * and \verbatim in latex? (texhax.10) \insertfigure: karney's * with arbortext (texhax.35) \item: almost like *, but ... (texhax.76) \item: re: almost like *, but ... (texhax.77) \latex: bug in * ? (texhax.59) \matrix: big *: help! (texhax.32) \multiput: latex bug in * (texhax.69) \newenvironment: help with * (texhax.67) \newtheorem: weird behaviour with * in latex 2.09 (texhax.104) \nopagebreak: * (texhax.08) \not: \vbox *= \vbox\unvbox\vbox (texhax.40) \pagestyle: * question (texhax.101) \pagestyle{myheadings: drafthd.sty - and some comments on *} (texhax.10) \printhyphens: a * macro (texhax.51) \sbox: problem in using * in latex pictures... (texhax.11) \special's: proposed standard for dvi * (texhax.46) \special: iptex and * commands (texhax.12) \special: re: * s (texhax.50) \special: * command and the gtex driver for a qms printer ... (texhax.61) \specials: * (texhax.49) \special{insert: problem with * plotfile} and imprint (texhax.20) \tableofcontents: problem with latex * entries (texhax.21) \tabular-environment: \footnote problem in * (texhax.80) \tabular-environment: re: \footnote problem in * (texhax.81) \tt: how to get a * underscore. (texhax.65) \vbox: * \not= \vbox\unvbox\vbox (texhax.40) \vbox\unvbox\vbox: \vbox \not= * (texhax.40) \vboxes: strange * (texhax.103) \verb: re: latex * (texhax digest v87 #56) (texhax.60) \verbatim: mixing \input and * in latex? (texhax.10) \write: \expandafter and * with token lists (texhax.72) \write: * without expanding tokens (texhax.75) \write: more * without token expansion (texhax.77) aaai-87: * style (texhax.19) aap: question about bibtex, * standard, etc. (texhax.73) accepting: dvi2ps with gf * macintosh inserts (texhax.91) access: new files, mail *... (texhax.64) access: * violations in vms tex (texhax.87) accessable: is the unix-tex newsletter * to bitnet users? (texhax.97) account: public * update (tex dvi family version 2.08) (texhax.72) across: hyphenation * page boundary (texhax.68) ada: web for *? (texhax.51) ada/tex: * web (texhax.98) adaptions: comments invited on tex * ideas. (texhax.99) add: * me to the list, and a question (texhax.01) add: * me, please (texhax.57) addendum: * to "incremental tex" (texhax v87 #32) (texhax.34) additon: * to mailing list (texhax.03) address: * correction - canon lbp-8 driver (texhax.52) address: a request for a ctex distribution * (texhax.73) addresses: * in latex style requests (texhax.36) addresses: problem *. (texhax.57) adds: vortex * x previewer (texhax.70) administrator: comments by an out-going site * (texhax.14) adobe: wanted: help with dvi2ps and built-in * fonts. (texhax.17) adobe: .afm (* font metric) fonts (texhax.95) advice: latex bugs (?) + * please (texhax.14) aegis: * site coordinator (texhax.07) affairs: the state of *: dvi->ps (texhax.63) afm: * (texhax.79) afm: postscript * files (texhax.81) afm: .* (adobe font metric) fonts (texhax.95) after: bogus space * use of a created environment (texhax.63) after: re: tex eats l's * fil (texhax.67) after: tex eats l's * fil (texhax.67) after: fleqn option -- indent * display (texhax.96) again: single spaced bibliography (*) (texhax.105) again: truncated posting--here it is * (texhax.92) agency: tex/latex employment * (texhax.34) algorithms: * in latex (texhax.89) align: * (texhax.32) aligning: query: how to * tables on decimal points (texhax.76) aligning: re: * on the decimal point (texhax.81) alignment: response to weird * (texhax.07) alignment: tex: * question (texhax.30) alignment: tex: * question (texhax.30) alignment: * (also alinement) (texhax.31) alignment: re: tex: * question (texhax.31) alignment: re: tex: * question (texhax.31) alignment: latex notes: * question (texhax.33) alignment: re: tex * question (texhax.33) alignment: quotation * (texhax.37) alignment: re: quotation * (texhax.37) alignment: latex [c]-type * in tabular environment (texhax.83) alinement: alignment (also *) (texhax.31) all: how to cite * the keys of a bibtex database. (texhax.03) almost: * like \item, but ... (texhax.76) almost: re: * like \item, but ... (texhax.77) alphabet: international phonetic * (texhax v87#97) (texhax.101) alphabet: ipa (nternational phonetic *) (texhax.101) alphabet: re: international phonetic * (texhax.101) alphabet: international phonetic * in metafont (texhax.95) alphabet: re: international phonetic * in metafont (texhax.97) also: alignment (* alinement) (texhax.31) am-varityper: driver for * vt600 postscript laser printer (texhax.93) ams: * fonts (texhax.92) ams: re: texhax 87-91 (* fonts) (texhax.95) ams-tex: * for ms-dos pcs (texhax.31) ams-tex: * for ms-dos pcs (texhax.31) ams-tex: re: * for ms-dos pcs (texhax.34) ams-tex: re: * for ms_dos pcs (texhax.34) ams-tex: * (texhax.83) amsplain: * anyone? (texhax.62) amstex: doublespacing in * (texhax.05) amstex: re: textures & latex, *, fonts (texhax.102) amstex: new versions of *, tugbot.sty (texhax.25) amstex: mathematicians use * or latex? (texhax.33) amstex: mathematicians use * or latex? (texhax.33) amstex: \headline and \footline in * (texhax.49) amstex: microtex and * (texhax.75) amstex: dvi2ln3, multi-column, 8 bit characters, * (texhax.89) amstex: re: dvi2ln3, multi-column, 8 bit characters, * (texhax.91) amstex: * fonts (texhax.94) amstex: re: * fonts (texhax.94) amstex: textures & latex, *, fonts (texhax.99) amstex.tex: problems with new version of * (texhax.26) andrew: nelson beebe and * trevorrow files (texhax.58) announce: * of a free tex distribution for symbolics lisp machines (texhax.46) announcement: *** * *** (texhax.18) announcement: dvi family update #7 -- version 2.07 * (texhax.30) announcement: tex previewer * (texhax.97) annual: 1988 tug * meeting (texhax.98) anonymous: xhmeia * ftp (texhax.27) another: yet * qms driver (texhax.103) another: * feature for dvi2ps (texhax.28) another: yet * dvi to ps program (texhax.51) another: yet * tex bug! (texhax.71) another: * view of document indexing (texhax.77) ansers: * to questions in v87 #61 (texhax.64) answer: re: two latex problems (one latex *) (texhax.29) answer: * to dynamic tex macro creation (texhax.77) answered: double columns * (texhax.19) answered: double columns * (texhax.19) answers: * to questions about textures (texhax.54) any: * phoneme fonts out there? (texhax.42) anybody: * got an index formatting package/macro for tex/latex ? (texhax.95) anybody: re: * got an index formatting package/macro for tex/latex (texhax.97) anyone: has * converted the hershey fonts to metafont? (texhax.04) anyone: * have a detex program? (texhax.24) anyone: * have apl macros? (texhax.26) anyone: chapter 4, *? (patgen query) (texhax.46) anyone: re: chapter 4, *? (patgen query) (texhax.46) anyone: chapter 4, *? (patgen query) (texhax.47) anyone: amsplain *? (texhax.62) anyone: undump for sun 4, *? (texhax.86) anyone: does * have a bold small caps font? (texhax.89) anything: dvitool - * new? (texhax.28) anything: re: v87 #28: dvitool - * new? (texhax.31) apa: latex * style, epson fonts (texhax.78) apl: anyone have * macros? (texhax.26) apl: including * (texhax.53) apollo: tex/latex on * (texhax.84) appelt's: re: wolfgang * puzzle + general remark (texhax.52) appendix: numbering in the * (texhax.23) appendix: re: numbering in the *; headline & footline; changing the pitch (texhax.24) appendix: questions on * and bibliography (latex) (texhax.66) apple: using cm fonts on * laserwriter (texhax.06) apple: metafont parameters for qms 1200 and * laserwriter (texhax.08) apple: * laserwriter .tfm files available? (texhax.100) apple: mf settings for * lw+? (texhax.79) april: contents of latex style collection, 2nd * 1987 (texhax.25) aps-5: commercial sources for * printing of .dvi files (texhax.69) arabic: * typesetting & spanish hyphenation & loom (texhax.64) arbortext's: * software (texhax.05) arbortext: * drivers and fonts with more than 128 characters (texhax.105) arbortext: karney's \insertfigure with * (texhax.35) archive: rscsencoding option for * requests (texhax.68) archive: aston * update (texhax.82) archive: aston * and beebe files (texhax.92) archives: texhax * (texhax.55) archives: dvi on vaxstation 2000 and file * (texhax.86) archives: *... (texhax.89) arguments: variable number of * (texhax.32) arguments: newcommand with optional * (texhax.72) arithmetic: dvi2ln3 and font * (please help) (texhax.40) around: frames * text (texhax.75) array: lining up terms in an equation * (texhax.88) article: tugboat vol 8 no 3 *: floating figures at the right... (texhax.104) article: 8pt * style (texhax.36) article-style: figures and * document (texhax.69) articles: journal/proceedings * (texhax.37) articles: journal/proceedings * (texhax.37) ascii: getting * files out of tex (texhax.45) asks: re: haim levkowitz * how to put an equation number on a formula (texhax.42) aston: * archive update (texhax.82) aston: * archive and beebe files (texhax.92) astronomical: * symbols (texhax.81) at&t: tex for * 7300 (texhax.55) at&t: * 495 laser printer & tex ? (texhax.95) at&t: looking for previewer for * 3b1 (texhax.99) atari: tex pre-viewer for *? (texhax.02) atari: epson fonts for stex on the * (texhax.101) atari: dvi -> ps for * st (texhax.59) att: tex on the * 3b1? (texhax.82) attn: *: princeton university tex users (texhax.94) august: contents of latex style collection, 2nd * 1987 (texhax.66) autoletter: repeat offering of * and ln03 driver. (texhax.52) automated: question about * letters in tex/latex (texhax.68) automated: re: question about * letters in tex/latex (texhax.70) automatic: easy and * vbox width setting (texhax.98) aux: latex .* writing error query (texhax.95) availability: a question on font * (texhax.33) availability: tex source * (texhax.46) availability: * of common tex 2.1 (texhax.57) availability: tex *. (texhax.91) avoiding: plain tex: using scaled fonts * missing half sizes. (texhax.78) back: slight change in file names of * issues (texhax.01) bad: * ln03 output. (texhax.44) balance: `undump' command for sequent * (texhax.18) balance: : undump for sequent * (texhax.20) balance: sequent * undump (texhax.97) balance8000/21000: re: about 'undump' program on sequent *. (texhax.25) balane: re: undump command for sequnet * (texhax.25) bar: foo (* codes) (texhax.94) bars: change *?? (texhax.72) battery: driver wanted for diconix 150 * portable printer (epson-like) (texhax.67) beaune!fixin! [*: re:tex problems] (texhax.23) bechtolsheim's: where is stefan * dvi->ps driver? (texhax.81) beebe: nelson * and andrew trevorrow files (texhax.58) beebe: nelson * dvi driver family update #9 (texhax.66) beebe: * driver family, fonts, etc. (texhax.88) beebe: aston archive and * files (texhax.92) behavior: dubious weave * under vm/cms (texhax.47) behavior: dubious weave * under vm/cms (texhax.52) behaviour: weird * with \newtheorem in latex 2.09 (texhax.104) bellmac: modification of * formletter macros (texhax.76) beta: qms software needs * testing (texhax.96) between: how to space * letters (texhax.47) bezier: rendering a * cubic curve (texhax.02) bezier: construction of * cubics ? (texhax.03) bib: the whole * (texhax.01) bibliographic: response of sorts to * queries (texhax.38) bibliographic: * systems with tex output (texhax.75) bibliographies: * (texhax.90) bibliographies: re: * (texhax.93) bibliographies: * (texhax digest v87 #90) (texhax.95) bibliography: re: the whole * (texhax.03) bibliography: single spaced * (texhax.100) bibliography: single spaced * (texhax.103) bibliography: single spaced * (texhax.103) bibliography: single spaced * (again) (texhax.105) bibliography: * requests (texhax.22) bibliography: questions on appendix and * (latex) (texhax.66) bibliographystyle: bug in siam * (texhax.46) bibtex: how to cite all the keys of a * database. (texhax.03) bibtex: * (non)features (texhax.05) bibtex: re: * (non)features (texhax.06) bibtex: re: more * (non)features (texhax.06) bibtex: natsci * style (texhax.07) bibtex: re: * (non)features (texhax.07) bibtex: * wish list (texhax.08) bibtex: re: * wish list (texhax.09) bibtex: [ ] * problems (texhax.12) bibtex: * problems (texhax.14) bibtex: a * question (texhax.18) bibtex: * format request (texhax.20) bibtex: * wish list (continued) (texhax.26) bibtex: re: * wish list (texhax.28) bibtex: * wishes and browsing (texhax.31) bibtex: minor * suggestion (texhax.35) bibtex: * reference generation in gnuemacs (texhax.45) bibtex: umlauted initials in * (texhax.48) bibtex: ligatures in names in * (texhax.50) bibtex: re: umlauted initials in * (texhax.50) bibtex: * primer (texhax.53) bibtex: more initial problems in * (texhax.55) bibtex: re: * primer (texhax.55) bibtex: re: * primer (texhax.55) bibtex: * style stuff (texhax.62) bibtex: * update (texhax.62) bibtex: *: suggestions, bug, emacs (texhax.65) bibtex: re: * suggestions (texhax.67) bibtex: question about *, aap standard, etc. (texhax.73) bibtex: re: question about * (texhax.75) bibtex: problem with * (texhax.81) bibtex: question about * enhancement (texhax.83) bibtex: re: problem with * (texhax.83) bibtex: * sorting (texhax.86) bibtex: re: * sorting (texhax.88) bibtex: changes files for metafont and * for mvs environment (texhax.89) big: * \matrix: help! (texhax.32) big: * screens (texhax.44) big: * and small caps (texhax.69) big: * and small caps (texhax.71) big: will textures work with * screens? (texhax.84) big: obtaining a list of computers tex runs on... (* ibm's?) (texhax.85) bit: dvi2ln3, multi-column, 8 * characters, amstex (texhax.89) bit: re: dvi2ln3, multi-column, 8 * characters, amstex (texhax.91) bitnet: * & wiscvm (texhax.07) bitnet: * distribution of texhax (texhax.07) bitnet: duplication of 07 and * (texhax.08) bitnet: texhax on * (texhax.10) bitnet: texhax on * (texhax.10) bitnet: latex style files and * sites (texhax.11) bitnet: texhax on * (texhax.36) bitnet: texhax on * (texhax.36) bitnet: latexstyle collection for * users in europe (texhax.56) bitnet: new files available at interact@dtupev5a for * users. (texhax.59) bitnet: immoderate notes: texhax on * (texhax.65) bitnet: looking for tex * server (texhax.71) bitnet: * users of latex style collection note (texhax.84) bitnet: is the unix-tex newsletter accessable to * users? (texhax.97) blank: qms laser printer * pages / overwriting : the solution. (texhax.104) blank: re: qms laser printer * pages (v87 104) (texhax.106) blank: * lines in obeylines (texhax.56) blank: overwriting / * page problem with qms printer fixed : available. (texhax.99) bogus: * space after use of a created environment (texhax.63) bold: does anyone have a * small caps font? (texhax.89) bombs: textures * on the mac ii (texhax.65) book: new * on digital typefaces (texhax.65) book: latex * bug (texhax.66) boundary: hyphenation across page * (texhax.68) boxes: overfull * (texhax.103) boxes: * (texhax.51) brackets: square * (texhax.105) brain: concatenating token lists: * damage (texhax.73) break: strange line * (texhax.80) breaking: * up latex tables (texhax.106) breaking: query : * math formulas (texhax.72) browsing: bibtex wishes and * (texhax.31) bsd: help installing latex(2.09) mf(1.2) from unix 4.2/4.3 * distr. (texhax.07) buffer: enlarging tex's * sizes (texhax.80) bug: possible * in count register updating (texhax.100) bug: re: possible * in count register updating (texhax.100) bug: latex * (texhax.101) bug: is it a *? (texhax.103) bug: negative column widths in \halign -- * or feature? (texhax.103) bug: * in something (texhax.16) bug: a possible mf/cmr *? (texhax.18) bug: * (?) in verbatim for ?` and !` (texhax.38) bug: * (?) in verbatim for ?` and !` (texhax.38) bug: * in texindex (texhax.39) bug: * in cmr fonts, the lowres digit 8 (texhax.41) bug: a * in latex ? (texhax.42) bug: probable * in cmr fonts: lowres italic letter 'l' (texhax.45) bug: * in siam bibliographystyle (texhax.46) bug: looks like a latex * to me (texhax.56) bug: * in \latex ? (texhax.59) bug: oops; re: looks like a latex * to me (texhax.59) bug: re: looks like a latex * to me (texhax.60) bug: re: looks like a latex * to me. (texhax.62) bug: minor * in textyl (texhax.63) bug: re: a latex ?*?; discussion in texhax 87/60 (texhax.63) bug: bibtex: suggestions, *, emacs (texhax.65) bug: latex book * (texhax.66) bug: new * in tex! (texhax.68) bug: * in latex caption? (texhax.69) bug: latex * in \multiput (texhax.69) bug: yet another tex *! (texhax.71) bug: * in latex figure environment? (texhax.74) bug: tex * -- version 2.5 (texhax.78) bug: * in crudetype (texhax.84) bug: * in tex release 2.1 for suns (texhax.86) bug: tex * ? undesireable fontname interaction with \bigl (texhax.87) bug: * in latex reporting of labels changing (texhax.89) bug: texhax87.87 is this *? (texhax.90) bug: * report for dvi2ln3 v7.2/7.3 (texhax.91) bug: dvi2ln3 * (re: texhax digest v87 n.89) (texhax.93) bug: possible * in count register updating (texhax.97) bug: * in gftopk.web (1.4) (texhax.98) bugs: mf * & fixes (vax/vms specific) (texhax.09) bugs: latex *(?) + help please (texhax.12) bugs: latex * (?) + advice please (texhax.14) bugs: tangle mod causes mf and pk * on some systems (texhax.75) build: celerity computer tex * (texhax.77) building: recipe for * cm fonts with pcmetafont (texhax.60) building: * tex on a celerity (texhax.95) built-in: .tfm files for using * lw fonts with tex. (texhax.103) built-in: wanted: help with dvi2ps and * adobe fonts. (texhax.17) built-in: postscript * fonts from unix? (texhax.33) bull: tex for * dps 8/70 (texhax.75) bulletin: latex style for * geodesique wanted (texhax.56) but: almost like \item, * ... (texhax.76) but: re: almost like \item, * ... (texhax.77) but: not for texhax * for response from a caring human (texhax.93) buyske: reply to * and two queries (texhax.40) buyske: re: reply to * and two queries (texhax.42) c-tex: desperately seeking *... (texhax.90) c]-type: latex [* alignment in tabular environment (texhax.83) calendar: lunisolar * generator for latex (texhax.92) caltex: * document (texhax.94) camera: re: reduced * ready output for proceedings etc. (texhax.48) camera-ready: more on * conference proceedings (texhax.45) camera-ready: re: more on * conference proceedings (texhax.48) camera-ready: 11x14 * conference papers (texhax.52) canon: help with metafont with * cx8 printer (texhax.37) canon: good news for * lbp-8 owners (texhax.48) canon: address correction - * lbp-8 driver (texhax.52) capacity: increasing tex's memory *? (texhax.44) capacity: re: increasing tex's memory *? (texhax.44) capacity: re: increasing tex's memory * (texhax.48) capacity: still need help increasing tex's font * (texhax.84) capital: greek * pis (texhax.12) caps: big and small * (texhax.69) caps: big and small * (texhax.71) caps: does anyone have a bold small * font? (texhax.89) caption: bug in latex *? (texhax.69) captions: latex * (texhax.27) captions: references in figure * (texhax.58) captions: multi-line headings and * (texhax.65) cards: tex macro for reference * (texhax.50) caring: not for texhax but for response from a * human (texhax.93) case: ps upper * greek (texhax.23) causes: missing newline * grief (texhax.03) causes: re: missing newline * grief (texhax.03) causes: tangle mod * mf and pk bugs on some systems (texhax.75) caveat: macmetafont * emptor (texhax.39) celerity: * computer tex build (texhax.77) celerity: building tex on a * (texhax.95) center: combining verbatim and * (texhax.102) centered: * line (texhax.31) change: slight * in file names of back issues (texhax.01) change: vms * file (texhax.15) change: vms * files (texhax.17) change: slight * to latex local guide (texhax.25) change: vms * file for dvidoc (texhax.54) change: gftopk * file for vax/vms wanted (texhax.65) change: * bars?? (texhax.72) change: effects of metafont * #536 (texhax.84) change: * files for vax/vms tex (texhax.86) change: re: * files for vax/vms tex (texhax.89) changes: pyramid * and ocr fonts (texhax.106) changes: * to cmr17 (texhax.17) changes: re: * to cmr17 (texhax.18) changes: gftopk * for vms (texhax.28) changes: * files for metafont and bibtex for mvs environment (texhax.89) changing: * the pitch (texhax.23) changing: re: numbering in the appendix; headline & footline; * the pitch (texhax.24) changing: bug in latex reporting of labels * (texhax.89) chapter: * 4, anyone? (patgen query) (texhax.46) chapter: re: * 4, anyone? (patgen query) (texhax.46) chapter: * 4, anyone? (patgen query) (texhax.47) char: want ibm graphic * font (texhax.92) character: national * sets in tex (texhax.102) character: ipa * set (texhax.56) character: control * macros (texhax.62) character: re: control * macros (texhax.62) character: control * macros (texhax.65) character: re: control * macros (texhax.65) characters: arbortext drivers and fonts with more than 128 * (texhax.105) characters: loss of * when using newcommand (texhax.32) characters: dvi2ln3, multi-column, 8 bit *, amstex (texhax.89) characters: re: dvi2ln3, multi-column, 8 bit *, amstex (texhax.91) cheap: * tex for pc/at? (texhax.64) chemical: typesetting * papers (texhax.63) chemical: * formulas (texhax.72) chemical: help for typesetting * structural formulas? (texhax.88) chemical: a * texnical problem (texhax.92) chemical: typesetting * structural formulas--a solution! (texhax.93) chemical: more about * structural formulas (texhax.96) chess: * font? (texhax.98) chicago: tex and * guide to preparing electronic manuscripts (texhax.57) chinese: latex or tex in *? (texhax.54) circle: latex line and * fonts (texhax.71) citations: social science * in latex (texhax.62) citations: re: social science * in latex (texhax.65) cite: how to * all the keys of a bibtex database. (texhax.03) closing: two latex problems - letter * & matrices (texhax.27) closing: latex letter * (texhax.30) cmr: bug in * fonts, the lowres digit 8 (texhax.41) cmr: probable bug in * fonts: lowres italic letter 'l' (texhax.45) cmr17: changes to * (texhax.17) cmr17: re: changes to * (texhax.18) cmr5: ligs setting in * (texhax.89) cms: problems with * tangle. (texhax.11) cms: help installing tex on * (texhax.27) cms: * distribution tape (texhax.39) cms: * distribution tape (texhax.39) cms: dvi->postscript for * on ibm mainframes (texhax.58) cms: pk files on * (texhax.67) code: metafont * for eth, yogh, thorn ... ? (texhax.68) code: copyright question (texbook source *) (texhax.97) codes: foo (bar *) (texhax.94) collection: contents of latex style *, 27th january 1987 (texhax.07) collection: contents of latex style *, 27th february 1987 (texhax.16) collection: contents of latex style *, 2nd april 1987 (texhax.25) collection: contents of latex style *, 1st may 1987 (texhax.33) collection: contents of latex style *, 17th june 1987 (texhax.50) collection: latexstyle * for bitnet users in europe (texhax.56) collection: re: latex style * in tuebingen (europe) (texhax.60) collection: updates to the latex style * (texhax.64) collection: contents of latex style *, 2nd august 1987 (texhax.66) collection: contents of latex style *, 15th september 1987 (texhax.76) collection: sources in the latex style * (texhax.79) collection: bitnet users of latex style * note (texhax.84) column: negative * widths in \halign -- bug or feature? (texhax.103) column: double * macro (texhax.14) column: two * style (texhax.44) column: observations on two * mode (texhax.47) column: latex --- double * tables in single column mode? please? (texhax.77) column: latex --- double column tables in single * mode? please? (texhax.77) column: multi * output from latex (texhax.77) column: double * macro query revisited (texhax.87) columns: double * answered (texhax.19) columns: double * answered (texhax.19) columns: 3 * in latex ? (texhax.47) combining: * verbatim and center (texhax.102) combining: * disspla with tex (texhax.77) command: metafont * line on tops-20 (texhax.05) command: metafont * line. (texhax.06) command: need latex * summary (texhax.12) command: `undump' * for sequent balance (texhax.18) command: re: undump * for sequnet balane (texhax.25) command: \special * and the gtex driver for a qms printer ... (texhax.61) commands: iptex and \special * (texhax.12) commands: standard for german tex and latex * (texhax.99) comment: two replies and a * on tex vs. postscript (texhax.06) comment: latex * facilities (texhax.33) comment: re: latex * facilities (texhax.36) comment: re: latex * facilities (texhax.37) comment: * environment for latex (texhax.39) comment: re: latex * facilities (texhax.39) comment: re: latex * environment (texhax.40) comment: vms tex file formats - a * (texhax.51) comments: drafthd.sty - and some * on \pagestyle{myheadings} (texhax.10) comments: * by an out-going site administrator (texhax.14) comments: lamport's * about hallett's comments etc. (texhax.28) comments: lamport's comments about hallett's * etc. (texhax.28) comments: questions and * (texhax.33) comments: *, and interactive tex (texhax.43) comments: formatting program * (texhax.72) comments: more * about index processing (texhax.78) comments: * on tex - the program (texhax.80) comments: * invited on tex adaptions ideas. (texhax.99) comments: vaxstation previewer, plus * on font-finding and sub-sampling (texhax.99) commercial: * sources for aps-5 printing of .dvi files (texhax.69) common: * tex (texhax.13) common: * tex (texhax.20) common: * tex (texhax.40) common: availability of * tex 2.1 (texhax.57) common: * tex (not yet) (texhax.63) common-tex: copyright status of ctex and *: whose copyright ??? (texhax.80) comparing: * different flavors of tex (texhax.91) comparisons: font file * (texhax.63) composition: logo * (texhax.11) composition: logo * (texhax.13) composition: logo * (texhax.15) compugraphic: driver for * 8600 imagesetter (texhax.89) compugraphic: re: driver for * 8600 imagesetter (texhax.89) compugraphic: re: driver for * 8600 imagesetter (texhax.89) compugraphics: spooler for * (texhax.56) compugraphics: tex and the * printer (texhax.60) computer: point sizes for * modern fonts. (texhax.12) computer: celerity * tex build (texhax.77) computers: obtaining a list of * tex runs on... (big ibm's?) (texhax.85) concatenating: * token lists: brain damage (texhax.73) conference: latex notes: * proceedings (texhax.33) conference: * proceedings with > 8.5x11 (texhax.42) conference: more on camera-ready * proceedings (texhax.45) conference: plain macros for * proceedings? (texhax.46) conference: re: more on camera-ready * proceedings (texhax.48) conference: 11x14 camera-ready * papers (texhax.52) construction: * of bezier cubics ? (texhax.03) contact: correction for uk distribution * (texhax.98) contents: * of latex style collection, 27th january 1987 (texhax.07) contents: * of latex style collection, 27th february 1987 (texhax.16) contents: * of latex style collection, 2nd april 1987 (texhax.25) contents: * of latex style collection, 1st may 1987 (texhax.33) contents: information request latex and * pages (texhax.37) contents: * of latex style collection, 17th june 1987 (texhax.50) contents: * of latex style collection, 2nd august 1987 (texhax.66) contents: * of latex style collection, 15th september 1987 (texhax.76) contents: *, tugboat 8#3 (texhax.95) continued: bibtex wish list (*) (texhax.26) contributions: some useful * to latex-style (texhax.56) control: undefined * sequences (texhax.103) control: * character macros (texhax.62) control: re: * character macros (texhax.62) control: * character macros (texhax.65) control: re: * character macros (texhax.65) control: typeface * in tex (texhax.89) conversion: am -> cm .dvi *. (texhax.20) conversion: re: dvi format (was "am -> cm .dvi *.") (texhax.22) conversion: runoff-to-tex * (texhax.56) conversion: postscript to impress * program needed (texhax.82) conversion: * from script/gml to tex (texhax.84) conversion: re: postscript to impress * program needed (texhax.85) conversion: postscript to impress * program needed (texhax.87) converted: has anyone * the hershey fonts to metafont? (texhax.04) converter: wanted: tex -> postscript * (texhax.100) converter: pxl to raster font *?? (texhax.103) converter: fig to pictex * (texhax.106) converter: dvi to postscript * (texhax.16) converter: dvi to ps * (texhax.43) converter: postscript to quic *??? (texhax.46) convertor: wanted: pk -> gf * (texhax.94) coordinator: aegis site * (texhax.07) copyright: * status of ctex and common-tex: whose copyright ??? (texhax.80) copyright: copyright status of ctex and common-tex: whose * ??? (texhax.80) copyright: * question (texbook source code) (texhax.97) correction: address * - canon lbp-8 driver (texhax.52) correction: * for uk distribution contact (texhax.98) count: possible bug in * register updating (texhax.100) count: re: possible bug in * register updating (texhax.100) count: possible bug in * register updating (texhax.97) course: tex users group 1987 * schedule (texhax.46) courses: tex * (texhax.37) create: how to * preloaded versions of tex and metafont. (texhax.31) create: how to * preloaded versions of tex and metafont. (texhax.31) created: bogus space after use of a * environment (texhax.63) creation: dynamic * of tex macros. (texhax.73) creation: dynamic * of tex macros. (texhax.76) creation: answer to dynamic tex macro * (texhax.77) cross-referencing: re: * labels in latex (texhax.58) cross-referencing: re: * labels in latex (texhax.58) crude: * previewer (texhax.57) crudetype: defects in * (texhax.20) crudetype: bug in * (texhax.84) ctex: * (texhax.57) ctex: a request for a * distribution address (texhax.73) ctex: copyright status of * and common-tex: whose copyright ??? (texhax.80) cubic: rendering a bezier * curve (texhax.02) cubics: construction of bezier * ? (texhax.03) cummings: lowercase letters --- the e.e. * syndrome. (texhax.84) curve: rendering a bezier cubic * (texhax.02) customized: * headers and footers, reply (texhax.24) cweb: h. thimbleby's * (texhax.84) cx8: help with metafont with canon * printer (texhax.37) cycles: duty * on laserwriters vs imagens (texhax.98) cyracc.def: documentation and * for cyrillic (texhax.35) cyrillic: re: * and other fonts (texhax.34) cyrillic: documentation and cyracc.def for * (texhax.35) damage: concatenating token lists: brain * (texhax.73) database: how to cite all the keys of a bibtex *. (texhax.03) dataproducts: driver for * lzr 26xx device (texhax.35) dataproducts: driver for * lzr 26xx device (texhax.35) debates: * (texhax.41) dec: dvi driver for * la75? (texhax.101) dec: knuth's talk on * 7. (texhax.102) dec: misc queries re * la50 & ln03 printers (texhax.22) dec: are there cm fonts for the * ln01 (texhax.97) decimal: query: how to aligning tables on * points (texhax.76) decimal: re: aligning on the * point (texhax.81) decnet: 'sucking' files on * (texhax.78) decnet: tex on * (texhax.98) defects: * in crudetype (texhax.20) defining: macros * macros (texhax.82) defining: verbs vs symbols for * vax/vms tex (texhax.85) defining: re: verbs vs symbols for * vax/vms tex (texhax.87) defining: re: verbs vs symbols for * vax/vms tex (texhax.90) definition: metafont mode * for qms 1200 laser printer.\ (texhax.16) definition: metafont: mode * wanted for linotron 300 (texhax.71) definition: self-adapting font * (texhax.85) definitions: mode * for ln03 and ln03+ (texhax.65) definitions: mode * for ln03 and ln03+ (texhax.67) definitions: metafont mode * for ln03r. (texhax.99) definitive: a * reference for document style (texhax.56) delatex: detex and * (texhax.25) delatex: detex and * (texhax.25) delatex: detex, *, where are they? (texhax.67) delatex: detex, *, where are they? (texhax.69) delatex: re: suthesis; detex, * (texhax.69) deleted: immoderate notes: files to be * on score (texhax.88) demotic: * and other fonts, metafont programs for ... (texhax.105) description: page * language standards effort (texhax.14) descriptions: cm font * (texhax.60) design: two references on typograhic * (texhax.68) desktop: * publishing plea (texhax.51) desperately: * seeking c-tex... (texhax.90) detex: anyone have a * program? (texhax.24) detex: * and delatex (texhax.25) detex: * and delatex (texhax.25) detex: * (a response) (texhax.26) detex: *, delatex, where are they? (texhax.67) detex: *, delatex, where are they? (texhax.69) detex: re: suthesis; *, delatex (texhax.69) devanagari: sinhalese and * (texhax.91) devanagari: * and sinhalese (texhax.93) device: * drivers (texhax.23) device: driver for dataproducts lzr 26xx * (texhax.35) device: driver for dataproducts lzr 26xx * (texhax.35) device: are there * drivers which use pk format? (texhax.45) device: re: are there * drivers which use pk format? (texhax.48) devices: font files generation for imagen *. (texhax.96) diagram: program structure * macros? (texhax.73) diagrams: typesetting directory path * (texhax.106) diagrams: latex * (texhax.57) diagrams: latex * (texhax.61) diagrams/graphics: * with tex output. (texhax.99) diconix: driver wanted for * 150 battery portable printer (epson-like) (texhax.67) different: latex for * languages (texhax.106) different: comparing * flavors of tex (texhax.91) different: * problems with vms-tex and ln03's (texhax.92) different: * problems with vms-tex and ln03's (texhax.95) digestus: immoderate notes (tex-l's "* interruptus") (texhax.80) digit: bug in cmr fonts, the lowres * 8 (texhax.41) digital: new book on * typefaces (texhax.65) digits: tex's parsing of * (texhax.99) directory: typesetting * path diagrams (texhax.106) dirty: quick & * tex format for meeting notices, etc. (texhax.89) discussion: re: a latex ?bug?; * in texhax 87/60 (texhax.63) display: fleqn option -- indent after * (texhax.96) displays: large screen * for mac (texhax.84) displays: mactex on large-screen * (texhax.87) dissertation: * style requirements (texhax.15) dissertation: * style requirements (texhax.15) disspla: combining * with tex (texhax.77) distr: help installing latex(2.09) mf(1.2) from unix 4.2/4.3 bsd *. (texhax.07) distribution: bitnet * of texhax (texhax.07) distribution: tex * and updates : what's the recommended procedure(s)? (texhax.105) distribution: cms * tape (texhax.39) distribution: cms * tape (texhax.39) distribution: vortex * update (texhax.43) distribution: announce of a free tex * for symbolics lisp machines (texhax.46) distribution: a request for a ctex * address (texhax.73) distribution: enhancements to kellerman & smith * of vax/vms tex (texhax.82) distribution: more on unixtex * (texhax digest v87 #90) (texhax.95) distribution: * updates (texhax.96) distribution: correction for uk * contact (texhax.98) dmd: dvidmd, a previewer for * 5620 terminals (texhax.106) docs: textyl * (texhax.56) document: sun rasterfiles in a tex/postscript * (texhax.54) document: re: sun rasterfiles in a tex/postscript * (texhax.55) document: a definitive reference for * style (texhax.56) document: figures and article-style * (texhax.69) document: another view of * indexing (texhax.77) document: caltex * (texhax.94) documentation: font *. (texhax.21) documentation: re: font *. (texhax.21) documentation: * for earlier form letter submission. (texhax.30) documentation: * and cyracc.def for cyrillic (texhax.35) documentation: help!!!! (pctex *) (texhax.68) documentation: re: help!!!! (pctex *) (texhax.68) documents: incorporating program listings in latex *? (texhax.05) documents: doublespaced * (texhax.14) documents: re: including program source in tex * (texhax.29) documents: two-colour *. (texhax.79) documents: need * on tex library files. (texhax.80) documentstyle: ieee 2-column paper format * in latex ? (texhax.51) does: * anyone have a bold small caps font? (texhax.89) domain: public * tex dvi driver family (texhax.04) done: resume * in tex (texhax.22) door: score texhax files moving (next *) (texhax.29) dotfill: * (texhax.96) dotfill: re: * (texhax.96) double: latex and * space (texhax.06) double: latex * spacing macro (texhax.08) double: * spacing, 10pt option, and full page figure (texhax.09) double: latex * spacing and mathematical typesetting (texhax.11) double: * column macro (texhax.14) double: * columns answered (texhax.19) double: * columns answered (texhax.19) double: latex --- * column tables in single column mode? please? (texhax.77) double: * column macro query revisited (texhax.87) double-column: \hrule in * format (texhax.10) double-column: tex hint: hrules in * format (texhax.89) doublespaced: * documents (texhax.14) doublespacing: * in amstex (texhax.05) down: upside * and mirrored 'e' (texhax.37) download: re: using hp lj * fonts with tex (texhax.98) dpi: 118 * font query (texhax.102) dpi: 118 * fonts (texhax digest v87 #102) (texhax.104) dpi: 78 * fonts (texhax.97) dps: tex for bull * 8/70 (texhax.75) drafthd.sty: * (texhax.09) drafthd.sty: * - and some comments on \pagestyle{myheadings} (texhax.10) drawing: * pictures in tex (texhax.101) drawings: dvi -> ps including macintosh * (texhax.39) driver: re: dvi * for ibm 3279 graphics terminals (texhax.02) driver: public domain tex dvi * family (texhax.04) driver: problem with metafont, gftodvi and simpson's quic * (texhax.100) driver: problems with qms unix tex * (texhax.100) driver: re: problem with metafont, gftodvi and simpson's quic * (texhax.100) driver: dvi * for dec la75? (texhax.101) driver: yet another qms * (texhax.103) driver: dvi * for ln03 needed (texhax.11) driver: dvi * for talaris 800 (texhax.14) driver: dvi * family update (texhax.15) driver: tektronix *? (texhax.21) driver: wanted: programmer for tex->interpress * (texhax.21) driver: * for ibm 3812? (texhax.24) driver: re: wanted dvi * for xerox 4050 or 9700 printer (texhax.24) driver: wanted dvi * for xerox 4050 or 9700 printer (texhax.24) driver: wanted dvi * for xerox 4050 or 9700 printer (texhax.24) driver: * for dataproducts lzr 26xx device (texhax.35) driver: * for dataproducts lzr 26xx device (texhax.35) driver: * for lm-300 monitor of princeton graphics systems inc. (texhax.42) driver: pc * for the ibm 3812 (texhax.42) driver: a modified version of the rose ln03 * (texhax.44) driver: toshiba * (texhax.45) driver: tex 2.0 * for qms 800 on vms (texhax.48) driver: address correction - canon lbp-8 * (texhax.52) driver: repeat offering of autoletter and ln03 *. (texhax.52) driver: * query (texhax.58) driver: \special command and the gtex * for a qms printer ... (texhax.61) driver: re: xerox 3700 * (texhax.61) driver: * for hewlett-packard. (texhax.63) driver: nelson beebe dvi * family update #9 (texhax.66) driver: sun 3 * for hp laserjet plus (texhax.66) driver: * wanted for diconix 150 battery portable printer (epson-like) (texhax.67) driver: need help with hp laser dvi * (texhax.67) driver: epson dvi * (texhax.68) driver: * for slitex (texhax.69) driver: talaris (qms) * for tex under tops-20 (texhax.72) driver: dvi to texas instruments omni800/model865 * (texhax.79) driver: where is stefan bechtolsheim's dvi->ps *? (texhax.81) driver: laserjet ii * (texhax.84) driver: beebe * family, fonts, etc. (texhax.88) driver: * for compugraphic 8600 imagesetter (texhax.89) driver: re: * for compugraphic 8600 imagesetter (texhax.89) driver: re: * for compugraphic 8600 imagesetter (texhax.89) driver: dvi * family version 2.10 released [01-nov-87] (texhax.91) driver: dvi * for kyocera f2200 laser printer (texhax.92) driver: * for am-varityper vt600 postscript laser printer (texhax.93) driver: problem with metafont, gftodvi and simpson's quic * (texhax.97) driver: xerox 2700 mvs *... (texhax.97) drivers: dvi2* * (texhax.104) drivers: arbortext * and fonts with more than 128 characters (texhax.105) drivers: qms * (texhax.105) drivers: device * (texhax.23) drivers: are there device * which use pk format? (texhax.45) drivers: xerox 9700 * (texhax.45) drivers: postscript * (texhax.48) drivers: re: are there device * which use pk format? (texhax.48) drivers: postscript * (texhax.57) drivers: generating dvi *. (texhax.83) drivers: dvi * (texhax.86) dubious: * weave behavior under vm/cms (texhax.47) dubious: * weave behavior under vm/cms (texhax.52) dumb: * question: how much room do pk fonts need? (texhax.56) dumb: re: * question: how much room do pk fonts need? (texhax.58) duplication: * of 07 and bitnet (texhax.08) duplication: possible * of this issue of texhax (texhax.10) duplications: immoderate notes: * (texhax.86) duty: * cycles on laserwriters vs imagens (texhax.98) dvi: re: * driver for ibm 3279 graphics terminals (texhax.02) dvi: * to postscript on vax/vms? (texhax.03) dvi: public domain tex * driver family (texhax.04) dvi: * driver for dec la75? (texhax.101) dvi: * -> postscript (texhax.104) dvi: * previewer for ms-windows (texhax.104) dvi: * to xerox print server? (texhax.104) dvi: * driver for ln03 needed (texhax.11) dvi: * previewer for mvii's (texhax.13) dvi: * to postscript from vax vms (texhax.13) dvi: * driver for talaris 800 (texhax.14) dvi: * driver family update (texhax.15) dvi: * to postscript converter (texhax.16) dvi: am font .* to cm font .dvi (texhax.18) dvi: am font .dvi to cm font .* (texhax.18) dvi: * to ps (texhax.19) dvi: am -> cm .* conversion. (texhax.20) dvi: re: * format (was "am -> cm .dvi conversion.") (texhax.22) dvi: re: dvi format (was "am -> cm .* conversion.") (texhax.22) dvi: re: wanted * driver for xerox 4050 or 9700 printer (texhax.24) dvi: wanted * driver for xerox 4050 or 9700 printer (texhax.24) dvi: wanted * driver for xerox 4050 or 9700 printer (texhax.24) dvi: * family update #7 -- version 2.07 announcement (texhax.30) dvi: shell script to print * file on a ps printer (texhax.31) dvi: * to postscript (texhax.34) dvi: * -> ps including macintosh drawings (texhax.39) dvi: * to hpgl ? (texhax.40) dvi: * to ps converter (texhax.43) dvi: .pk fonts with utah * family (texhax.43) dvi: free * screening program (texhax.44) dvi: am fonts and * format (texhax.45) dvi: proposed standard for * \special's (texhax.46) dvi: standardization of * specials (texhax.47) dvi: * -> ventura publisher ? (texhax.48) dvi: * to ps (texhax.48) dvi: yet another * to ps program (texhax.51) dvi: * -> ps for atari st (texhax.59) dvi: help! how do you selectively print some .* pages? (texhax.61) dvi: re: help! how do you selectively print some .* pages? (texhax.61) dvi: re: help! how do you selectively print some .* pages? (texhax.64) dvi: this is how you selectively print some pages of a .* file (texhax.65) dvi: nelson beebe * driver family update #9 (texhax.66) dvi: * to gpx (texhax.67) dvi: need help with hp laser * driver (texhax.67) dvi: epson * driver (texhax.68) dvi: * previewer for vms vaxstation (texhax.69) dvi: * previewer for vms vaxstations (texhax.69) dvi: commercial sources for aps-5 printing of .* files (texhax.69) dvi: public account update (tex * family version 2.08) (texhax.72) dvi: * previewer on tektronix 4010 (texhax.79) dvi: * to texas instruments omni800/model865 driver (texhax.79) dvi: generating * drivers. (texhax.83) dvi: * drivers (texhax.86) dvi: * on vaxstation 2000 and file archives (texhax.86) dvi: postscript to * filter (texhax.87) dvi: * driver family version 2.10 released [01-nov-87] (texhax.91) dvi: re: postscript to * filter (texhax.91) dvi: * driver for kyocera f2200 laser printer (texhax.92) dvi: x-11 * previewer available (texhax.93) dvi-->epson: * for pc (texhax.103) dvi->postscript: * for cms on ibm mainframes (texhax.58) dvi->ps: the state of affairs: * (texhax.63) dvi->ps: release * (texhax.68) dvi->ps: where is stefan bechtolsheim's * driver? (texhax.81) dvi-drivers: re: please help with * (and a puzzle) (texhax.61) dvi-processor: * for hp 2686a laserjet (texhax.56) dvi-to-ps: * for vms (texhax.60) dvi2: ** drivers (texhax.104) dvi2hplaserjet: unix * (texhax.57) dvi2ln3: re: include sixel graphics in tex-output with f. rose's * (texhax.24) dvi2ln3: * and font arithmetic (please help) (texhax.40) dvi2ln3: how do i get * plotfile to work? (texhax.67) dvi2ln3: *, multi-column, 8 bit characters, amstex (texhax.89) dvi2ln3: bug report for * v7.2/7.3 (texhax.91) dvi2ln3: re: *, multi-column, 8 bit characters, amstex (texhax.91) dvi2ln3: * bug (re: texhax digest v87 n.89) (texhax.93) dvi2ln3: * patch for uniform line width (texhax.97) dvi2ps: * using the postscript fonts (texhax.01) dvi2ps: * processor (texhax.17) dvi2ps: wanted: help with * and built-in adobe fonts. (texhax.17) dvi2ps: another feature for * (texhax.28) dvi2ps: * for tops-20 (texhax.45) dvi2ps: sv2 version of * (texhax.46) dvi2ps: * (texhax.54) dvi2ps: * with pk fonts (re: texhax digest v87 #54) (texhax.57) dvi2ps: * on vms (texhax.63) dvi2ps: * with gf accepting macintosh inserts (texhax.91) dvi2ps: * and news (texhax.94) dvi2ps: problem with * vs. laserwriter (texhax.98) dvi4: *--- (texhax.60) dvidmd: *, a previewer for dmd 5620 terminals (texhax.106) dvidoc: vms change file for * (texhax.54) dvidoc: * (texhax.57) dvidoc.sty: * (texhax.19) dvilg8: * problems (texhax.53) dvipr: gf/pk/pxl versions of iptex, * available (texhax.50) dvips: postscript page overlays with * (texhax.67) dvisun: is there a * which uses pk fonts? (texhax.65) dvitool: * - anything new? (texhax.28) dvitool: re: v87 #28: * - anything new? (texhax.31) dvitovdu: vt240 and * (texhax.86) dvitovdu.mod: help with * (texhax.97) dvitty: * (texhax.78) dynamic: * creation of tex macros. (texhax.73) dynamic: * creation of tex macros. (texhax.76) dynamic: answer to * tex macro creation (texhax.77) e.e: lowercase letters --- the *. cummings syndrome. (texhax.84) each: renumbering footnotes * page (texhax.63) earlier: documentation for * form letter submission. (texhax.30) easy: * and automatic vbox width setting (texhax.98) eats: re: tex * l's after fil (texhax.67) eats: tex * l's after fil (texhax.67) editor: pxl font * (texhax.23) editors: sty files and * for textures needed (texhax.76) effects: * of metafont change #536 (texhax.84) effort: page description language standards * (texhax.14) electronic: tex and chicago guide to preparing * manuscripts (texhax.57) emacs: bibtex: suggestions, bug, * (texhax.65) emdash: endash and * (texhax.44) employment: tex/latex * agency (texhax.34) emptor: macmetafont caveat * (texhax.39) encore: undump for * (texhax.29) end-of-theorem: * symbol (texhax.97) endash: * and emdash (texhax.44) enhancement: question about bibtex * (texhax.83) enhancements: * to kellerman & smith distribution of vax/vms tex (texhax.82) enhancements: * to kellerman and smith tex (texhax.85) enlarging: * tex's buffer sizes (texhax.80) entries: problem with latex \tableofcontents * (texhax.21) envirinment: new latex * (texhax.103) environment: latex list * question (texhax.103) environment: re: latex list * question (texhax.106) environment: latex outline *? (texhax.18) environment: comment * for latex (texhax.39) environment: latex "remark" * (texhax.39) environment: re: latex comment * (texhax.40) environment: bogus space after use of a created * (texhax.63) environment: uneven inter-row spacing from latex tabular * (texhax.70) environment: interline spacing in latex tabular * (and tex!) (texhax.73) environment: latex question about table * (texhax.73) environment: bug in latex figure *? (texhax.74) environment: eqnarray * (texhax.74) environment: variant *. (texhax.74) environment: latex picture * (texhax.76) environment: magnifying picture * (texhax.82) environment: tex error and footnote inside tabular * (texhax.82) environment: latex [c]-type alignment in tabular * (texhax.83) environment: changes files for metafont and bibtex for mvs * (texhax.89) environment: latex pascal * (texhax.90) environments: verbatim * (texhax.24) environments: wysiwyg tex, tex *, incremental tex (texhax.32) environments: new * and new paragraphs (texhax.89) epson: * fonts for stex on the atari (texhax.101) epson: * dvi driver (texhax.68) epson: latex apa style, * fonts (texhax.78) epson-like: driver wanted for diconix 150 battery portable printer (*) (texhax.67) eqnarray: * environment (texhax.74) equation: latex question: how can one put an * number on the following? (texhax.36) equation: tagging * numbers (texhax.38) equation: tagging * numbers (texhax.38) equation: * numbering references (texhax.42) equation: re: haim levkowitz asks how to put an * number on a formula (texhax.42) equation: lining up terms in an * array (texhax.88) equivalents: problems with framebox and * (texhax.72) errata: * listing (texhax.72) error: mf upgrade *. (texhax.23) error: an * and an infelicity in cm fonts (texhax.64) error: re: an * and an infelicity in cm fonts (texhax.64) error: tex * and footnote inside tabular environment (texhax.82) error: latex .aux writing * query (texhax.95) errors: round off * in font magnifications (texhax.37) errors: rounding * in font filetypes (texhax.48) etc: tex fonts, *. (texhax.105) etc: lamport's comments about hallett's comments *. (texhax.28) etc: re: reduced camera ready output for proceedings *. (texhax.48) etc: question about bibtex, aap standard, *. (texhax.73) etc: beebe driver family, fonts, *. (texhax.88) etc: quick & dirty tex format for meeting notices, *. (texhax.89) eth: metafont code for *, yogh, thorn ... ? (texhax.68) eth: re *, thorn and yogh (texhax digest v87 #68) (texhax.73) euler: * fonts (texhax.29) euler: * fonts (texhax.29) euler: macros for *. (texhax.86) europe: latexstyle collection for bitnet users in * (texhax.56) europe: re: latex style collection in tuebingen (*) (texhax.60) exception: hyphenation * (texhax.41) execution: remote * of unix tex (texhax.49) exhibit: metafont * in fresno (texhax.21) expanding: \write without * tokens (texhax.75) expansion: suppressing underscore * (texhax.40) expansion: more \write without token * (texhax.77) expansion: unwanted * of underscore (texhax.81) f2200: dvi driver for kyocera * laser printer (texhax.92) facilities: latex comment * (texhax.33) facilities: re: latex comment * (texhax.36) facilities: re: latex comment * (texhax.37) facilities: re: latex comment * (texhax.39) facility: graphics * for latex wanted (texhax.42) facility: graphics * for latex wanted (texhax.45) family: public domain tex dvi driver * (texhax.04) family: dvi driver * update (texhax.15) family: dvi * update #7 -- version 2.07 announcement (texhax.30) family: .pk fonts with utah dvi * (texhax.43) family: nelson beebe dvi driver * update #9 (texhax.66) family: public account update (tex dvi * version 2.08) (texhax.72) family: beebe driver *, fonts, etc. (texhax.88) family: dvi driver * version 2.10 released [01-nov-87] (texhax.91) feature: negative column widths in \halign -- bug or *? (texhax.103) feature: another * for dvi2ps (texhax.28) february: contents of latex style collection, 27th * 1987 (texhax.16) few: a * mildly random things; (texhax.63) ffe.exe: looking for vms * program (ln01) (texhax.18) fig: * to pictex converter (texhax.106) figure: question one * per page with latex (texhax.08) figure: double spacing, 10pt option, and full page * (texhax.09) figure: latex * occupying a whole page (texhax.101) figure: tektronix and macpaint * insertion (texhax.26) figure: references in * captions (texhax.58) figure: bug in latex * environment? (texhax.74) figure: re: * to right of paragraph (texhax.74) figure: latex * occupying a whole page (texhax.98) figures: * in latex (texhax.01) figures: tugboat vol 8 no 3 article: floating * at the right... (texhax.104) figures: * and article-style document (texhax.69) figures: placing * in latex (texhax.71) figures: right and left side * (texhax.77) figures: a generic list of * macro (texhax.82) fil: re: tex eats l's after * (texhax.67) fil: tex eats l's after * (texhax.67) file: slight change in * names of back issues (texhax.01) file: @* request (texhax.07) file: vms change * (texhax.15) file: @* request (texhax.16) file: @* request (texhax.25) file: shell script to print dvi * on a ps printer (texhax.31) file: @* request (texhax.33) file: vms tex * formats (texhax.46) file: font * types (texhax.47) file: input * line numbers in tex? (texhax.49) file: @* request (texhax.50) file: pk * format questions (texhax.51) file: vms tex * formats - a comment (texhax.51) file: vms change * for dvidoc (texhax.54) file: a quickie shell * for tabular latex users (texhax.62) file: font * comparisons (texhax.63) file: @* request uuencode (texhax.64) file: gftopk change * for vax/vms wanted (texhax.65) file: this is how you selectively print some pages of a .dvi * (texhax.65) file: @* request (texhax.66) file: @* request rscsencoding (texhax.68) file: @* request (texhax.76) file: @* request rscsencode (texhax.76) file: @* request uuencode (texhax.76) file: dvi on vaxstation 2000 and * archives (texhax.86) files: apple laserwriter .tfm * available? (texhax.100) files: .tfm * for using built-in lw fonts with tex. (texhax.103) files: mf misnaming gf * (texhax.104) files: latex style * and bitnet sites (texhax.11) files: vms change * (texhax.17) files: score texhax * moving (next door) (texhax.29) files: vax/vms pxl * (texhax.30) files: how to get new tex * (texhax.35) files: magnifications and finding font * (texhax.40) files: re: magnifications and finding font * (texhax.43) files: getting ascii * out of tex (texhax.45) files: a latex question about .sty * (texhax.48) files: .pxl * for xdvi (texhax.53) files: mode_def for laserwriter. size of pk *. (texhax.58) files: nelson beebe and andrew trevorrow * (texhax.58) files: new * available at interact@dtupev5a for bitnet users. (texhax.59) files: new *, mail access... (texhax.64) files: sucking * (texhax.66) files: pk * on cms (texhax.67) files: commercial sources for aps-5 printing of .dvi * (texhax.69) files: re: retrieving latex style * (texhax.74) files: retrieving latex style * (texhax.74) files: sty * and editors for textures needed (texhax.76) files: 'sucking' * on decnet (texhax.78) files: need documents on tex library *. (texhax.80) files: postscript afm * (texhax.81) files: unix spell filter for tex * (texhax.85) files: change * for vax/vms tex (texhax.86) files: immoderate notes: * to be deleted on score (texhax.88) files: include * in latex (texhax.88) files: changes * for metafont and bibtex for mvs environment (texhax.89) files: re: change * for vax/vms tex (texhax.89) files: aston archive and beebe * (texhax.92) files: font * generation for imagen devices. (texhax.96) files: psprint source * (texhax.96) filetypes: rounding errors in font * (texhax.48) filter: * for tek 4014-->impress for vms (texhax.23) filter: * for tek 4014-->impress for vms (texhax.23) filter: re: tex on gould powernode and tex -> spell * (texhax.81) filter: unix spell * for tex files (texhax.85) filter: postscript to dvi * (texhax.87) filter: re: postscript to dvi * (texhax.91) find: where can i * .... (texhax.66) find: where do i *... (texhax.77) finding: magnifications and * font files (texhax.40) finding: re: magnifications and * font files (texhax.43) first: * paragraph indent (texhax.24) fix: * multiplication (texhax.95) fixed: * multiplication (texhax.95) fixed: overwriting / blank page problem with qms printer * : available. (texhax.99) fixes: mf bugs & * (vax/vms specific) (texhax.09) flames: re: various tex vs. mac * (texhax.34) flames: re: various tex vs. mac * (texhax.34) flavors: * of tex (texhax.88) flavors: comparing different * of tex (texhax.91) fleqn: * option -- indent after display (texhax.96) flexibility: style * in latex (texhax.04) floating: tugboat vol 8 no 3 article: * figures at the right... (texhax.104) flushbottom: * with minipages (texhax.03) flushing: * to right margin in an \halign (texhax.75) following: latex question: how can one put an equation number on the *? (texhax.36) followup: * & japanese tex (texhax.88) font: 118 dpi * query (texhax.102) font: pxl to raster * converter?? (texhax.103) font: * modes (texhax.106) font: * questions (texhax digest v87 #104) (texhax.106) font: "standardized" * names (texhax.12) font: hebrew * with tex (texhax.12) font: re: "standardized" * names (texhax.13) font: * request (texhax.18) font: am * .dvi to cm font .dvi (texhax.18) font: am font .dvi to cm * .dvi (texhax.18) font: * documentation. (texhax.21) font: re: * documentation. (texhax.21) font: pxl * editor (texhax.23) font: * resembling hand-lettering (texhax.24) font: * question (texhax.27) font: manfnt * (texhax.32) font: a question on * availability (texhax.33) font: intermachine * transfer ? (texhax.33) font: intermachine * transfer ? (texhax.33) font: round off errors in * magnifications (texhax.37) font: dvi2ln3 and * arithmetic (please help) (texhax.40) font: magnifications and finding * files (texhax.40) font: re: magnifications and finding * files (texhax.43) font: * file types (texhax.47) font: * tapes for ibm 4250 (texhax.47) font: rounding errors in * filetypes (texhax.48) font: * tapes for the ibm 4250 (texhax.50) font: it's * generation time! (texhax.56) font: cm * descriptions (texhax.60) font: * file comparisons (texhax.63) font: still need help increasing tex's * capacity (texhax.84) font: re: * help (texhax.85) font: self-adapting * definition (texhax.85) font: generating * tables (texhax.86) font: does anyone have a bold small caps *? (texhax.89) font: re: gnerating * tables (texhax.91) font: want ibm graphic char * (texhax.92) font: greek * (texhax.93) font: .afm (adobe * metric) fonts (texhax.95) font: * files generation for imagen devices. (texhax.96) font: texhax #93 (greek *) (texhax.96) font: chess *? (texhax.98) font-finding: vaxstation previewer, plus comments on * and sub-sampling (texhax.99) fontname: tex bug ? undesireable * interaction with \bigl (texhax.87) fonts: dvi2ps using the postscript * (texhax.01) fonts: has anyone converted the hershey * to metafont? (texhax.04) fonts: using cm * on apple laserwriter (texhax.06) fonts: 10 and 12 point * in latex (texhax.09) fonts: epson * for stex on the atari (texhax.101) fonts: ln01 * (texhax.101) fonts: re: low resolution * (texhax.102) fonts: re: textures & latex, amstex, * (texhax.102) fonts: .tfm files for using built-in lw * with tex. (texhax.103) fonts: 118 dpi * (texhax digest v87 #102) (texhax.104) fonts: stanford * (texhax.104) fonts: am* vs cm* * (texhax.105) fonts: arbortext drivers and * with more than 128 characters (texhax.105) fonts: demotic and other *, metafont programs for ... (texhax.105) fonts: tex *, etc. (texhax.105) fonts: pyramid changes and ocr * (texhax.106) fonts: point sizes for computer modern *. (texhax.12) fonts: symbol *; maths in latex (texhax.13) fonts: * and macros for setting music (texhax.17) fonts: * and macros for setting music (texhax.17) fonts: re: symbol * (texhax.17) fonts: wanted: help with dvi2ps and built-in adobe *. (texhax.17) fonts: re: * and macros for setting music (texhax.20) fonts: ps * and math mode (texhax.21) fonts: math mode * in plain tex (texhax.26) fonts: re: math mode * in plain tex (texhax.26) fonts: euler * (texhax.29) fonts: euler * (texhax.29) fonts: need hebrew * (texhax.29) fonts: metafont & * for ln03 (texhax.32) fonts: postscript built-in * from unix? (texhax.33) fonts: re: cyrillic and other * (texhax.34) fonts: re: metafont & * for ln03 (texhax.34) fonts: hebrew * (texhax.37) fonts: bug in cmr *, the lowres digit 8 (texhax.41) fonts: hebrew * (texhax.41) fonts: mf source for am *... (texhax.41) fonts: any phoneme * out there? (texhax.42) fonts: .pk * with utah dvi family (texhax.43) fonts: tex * for ricoh laser printers (texhax.44) fonts: am * and dvi format (texhax.45) fonts: mf source for am *... (texhax.45) fonts: probable bug in cmr *: lowres italic letter 'l' (texhax.45) fonts: * for the ln03 and ln03-plus (reposting) (texhax.48) fonts: questions on slitex, * and order forms. (texhax.48) fonts: * for write-write printers (texhax.49) fonts: missing * for the ln03 (texhax.52) fonts: dumb question: how much room do pk * need? (texhax.56) fonts: dvi2ps with pk * (re: texhax digest v87 #54) (texhax.57) fonts: re: dumb question: how much room do pk * need? (texhax.58) fonts: recipe for building cm * with pcmetafont (texhax.60) fonts: slitex * (texhax.61) fonts: old german * (texhax.63) fonts: an error and an infelicity in cm * (texhax.64) fonts: re: an error and an infelicity in cm * (texhax.64) fonts: slitex * (texhax.64) fonts: is there a dvisun which uses pk *? (texhax.65) fonts: latex line and circle * (texhax.71) fonts: invisible * for slitex (texhax.73) fonts: questions about * (texhax.74) fonts: re: * and macros for setting music (texhax.75) fonts: latex apa style, epson * (texhax.78) fonts: plain tex: using scaled * avoiding missing half sizes. (texhax.78) fonts: re: questions about * (texhax.78) fonts: how to increase number of * in tex? (texhax.79) fonts: non-cm * (texhax.79) fonts: more questions about tex * (texhax.80) fonts: hershey * |-> metafont ? (texhax.81) fonts: hershey * (texhax.83) fonts: hershey * revisited (texhax.83) fonts: re: hershey * |-> metafont ? (texhax.83) fonts: re: hershey * |-> metafont ? (texhax.83) fonts: * not loading and xerox 2700 ii fonts (texhax.84) fonts: fonts not loading and xerox 2700 ii * (texhax.84) fonts: inverted * (texhax.84) fonts: re: more questions about tex * (texhax.84) fonts: hershey * (texhax.85) fonts: preloaded * in plain.tex (texhax.85) fonts: inverted * (texhax.86) fonts: beebe driver family, *, etc. (texhax.88) fonts: heshey * --> metafont (texhax.89) fonts: inverted * (texhax.89) fonts: *, more fonts (texhax.92) fonts: ams * (texhax.92) fonts: fonts, more * (texhax.92) fonts: low res * for previewing (texhax.92) fonts: slitex * (texhax.93) fonts: amstex * (texhax.94) fonts: re: amstex * (texhax.94) fonts: .afm (adobe font metric) * (texhax.95) fonts: greek * (texhax.95) fonts: mostly *. (texhax.95) fonts: re: texhax 87-91 (ams *) (texhax.95) fonts: hp laserjet * and tex (texhax.96) fonts: subsampling *. (texhax.96) fonts: 78 dpi * (texhax.97) fonts: are there cm * for the dec ln01 (texhax.97) fonts: re: hp laserjet * and tex (texhax.98) fonts: re: sub-sampled * (texhax.98) fonts: re: using hp lj download * with tex (texhax.98) fonts: textures & latex, amstex, * (texhax.99) fonttool: * (texhax.25) foo: * (bar codes) (texhax.94) footers: customized headers and *, reply (texhax.24) footers: * (texhax.85) footers: * solution (texhax.87) footers: re: * (texhax.87) footers: re: * (texhax.88) footline: headline & * (texhax.23) footline: re: numbering in the appendix; headline & *; changing the pitch (texhax.24) footnote: * numbering (texhax.60) footnote: re: * numbering (texhax.66) footnote: tex error and * inside tabular environment (texhax.82) footnote: * mechanism of latex (texhax.88) footnotes: schizophrenia in minipage *? (texhax.103) footnotes: renumbering * each page (texhax.63) footnotes: paragraph/column * (texhax.86) footnotes: paragraph footnotes/multilayer * (texhax.87) footnotes/multilayer: paragraph * footnotes (texhax.87) foreign: tex in * languages (texhax.101) foreign: tex in * languages. (texhax digest v87 #101) (texhax.104) foreign: re: tex in * languages (texhax.105) form: * letter/mailing list processing. (texhax.24) form: * letters with latex letter.sty (texhax.25) form: * letters with latex letter.sty (texhax.25) form: documentation for earlier * letter submission. (texhax.30) format: \hrule in double-column * (texhax.10) format: bibtex * request (texhax.20) format: re: dvi * (was "am -> cm .dvi conversion.") (texhax.22) format: am fonts and dvi * (texhax.45) format: are there device drivers which use pk *? (texhax.45) format: re: are there device drivers which use pk *? (texhax.48) format: univ. of minnesota thesis * (texhax.49) format: ieee 2-column paper * documentstyle in latex ? (texhax.51) format: pk file * questions (texhax.51) format: ieee transactions * on tex (texhax.73) format: (la)tex for ms-dos systems, ".sty" * (texhax.80) format: quick & dirty tex * for meeting notices, etc. (texhax.89) format: tex hint: hrules in double-column * (texhax.89) formats: roasting and stupid * (texhax.28) formats: vms tex file * (texhax.46) formats: vms tex file * - a comment (texhax.51) formatter/prettyprinter: tex/pascal * (a la web?) (texhax.27) formatting: spie proceedings * (texhax.49) formatting: weave * problem (texhax.50) formatting: * program comments (texhax.72) formatting: anybody got an index * package/macro for tex/latex ? (texhax.95) formatting: re: anybody got an index * package/macro for tex/latex (texhax.97) formletter: * macro question (texhax.27) formletter: modification of bellmac * macros (texhax.76) forms: questions on slitex, fonts and order *. (texhax.48) formula: re: haim levkowitz asks how to put an equation number on a * (texhax.42) formulas: chemical * (texhax.72) formulas: query : breaking math * (texhax.72) formulas: help for typesetting chemical structural *? (texhax.88) formulas: more about chemical structural * (texhax.96) formulas--a: typesetting chemical structural * solution! (texhax.93) framebox: problems with * and equivalents (texhax.72) framebox: re: * ... (texhax.77) frames: * around text (texhax.75) framing: * text (texhax.81) free: tex for sun: * versions available (texhax.04) free: * dvi screening program (texhax.44) free: announce of a * tex distribution for symbolics lisp machines (texhax.46) fresno: metafont exhibit in * (texhax.21) ftp: xhmeia anonymous * (texhax.27) ftp: unixtex for * (texhax.28) ftp: * of tex (texhax.31) ftp: re: unixtex (by *) (texhax.89) ftping: texhax digest v87 #86 re: * unix-tex (texhax.90) full: double spacing, 10pt option, and * page figure (texhax.09) gelbaum: more mathematical symbols. re: martin * in issue 09/87 (texhax.12) general: re: wolfgang appelt's puzzle + * remark (texhax.52) generating: * dvi drivers. (texhax.83) generating: * font tables (texhax.86) generation: bibtex reference * in gnuemacs (texhax.45) generation: it's font * time! (texhax.56) generation: font files * for imagen devices. (texhax.96) generator: lunisolar calendar * for latex (texhax.92) generator: index * for latex (texhax.97) generic: a * list of figures macro (texhax.82) geodesique: latex style for bulletin * wanted (texhax.56) german: re: * hyphenation (texhax.42) german: re: * hyphenation (texhax.42) german: old * fonts (texhax.63) german: re: * hyphenation patterns (texhax.75) german: standard for * tex and latex commands (texhax.99) getting: * ascii files out of tex (texhax.45) gf/pk/pxl: * versions of iptex, dvipr available (texhax.50) gftodvi: problem with metafont, * and simpson's quic driver (texhax.100) gftodvi: re: problem with metafont, * and simpson's quic driver (texhax.100) gftodvi: problem with metafont, * and simpson's quic driver (texhax.97) gftopk: * changes for vms (texhax.28) gftopk: * on vm/cms (texhax.47) gftopk: * change file for vax/vms wanted (texhax.65) gftopk: * (texhax.94) gftopk.web: bug in * (1.4) (texhax.98) gftopxl.web: * (texhax.78) gnerating: re: * font tables (texhax.91) gnuemacs: bibtex reference generation in * (texhax.45) good: * news for canon lbp-8 owners (texhax.48) got: anybody * an index formatting package/macro for tex/latex ? (texhax.95) got: re: anybody * an index formatting package/macro for tex/latex (texhax.97) gotcha: latex *! (texhax.08) gould: tex on * powernode?? (texhax.79) gould: re: tex on * powernode and tex -> spell filter (texhax.81) gould: re: tex on * powernode?? (texhax.83) gould: tex on * powernode --- success. (texhax.87) gpx: dvi to * (texhax.67) graphic: want ibm * char font (texhax.92) graphics: re: dvi driver for ibm 3279 * terminals (texhax.02) graphics: re: include sixel * in tex-output with f. rose's dvi2ln3 (texhax.24) graphics: online * routines in metafont (texhax.34) graphics: online * routines in metafont (texhax.34) graphics: * facility for latex wanted (texhax.42) graphics: driver for lm-300 monitor of princeton * systems inc. (texhax.42) graphics: * facility for latex wanted (texhax.45) graphics: latex * (texhax.61) graphics: tex and sixel *. (texhax.69) graphics: imbedded * using standard metafile. (texhax.71) graphics: * in tex on an ln03? (texhax.98) greek: * capital pis (texhax.12) greek: ps upper case * (texhax.23) greek: * font (texhax.93) greek: * fonts (texhax.95) greek: texhax #93 (* font) (texhax.96) grief: missing newline causes * (texhax.03) grief: re: missing newline causes * (texhax.03) group: tex users * 1987 course schedule (texhax.46) grouping: \font and * (texhax.32) gtex: \special command and the * driver for a qms printer ... (texhax.61) guide: slight change to latex local * (texhax.25) guide: tex and chicago * to preparing electronic manuscripts (texhax.57) haim: re: * levkowitz asks how to put an equation number on a formula (texhax.42) half: plain tex: using scaled fonts avoiding missing * sizes. (texhax.78) hallett's: lamport's comments about * comments etc. (texhax.28) hand-lettering: font resembling * (texhax.24) handling: mailing list * (texhax.22) handling: re: mailing list * (texhax.23) happened: it * (texhax.06) has: * anyone converted the hershey fonts to metafont? (texhax.04) have: anyone * a detex program? (texhax.24) have: anyone * apl macros? (texhax.26) have: does anyone * a bold small caps font? (texhax.89) headers: customized * and footers, reply (texhax.24) headers: splitting off * from tables (once more) (texhax.33) headers: underlining * (texhax.66) headers/footers: putting hrules in * (texhax.57) headers/footers: re: putting hrules in * (texhax.62) headings: raggedright in section *? (texhax.39) headings: multi-line * and captions (texhax.65) headline: * & footline (texhax.23) headline: re: numbering in the appendix; * & footline; changing the pitch (texhax.24) hebrew: * font with tex (texhax.12) hebrew: need * fonts (texhax.29) hebrew: * fonts (texhax.37) hebrew: * fonts (texhax.41) help: * installing latex(2.09) mf(1.2) from unix 4.2/4.3 bsd distr. (texhax.07) help: latex bugs(?) + * please (texhax.12) help: wanted: * with dvi2ps and built-in adobe fonts. (texhax.17) help: * installing tex on cms (texhax.27) help: big \matrix: *! (texhax.32) help: * with metafont with canon cx8 printer (texhax.37) help: * with large latex tables... (texhax.38) help: re: * with large latex tables... (texhax.39) help: dvi2ln3 and font arithmetic (please *) (texhax.40) help: please *: tgrind.sty (texhax.54) help: *! (texhax.55) help: *! how do you selectively print some .dvi pages? (texhax.61) help: re: *! how do you selectively print some .dvi pages? (texhax.61) help: re: please * with dvi-drivers (and a puzzle) (texhax.61) help: re: *! how do you selectively print some .dvi pages? (texhax.64) help: * with ln03 on sun (texhax.66) help: * with \newenvironment (texhax.67) help: need * with hp laser dvi driver (texhax.67) help: *!!!! (pctex documentation) (texhax.68) help: re: *!!!! (pctex documentation) (texhax.68) help: * with \halign spread to \hsize (texhax.72) help: * (texhax.82) help: still need * increasing tex's font capacity (texhax.84) help: texhax digest v87 #82 "*" from michael russell (texhax.84) help: re: font * (texhax.85) help: myheadings * needed!! (texhax.86) help: * for typesetting chemical structural formulas? (texhax.88) help: re: myheadings * needed!! (texhax.91) help: * (texhax.94) help: * with dvitovdu.mod (texhax.97) hershey: has anyone converted the * fonts to metafont? (texhax.04) hershey: * fonts |-> metafont ? (texhax.81) hershey: * fonts (texhax.83) hershey: * fonts revisited (texhax.83) hershey: re: * fonts |-> metafont ? (texhax.83) hershey: re: * fonts |-> metafont ? (texhax.83) hershey: * fonts (texhax.85) hershey: re: * -> mf (texhax.86) heshey: * fonts --> metafont (texhax.89) hewlett-packard: driver for *. (texhax.63) hint: tex *: hrules in double-column format (texhax.89) horizontal: latex macros and * mode-an urgent query (texhax.87) horizontal: latex macros and restricted * mode (texhax.87) hp-ux: tex for * (texhax.14) hp9000: tex for * series (texhax.17) hp9000: tex for * series (texhax.17) hpgl: dvi to * ? (texhax.40) hrules: putting * in headers/footers (texhax.57) hrules: re: putting * in headers/footers (texhax.62) hrules: tex hint: * in double-column format (texhax.89) human: not for texhax but for response from a caring * (texhax.93) hyphenation: portuguese * table (texhax.18) hyphenation: * (texhax.24) hyphenation: re: * (texhax.24) hyphenation: "* patterns" (texhax.38) hyphenation: * exception (texhax.41) hyphenation: re: german * (texhax.42) hyphenation: re: german * (texhax.42) hyphenation: * for non-english languages (texhax.55) hyphenation: re: * for non-english languages (texhax.55) hyphenation: re: * for other languages (texhax.58) hyphenation: arabic typesetting & spanish * & loom (texhax.64) hyphenation: multi-lingual * patterns? (texhax.67) hyphenation: * across page boundary (texhax.68) hyphenation: re: german * patterns (texhax.75) ibm's: obtaining a list of computers tex runs on... (big *?) (texhax.85) ibm: re: dvi driver for * 3279 graphics terminals (texhax.02) ibm: * printer utilities (texhax.05) ibm: * utilities (texhax.06) ibm: * utilities (texhax.06) ibm: tex for the * pc rt (texhax.102) ibm: driver for * 3812? (texhax.24) ibm: implementation on * 4361 (texhax.24) ibm: pc driver for the * 3812 (texhax.42) ibm: font tapes for * 4250 (texhax.47) ibm: font tapes for the * 4250 (texhax.50) ibm: dvi->postscript for cms on * mainframes (texhax.58) ibm: tex and * 38xx printers (texhax.69) ibm: want * graphic char font (texhax.92) idea: * for line printer output (texhax.103) ideas: comments invited on tex adaptions *. (texhax.99) idxtex: * (texhax.69) idxtex: * (texhax.73) ieee: * 2-column paper format documentstyle in latex ? (texhax.51) ieee: * transactions format on tex (texhax.73) iii: latex notes * (re: texhax digest v87 #67) (texhax.71) imagen: postscript for * printers (texhax.90) imagen: re: * (texhax.91) imagen: font files generation for * devices. (texhax.96) imagen3320: mode_def for * (texhax.86) imagens: duty cycles on laserwriters vs * (texhax.98) imagesetter: driver for compugraphic 8600 * (texhax.89) imagesetter: re: driver for compugraphic 8600 * (texhax.89) imagesetter: re: driver for compugraphic 8600 * (texhax.89) imbedded: * graphics using standard metafile. (texhax.71) implementation: * on ibm 4361 (texhax.24) implicit: stretching/shrinking words, * kerning (texhax.81) impress: postscript to * conversion program needed (texhax.82) impress: re: postscript to * conversion program needed (texhax.85) impress: postscript to * conversion program needed (texhax.87) imprint: problem with \special{insert plotfile} and * (texhax.20) inc: driver for lm-300 monitor of princeton graphics systems *. (texhax.42) include: re: * sixel graphics in tex-output with f. rose's dvi2ln3 (texhax.24) include: * files in latex (texhax.88) including: * postscript in tex (texhax.05) including: re: * program source in tex documents (texhax.29) including: dvi -> ps * macintosh drawings (texhax.39) including: * apl (texhax.53) incorporating: * program listings in latex documents? (texhax.05) increase: how to * number of fonts in tex? (texhax.79) increasing: * tex's memory capacity? (texhax.44) increasing: re: * tex's memory capacity? (texhax.44) increasing: re: * tex's memory capacity (texhax.48) increasing: * memory size of tex ? (texhax.50) increasing: still need help * tex's font capacity (texhax.84) incremental: wysiwyg tex, tex environments, * tex (texhax.32) incremental: addendum to "* tex" (texhax v87 #32) (texhax.34) indent: first paragraph * (texhax.24) indent: fleqn option -- * after display (texhax.96) index: makeindex: an * processor (texhax.30) index: tex * and postscript (texhax.75) index: more comments about * processing (texhax.78) index: anybody got an * formatting package/macro for tex/latex ? (texhax.95) index: * generator for latex (texhax.97) index: re: anybody got an * formatting package/macro for tex/latex (texhax.97) indexer: where is source for makeindex (* for latex)? (texhax.58) indexing: * option for latex? (texhax.05) indexing: another view of document * (texhax.77) indian: texfonts for * languages (texhax.104) infelicity: an error and an * in cm fonts (texhax.64) infelicity: re: an error and an * in cm fonts (texhax.64) info: * wanted on tex on a toshiba laptop (texhax.54) info: re: * wanted on tex on a toshiba laptop (texhax.57) information: * request latex and contents pages (texhax.37) information: * on jtex & jlatex wanted. (texhax.76) information: * needed (texhax.94) initial: more * problems in bibtex (texhax.55) initials: umlauted * in bibtex (texhax.48) initials: re: umlauted * in bibtex (texhax.50) input: selective * (texhax.10) input: * file line numbers in tex? (texhax.49) inrs: * tex (texhax.28) inrstex: * table macros wanted (texhax.26) insertion: tektronix and macpaint figure * (texhax.26) inserts: dvi2ps with gf accepting macintosh * (texhax.91) inside: tex error and footnote * tabular environment (texhax.82) installing: help * latex(2.09) mf(1.2) from unix 4.2/4.3 bsd distr. (texhax.07) installing: help * tex on cms (texhax.27) instruction: latex * (texhax.101) instruments: dvi to texas * omni800/model865 driver (texhax.79) instruments: texas * omnilaser 2115 (texhax.90) instruments: texas * omnilaser 2115 (texhax digest v87 #90) (texhax.95) inter-row: uneven * spacing from latex tabular environment (texhax.70) interact@dtupev5a: new files available at * for bitnet users. (texhax.59) interaction: tex bug ? undesireable fontname * with \bigl (texhax.87) interactive: comments, and * tex (texhax.43) interface: tpu * to tex (texhax.85) interline: * spacing in latex tabular environment (and tex!) (texhax.73) intermachine: * font transfer ? (texhax.33) intermachine: * font transfer ? (texhax.33) international: * phonetic alphabet (texhax v87#97) (texhax.101) international: re: * phonetic alphabet (texhax.101) international: * phonetic alphabet in metafont (texhax.95) international: re: * phonetic alphabet in metafont (texhax.97) interruptus: immoderate notes (tex-l's "digestus *") (texhax.80) invers}ie: * video (texhax.20) inverted: * fonts (texhax.84) inverted: * fonts (texhax.86) inverted: * fonts (texhax.89) invisible: * fonts for slitex (texhax.73) invited: comments * on tex adaptions ideas. (texhax.99) ipa: * (nternational phonetic alphabet) (texhax.101) ipa: * character set (texhax.56) iptex: * and \special commands (texhax.12) iptex: gf/pk/pxl versions of *, dvipr available (texhax.50) isi: tex for *? (texhax.101) issue: re: * 02 (texhax.03) issue: * 03 (texhax.04) issue: topics from * 06 (texhax.08) issue: possible duplication of this * of texhax (texhax.10) issue: some notes from last *. (texhax.11) issue: more mathematical symbols. re: martin gelbaum in * 09/87 (texhax.12) issue: re: * 09 (texhax.12) issues: slight change in file names of back * (texhax.01) issues: volume 86 * to go offline (texhax.60) it's: * font generation time! (texhax.56) italic: probable bug in cmr fonts: lowres * letter 'l' (texhax.45) italy: sending tex to * (texhax.29) italy: tex for * (texhax digest v87 #29) (texhax.31) itself: texhax *. (texhax.59) january: contents of latex style collection, 27th * 1987 (texhax.07) japanese: * latex, slitex and page parity problem (texhax.106) japanese: followup & * tex (texhax.88) jlatex: information on jtex & * wanted. (texhax.76) john: * pavel's message (texhax.30) jonathan: reply to * ross (texhax.13) journal/proceedings: * articles (texhax.37) journal/proceedings: * articles (texhax.37) jtex: information on * & jlatex wanted. (texhax.76) jtex: * (texhax.81) jtex: * is now on (texhax.82) june: contents of latex style collection, 17th * 1987 (texhax.50) justification: tty and * (texhax.40) karney's: * \insertfigure with arbortext (texhax.35) kellerman: enhancements to * & smith distribution of vax/vms tex (texhax.82) kellerman: enhancements to * and smith tex (texhax.85) kerning: stretching/shrinking words, implicit * (texhax.81) keys: how to cite all the * of a bibtex database. (texhax.03) knuth's: * talk on dec 7. (texhax.102) kstfonts.......tex: * text via (texhax.102) kyocera: dvi driver for * f2200 laser printer (texhax.92) l's: re: tex eats * after fil (texhax.67) l's: tex eats * after fil (texhax.67) la)tex: (* for ms-dos systems, ".sty" format (texhax.80) la50: misc queries re dec * & ln03 printers (texhax.22) la75: dvi driver for dec *? (texhax.101) labels: re: cross-referencing * in latex (texhax.58) labels: re: cross-referencing * in latex (texhax.58) labels: bug in latex reporting of * changing (texhax.89) lamport's: * comments about hallett's comments etc. (texhax.28) landscape: mixing * & portrait mode in latex (texhax.82) landscape: re: mixing * & portrait mode in latex (texhax.85) landscape: * mode in tables (plain tex) (texhax.92) landscape: re: * printing (texhax.95) language: page description * standards effort (texhax.14) languages: tex in foreign * (texhax.101) languages: tex in foreign *. (texhax digest v87 #101) (texhax.104) languages: texfonts for indian * (texhax.104) languages: re: tex in foreign * (texhax.105) languages: latex for different * (texhax.106) languages: latex for non-english * (texhax.52) languages: latex for non-english * (texhax.53) languages: hyphenation for non-english * (texhax.55) languages: re: hyphenation for non-english * (texhax.55) languages: re: hyphenation for other * (texhax.58) laptop: info wanted on tex on a toshiba * (texhax.54) laptop: re: info wanted on tex on a toshiba * (texhax.57) large: help with * latex tables... (texhax.38) large: re: help with * latex tables... (texhax.39) large: * screen displays for mac (texhax.84) large: re: * mac screens and maxtex/textures. (texhax.86) large-screen: mactex on * displays (texhax.87) laser: qms * printer blank pages / overwriting : the solution. (texhax.104) laser: re: qms * printer blank pages (v87 104) (texhax.106) laser: metafont mode definition for qms 1200 * printer.\ (texhax.16) laser: tex fonts for ricoh * printers (texhax.44) laser: need help with hp * dvi driver (texhax.67) laser: dvi driver for kyocera f2200 * printer (texhax.92) laser: driver for am-varityper vt600 postscript * printer (texhax.93) laser: at&t 495 * printer & tex ? (texhax.95) laserjet: dvi-processor for hp 2686a * (texhax.56) laserjet: sun 3 driver for hp * plus (texhax.66) laserjet: * ii driver (texhax.84) laserjet: hp * fonts and tex (texhax.96) laserjet: re: hp * fonts and tex (texhax.98) laserwriter: using cm fonts on apple * (texhax.06) laserwriter: metafont parameters for qms 1200 and apple * (texhax.08) laserwriter: apple * .tfm files available? (texhax.100) laserwriter: mode_def for *. size of pk files. (texhax.58) laserwriter: problem with dvi2ps vs. * (texhax.98) laserwriters: tex, poscript, macs and *. (texhax.96) laserwriters: duty cycles on * vs imagens (texhax.98) last: some notes from * issue. (texhax.11) latest: * tex upgrade (texhax.100) latex(2.09: help installing *) mf(1.2) from unix 4.2/4.3 bsd distr. (texhax.07) latex: figures in * (texhax.01) latex: * notes (texhax.02) latex: style flexibility in * (texhax.04) latex: incorporating program listings in * documents? (texhax.05) latex: indexing option for *? (texhax.05) latex: rochester * style repository available in u.k. (texhax.05) latex: * and double space (texhax.06) latex: contents of * style collection, 27th january 1987 (texhax.07) latex: * double spacing macro (texhax.08) latex: * gotcha! (texhax.08) latex: question one figure per page with * (texhax.08) latex: 10 and 12 point fonts in * (texhax.09) latex: responses to * questions/complaints (texhax.09) latex: * page numbering question (texhax.10) latex: * style repository for uk users (texhax.10) latex: mixing \input and \verbatim in *? (texhax.10) latex: * bug (texhax.101) latex: * figure occupying a whole page (texhax.101) latex: * instruction (texhax.101) latex: * notes (re: texhax digest v87 #98) (texhax.101) latex: re: textures & *, amstex, fonts (texhax.102) latex: * list environment question (texhax.103) latex: * problem (texhax.103) latex: new * envirinment (texhax.103) latex: * notes, part i (re: texhax digest v87 #101) (texhax.104) latex: * notes, part ii (re: texhax digest v87 #102) (texhax.104) latex: weird behaviour with \newtheorem in * 2.09 (texhax.104) latex: * notes, part i (re: texhax digest v87 #103) (texhax.105) latex: * notes, part ii (re: texhax digest v87 #101) (texhax.105) latex: * for different languages (texhax.106) latex: * notes (re: texhax digest v87 #104) (texhax.106) latex: breaking up * tables (texhax.106) latex: japanese *, slitex and page parity problem (texhax.106) latex: re: * list environment question (texhax.106) latex: * double spacing and mathematical typesetting (texhax.11) latex: * style files and bitnet sites (texhax.11) latex: problem in using \sbox in * pictures... (texhax.11) latex: * bugs(?) + help please (texhax.12) latex: * style for proceedings (texhax.12) latex: need * command summary (texhax.12) latex: symbol fonts; maths in * (texhax.13) latex: * bugs (?) + advice please (texhax.14) latex: * notes (texhax.14) latex: contents of * style collection, 27th february 1987 (texhax.16) latex: what is the situation with "newer" * releases? (texhax.16) latex: * outline environment? (texhax.18) latex: * notes (texhax.19) latex: * version numbering (texhax.19) latex: * notes (texhax.20) latex: misc. * queries (texhax.20) latex: problem with * \tableofcontents entries (texhax.21) latex: * notes (texhax.22) latex: * verbatim mode (texhax.25) latex: contents of * style collection, 2nd april 1987 (texhax.25) latex: form letters with * letter.sty (texhax.25) latex: form letters with * letter.sty (texhax.25) latex: slight change to * local guide (texhax.25) latex: * notes (texhax.26) latex: * captions (texhax.27) latex: * for the -ms macros user (texhax.27) latex: two * problems - letter closing & matrices (texhax.27) latex: theses macro variations for * (texhax.28) latex: re: two * problems (one latex answer) (texhax.29) latex: re: two latex problems (one * answer) (texhax.29) latex: * letter closing (texhax.30) latex: * notes (texhax.30) latex: * comment facilities (texhax.33) latex: * notes: alignment question (texhax.33) latex: * notes: conference proceedings (texhax.33) latex: contents of * style collection, 1st may 1987 (texhax.33) latex: mathematicians use amstex or *? (texhax.33) latex: mathematicians use amstex or *? (texhax.33) latex: * notes re: texhax digest v87 #33 (texhax.35) latex: * style for spie proceedings (texhax.35) latex: * on pre-printed stationery (texhax.36) latex: * question: how can one put an equation number on the following? (texhax.36) latex: addresses in * style requests (texhax.36) latex: re: * comment facilities (texhax.36) latex: style/taste question in * (texhax.36) latex: information request * and contents pages (texhax.37) latex: re: * comment facilities (texhax.37) latex: * notes (re: texhax digest v87 #35) (texhax.38) latex: * notes ii (re: texhax digest v87 #36) (texhax.38) latex: help with large * tables... (texhax.38) latex: re: * style for spie proceedings (texhax.38) latex: * "remark" environment (texhax.39) latex: comment environment for * (texhax.39) latex: re: * comment facilities (texhax.39) latex: re: help with large * tables... (texhax.39) latex: * and vdu output (texhax.40) latex: * problems/wishes (texhax.40) latex: re: * comment environment (texhax.40) latex: * notes (re: texhax digest v87 #40) (texhax.42) latex: a bug in * ? (texhax.42) latex: graphics facility for * wanted (texhax.42) latex: * notes (re: texhax digest v87 #41) (texhax.43) latex: multi-page tables in * (texhax.43) latex: graphics facility for * wanted (texhax.45) latex: tex 2.01 and * for vms (texhax.45) latex: * notes (re: texhax digest v87 #43) (texhax.47) latex: 3 columns in * ? (texhax.47) latex: a * question about .sty files (texhax.48) latex: * notes (re: texhax digest v87 #45) (texhax.49) latex: semi verbatim mode in * (texhax.49) latex: * notes (re: texhax digest v87 #47) (texhax.50) latex: * notes (re: texhax digest v87 #48) (texhax.50) latex: contents of * style collection, 17th june 1987 (texhax.50) latex: ieee 2-column paper format documentstyle in * ? (texhax.51) latex: * for non-english languages (texhax.52) latex: * for non-english languages (texhax.53) latex: * notes (re: texhax digest v87 #51) (texhax.53) latex: * notes (re: texhax digest v87 #53) (texhax.54) latex: * or tex in chinese? (texhax.54) latex: proof sheets and * (texhax.54) latex: a * question (texhax.55) latex: * style for bulletin geodesique wanted (texhax.56) latex: looks like a * bug to me (texhax.56) latex: * diagrams (texhax.57) latex: non-english * style (texhax.58) latex: re: cross-referencing labels in * (texhax.58) latex: re: cross-referencing labels in * (texhax.58) latex: where is source for makeindex (indexer for *)? (texhax.58) latex: oops; re: looks like a * bug to me (texhax.59) latex: postscript tricks and * (texhax.59) latex: * notes (re: texhax digest v87 #56) (texhax.60) latex: re: * \verb (texhax digest v87 #56) (texhax.60) latex: re: * style collection in tuebingen (europe) (texhax.60) latex: re: looks like a * bug to me (texhax.60) latex: * diagrams (texhax.61) latex: * graphics (texhax.61) latex: * notes (re: texhax digest v87 #57) (texhax.61) latex: * notes (re: texhax digest v87 #58) (texhax.61) latex: * notes (re: texhax digest v87 #59) (texhax.62) latex: * notes (re: texhax digest v87 #59) (texhax.62) latex: a quickie shell file for tabular * users (texhax.62) latex: re: looks like a * bug to me. (texhax.62) latex: social science citations in * (texhax.62) latex: re: a * ?bug?; discussion in texhax 87/60 (texhax.63) latex: an observation about * (texhax.64) latex: updates to the * style collection (texhax.64) latex: re: social science citations in * (texhax.65) latex: * book bug (texhax.66) latex: contents of * style collection, 2nd august 1987 (texhax.66) latex: questions on appendix and bibliography (*) (texhax.66) latex: * bug in \multiput (texhax.69) latex: bug in * caption? (texhax.69) latex: uneven inter-row spacing from * tabular environment (texhax.70) latex: * line and circle fonts (texhax.71) latex: * notes i (re: texhax digest v87 #61) (texhax.71) latex: * notes ii (re: texhax digest v87 #69) (texhax.71) latex: * notes iii (re: texhax digest v87 #67) (texhax.71) latex: placing figures in * (texhax.71) latex: * notes (re: texhax digest v87 #71) (texhax.73) latex: * notes (re: texhax digest v87 #72) (texhax.73) latex: * question about table environment (texhax.73) latex: interline spacing in * tabular environment (and tex!) (texhax.73) latex: * notes (re: texhax digest v87 #73) (texhax.74) latex: bug in * figure environment? (texhax.74) latex: re: retrieving * style files (texhax.74) latex: retrieving * style files (texhax.74) latex: * notes (re: texhax digest v87 #70) (texhax.76) latex: * notes (re: texhax digest v87 #74) (texhax.76) latex: * picture environment (texhax.76) latex: contents of * style collection, 15th september 1987 (texhax.76) latex: * --- double column tables in single column mode? please? (texhax.77) latex: multi column output from * (texhax.77) latex: postscript lines/circles in * (texhax.77) latex: * apa style, epson fonts (texhax.78) latex: * notes (re: texhax digest v87 #76) (texhax.78) latex: unbreakable text in *? (texhax.78) latex: * notes (re: texhax digest v87 #78) (texhax.79) latex: playrighting * style (texhax.79) latex: sources in the * style collection (texhax.79) latex: * notes (re: texhax digest v87 #80) (texhax.82) latex: mixing landscape & portrait mode in * (texhax.82) latex: * [c]-type alignment in tabular environment (texhax.83) latex: * notes (re: texhax digest v87 #81) (texhax.83) latex: * notes (re: texhax digest v87 #82) (texhax.84) latex: bitnet users of * style collection note (texhax.84) latex: * notes (re: texhax digest v87 #83) (texhax.85) latex: re: mixing landscape & portrait mode in * (texhax.85) latex: * macros and horizontal mode-an urgent query (texhax.87) latex: * macros and restricted horizontal mode (texhax.87) latex: footnote mechanism of * (texhax.88) latex: include files in * (texhax.88) latex: * notes (re: texhax digest v87 #87) (texhax.89) latex: algorithms in * (texhax.89) latex: bug in * reporting of labels changing (texhax.89) latex: * notes (re: texhax digest v87 #88) (texhax.90) latex: * pascal environment (texhax.90) latex: * v. tex; some thanks (texhax.91) latex: * notes (re: texhax digest v87 #89) (texhax.92) latex: lunisolar calendar generator for * (texhax.92) latex: multipage tables in * (texhax.92) latex: q: how to get tex or *?? (texhax.92) latex: re: * notes (texhax digest #90) (texhax.93) latex: tex vs. * (texhax.93) latex: * margins (texhax.94) latex: * .aux writing error query (texhax.95) latex: revision re: * notes (texhax digest #90) (texhax.95) latex: superscript refs in * (texhax.95) latex: * notes (re: texhax digest v87 #94) (texhax.96) latex: * notes (re: texhax digest v87 #95) (texhax.97) latex: index generator for * (texhax.97) latex: * figure occupying a whole page (texhax.98) latex: standard for german tex and * commands (texhax.99) latex: textures & *, amstex, fonts (texhax.99) latex,tabular: * and tabbing (texhax.37) latex-style: * looking for a volunteer (texhax.08) latex-style: some useful contributions to * (texhax.56) latex.bug: * (texhax.44) latex/gks/uis: * (texhax.78) latexfiles: rlatex et al, * (texhax.12) latexstyle: * collection for bitnet users in europe (texhax.56) layout.sty: * (texhax.09) layout.sty: re: * (texhax.10) lbp-8: good news for canon * owners (texhax.48) lbp-8: address correction - canon * driver (texhax.52) leaving: i am * tuebingen. (texhax.69) left: right and * side figures (texhax.77) letter: two latex problems - * closing & matrices (texhax.27) letter: documentation for earlier form * submission. (texhax.30) letter: latex * closing (texhax.30) letter: probable bug in cmr fonts: lowres italic * 'l' (texhax.45) letter: standard paper size is not us * (texhax.98) letter.sty: form letters with latex * (texhax.25) letter.sty: form letters with latex * (texhax.25) letter/mailing: form * list processing. (texhax.24) letters: form * with latex letter.sty (texhax.25) letters: form * with latex letter.sty (texhax.25) letters: how to space between * (texhax.47) letters: question about automated * in tex/latex (texhax.68) letters: putting tilde under * in math mode (texhax.70) letters: re: question about automated * in tex/latex (texhax.70) letters: lowercase * --- the e.e. cummings syndrome. (texhax.84) levkowitz: re: haim * asks how to put an equation number on a formula (texhax.42) lfonts.tex: the * query (texhax.10) library: need documents on tex * files. (texhax.80) ligatures: * in names in bibtex (texhax.50) ligs: * setting in cmr5 (texhax.89) like: looks * a latex bug to me (texhax.56) like: oops; re: looks * a latex bug to me (texhax.59) like: re: looks * a latex bug to me (texhax.60) like: re: looks * a latex bug to me. (texhax.62) like: almost * \item, but ... (texhax.76) like: re: almost * \item, but ... (texhax.77) line: metafont command * on tops-20 (texhax.05) line: metafont command *. (texhax.06) line: idea for * printer output (texhax.103) line: macro for ``time *''? (texhax.14) line: centered * (texhax.31) line: input file * numbers in tex? (texhax.49) line: latex * and circle fonts (texhax.71) line: re: special * treatment (texhax.76) line: * numbering in tex (texhax.79) line: strange * break (texhax.80) line: * printers (texhax.93) line: dvi2ln3 patch for uniform * width (texhax.97) * (the new one...) (texhax.42) lines: blank * in obeylines (texhax.56) lines: orphan * (texhax.59) lines: re: orphan * (texhax.59) lines: numbering * in a page (texhax.96) lines/circles: postscript * in latex (texhax.77) lining: * up terms in an equation array (texhax.88) linked: * lists (texhax.96) linotron: metafont vs * 100 (texhax.05) linotron: metafont: mode definition wanted for * 300 (texhax.71) lisp: symolics * tex (texhax.30) lisp: announce of a free tex distribution for symbolics * machines (texhax.46) list: add me to the *, and a question (texhax.01) list: additon to mailing * (texhax.03) list: bibtex wish * (texhax.08) list: re: bibtex wish * (texhax.09) list: latex * environment question (texhax.103) list: problem with * macros. (texhax.105) list: problem with * macros. (texhax #105) (texhax.106) list: re: latex * environment question (texhax.106) list: mailing * handling (texhax.22) list: re: mailing * handling (texhax.23) list: form letter/mailing * processing. (texhax.24) list: bibtex wish * (continued) (texhax.26) list: re: bibtex wish * (texhax.28) list: a generic * of figures macro (texhax.82) list: obtaining a * of computers tex runs on... (big ibm's?) (texhax.85) listing: errata * (texhax.72) listings: incorporating program * in latex documents? (texhax.05) listings: program * (texhax.27) lists: re: tex/latex mailing *? (texhax.10) lists: tex/latex mailing *? (texhax.10) lists: \expandafter and \write with token * (texhax.72) lists: concatenating token *: brain damage (texhax.73) lists: linked * (texhax.96) lm-300: driver for * monitor of princeton graphics systems inc. (texhax.42) ln01: * fonts (texhax.101) ln01: looking for vms ffe.exe program (*) (texhax.18) ln01: are there cm fonts for the dec * (texhax.97) ln03's: different problems with vms-tex and * (texhax.92) ln03's: different problems with vms-tex and * (texhax.95) ln03: mode-def for * (texhax.105) ln03: dvi driver for * needed (texhax.11) ln03: misc queries re dec la50 & * printers (texhax.22) ln03: metafont & fonts for * (texhax.32) ln03: re: metafont & fonts for * (texhax.34) ln03: a modified version of the rose * driver (texhax.44) ln03: bad * output. (texhax.44) ln03: metafont and the * (texhax.45) ln03: fonts for the * and ln03-plus (reposting) (texhax.48) ln03: *, ln03+, ln03 scriptwriter question (texhax.50) ln03: ln03, *+, ln03 scriptwriter question (texhax.50) ln03: ln03, ln03+, * scriptwriter question (texhax.50) ln03: missing fonts for the * (texhax.52) ln03: repeat offering of autoletter and * driver. (texhax.52) ln03: mode definitions for * and ln03+ (texhax.65) ln03: mode definitions for ln03 and *+ (texhax.65) ln03: help with * on sun (texhax.66) ln03: mode definitions for * and ln03+ (texhax.67) ln03: mode definitions for ln03 and *+ (texhax.67) ln03: graphics in tex on an *? (texhax.98) ln03-plus: fonts for the ln03 and * (reposting) (texhax.48) ln03r: metafont mode definitions for *. (texhax.99) loading: fonts not * and xerox 2700 ii fonts (texhax.84) local: slight change to latex * guide (texhax.25) logo: * composition (texhax.11) logo: * composition (texhax.13) logo: * composition (texhax.15) long: it is 4' * (texhax.87) looking: latex-style * for a volunteer (texhax.08) looking: * for vms ffe.exe program (ln01) (texhax.18) looking: * for tex bitnet server (texhax.71) looking: * for previewer for at&t 3b1 (texhax.99) looks: * like a latex bug to me (texhax.56) looks: oops; re: * like a latex bug to me (texhax.59) looks: re: * like a latex bug to me (texhax.60) looks: re: * like a latex bug to me. (texhax.62) loom: arabic typesetting & spanish hyphenation & * (texhax.64) loss: * of characters when using newcommand (texhax.32) low: re: * resolution fonts (texhax.102) low: * res fonts for previewing (texhax.92) lowercase: * letters --- the e.e. cummings syndrome. (texhax.84) lowres: really really * metafont output (texhax.39) lowres: bug in cmr fonts, the * digit 8 (texhax.41) lowres: probable bug in cmr fonts: * italic letter 'l' (texhax.45) lse: * template for tex (or something similar)? (texhax.46) lse: tex template (or whatever) for *? (texhax.48) lunisolar: * calendar generator for latex (texhax.92) lzr: driver for dataproducts * 26xx device (texhax.35) lzr: driver for dataproducts * 26xx device (texhax.35) lzr-2665: metafont mode_def values for a * printer (texhax.87) mac: tex for * (texhax.08) mac: problems using textures 0.9 (*) (texhax.23) mac: * web testers, please note... (texhax.29) mac: * web testers, please note... (texhax.29) mac: tex vs. * :-) (texhax.29) mac: re: tex vs. * :-) (texhax.30) mac: re: tex vs. * (texhax.31) mac: re: tex vs. * :-) (texhax.31) mac: tex and * :-} (texhax.31) mac: tex and * :-} (texhax.31) mac: tex v. * rejoinder (texhax.32) mac: re: various tex vs. * flames (texhax.34) mac: re: various tex vs. * flames (texhax.34) mac: textures bombs on the * ii (texhax.65) mac: large screen displays for * (texhax.84) mac: re: large * screens and maxtex/textures. (texhax.86) mac: metafont for the * (texhax.94) machines: announce of a free tex distribution for symbolics lisp * (texhax.46) macintosh: tex/latex for the * (texhax.01) macintosh: tangle for the * (texhax.16) macintosh: tangle for the * (texhax.16) macintosh: telaris printer with * textures??? (texhax.23) macintosh: metafont for * (texhax.33) macintosh: dvi -> ps including * drawings (texhax.39) macintosh: tex on the * or sun workstation (texhax.52) macintosh: tex programs for the * (texhax.57) macintosh: some questions on tex for a *. (texhax.61) macintosh: dvi2ps with gf accepting * inserts (texhax.91) macmetafont: * caveat emptor (texhax.39) macpaint: tektronix and * figure insertion (texhax.26) macro: latex double spacing * (texhax.08) macro: * for ``time line''? (texhax.14) macro: double column * (texhax.14) macro: tables * (texhax.19) macro: formletter * question (texhax.27) macro: theses * variations for latex (texhax.28) macro: * in "the texbook" (texhax.34) macro: tex * for reference cards (texhax.50) macro: a \printhyphens * (texhax.51) macro: * problems (texhax.61) macro: answer to dynamic tex * creation (texhax.77) macro: a generic list of figures * (texhax.82) macro: double column * query revisited (texhax.87) macros: problem with list *. (texhax.105) macros: problem with list *. (texhax #105) (texhax.106) macros: plain tex * (texhax.15) macros: fonts and * for setting music (texhax.17) macros: fonts and * for setting music (texhax.17) macros: short *; texmag (texhax.18) macros: re: fonts and * for setting music (texhax.20) macros: anyone have apl *? (texhax.26) macros: inrstex table * wanted (texhax.26) macros: latex for the -ms * user (texhax.27) macros: variable number of parameters to * (texhax.30) macros: * for springer publications (texhax.36) macros: plain * for conference proceedings? (texhax.46) macros: tree * (texhax.52) macros: screenplay *? (texhax.61) macros: control character * (texhax.62) macros: re: control character * (texhax.62) macros: control character * (texhax.65) macros: re: control character * (texhax.65) macros: dynamic creation of tex *. (texhax.73) macros: program structure diagram *? (texhax.73) macros: re: fonts and * for setting music (texhax.75) macros: dynamic creation of tex *. (texhax.76) macros: modification of bellmac formletter * (texhax.76) macros: * defining macros (texhax.82) macros: macros defining * (texhax.82) macros: * for euler. (texhax.86) macros: latex * and horizontal mode-an urgent query (texhax.87) macros: latex * and restricted horizontal mode (texhax.87) macros: * for programexample? (texhax.88) macros: * for programexample? (texhax digest v87 #88) (texhax.91) macs: tex, poscript, * and laserwriters. (texhax.96) mactex: * on large-screen displays (texhax.87) magnifications: round off errors in font * (texhax.37) magnifications: * and finding font files (texhax.40) magnifications: re: * and finding font files (texhax.43) magnifying: * picture environment (texhax.82) mail: * (texhax.57) mail: new files, * access... (texhax.64) mail: returned *: user unknown (texhax.84) mailing: additon to * list (texhax.03) mailing: re: tex/latex * lists? (texhax.10) mailing: tex/latex * lists? (texhax.10) mailing: * list handling (texhax.22) mailing: re: * list handling (texhax.23) mailing: users * to tex-l. (texhax.88) mainframes: dvi->postscript for cms on ibm * (texhax.58) makeindex: *: an index processor (texhax.30) makeindex: where is source for * (indexer for latex)? (texhax.58) makeindex: * now works under vms (texhax.75) makeindex: * (texhax.85) man: tex versions of unix * pages (texhax.32) man: tex version of unix * pages (a response) (texhax.33) manfnt: * font (texhax.32) manfnt: * (texhax.38) manfnt: * (texhax.38) manuscripts: tex and chicago guide to preparing electronic * (texhax.57) margin: flushing to right * in an \halign (texhax.75) marginal: * notes in plain tex. (texhax.12) margins: latex * (texhax.94) martin: more mathematical symbols. re: * gelbaum in issue 09/87 (texhax.12) math: ps fonts and * mode (texhax.21) math: * mode fonts in plain tex (texhax.26) math: re: * mode fonts in plain tex (texhax.26) math: $$* mode$$ question (texhax.41) math: re: $$* mode$$ question (texhax.41) math: putting tilde under letters in * mode (texhax.70) math: query : breaking * formulas (texhax.72) mathematical: more * symbols (texhax.09) mathematical: latex double spacing and * typesetting (texhax.11) mathematical: re: more * symbols (texhax.11) mathematical: more * symbols. re: martin gelbaum in issue 09/87 (texhax.12) mathematical: more * symbols (texhax.16) mathematical: re: more * symbols (texhax.21) mathematical: re: right way to do * operators (texhax.63) mathematical: re: right way to do * operators (texhax.63) mathematical: right way to do * operators (texhax.63) mathematicians: * use amstex or latex? (texhax.33) mathematicians: * use amstex or latex? (texhax.33) maths: symbol fonts; * in latex (texhax.13) matrices: two latex problems - letter closing & * (texhax.27) matrices: top-aligned * (texhax.82) matrix: plain tex's * routine (texhax.79) maxtex/textures: re: large mac screens and *. (texhax.86) may: contents of latex style collection, 1st * 1987 (texhax.33) mechanism: footnote * of latex (texhax.88) meeting: upcoming tug * program (texhax.46) meeting: quick & dirty tex format for * notices, etc. (texhax.89) meeting: 1988 tug annual * (texhax.98) memory: increasing tex's * capacity? (texhax.44) memory: re: increasing tex's * capacity? (texhax.44) memory: re: increasing tex's * capacity (texhax.48) memory: increasing * size of tex ? (texhax.50) message: john pavel's * (texhax.30) metafile: imbedded graphics using standard *. (texhax.71) metafont: has anyone converted the hershey fonts to *? (texhax.04) metafont: * command line on tops-20 (texhax.05) metafont: * vs linotron 100 (texhax.05) metafont: * command line. (texhax.06) metafont: * parameters for qms 1200 and apple laserwriter (texhax.08) metafont: * on sun3/50-60 (texhax digest v87 #97) (texhax.100) metafont: old * (texhax.100) metafont: problem with *, gftodvi and simpson's quic driver (texhax.100) metafont: re: problem with *, gftodvi and simpson's quic driver (texhax.100) metafont: * (texhax.102) metafont: demotic and other fonts, * programs for ... (texhax.105) metafont: * (texhax.16) metafont: * (texhax.16) metafont: * mode definition for qms 1200 laser printer.\ (texhax.16) metafont: * to postscript (texhax.20) metafont: * exhibit in fresno (texhax.21) metafont: re: * problems on sun 3.2 (texhax.24) metafont: * problems in sunos 3.2 (texhax.25) metafont: sun 3.2 and * (texhax.25) metafont: how to create preloaded versions of tex and *. (texhax.31) metafont: how to create preloaded versions of tex and *. (texhax.31) metafont: * & fonts for ln03 (texhax.32) metafont: * for macintosh (texhax.33) metafont: online graphics routines in * (texhax.34) metafont: online graphics routines in * (texhax.34) metafont: re: * & fonts for ln03 (texhax.34) metafont: help with * with canon cx8 printer (texhax.37) metafont: really really lowres * output (texhax.39) metafont: * previewing (texhax.41) metafont: * and the ln03 (texhax.45) metafont: * write-white mods (texhax.51) metafont: re: * write-white mods (texhax.51) metafont: upgrading to tex v2.1 and * v1.2 (texhax.51) metafont: * code for eth, yogh, thorn ... ? (texhax.68) metafont: * specials (texhax.69) metafont: *: mode definition wanted for linotron 300 (texhax.71) metafont: hershey fonts |-> * ? (texhax.81) metafont: re: hershey fonts |-> * ? (texhax.83) metafont: re: hershey fonts |-> * ? (texhax.83) metafont: effects of * change #536 (texhax.84) metafont: * mode_def values for a lzr-2665 printer (texhax.87) metafont: changes files for * and bibtex for mvs environment (texhax.89) metafont: heshey fonts --> * (texhax.89) metafont: * for the mac (texhax.94) metafont: international phonetic alphabet in * (texhax.95) metafont: * on sun3/50-60 (texhax.97) metafont: problem with *, gftodvi and simpson's quic driver (texhax.97) metafont: re: international phonetic alphabet in * (texhax.97) metafont: * (texhax.99) metafont: * mode definitions for ln03r. (texhax.99) metafont/icelandic: * (texhax.93) metric: .afm (adobe font *) fonts (texhax.95) mf(1.2: help installing latex(2.09) *) from unix 4.2/4.3 bsd distr. (texhax.07) mf/cmr: a possible * bug? (texhax.18) michael: texhax digest v87 #82 "help" from * russell (texhax.84) microtex: * and amstex (texhax.75) mildly: a few * random things; (texhax.63) mini-indexes: * in tex: the program (texhax.24) minipage: schizophrenia in * footnotes? (texhax.103) minipages: flushbottom with * (texhax.03) minnesota: univ. of * thesis format (texhax.49) minor: * bibtex suggestion (texhax.35) minor: * bug in textyl (texhax.63) mirrored: upside down and * 'e' (texhax.37) misc: *. latex queries (texhax.20) misc: * queries re dec la50 & ln03 printers (texhax.22) misnaming: mf * gf files (texhax.104) missing: * newline causes grief (texhax.03) missing: re: * newline causes grief (texhax.03) missing: * fonts for the ln03 (texhax.52) missing: plain tex: using scaled fonts avoiding * half sizes. (texhax.78) mit: * thesis and resume styles (texhax.57) mixing: * \input and \verbatim in latex? (texhax.10) mixing: * landscape & portrait mode in latex (texhax.82) mixing: re: * landscape & portrait mode in latex (texhax.85) mixing: * text and screendumps (texhax.94) mixing: re: * text and screendumps (texhax.95) mod: tangle * causes mf and pk bugs on some systems (texhax.75) mode: metafont * definition for qms 1200 laser printer.\ (texhax.16) mode: ps fonts and math * (texhax.21) mode: latex verbatim * (texhax.25) mode: math * fonts in plain tex (texhax.26) mode: re: math * fonts in plain tex (texhax.26) mode: $$math *$$ question (texhax.41) mode: re: $$math *$$ question (texhax.41) mode: observations on two column * (texhax.47) mode: semi verbatim * in latex (texhax.49) mode: * definitions for ln03 and ln03+ (texhax.65) mode: * definitions for ln03 and ln03+ (texhax.67) mode: putting tilde under letters in math * (texhax.70) mode: metafont: * definition wanted for linotron 300 (texhax.71) mode: latex --- double column tables in single column *? please? (texhax.77) mode: mixing landscape & portrait * in latex (texhax.82) mode: re: mixing landscape & portrait * in latex (texhax.85) mode: latex macros and restricted horizontal * (texhax.87) mode: landscape * in tables (plain tex) (texhax.92) mode: metafont * definitions for ln03r. (texhax.99) mode-an: latex macros and horizontal * urgent query (texhax.87) mode-def: * for ln03 (texhax.105) mode_def: * needed for sun (texhax.104) mode_def: * for laserwriter. size of pk files. (texhax.58) mode_def: * for imagen3320 (texhax.86) mode_def: metafont * values for a lzr-2665 printer (texhax.87) moderate: * notes (texhax.53) moderator: to the * (texhax.48) modern: point sizes for computer * fonts. (texhax.12) modes: font * (texhax.106) modification: * of bellmac formletter macros (texhax.76) modified: a * version of the rose ln03 driver (texhax.44) mods: metafont write-white * (texhax.51) mods: re: metafont write-white * (texhax.51) modula-2: mweb ( web for * ) (texhax.84) monitor: driver for lm-300 * of princeton graphics systems inc. (texhax.42) more: re: * bibtex (non)features (texhax.06) more: * mathematical symbols (texhax.09) more: arbortext drivers and fonts with * than 128 characters (texhax.105) more: re: * mathematical symbols (texhax.11) more: * mathematical symbols. re: martin gelbaum in issue 09/87 (texhax.12) more: * mathematical symbols (texhax.16) more: * on version numbering (texhax.19) more: re: * mathematical symbols (texhax.21) more: splitting off headers from tables (once *) (texhax.33) more: * on camera-ready conference proceedings (texhax.45) more: re: * on camera-ready conference proceedings (texhax.48) more: * initial problems in bibtex (texhax.55) more: * \write without token expansion (texhax.77) more: * comments about index processing (texhax.78) more: * questions about tex fonts (texhax.80) more: re: * questions about tex fonts (texhax.84) more: fonts, * fonts (texhax.92) more: * on unixtex distribution (texhax digest v87 #90) (texhax.95) more: * about chemical structural formulas (texhax.96) mostly: * fonts. (texhax.95) movie: tex: the * (texhax.34) movie: re: tex: the * (texhax.39) moving: score texhax files * (next door) (texhax.29) ms-dos: * web (texhax v87#96 and v87#98) (texhax.101) ms-dos: re: web for * (texhax digest v87 #96) (texhax.101) ms-dos: ams-tex for * pcs (texhax.31) ms-dos: ams-tex for * pcs (texhax.31) ms-dos: re: ams-tex for * pcs (texhax.34) ms-dos: porting tex to * pc's (texhax.78) ms-dos: (la)tex for * systems, ".sty" format (texhax.80) ms-dos: weave and tangle on * (texhax.96) ms-dos: weave and tangle on * (texhax digest v87 #96) (texhax.98) ms-windows: dvi previewer for * (texhax.104) ms_dos: re: ams-tex for * pcs (texhax.34) much: dumb question: how * room do pk fonts need? (texhax.56) much: re: dumb question: how * room do pk fonts need? (texhax.58) multi: * column output from latex (texhax.77) multi-column: dvi2ln3, *, 8 bit characters, amstex (texhax.89) multi-column: re: dvi2ln3, *, 8 bit characters, amstex (texhax.91) multi-line: * headings and captions (texhax.65) multi-lingual: * hyphenation patterns? (texhax.67) multi-page: * tables in latex (texhax.43) multipage: * tables (texhax.47) multipage: * tables in latex (texhax.92) multiplication: fix * (texhax.95) multiplication: fixed * (texhax.95) music: fonts and macros for setting * (texhax.17) music: fonts and macros for setting * (texhax.17) music: re: fonts and macros for setting * (texhax.20) music: * typesetting (texhax.60) music: re: fonts and macros for setting * (texhax.75) music: re: re: ... setting * (texhax.75) mvii's: dvi previewer for * (texhax.13) mvs: changes files for metafont and bibtex for * environment (texhax.89) mvs: xerox 2700 * driver... (texhax.97) mweb: * ( web for modula-2 ) (texhax.84) myheadings: * help needed!! (texhax.86) myheadings: re: * help needed!! (texhax.91) n.89: dvi2ln3 bug (re: texhax digest v87 *) (texhax.93) names: slight change in file * of back issues (texhax.01) names: "standardized" font * (texhax.12) names: re: "standardized" font * (texhax.13) names: ligatures in * in bibtex (texhax.50) national: * character sets in tex (texhax.102) natsci: * bibtex style (texhax.07) natsci.sty: re: submission: * (texhax.71) needs: qms software * beta testing (texhax.96) nefarious: * notes (texhax.26) nefarious: %%* notes (texhax.28) negative: * column widths in \halign -- bug or feature? (texhax.103) nelson: * beebe and andrew trevorrow files (texhax.58) nelson: * beebe dvi driver family update #9 (texhax.66) new: * latex envirinment (texhax.103) new: * utilities. (texhax.14) new: re: * utilities (texhax.17) new: re: * utilities (texhax.17) new: * styles (texhax.19) new: * hp lj series 2 + pc-tex (texhax.25) new: * versions of amstex, tugbot.sty (texhax.25) new: problems with * version of amstex.tex (texhax.26) new: dvitool - anything *? (texhax.28) new: re: v87 #28: dvitool - anything *? (texhax.31) new: how to get * tex files (texhax.35) new: (the * one...) (texhax.42) new: * files available at interact@dtupev5a for bitnet users. (texhax.59) new: * files, mail access... (texhax.64) new: * book on digital typefaces (texhax.65) new: * bug in tex! (texhax.68) new: * environments and new paragraphs (texhax.89) new: new environments and * paragraphs (texhax.89) newcommand: loss of characters when using * (texhax.32) newcommand: * with optional arguments (texhax.72) newer: what is the situation with "*" latex releases? (texhax.16) newline: missing * causes grief (texhax.03) newline: re: missing * causes grief (texhax.03) news: good * for canon lbp-8 owners (texhax.48) news: dvi2ps and * (texhax.94) newsletter: is the unix-tex * accessable to bitnet users? (texhax.97) newtheorem: * oddity (texhax.106) next: score texhax files moving (* door) (texhax.29) non)features: bibtex (* (texhax.05) non)features: re: bibtex (* (texhax.06) non)features: re: more bibtex (* (texhax.06) non)features: re: bibtex (* (texhax.07) non-cm: * fonts (texhax.79) non-english: latex for * languages (texhax.52) non-english: latex for * languages (texhax.53) non-english: hyphenation for * languages (texhax.55) non-english: re: hyphenation for * languages (texhax.55) non-english: * latex style (texhax.58) not: common tex (* yet) (texhax.63) not: fonts * loading and xerox 2700 ii fonts (texhax.84) not: * for texhax but for response from a caring human (texhax.93) not: standard paper size is * us letter (texhax.98) note: * for texhax digest (texhax.11) note: * from peb (texhax.12) note: re: * from peb (texhax.12) note: quick * (texhax.25) note: mac web testers, please *... (texhax.29) note: mac web testers, please *... (texhax.29) note: bitnet users of latex style collection * (texhax.84) notices: quick & dirty tex format for meeting *, etc. (texhax.89) novice: plea from *... (texhax.01) novice: texhax 86/14 re: plea from a * tex user (texhax.02) nternational: ipa (* phonetic alphabet) (texhax.101) number: variable * of parameters to macros (texhax.30) number: variable * of arguments (texhax.32) number: latex question: how can one put an equation * on the following? (texhax.36) number: re: haim levkowitz asks how to put an equation * on a formula (texhax.42) number: a question on page * placement in tex/latex. (texhax.65) number: how to increase * of fonts in tex? (texhax.79) numbering: latex page * question (texhax.10) numbering: latex version * (texhax.19) numbering: more on version * (texhax.19) numbering: * in the appendix (texhax.23) numbering: re: * in the appendix; headline & footline; changing the pitch (texhax.24) numbering: equation * references (texhax.42) numbering: footnote * (texhax.60) numbering: re: footnote * (texhax.66) numbering: line * in tex (texhax.79) numbering: * lines in a page (texhax.96) numbers: tagging equation * (texhax.38) numbers: tagging equation * (texhax.38) numbers: input file line * in tex? (texhax.49) numbers: wide page * (texhax.82) obeylines: blank lines in * (texhax.56) observation: an * about latex (texhax.64) observations: * on two column mode (texhax.47) obtaining: * a list of computers tex runs on... (big ibm's?) (texhax.85) occupying: latex figure * a whole page (texhax.101) occupying: latex figure * a whole page (texhax.98) ocr: pyramid changes and * fonts (texhax.106) oddity: newtheorem * (texhax.106) off: splitting * headers from tables (once more) (texhax.33) off: round * errors in font magnifications (texhax.37) offering: repeat * of autoletter and ln03 driver. (texhax.52) offline: volume 86 issues to go * (texhax.60) old: * metafont (texhax.100) old: * german fonts (texhax.63) omni800/model865: dvi to texas instruments * driver (texhax.79) omnilaser: texas instruments * 2115 (texhax.90) omnilaser: texas instruments * 2115 (texhax digest v87 #90) (texhax.95) once: splitting off headers from tables (* more) (texhax.33) one: question * figure per page with latex (texhax.08) one: re: two latex problems (* latex answer) (texhax.29) one: latex question: how can * put an equation number on the following? (texhax.36) one: (the new *...) (texhax.42) online: * graphics routines in metafont (texhax.34) online: * graphics routines in metafont (texhax.34) oops: *; re: looks like a latex bug to me (texhax.59) operators: re: right way to do mathematical * (texhax.63) operators: re: right way to do mathematical * (texhax.63) operators: right way to do mathematical * (texhax.63) option: indexing * for latex? (texhax.05) option: double spacing, 10pt *, and full page figure (texhax.09) option: rscsencoding * for archive requests (texhax.68) option: fleqn * -- indent after display (texhax.96) optional: newcommand with * arguments (texhax.72) order: questions on slitex, fonts and * forms. (texhax.48) orphan: * lines (texhax.59) orphan: re: * lines (texhax.59) osx4.0: tex and pyramid * (texhax.103) other: demotic and * fonts, metafont programs for ... (texhax.105) other: re: cyrillic and * fonts (texhax.34) other: re: hyphenation for * languages (texhax.58) out: any phoneme fonts * there? (texhax.42) out: getting ascii files * of tex (texhax.45) out-going: comments by an * site administrator (texhax.14) outline: latex * environment? (texhax.18) output: idea for line printer * (texhax.103) output: really really lowres metafont * (texhax.39) output: latex and vdu * (texhax.40) output: bad ln03 *. (texhax.44) output: re: reduced camera ready * for proceedings etc. (texhax.48) output: bibliographic systems with tex * (texhax.75) output: multi column * from latex (texhax.77) output: diagrams/graphics with tex *. (texhax.99) overfull: * boxes (texhax.103) overlays: postscript page * with dvips (texhax.67) oversized: * proof sheets (texhax.52) overwriting: qms laser printer blank pages / * : the solution. (texhax.104) overwriting: * / blank page problem with qms printer fixed : available. (texhax.99) owners: good news for canon lbp-8 * (texhax.48) package/macro: anybody got an index formatting * for tex/latex ? (texhax.95) package/macro: re: anybody got an index formatting * for tex/latex (texhax.97) page: question one figure per * with latex (texhax.08) page: double spacing, 10pt option, and full * figure (texhax.09) page: latex * numbering question (texhax.10) page: latex figure occupying a whole * (texhax.101) page: japanese latex, slitex and * parity problem (texhax.106) page: * description language standards effort (texhax.14) page: renumbering footnotes each * (texhax.63) page: a question on * number placement in tex/latex. (texhax.65) page: postscript * overlays with dvips (texhax.67) page: hyphenation across * boundary (texhax.68) page: wide * numbers (texhax.82) page: numbering lines in a * (texhax.96) page: latex figure occupying a whole * (texhax.98) page: overwriting / blank * problem with qms printer fixed : available. (texhax.99) pages: qms laser printer blank * / overwriting : the solution. (texhax.104) pages: re: qms laser printer blank * (v87 104) (texhax.106) pages: tex versions of unix man * (texhax.32) pages: tex version of unix man * (a response) (texhax.33) pages: information request latex and contents * (texhax.37) pages: help! how do you selectively print some .dvi *? (texhax.61) pages: re: help! how do you selectively print some .dvi *? (texhax.61) pages: re: help! how do you selectively print some .dvi *? (texhax.64) pages: this is how you selectively print some * of a .dvi file (texhax.65) paper: ieee 2-column * format documentstyle in latex ? (texhax.51) paper: a4 size * (texhax.57) paper: re: a4 size * (texhax.63) paper: standard * size is not us letter (texhax.98) papers: 11x14 camera-ready conference * (texhax.52) papers: typesetting chemical * (texhax.63) paragraph: first * indent (texhax.24) paragraph: re: figure to right of * (texhax.74) paragraph: * footnotes/multilayer footnotes (texhax.87) paragraph/column: * footnotes (texhax.86) paragraphs: new environments and new * (texhax.89) parameters: metafont * for qms 1200 and apple laserwriter (texhax.08) parameters: variable number of * to macros (texhax.30) parity: japanese latex, slitex and page * problem (texhax.106) parsing: tex's * of digits (texhax.99) part: latex notes, * i (re: texhax digest v87 #101) (texhax.104) part: latex notes, * ii (re: texhax digest v87 #102) (texhax.104) part: latex notes, * i (re: texhax digest v87 #103) (texhax.105) part: latex notes, * ii (re: texhax digest v87 #101) (texhax.105) pascal: latex * environment (texhax.90) patch: dvi2ln3 * for uniform line width (texhax.97) patgen: chapter 4, anyone? (* query) (texhax.46) patgen: re: chapter 4, anyone? (* query) (texhax.46) patgen: chapter 4, anyone? (* query) (texhax.47) path: typesetting directory * diagrams (texhax.106) patterns: "hyphenation *" (texhax.38) patterns: multi-lingual hyphenation *? (texhax.67) patterns: re: german hyphenation * (texhax.75) pavel's: john * message (texhax.30) pc's: porting tex to ms-dos * (texhax.78) pc-tex: new hp lj series 2 + * (texhax.25) pc/at: cheap tex for *? (texhax.64) pc/rt: tex on * (texhax.25) pcmetafont: recipe for building cm fonts with * (texhax.60) pcs: ams-tex for ms-dos * (texhax.31) pcs: ams-tex for ms-dos * (texhax.31) pcs: re: ams-tex for ms-dos * (texhax.34) pcs: re: ams-tex for ms_dos * (texhax.34) pctex: help!!!! (* documentation) (texhax.68) pctex: re: help!!!! (* documentation) (texhax.68) pdp: tex/latex for * 11/23+ (texhax.75) peb: note from * (texhax.12) peb: re: note from * (texhax.12) per: question one figure * page with latex (texhax.08) perq: tex for * running pos? (texhax.21) phoneme: any * fonts out there? (texhax.42) phonetic: international * alphabet (texhax v87#97) (texhax.101) phonetic: ipa (nternational * alphabet) (texhax.101) phonetic: re: international * alphabet (texhax.101) phonetic: international * alphabet in metafont (texhax.95) phonetic: re: international * alphabet in metafont (texhax.97) pic-like: * software for tex (texhax.49) pictex: fig to * converter (texhax.106) picture: latex * environment (texhax.76) picture: magnifying * environment (texhax.82) pictures: drawing * in tex (texhax.101) pictures: problem in using \sbox in latex *... (texhax.11) pis: greek capital * (texhax.12) pitch: changing the * (texhax.23) pitch: re: numbering in the appendix; headline & footline; changing the * (texhax.24) pktogf: * or pxltogf? (texhax.28) placement: a question on page number * in tex/latex. (texhax.65) placing: * figures in latex (texhax.71) plain: marginal notes in * tex. (texhax.12) plain: * tex macros (texhax.15) plain: math mode fonts in * tex (texhax.26) plain: re: math mode fonts in * tex (texhax.26) plain: * macros for conference proceedings? (texhax.46) plain: ytex -> * tex (texhax.52) plain: ytex -> * tex (texhax.57) plain: * tex: using scaled fonts avoiding missing half sizes. (texhax.78) plain: * tex's matrix routine (texhax.79) plain: landscape mode in tables (* tex) (texhax.92) plain.tex: * (texhax.105) plain.tex: preloaded fonts in * (texhax.85) playrighting: * latex style (texhax.79) plea: * from novice... (texhax.01) plea: texhax 86/14 re: * from a novice tex user (texhax.02) plea: desktop publishing * (texhax.51) please: latex bugs(?) + help * (texhax.12) please: latex bugs (?) + advice * (texhax.14) please: mac web testers, * note... (texhax.29) please: mac web testers, * note... (texhax.29) please: dvi2ln3 and font arithmetic (* help) (texhax.40) please: * help: tgrind.sty (texhax.54) please: add me, * (texhax.57) please: re: * help with dvi-drivers (and a puzzle) (texhax.61) please: latex --- double column tables in single column mode? *? (texhax.77) plotfile: problem with \special{insert *} and imprint (texhax.20) plotfile: how do i get dvi2ln3 * to work? (texhax.67) plus: sun 3 driver for hp laserjet * (texhax.66) plus: vaxstation previewer, * comments on font-finding and sub-sampling (texhax.99) point: 10 and 12 * fonts in latex (texhax.09) point: * sizes for computer modern fonts. (texhax.12) point: re: aligning on the decimal * (texhax.81) points: query: how to aligning tables on decimal * (texhax.76) port: * of tex to system v (texhax.20) portable: driver wanted for diconix 150 battery * printer (epson-like) (texhax.67) porting: * tex to ms-dos pc's (texhax.78) portrait: mixing landscape & * mode in latex (texhax.82) portrait: re: mixing landscape & * mode in latex (texhax.85) portuguese: * hyphenation table (texhax.18) pos: tex for perq running *? (texhax.21) poscript: tex, *, macs and laserwriters. (texhax.96) possible: * duplication of this issue of texhax (texhax.10) possible: * bug in count register updating (texhax.100) possible: re: * bug in count register updating (texhax.100) possible: a * mf/cmr bug? (texhax.18) possible: tex and rsx (?) is that *? (texhax.57) possible: * bug in count register updating (texhax.97) possibly: * stupid questions (texhax.03) possibly: * stupid questions (texhax.04) posting--here: truncated * it is again (texhax.92) postscript: dvi2ps using the * fonts (texhax.01) postscript: dvi to * on vax/vms? (texhax.03) postscript: including * in tex (texhax.05) postscript: two replies and a comment on tex vs. * (texhax.06) postscript: wanted: tex -> * converter (texhax.100) postscript: dvi -> * (texhax.104) postscript: dvi to * from vax vms (texhax.13) postscript: * in tex (texhax.16) postscript: dvi to * converter (texhax.16) postscript: metafont to * (texhax.20) postscript: tex to * (texhax.32) postscript: * built-in fonts from unix? (texhax.33) postscript: dvi to * (texhax.34) postscript: * to quic converter??? (texhax.46) postscript: * drivers (texhax.48) postscript: * drivers (texhax.57) postscript: * tricks and latex (texhax.59) postscript: 600dpi * printers (texhax.65) postscript: * page overlays with dvips (texhax.67) postscript: tex index and * (texhax.75) postscript: * lines/circles in latex (texhax.77) postscript: * afm files (texhax.81) postscript: * to impress conversion program needed (texhax.82) postscript: re: * to impress conversion program needed (texhax.85) postscript: * to dvi filter (texhax.87) postscript: * to impress conversion program needed (texhax.87) postscript: * for imagen printers (texhax.90) postscript: re: * to dvi filter (texhax.91) postscript: driver for am-varityper vt600 * laser printer (texhax.93) pound: re: * signs and digest v87 #102 (texhax.104) pound: printing the * sign (texhax.97) powernode: tex on gould *?? (texhax.79) powernode: re: tex on gould * and tex -> spell filter (texhax.81) powernode: re: tex on gould *?? (texhax.83) powernode: tex on gould * --- success. (texhax.87) pre-printed: latex on * stationery (texhax.36) pre-viewer: tex * for atari? (texhax.02) preloaded: how to create * versions of tex and metafont. (texhax.31) preloaded: how to create * versions of tex and metafont. (texhax.31) preloaded: * fonts in plain.tex (texhax.85) preparing: tex and chicago guide to * electronic manuscripts (texhax.57) preprocessor: tex -> spell * (texhax.79) pretex: * (texhax.07) preview: * for tektronix 4010/4014 (texhax.72) preview: vms tektronix 4010 * (texhax.76) preview: re: vms tektronix 4010 * (texhax.78) previewer: dvi * for ms-windows (texhax.104) previewer: * for vaxstation (texhax.105) previewer: dvidmd, a * for dmd 5620 terminals (texhax.106) previewer: dvi * for mvii's (texhax.13) previewer: * for vaxstation/gpx ii (texhax.46) previewer: xwindows * (texhax.46) previewer: x windows * (texhax.49) previewer: crude * (texhax.57) previewer: dvi * for vms vaxstation (texhax.69) previewer: dvi * for vms vaxstations (texhax.69) previewer: vortex adds x * (texhax.70) previewer: * for vt200 (texhax.74) previewer: dvi * on tektronix 4010 (texhax.79) previewer: tex * for tektronix 4010/4014 (texhax.79) previewer: * for hp 350 ws (texhax.83) previewer: sun tex * (texhax.83) previewer: re: sun tex * (texhax.85) previewer: x-11 dvi * available (texhax.93) previewer: * for vaxstations? (texhax.95) previewer: * for hp 9000/320? (texhax.97) previewer: tex * announcement (texhax.97) previewer: looking for * for at&t 3b1 (texhax.99) previewer: vaxstation *, plus comments on font-finding and sub-sampling (texhax.99) previewers: tex * (texhax.22) previewing: metafont * (texhax.41) previewing: low res fonts for * (texhax.92) primer: bibtex * (texhax.53) primer: re: bibtex * (texhax.55) primer: re: bibtex * (texhax.55) princeton: driver for lm-300 monitor of * graphics systems inc. (texhax.42) princeton: attn: * university tex users (texhax.94) print: dvi to xerox * server? (texhax.104) print: shell script to * dvi file on a ps printer (texhax.31) print: help! how do you selectively * some .dvi pages? (texhax.61) print: re: help! how do you selectively * some .dvi pages? (texhax.61) print: re: help! how do you selectively * some .dvi pages? (texhax.64) print: this is how you selectively * some pages of a .dvi file (texhax.65) printer: ibm * utilities (texhax.05) printer: idea for line * output (texhax.103) printer: qms laser * blank pages / overwriting : the solution. (texhax.104) printer: re: qms laser * blank pages (v87 104) (texhax.106) printer: metafont mode definition for qms 1200 laser *.\ (texhax.16) printer: telaris * with macintosh textures??? (texhax.23) printer: re: wanted dvi driver for xerox 4050 or 9700 * (texhax.24) printer: wanted dvi driver for xerox 4050 or 9700 * (texhax.24) printer: wanted dvi driver for xerox 4050 or 9700 * (texhax.24) printer: shell script to print dvi file on a ps * (texhax.31) printer: help with metafont with canon cx8 * (texhax.37) printer: tex and the compugraphics * (texhax.60) printer: \special command and the gtex driver for a qms * ... (texhax.61) printer: driver wanted for diconix 150 battery portable * (epson-like) (texhax.67) printer: metafont mode_def values for a lzr-2665 * (texhax.87) printer: dvi driver for kyocera f2200 laser * (texhax.92) printer: driver for am-varityper vt600 postscript laser * (texhax.93) printer: at&t 495 laser * & tex ? (texhax.95) printer: overwriting / blank page problem with qms * fixed : available. (texhax.99) printers: misc queries re dec la50 & ln03 * (texhax.22) printers: tex support for xerox 9700 * (texhax.35) printers: tex fonts for ricoh laser * (texhax.44) printers: fonts for write-write * (texhax.49) printers: 600dpi postscript * (texhax.65) printers: tex and ibm 38xx * (texhax.69) printers: postscript for imagen * (texhax.90) printers: line * (texhax.93) printing: commercial sources for aps-5 * of .dvi files (texhax.69) printing: immoderate notes: * problems with textures 1.0 (texhax.90) printing: re: landscape * (texhax.95) printing: * the pound sign (texhax.97) probable: * bug in cmr fonts: lowres italic letter 'l' (texhax.45) problems/wishes: latex * (texhax.40) procedure(s: tex distribution and updates : what's the recommended *)? (texhax.105) proceedings: latex style for * (texhax.12) proceedings: latex notes: conference * (texhax.33) proceedings: latex style for spie * (texhax.35) proceedings: re: latex style for spie * (texhax.38) proceedings: conference * with > 8.5x11 (texhax.42) proceedings: more on camera-ready conference * (texhax.45) proceedings: plain macros for conference *? (texhax.46) proceedings: re: more on camera-ready conference * (texhax.48) proceedings: re: reduced camera ready output for * etc. (texhax.48) proceedings: spie * formatting (texhax.49) processing: form letter/mailing list *. (texhax.24) processing: more comments about index * (texhax.78) processor: dvi2ps * (texhax.17) processor: makeindex: an index * (texhax.30) program: incorporating * listings in latex documents? (texhax.05) program: looking for vms ffe.exe * (ln01) (texhax.18) program: anyone have a detex *? (texhax.24) program: mini-indexes in tex: the * (texhax.24) program: pxtool * (texhax.24) program: re: about 'undump' * on sequent balance8000/21000. (texhax.25) program: * listings (texhax.27) program: re: including * source in tex documents (texhax.29) program: free dvi screening * (texhax.44) program: upcoming tug meeting * (texhax.46) program: yet another dvi to ps * (texhax.51) program: formatting * comments (texhax.72) program: * structure diagram macros? (texhax.73) program: comments on tex - the * (texhax.80) program: postscript to impress conversion * needed (texhax.82) program: re: postscript to impress conversion * needed (texhax.85) program: postscript to impress conversion * needed (texhax.87) programexample: macros for *? (texhax.88) programexample: macros for *? (texhax digest v87 #88) (texhax.91) programmer: wanted: * for tex->interpress driver (texhax.21) programs: demotic and other fonts, metafont * for ... (texhax.105) programs: tex-related * (texhax.15) programs: tex * for the macintosh (texhax.57) proof: oversized * sheets (texhax.52) proof: * sheets and latex (texhax.54) proposed: * standard for dvi \special's (texhax.46) psfigtex: re: * (texhax.07) psprint: * source files (texhax.96) public: * domain tex dvi driver family (texhax.04) public: * account update (tex dvi family version 2.08) (texhax.72) publications: macros for springer * (texhax.36) publisher: dvi -> ventura * ? (texhax.48) publishers: * that won't take 8.5 x 11 (texhax.51) publishing: desktop * plea (texhax.51) put: latex question: how can one * an equation number on the following? (texhax.36) put: re: haim levkowitz asks how to * an equation number on a formula (texhax.42) putting: * hrules in headers/footers (texhax.57) putting: re: * hrules in headers/footers (texhax.62) putting: * tilde under letters in math mode (texhax.70) puzzle: * for texhackers (texhax.47) puzzle: re: wolfgang appelt's * + general remark (texhax.52) puzzle: re: please help with dvi-drivers (and a *) (texhax.61) pxl: * to raster font converter?? (texhax.103) pxl: * font editor (texhax.23) pxl: vax/vms * files (texhax.30) pxl: * id (texhax.38) pxl: * id (texhax.38) pxl: .* files for xdvi (texhax.53) pxltogf: pktogf or *? (texhax.28) pxtool: * program (texhax.24) pyramid: tex and * osx4.0 (texhax.103) pyramid: * changes and ocr fonts (texhax.106) pyramid: tex for * 4.0 unix (texhax.83) qms: metafont parameters for * 1200 and apple laserwriter (texhax.08) qms: problems with * unix tex driver (texhax.100) qms: yet another * driver (texhax.103) qms: * laser printer blank pages / overwriting : the solution. (texhax.104) qms: * drivers (texhax.105) qms: re: * laser printer blank pages (v87 104) (texhax.106) qms: metafont mode definition for * 1200 laser printer.\ (texhax.16) qms: tex 2.0 driver for * 800 on vms (texhax.48) qms: \special command and the gtex driver for a * printer ... (texhax.61) qms: talaris (*) driver for tex under tops-20 (texhax.72) qms: * software needs beta testing (texhax.96) qms: overwriting / blank page problem with * printer fixed : available. (texhax.99) queries: misc. latex * (texhax.20) queries: misc * re dec la50 & ln03 printers (texhax.22) queries: response of sorts to bibliographic * (texhax.38) queries: reply to buyske and two * (texhax.40) queries: re: reply to buyske and two * (texhax.42) queries: three * (texhax.57) query: the lfonts.tex * (texhax.10) query: 118 dpi font * (texhax.102) query: chapter 4, anyone? (patgen *) (texhax.46) query: re: chapter 4, anyone? (patgen *) (texhax.46) query: chapter 4, anyone? (patgen *) (texhax.47) query: driver * (texhax.58) query: * : breaking math formulas (texhax.72) query: *: how to aligning tables on decimal points (texhax.76) query: double column macro * revisited (texhax.87) query: latex macros and horizontal mode-an urgent * (texhax.87) query: latex .aux writing error * (texhax.95) questions: possibly stupid * (texhax.03) questions: possibly stupid * (texhax.04) questions: font * (texhax digest v87 #104) (texhax.106) questions: * and comments (texhax.33) questions: * on slitex, fonts and order forms. (texhax.48) questions: pk file format * (texhax.51) questions: vm/cms * (texhax.53) questions: vm/cms * (texhax.53) questions: answers to * about textures (texhax.54) questions: some * on tex for a macintosh. (texhax.61) questions: ansers to * in v87 #61 (texhax.64) questions: * on appendix and bibliography (latex) (texhax.66) questions: * about fonts (texhax.74) questions: re: two * (texhax.75) questions: two * (texhax.75) questions: re: * about fonts (texhax.78) questions: more * about tex fonts (texhax.80) questions: re: more * about tex fonts (texhax.84) questions: response to \include * (texhax.92) questions/complaints: responses to latex * (texhax.09) quic: problem with metafont, gftodvi and simpson's * driver (texhax.100) quic: re: problem with metafont, gftodvi and simpson's * driver (texhax.100) quic: postscript to * converter??? (texhax.46) quic: problem with metafont, gftodvi and simpson's * driver (texhax.97) quick: * note (texhax.25) quick: * & dirty tex format for meeting notices, etc. (texhax.89) quickie: a * shell file for tabular latex users (texhax.62) quotation: * alignment (texhax.37) quotation: re: * alignment (texhax.37) quotations: setting * (texhax.72) raggedright: * in section headings? (texhax.39) random: * s--- (texhax.23) random: * s--- (texhax.23) random: a few mildly * things; (texhax.63) raster: pxl to * font converter?? (texhax.103) rasterfiles: sun * in a tex/postscript document (texhax.54) rasterfiles: re: sun * in a tex/postscript document (texhax.55) re:bibtex: * styles (texhax.65) re:tex: * problems (texhax.23) re:tex: [beaune!fixin! * problems] (texhax.23) ready: re: reduced camera * output for proceedings etc. (texhax.48) really: * really lowres metafont output (texhax.39) really: really * lowres metafont output (texhax.39) recipe: * for building cm fonts with pcmetafont (texhax.60) recommendations: some tex * (texhax.88) recommendations: re: some tex * (texhax.90) recommendations: re: some tex * (from texhax v87 #88) (texhax.93) recommended: tex distribution and updates : what's the * procedure(s)? (texhax.105) reduced: re: * camera ready output for proceedings etc. (texhax.48) reference: bibtex * generation in gnuemacs (texhax.45) reference: tex macro for * cards (texhax.50) reference: a definitive * for document style (texhax.56) references: equation numbering * (texhax.42) references: * in figure captions (texhax.58) references: two * on typograhic design (texhax.68) refs: superscript * in latex (texhax.95) register: possible bug in count * updating (texhax.100) register: re: possible bug in count * updating (texhax.100) register: possible bug in count * updating (texhax.97) rejoinder: tex v. mac * (texhax.32) release: * dvi->ps (texhax.68) release: bug in tex * 2.1 for suns (texhax.86) released: dvi driver family version 2.10 * [01-nov-87] (texhax.91) releases: what is the situation with "newer" latex *? (texhax.16) remark: latex "*" environment (texhax.39) remark: re: wolfgang appelt's puzzle + general * (texhax.52) remote: * execution of unix tex (texhax.49) rendering: * a bezier cubic curve (texhax.02) renumbering: * footnotes each page (texhax.63) repeat: * offering of autoletter and ln03 driver. (texhax.52) replies: two * and a comment on tex vs. postscript (texhax.06) reply: * to jonathan ross (texhax.13) reply: customized headers and footers, * (texhax.24) reply: * to buyske and two queries (texhax.40) reply: re: * to buyske and two queries (texhax.42) replying: some notes on * (texhax.24) report: bug * for dvi2ln3 v7.2/7.3 (texhax.91) reporting: bug in latex * of labels changing (texhax.89) repository: rochester latex style * available in u.k. (texhax.05) repository: latex style * for uk users (texhax.10) reposting: fonts for the ln03 and ln03-plus (*) (texhax.48) request: @file * (texhax.07) request: @file * (texhax.16) request: font * (texhax.18) request: bibtex format * (texhax.20) request: @file * (texhax.25) request: @file * (texhax.33) request: information * latex and contents pages (texhax.37) request: no response on 3812-driver * (texhax.48) request: @file * (texhax.50) request: @file * uuencode (texhax.64) request: @file * (texhax.66) request: @file * rscsencoding (texhax.68) request: a * for a ctex distribution address (texhax.73) request: @file * (texhax.76) request: @file * rscsencode (texhax.76) request: @file * uuencode (texhax.76) requests: bibliography * (texhax.22) requests: addresses in latex style * (texhax.36) requests: rscsencoding option for archive * (texhax.68) requirements: dissertation style * (texhax.15) requirements: dissertation style * (texhax.15) res: low * fonts for previewing (texhax.92) resembling: font * hand-lettering (texhax.24) resolution: re: low * fonts (texhax.102) response: * to weird alignment (texhax.07) response: detex (a *) (texhax.26) response: tex version of unix man pages (a *) (texhax.33) response: * of sorts to bibliographic queries (texhax.38) response: no * on 3812-driver request (texhax.48) response: * to \include questions (texhax.92) response: not for texhax but for * from a caring human (texhax.93) responses: * to latex questions/complaints (texhax.09) restricted: latex macros and * horizontal mode (texhax.87) resume: * style (texhax.16) resume: * samples (texhax.21) resume: re: * samples (texhax.21) resume: * done in tex (texhax.22) resume: mit thesis and * styles (texhax.57) retrieving: * latex style files (texhax.74) retrieving: re: * latex style files (texhax.74) returned: * mail: user unknown (texhax.84) revision: * re: latex notes (texhax digest #90) (texhax.95) revisited: hershey fonts * (texhax.83) revisited: double column macro query * (texhax.87) ricoh: tex fonts for * laser printers (texhax.44) right: tugboat vol 8 no 3 article: floating figures at the *... (texhax.104) right: * way to do mathematical operators (texhax.63) right: re: * way to do mathematical operators (texhax.63) right: re: * way to do mathematical operators (texhax.63) right: re: figure to * of paragraph (texhax.74) right: flushing to * margin in an \halign (texhax.75) right: * and left side figures (texhax.77) rlatex: * et al, latexfiles (texhax.12) roasting: * and stupid formats (texhax.28) rochester: * latex style repository available in u.k. (texhax.05) room: dumb question: how much * do pk fonts need? (texhax.56) room: re: dumb question: how much * do pk fonts need? (texhax.58) rose's: re: include sixel graphics in tex-output with f. * dvi2ln3 (texhax.24) rose: a modified version of the * ln03 driver (texhax.44) ross: reply to jonathan * (texhax.13) round: * off errors in font magnifications (texhax.37) rounding: * errors in font filetypes (texhax.48) routine: plain tex's matrix * (texhax.79) routines: online graphics * in metafont (texhax.34) routines: online graphics * in metafont (texhax.34) rscsencode: @file request * (texhax.76) rscsencoding: * option for archive requests (texhax.68) rscsencoding: @file request * (texhax.68) rsx: tex and * (?) is that possible? (texhax.57) running: tex for perq * pos? (texhax.21) runoff-to-tex: * conversion (texhax.56) runs: obtaining a list of computers tex * on... (big ibm's?) (texhax.85) russell: texhax digest v87 #82 "help" from michael * (texhax.84) samples: re: resume * (texhax.21) samples: resume * (texhax.21) scaled: plain tex: using * fonts avoiding missing half sizes. (texhax.78) schedule: tex users group 1987 course * (texhax.46) schizophrenia: * in minipage footnotes? (texhax.103) science: social * citations in latex (texhax.62) science: re: social * citations in latex (texhax.65) score: tex sources on * (texhax.103) score: tex sources on * (texhax digest v87 #103) (texhax.105) score: * texhax files moving (next door) (texhax.29) score: immoderate notes: files to be deleted on * (texhax.88) screen: large * displays for mac (texhax.84) screendumps: mixing text and * (texhax.94) screendumps: re: mixing text and * (texhax.95) screening: free dvi * program (texhax.44) screenplay: * macros? (texhax.61) screens: big * (texhax.44) screens: will textures work with big *? (texhax.84) screens: re: large mac * and maxtex/textures. (texhax.86) scribe->latex: * translator? (texhax.20) scribe->latex: * translator (texhax.22) script: spelltex * (texhax.100) script: shell * to print dvi file on a ps printer (texhax.31) script/gml: conversion from * to tex (texhax.84) scriptwriter: ln03, ln03+, ln03 * question (texhax.50) section: raggedright in * headings? (texhax.39) seeking: desperately * c-tex... (texhax.90) selective: * input (texhax.10) selectively: help! how do you * print some .dvi pages? (texhax.61) selectively: re: help! how do you * print some .dvi pages? (texhax.61) selectively: re: help! how do you * print some .dvi pages? (texhax.64) selectively: this is how you * print some pages of a .dvi file (texhax.65) self-adapting: * font definition (texhax.85) semantics: "//" * -- separator vs terminator (texhax.28) semi: * verbatim mode in latex (texhax.49) sending: * tex to italy (texhax.29) separator: "//" semantics -- * vs terminator (texhax.28) september: contents of latex style collection, 15th * 1987 (texhax.76) sequences: undefined control * (texhax.103) sequent: `undump' command for * balance (texhax.18) sequent: : undump for * balance (texhax.20) sequent: re: about 'undump' program on * balance8000/21000. (texhax.25) sequent: * balance undump (texhax.97) sequnet: re: undump command for * balane (texhax.25) series: tex for hp9000 * (texhax.17) series: tex for hp9000 * (texhax.17) series: new hp lj * 2 + pc-tex (texhax.25) server: dvi to xerox print *? (texhax.104) server: tex *? (texhax.52) server: looking for tex bitnet * (texhax.71) set: ipa character * (texhax.56) sets: national character * in tex (texhax.102) setting: fonts and macros for * music (texhax.17) setting: fonts and macros for * music (texhax.17) setting: re: fonts and macros for * music (texhax.20) setting: * quotations (texhax.72) setting: re: fonts and macros for * music (texhax.75) setting: re: re: ... * music (texhax.75) setting: ligs * in cmr5 (texhax.89) setting: easy and automatic vbox width * (texhax.98) settings: mf * for apple lw+? (texhax.79) sheets: oversized proof * (texhax.52) sheets: proof * and latex (texhax.54) shell: * script to print dvi file on a ps printer (texhax.31) shell: a quickie * file for tabular latex users (texhax.62) short: * macros; texmag (texhax.18) siam: bug in * bibliographystyle (texhax.46) side: right and left * figures (texhax.77) sign: printing the pound * (texhax.97) signs: re: pound * and digest v87 #102 (texhax.104) similar: lse template for tex (or something *)? (texhax.46) simpson's: problem with metafont, gftodvi and * quic driver (texhax.100) simpson's: re: problem with metafont, gftodvi and * quic driver (texhax.100) simpson's: problem with metafont, gftodvi and * quic driver (texhax.97) single: * spaced bibliography (texhax.100) single: * spaced bibliography (texhax.103) single: * spaced bibliography (texhax.103) single: * spaced bibliography (again) (texhax.105) single: latex --- double column tables in * column mode? please? (texhax.77) sinhalese: * and devanagari (texhax.91) sinhalese: devanagari and * (texhax.93) site: aegis * coordinator (texhax.07) site: comments by an out-going * administrator (texhax.14) sites: latex style files and bitnet * (texhax.11) situation: what is the * with "newer" latex releases? (texhax.16) sixel: re: include * graphics in tex-output with f. rose's dvi2ln3 (texhax.24) sixel: tex and * graphics. (texhax.69) size: increasing memory * of tex ? (texhax.50) size: a4 * paper (texhax.57) size: mode_def for laserwriter. * of pk files. (texhax.58) size: re: a4 * paper (texhax.63) size: standard paper * is not us letter (texhax.98) sizes: point * for computer modern fonts. (texhax.12) sizes: plain tex: using scaled fonts avoiding missing half *. (texhax.78) sizes: enlarging tex's buffer * (texhax.80) slashing: * zeroes (texhax.68) slashing: re: * zeros (texhax.68) slashing: re: * zeroes (texhax.70) slight: * change in file names of back issues (texhax.01) slight: * change to latex local guide (texhax.25) slitex: japanese latex, * and page parity problem (texhax.106) slitex: * transparencies? (texhax.36) slitex: * transparencies? (texhax.36) slitex: re: * transparencies? (texhax.36) slitex: questions on *, fonts and order forms. (texhax.48) slitex: * fonts (texhax.61) slitex: * (texhax.62) slitex: * fonts (texhax.64) slitex: driver for * (texhax.69) slitex: invisible fonts for * (texhax.73) slitex: your question re. * (texhax.76) slitex: * fonts (texhax.93) small: big and * caps (texhax.69) small: big and * caps (texhax.71) small: does anyone have a bold * caps font? (texhax.89) smallest: * tex (texhax.35) smith: enhancements to kellerman & * distribution of vax/vms tex (texhax.82) smith: enhancements to kellerman and * tex (texhax.85) social: * science citations in latex (texhax.62) social: re: * science citations in latex (texhax.65) software: arbortext's * (texhax.05) software: pic-like * for tex (texhax.49) software: qms * needs beta testing (texhax.96) solution: qms laser printer blank pages / overwriting : the *. (texhax.104) solution: footers * (texhax.87) solution: verbs vs. symbols -- a * (texhax.90) solution: typesetting chemical structural formulas--a *! (texhax.93) some: drafthd.sty - and * comments on \pagestyle{myheadings} (texhax.10) some: * notes from last issue. (texhax.11) some: * notes on replying (texhax.24) some: * thoughts on typefaces. (texhax.37) some: * useful contributions to latex-style (texhax.56) some: * questions on tex for a macintosh. (texhax.61) some: help! how do you selectively print * .dvi pages? (texhax.61) some: re: help! how do you selectively print * .dvi pages? (texhax.61) some: re: help! how do you selectively print * .dvi pages? (texhax.64) some: this is how you selectively print * pages of a .dvi file (texhax.65) some: tangle mod causes mf and pk bugs on * systems (texhax.75) some: * tex recommendations (texhax.88) some: re: * tex recommendations (texhax.90) some: latex v. tex; * thanks (texhax.91) some: re: * tex recommendations (from texhax v87 #88) (texhax.93) something: bug in * (texhax.16) something: lse template for tex (or * similar)? (texhax.46) sorting: bibtex * (texhax.86) sorting: re: bibtex * (texhax.88) sorts: response of * to bibliographic queries (texhax.38) source: re: including program * in tex documents (texhax.29) source: mf * for am fonts... (texhax.41) source: c * for tex? where? (texhax.44) source: mf * for am fonts... (texhax.45) source: tex * availability (texhax.46) source: vms tex *? (texhax.57) source: where is * for makeindex (indexer for latex)? (texhax.58) source: how to get texhax * (texhax.59) source: re: tex * (texhax.73) source: tex * (texhax.73) source: psprint * files (texhax.96) source: copyright question (texbook * code) (texhax.97) sources: tex * on score (texhax.103) sources: tex * on score (texhax digest v87 #103) (texhax.105) sources: ytex * (texhax.54) sources: commercial * for aps-5 printing of .dvi files (texhax.69) sources: * in the latex style collection (texhax.79) space: latex and double * (texhax.06) space: how to * between letters (texhax.47) space: bogus * after use of a created environment (texhax.63) spaced: single * bibliography (texhax.100) spaced: single * bibliography (texhax.103) spaced: single * bibliography (texhax.103) spaced: single * bibliography (again) (texhax.105) spacing: latex double * macro (texhax.08) spacing: double *, 10pt option, and full page figure (texhax.09) spacing: latex double * and mathematical typesetting (texhax.11) spacing: uneven inter-row * from latex tabular environment (texhax.70) spacing: interline * in latex tabular environment (and tex!) (texhax.73) spanish: arabic typesetting & * hyphenation & loom (texhax.64) special: re: * line treatment (texhax.76) specials: standardization of dvi * (texhax.47) specials: metafont * (texhax.69) specific: mf bugs & fixes (vax/vms *) (texhax.09) spell: tex -> * preprocessor (texhax.79) spell: re: tex on gould powernode and tex -> * filter (texhax.81) spell: unix * filter for tex files (texhax.85) spelltex: * script (texhax.100) spie: latex style for * proceedings (texhax.35) spie: re: latex style for * proceedings (texhax.38) spie: * proceedings formatting (texhax.49) splitting: * tables (texhax.32) splitting: * off headers from tables (once more) (texhax.33) spooler: * for compugraphics (texhax.56) [*: ] bibtex problems (texhax.12) spread: help with \halign * to \hsize (texhax.72) spreading: * the word (texhax.51) springer: macros for * publications (texhax.36) square: * brackets (texhax.105) standard: proposed * for dvi \special's (texhax.46) standard: imbedded graphics using * metafile. (texhax.71) standard: question about bibtex, aap *, etc. (texhax.73) standard: * paper size is not us letter (texhax.98) standard: * for german tex and latex commands (texhax.99) standardization: * of dvi specials (texhax.47) standardized: "*" font names (texhax.12) standardized: re: "*" font names (texhax.13) standards: page description language * effort (texhax.14) stanford: * fonts (texhax.104) state: the * of affairs: dvi->ps (texhax.63) stationery: latex on pre-printed * (texhax.36) status: copyright * of ctex and common-tex: whose copyright ??? (texhax.80) stefan: where is * bechtolsheim's dvi->ps driver? (texhax.81) stex: epson fonts for * on the atari (texhax.101) still: * need help increasing tex's font capacity (texhax.84) strange: * \vboxes (texhax.103) strange: * line break (texhax.80) stretching/shrinking: * words, implicit kerning (texhax.81) structural: help for typesetting chemical * formulas? (texhax.88) structural: typesetting chemical * formulas--a solution! (texhax.93) structural: more about chemical * formulas (texhax.96) structure: tree * (texhax.50) structure: program * diagram macros? (texhax.73) stuff: bibtex style * (texhax.62) stupid: possibly * questions (texhax.03) stupid: possibly * questions (texhax.04) stupid: roasting and * formats (texhax.28) sty: a latex question about .* files (texhax.48) sty: * files and editors for textures needed (texhax.76) sty: (la)tex for ms-dos systems, ".*" format (texhax.80) style: * flexibility in latex (texhax.04) style: rochester latex * repository available in u.k. (texhax.05) style: contents of latex * collection, 27th january 1987 (texhax.07) style: natsci bibtex * (texhax.07) style: latex * repository for uk users (texhax.10) style: latex * files and bitnet sites (texhax.11) style: latex * for proceedings (texhax.12) style: dissertation * requirements (texhax.15) style: dissertation * requirements (texhax.15) style: contents of latex * collection, 27th february 1987 (texhax.16) style: resume * (texhax.16) style: aaai-87 * (texhax.19) style: contents of latex * collection, 2nd april 1987 (texhax.25) style: contents of latex * collection, 1st may 1987 (texhax.33) style: latex * for spie proceedings (texhax.35) style: 8pt article * (texhax.36) style: addresses in latex * requests (texhax.36) style: re: latex * for spie proceedings (texhax.38) style: two column * (texhax.44) style: contents of latex * collection, 17th june 1987 (texhax.50) style: a definitive reference for document * (texhax.56) style: latex * for bulletin geodesique wanted (texhax.56) style: non-english latex * (texhax.58) style: re: latex * collection in tuebingen (europe) (texhax.60) style: bibtex * stuff (texhax.62) style: updates to the latex * collection (texhax.64) style: contents of latex * collection, 2nd august 1987 (texhax.66) style: re: retrieving latex * files (texhax.74) style: retrieving latex * files (texhax.74) style: contents of latex * collection, 15th september 1987 (texhax.76) style: latex apa *, epson fonts (texhax.78) style: playrighting latex * (texhax.79) style: sources in the latex * collection (texhax.79) style: bitnet users of latex * collection note (texhax.84) style/taste: * question in latex (texhax.36) styles: new * (texhax.19) styles: mit thesis and resume * (texhax.57) styles: re:bibtex * (texhax.65) sub-sampled: re: * fonts (texhax.98) sub-sampling: vaxstation previewer, plus comments on font-finding and * (texhax.99) submission: *: tektronix and tex/latex (texhax.25) submission: *: tektronix and tex/latex (texhax.25) submission: documentation for earlier form letter *. (texhax.30) submission: texhax * (texhax.62) submission: re: *: natsci.sty (texhax.71) subsampling: * fonts. (texhax.96) success: tex on gould powernode --- *. (texhax.87) sucking: * files (texhax.66) sucking: '*' files on decnet (texhax.78) suggestion: minor bibtex * (texhax.35) suggestions: bibtex: *, bug, emacs (texhax.65) suggestions: re: bibtex * (texhax.67) summary: need latex command * (texhax.12) sun: tex for *: free versions available (texhax.04) sun: mode_def needed for * (texhax.104) sun: re: metafont problems on * 3.2 (texhax.24) sun: * 3.2 and metafont (texhax.25) sun: tex on * 3.2 (texhax.28) sun: tex on the macintosh or * workstation (texhax.52) sun: * rasterfiles in a tex/postscript document (texhax.54) sun: re: * rasterfiles in a tex/postscript document (texhax.55) sun: * 3 driver for hp laserjet plus (texhax.66) sun: help with ln03 on * (texhax.66) sun: undump for * 3.2 (texhax.71) sun: undump for * os 3.4 (texhax.78) sun: * tex previewer (texhax.83) sun: re: * tex previewer (texhax.85) sun: undump for * 4, anyone? (texhax.86) sun: wanted: undump for * 4 (texhax.86) sun3/50-60: metafont on * (texhax digest v87 #97) (texhax.100) sun3/50-60: metafont on * (texhax.97) sun4: tex on the * (texhax.103) sunos: metafont problems in * 3.2 (texhax.25) suns: bug in tex release 2.1 for * (texhax.86) suns: undump for *... (texhax.95) superscript: * refs in latex (texhax.95) support: tex * for xerox 9700 printers (texhax.35) support: x9700 * (texhax.38) suppressing: * underscore expansion (texhax.40) suthesis: re: *; detex, delatex (texhax.69) suthesis.sty: * (texhax.67) sv2: * version of dvi2ps (texhax.46) symbol: * fonts; maths in latex (texhax.13) symbol: re: * fonts (texhax.17) symbol: end-of-theorem * (texhax.97) symbolics: tex for *? (texhax.27) symbolics: announce of a free tex distribution for * lisp machines (texhax.46) symbols: more mathematical * (texhax.09) symbols: re: more mathematical * (texhax.11) symbols: more mathematical *. re: martin gelbaum in issue 09/87 (texhax.12) symbols: more mathematical * (texhax.16) symbols: re: more mathematical * (texhax.21) symbols: astronomical * (texhax.81) symbols: verbs vs * for defining vax/vms tex (texhax.85) symbols: re: verbs vs * for defining vax/vms tex (texhax.87) symbols: re: verbs vs * for defining vax/vms tex (texhax.90) symbols: verbs vs. * -- a solution (texhax.90) symolics: * lisp tex (texhax.30) syndrome: lowercase letters --- the e.e. cummings *. (texhax.84) system: port of tex to * v (texhax.20) systems: driver for lm-300 monitor of princeton graphics * inc. (texhax.42) systems: bibliographic * with tex output (texhax.75) systems: tangle mod causes mf and pk bugs on some * (texhax.75) systems: (la)tex for ms-dos *, ".sty" format (texhax.80) tabbing: latex,tabular and * (texhax.37) table: portuguese hyphenation * (texhax.18) table: inrstex * macros wanted (texhax.26) table: latex question about * environment (texhax.73) tables: breaking up latex * (texhax.106) tables: * macro (texhax.19) tables: splitting * (texhax.32) tables: splitting off headers from * (once more) (texhax.33) tables: help with large latex *... (texhax.38) tables: re: help with large latex *... (texhax.39) tables: multi-page * in latex (texhax.43) tables: multipage * (texhax.47) tables: query: how to aligning * on decimal points (texhax.76) tables: latex --- double column * in single column mode? please? (texhax.77) tables: generating font * (texhax.86) tables: re: gnerating font * (texhax.91) tables: landscape mode in * (plain tex) (texhax.92) tables: multipage * in latex (texhax.92) tabular: a quickie shell file for * latex users (texhax.62) tabular: uneven inter-row spacing from latex * environment (texhax.70) tabular: interline spacing in latex * environment (and tex!) (texhax.73) tabular: tex error and footnote inside * environment (texhax.82) tabular: latex [c]-type alignment in * environment (texhax.83) tagging: * equation numbers (texhax.38) tagging: * equation numbers (texhax.38) take: publishers that won't * 8.5 x 11 (texhax.51) talaris: dvi driver for * 800 (texhax.14) talaris: * (qms) driver for tex under tops-20 (texhax.72) talk: knuth's * on dec 7. (texhax.102) tangle: problems with cms *. (texhax.11) tangle: * for the macintosh (texhax.16) tangle: * for the macintosh (texhax.16) tangle: * for the pc (texhax.36) tangle: * for the pc (texhax.36) tangle: * mod causes mf and pk bugs on some systems (texhax.75) tangle: weave and * on ms-dos (texhax.96) tangle: weave and * on ms-dos (texhax digest v87 #96) (texhax.98) tape: cms distribution * (texhax.39) tape: cms distribution * (texhax.39) tapes: font * for ibm 4250 (texhax.47) tapes: font * for the ibm 4250 (texhax.50) tek: filter for * 4014-->impress for vms (texhax.23) tek: filter for * 4014-->impress for vms (texhax.23) tektronix: * driver? (texhax.21) tektronix: submission: * and tex/latex (texhax.25) tektronix: submission: * and tex/latex (texhax.25) tektronix: * and macpaint figure insertion (texhax.26) tektronix: preview for * 4010/4014 (texhax.72) tektronix: vms * 4010 preview (texhax.76) tektronix: re: vms * 4010 preview (texhax.78) tektronix: dvi previewer on * 4010 (texhax.79) tektronix: tex previewer for * 4010/4014 (texhax.79) telaris: * printer with macintosh textures??? (texhax.23) template: lse * for tex (or something similar)? (texhax.46) template: tex * (or whatever) for lse? (texhax.48) terminals: re: dvi driver for ibm 3279 graphics * (texhax.02) terminals: dvidmd, a previewer for dmd 5620 * (texhax.106) terminator: "//" semantics -- separator vs * (texhax.28) terms: lining up * in an equation array (texhax.88) testers: mac web *, please note... (texhax.29) testers: mac web *, please note... (texhax.29) testing: qms software needs beta * (texhax.96) tex's: increasing * memory capacity? (texhax.44) tex's: re: increasing * memory capacity? (texhax.44) tex's: re: increasing * memory capacity (texhax.48) tex's: plain * matrix routine (texhax.79) tex's: enlarging * buffer sizes (texhax.80) tex's: still need help increasing * font capacity (texhax.84) tex's: * parsing of digits (texhax.99) tex: * pre-viewer for atari? (texhax.02) tex: texhax 86/14 re: plea from a novice * user (texhax.02) tex: * v troff (texhax.03) tex: * for sun: free versions available (texhax.04) tex: public domain * dvi driver family (texhax.04) tex: including postscript in * (texhax.05) tex: two replies and a comment on * vs. postscript (texhax.06) tex: * for mac (texhax.08) tex: latest * upgrade (texhax.100) tex: problems with qms unix * driver (texhax.100) tex: unix * (texhax.100) tex: wanted: * -> postscript converter (texhax.100) tex: * for isi? (texhax.101) tex: * in foreign languages (texhax.101) tex: drawing pictures in * (texhax.101) tex: * for the ibm pc rt (texhax.102) tex: national character sets in * (texhax.102) tex: * and pyramid osx4.0 (texhax.103) tex: * on the sun4 (texhax.103) tex: * sources on score (texhax.103) tex: .tfm files for using built-in lw fonts with *. (texhax.103) tex: * in foreign languages. (texhax digest v87 #101) (texhax.104) tex: * distribution and updates : what's the recommended procedure(s)? (texhax.105) tex: * fonts, etc. (texhax.105) tex: * sources on score (texhax digest v87 #103) (texhax.105) tex: re: * in foreign languages (texhax.105) tex: * on uts (texhax.11) tex: hebrew font with * (texhax.12) tex: marginal notes in plain *. (texhax.12) tex: common * (texhax.13) tex: * for hp-ux (texhax.14) tex: plain * macros (texhax.15) tex: postscript in * (texhax.16) tex: * for hp9000 series (texhax.17) tex: * for hp9000 series (texhax.17) tex: wysiwyg * (texhax.18) tex: common * (texhax.20) tex: port of * to system v (texhax.20) tex: * for perq running pos? (texhax.21) tex: * previewers (texhax.22) tex: resume done in * (texhax.22) tex: re: wysiwyg * (texhax.23) tex: mini-indexes in *: the program (texhax.24) tex: * on pc/rt (texhax.25) tex: math mode fonts in plain * (texhax.26) tex: re: math mode fonts in plain * (texhax.26) tex: unix version of * (texhax.26) tex: * for symbolics? (texhax.27) tex: help installing * on cms (texhax.27) tex: * on sun 3.2 (texhax.28) tex: inrs * (texhax.28) tex: * vs. mac :-) (texhax.29) tex: re: including program source in * documents (texhax.29) tex: sending * to italy (texhax.29) tex: *: alignment question (texhax.30) tex: *: alignment question (texhax.30) tex: re: * vs. mac :-) (texhax.30) tex: symolics lisp * (texhax.30) tex: * and mac :-} (texhax.31) tex: * and mac :-} (texhax.31) tex: * for italy (texhax digest v87 #29) (texhax.31) tex: ftp of * (texhax.31) tex: how to create preloaded versions of * and metafont. (texhax.31) tex: how to create preloaded versions of * and metafont. (texhax.31) tex: re: * vs. mac (texhax.31) tex: re: * vs. mac :-) (texhax.31) tex: re: *: alignment question (texhax.31) tex: re: *: alignment question (texhax.31) tex: * to postscript (texhax.32) tex: * v. mac rejoinder (texhax.32) tex: * versions of unix man pages (texhax.32) tex: wysiwyg *, tex environments, incremental tex (texhax.32) tex: wysiwyg tex, * environments, incremental tex (texhax.32) tex: wysiwyg tex, tex environments, incremental * (texhax.32) tex: * version of unix man pages (a response) (texhax.33) tex: re: * alignment question (texhax.33) tex: *: the movie (texhax.34) tex: addendum to "incremental *" (texhax v87 #32) (texhax.34) tex: re: various * vs. mac flames (texhax.34) tex: re: various * vs. mac flames (texhax.34) tex: * support for xerox 9700 printers (texhax.35) tex: how to get new * files (texhax.35) tex: smallest * (texhax.35) tex: * courses (texhax.37) tex: re: *: the movie (texhax.39) tex: common * (texhax.40) tex: typefaces in * (texhax.40) tex: ...............* text via (texhax.43) tex: comments, and interactive * (texhax.43) tex: * fonts for ricoh laser printers (texhax.44) tex: c source for *? where? (texhax.44) tex: * 2.01 and latex for vms (texhax.45) tex: getting ascii files out of * (texhax.45) tex: * source availability (texhax.46) tex: * users group 1987 course schedule (texhax.46) tex: announce of a free * distribution for symbolics lisp machines (texhax.46) tex: lse template for * (or something similar)? (texhax.46) tex: vms * file formats (texhax.46) tex: * 2.0 driver for qms 800 on vms (texhax.48) tex: * template (or whatever) for lse? (texhax.48) tex: c versions of * (texhax.48) tex: input file line numbers in *? (texhax.49) tex: pic-like software for * (texhax.49) tex: remote execution of unix * (texhax.49) tex: * macro for reference cards (texhax.50) tex: increasing memory size of * ? (texhax.50) tex: upgrading to * v2.1 and metafont v1.2 (texhax.51) tex: vms * file formats - a comment (texhax.51) tex: * on the macintosh or sun workstation (texhax.52) tex: * server? (texhax.52) tex: ytex -> plain * (texhax.52) tex: info wanted on * on a toshiba laptop (texhax.54) tex: latex or * in chinese? (texhax.54) tex: * for at&t 7300 (texhax.55) tex: * and chicago guide to preparing electronic manuscripts (texhax.57) tex: * and rsx (?) is that possible? (texhax.57) tex: * programs for the macintosh (texhax.57) tex: availability of common * 2.1 (texhax.57) tex: re: info wanted on * on a toshiba laptop (texhax.57) tex: vms * source? (texhax.57) tex: ytex -> plain * (texhax.57) tex: * and the compugraphics printer (texhax.60) tex: * on a toshiba 3100 (texhax.60) tex: some questions on * for a macintosh. (texhax.61) tex: * for a thesis (texhax.63) tex: common * (not yet) (texhax.63) tex: cheap * for pc/at? (texhax.64) tex: * eats l's after fil (texhax.67) tex: re: * eats l's after fil (texhax.67) tex: new bug in *! (texhax.68) tex: web for *? web for mf? (texhax.68) tex: * and ibm 38xx printers (texhax.69) tex: * and sixel graphics. (texhax.69) tex: * (texhax.70) tex: looking for * bitnet server (texhax.71) tex: yet another * bug! (texhax.71) tex: public account update (* dvi family version 2.08) (texhax.72) tex: talaris (qms) driver for * under tops-20 (texhax.72) tex: * source (texhax.73) tex: dynamic creation of * macros. (texhax.73) tex: ieee transactions format on * (texhax.73) tex: interline spacing in latex tabular environment (and *!) (texhax.73) tex: re: * source (texhax.73) tex: * for bull dps 8/70 (texhax.75) tex: * index and postscript (texhax.75) tex: bibliographic systems with * output (texhax.75) tex: dynamic creation of * macros. (texhax.76) tex: answer to dynamic * macro creation (texhax.77) tex: celerity computer * build (texhax.77) tex: combining disspla with * (texhax.77) tex: * bug -- version 2.5 (texhax.78) tex: plain *: using scaled fonts avoiding missing half sizes. (texhax.78) tex: porting * to ms-dos pc's (texhax.78) tex: * -> spell preprocessor (texhax.79) tex: * on gould powernode?? (texhax.79) tex: * previewer for tektronix 4010/4014 (texhax.79) tex: how to increase number of fonts in *? (texhax.79) tex: line numbering in * (texhax.79) tex: * on vax/vms 4.5 -- a problem (texhax.80) tex: comments on * - the program (texhax.80) tex: more questions about * fonts (texhax.80) tex: need documents on * library files. (texhax.80) tex: * vs troff (texhax.81) tex: re: * on gould powernode and tex -> spell filter (texhax.81) tex: re: tex on gould powernode and * -> spell filter (texhax.81) tex: * error and footnote inside tabular environment (texhax.82) tex: * on the att 3b1? (texhax.82) tex: enhancements to kellerman & smith distribution of vax/vms * (texhax.82) tex: * for pyramid 4.0 unix (texhax.83) tex: re: * on gould powernode?? (texhax.83) tex: sun * previewer (texhax.83) tex: conversion from script/gml to * (texhax.84) tex: re: more questions about * fonts (texhax.84) tex: enhancements to kellerman and smith * (texhax.85) tex: obtaining a list of computers * runs on... (big ibm's?) (texhax.85) tex: re: sun * previewer (texhax.85) tex: tpu interface to * (texhax.85) tex: unix spell filter for * files (texhax.85) tex: verbs vs symbols for defining vax/vms * (texhax.85) tex: bug in * release 2.1 for suns (texhax.86) tex: change files for vax/vms * (texhax.86) tex: * bug ? undesireable fontname interaction with \bigl (texhax.87) tex: * on gould powernode --- success. (texhax.87) tex: access violations in vms * (texhax.87) tex: re: verbs vs symbols for defining vax/vms * (texhax.87) tex: flavors of * (texhax.88) tex: followup & japanese * (texhax.88) tex: some * recommendations (texhax.88) tex: * hint: hrules in double-column format (texhax.89) tex: quick & dirty * format for meeting notices, etc. (texhax.89) tex: re: change files for vax/vms * (texhax.89) tex: typeface control in * (texhax.89) tex: re: some * recommendations (texhax.90) tex: re: verbs vs symbols for defining vax/vms * (texhax.90) tex: * availability. (texhax.91) tex: comparing different flavors of * (texhax.91) tex: latex v. *; some thanks (texhax.91) tex: landscape mode in tables (plain *) (texhax.92) tex: q: how to get * or latex?? (texhax.92) tex: * vs. latex (texhax.93) tex: re: some * recommendations (from texhax v87 #88) (texhax.93) tex: attn: princeton university * users (texhax.94) tex: timestamping * (texhax.94) tex: at&t 495 laser printer & * ? (texhax.95) tex: building * on a celerity (texhax.95) tex: *, poscript, macs and laserwriters. (texhax.96) tex: hp laserjet fonts and * (texhax.96) tex: * previewer announcement (texhax.97) tex: * on decnet (texhax.98) tex: * update (texhax.98) tex: graphics in * on an ln03? (texhax.98) tex: re: hp laserjet fonts and * (texhax.98) tex: re: using hp lj download fonts with * (texhax.98) tex: comments invited on * adaptions ideas. (texhax.99) tex: diagrams/graphics with * output. (texhax.99) tex: standard for german * and latex commands (texhax.99) tex->interpress: wanted: programmer for * driver (texhax.21) tex->spell: re: * (texhax.83) tex->troff,troff->dvi: * (texhax.72) tex-l's: immoderate notes (* "digestus interruptus") (texhax.80) tex-l: users mailing to *. (texhax.88) tex-output: re: include sixel graphics in * with f. rose's dvi2ln3 (texhax.24) tex-related: * programs (texhax.15) tex-xet: * (texhax.87) tex.latex>book.doc: <* != <tex.latex>book.sty? (texhax.106) tex.latex>book.sty: <tex.latex>book.doc != <*? (texhax.106) tex/latex: * for the macintosh (texhax.01) tex/latex: * mailing lists? (texhax.10) tex/latex: re: * mailing lists? (texhax.10) tex/latex: submission: tektronix and * (texhax.25) tex/latex: submission: tektronix and * (texhax.25) tex/latex: * employment agency (texhax.34) tex/latex: a question on page number placement in *. (texhax.65) tex/latex: question about automated letters in * (texhax.68) tex/latex: re: question about automated letters in * (texhax.70) tex/latex: * for pdp 11/23+ (texhax.75) tex/latex: * on apollo (texhax.84) tex/latex: anybody got an index formatting package/macro for * ? (texhax.95) tex/latex: re: anybody got an index formatting package/macro for * (texhax.97) tex/pascal: * formatter/prettyprinter (a la web?) (texhax.27) tex/postscript: sun rasterfiles in a * document (texhax.54) tex/postscript: re: sun rasterfiles in a * document (texhax.55) texas: dvi to * instruments omni800/model865 driver (texhax.79) texas: * instruments omnilaser 2115 (texhax.90) texas: * instruments omnilaser 2115 (texhax digest v87 #90) (texhax.95) texbook: macro in "the *" (texhax.34) texbook: copyright question (* source code) (texhax.97) texfonts: * for indian languages (texhax.104) texhackers: puzzle for * (texhax.47) texhax87.87: * is this bug? (texhax.90) texindex: bug in * (texhax.39) texmag: short macros; * (texhax.18) texnical: a chemical * problem (texhax.92) text: kstfonts.......tex * via (texhax.102) text: ...............tex * via (texhax.43) text: frames around * (texhax.75) text: unbreakable * in latex? (texhax.78) text: framing * (texhax.81) text: mixing * and screendumps (texhax.94) text: re: mixing * and screendumps (texhax.95) textools: tr2tex and * (texhax.18) textures: re: * & latex, amstex, fonts (texhax.102) textures: problems using * 0.9 (mac) (texhax.23) textures: telaris printer with macintosh *??? (texhax.23) textures: answers to questions about * (texhax.54) textures: * bombs on the mac ii (texhax.65) textures: sty files and editors for * needed (texhax.76) textures: * upgrade (texhax.79) textures: will * work with big screens? (texhax.84) textures: immoderate notes: printing problems with * 1.0 (texhax.90) textures: * & latex, amstex, fonts (texhax.99) textyl: re: * (texhax.51) textyl: * docs (texhax.56) textyl: minor bug in * (texhax.63) textyl: re: * for vms (texhax.71) tfm: apple laserwriter .* files available? (texhax.100) tfm: .* files for using built-in lw fonts with tex. (texhax.103) tgrind.sty: please help: * (texhax.54) than: arbortext drivers and fonts with more * 128 characters (texhax.105) thanks: latex v. tex; some * (texhax.91) that: publishers * won't take 8.5 x 11 (texhax.51) that: tex and rsx (?) is * possible? (texhax.57) theses: * macro variations for latex (texhax.28) thesis: univ. of minnesota * format (texhax.49) thesis: mit * and resume styles (texhax.57) thesis: tex for a * (texhax.63) they: detex, delatex, where are *? (texhax.67) they: detex, delatex, where are *? (texhax.69) thimbleby's: h. * cweb (texhax.84) things: a few mildly random *; (texhax.63) this: possible duplication of * issue of texhax (texhax.10) this: * is how you selectively print some pages of a .dvi file (texhax.65) this: texhax87.87 is * bug? (texhax.90) thorn: metafont code for eth, yogh, * ... ? (texhax.68) thorn: re eth, * and yogh (texhax digest v87 #68) (texhax.73) thoughts: some * on typefaces. (texhax.37) thoughts: re: * on typefaces (texhax.41) three: * queries (texhax.57) tib: * update (texhax.51) tilde: putting * under letters in math mode (texhax.70) time: macro for ``* line''? (texhax.14) time: it's font generation *! (texhax.56) timestamping: * tex (texhax.94) token: \expandafter and \write with * lists (texhax.72) token: concatenating * lists: brain damage (texhax.73) token: more \write without * expansion (texhax.77) tokens: \write without expanding * (texhax.75) top-aligned: * matrices (texhax.82) topics: * from issue 06 (texhax.08) tops-20: metafont command line on * (texhax.05) tops-20: dvi2ps for * (texhax.45) tops-20: talaris (qms) driver for tex under * (texhax.72) toshiba: * driver (texhax.45) toshiba: info wanted on tex on a * laptop (texhax.54) toshiba: re: info wanted on tex on a * laptop (texhax.57) toshiba: tex on a * 3100 (texhax.60) tpic: * (texhax.104) tpic: * ? (texhax.45) tpu: * interface to tex (texhax.85) tr2tex: * and textools (texhax.18) transactions: ieee * format on tex (texhax.73) transfer: intermachine font * ? (texhax.33) transfer: intermachine font * ? (texhax.33) translator: scribe->latex *? (texhax.20) translator: scribe->latex * (texhax.22) transparencies: re: slitex *? (texhax.36) transparencies: slitex *? (texhax.36) transparencies: slitex *? (texhax.36) treatment: re: special line * (texhax.76) tree: * structure (texhax.50) tree: * macros (texhax.52) trevorrow: nelson beebe and andrew * files (texhax.58) tricks: postscript * and latex (texhax.59) troff: tex v * (texhax.03) troff: tex vs * (texhax.81) truncated: * posting--here it is again (texhax.92) tty: * and justification (texhax.40) tuebingen: re: latex style collection in * (europe) (texhax.60) tuebingen: i am leaving *. (texhax.69) tug: upcoming * meeting program (texhax.46) tug: 1988 * annual meeting (texhax.98) tugboat: * vol 8 no 3 article: floating figures at the right... (texhax.104) tugboat: * (texhax.30) tugboat: contents, * 8#3 (texhax.95) tugbot.sty: new versions of amstex, * (texhax.25) jtex is now on * (texhax.82) two: * replies and a comment on tex vs. postscript (texhax.06) two: * latex problems - letter closing & matrices (texhax.27) two: re: * latex problems (one latex answer) (texhax.29) two: reply to buyske and * queries (texhax.40) two: re: reply to buyske and * queries (texhax.42) two: * column style (texhax.44) two: observations on * column mode (texhax.47) two: * references on typograhic design (texhax.68) two: * questions (texhax.75) two: re: * questions (texhax.75) two-colour: * documents. (texhax.79) typeface: * control in tex (texhax.89) typefaces: some thoughts on *. (texhax.37) typefaces: * in tex (texhax.40) typefaces: re: thoughts on * (texhax.41) typefaces: new book on digital * (texhax.65) types: font file * (texhax.47) typesetting: * directory path diagrams (texhax.106) typesetting: latex double spacing and mathematical * (texhax.11) typesetting: music * (texhax.60) typesetting: * chemical papers (texhax.63) typesetting: arabic * & spanish hyphenation & loom (texhax.64) typesetting: help for * chemical structural formulas? (texhax.88) typesetting: * chemical structural formulas--a solution! (texhax.93) typograhic: two references on * design (texhax.68) u.k: rochester latex style repository available in *. (texhax.05) umlauted: * initials in bibtex (texhax.48) umlauted: re: * initials in bibtex (texhax.50) unbreakable: * text in latex? (texhax.78) undefined: * control sequences (texhax.103) under: dubious weave behavior * vm/cms (texhax.47) under: dubious weave behavior * vm/cms (texhax.52) under: putting tilde * letters in math mode (texhax.70) under: talaris (qms) driver for tex * tops-20 (texhax.72) under: makeindex now works * vms (texhax.75) underlining: * (texhax.65) underlining: * headers (texhax.66) underscore: suppressing * expansion (texhax.40) underscore: how to get a \tt *. (texhax.65) underscore: unwanted expansion of * (texhax.81) undesireable: tex bug ? * fontname interaction with \bigl (texhax.87) undump: `*' command for sequent balance (texhax.18) undump: : * for sequent balance (texhax.20) undump: re: * command for sequnet balane (texhax.25) undump: re: about '*' program on sequent balance8000/21000. (texhax.25) undump: * for encore (texhax.29) undump: * (texhax.60) undump: * (texhax.67) undump: * for sun 3.2 (texhax.71) undump: * for sun os 3.4 (texhax.78) undump: * for sun 4, anyone? (texhax.86) undump: wanted: * for sun 4 (texhax.86) undump: * for suns... (texhax.95) undump: sequent balance * (texhax.97) uneven: * inter-row spacing from latex tabular environment (texhax.70) uniform: dvi2ln3 patch for * line width (texhax.97) univ: *. of minnesota thesis format (texhax.49) university: attn: princeton * tex users (texhax.94) unix: help installing latex(2.09) mf(1.2) from * 4.2/4.3 bsd distr. (texhax.07) unix: * tex (texhax.100) unix: problems with qms * tex driver (texhax.100) unix: * version of tex (texhax.26) unix: tex versions of * man pages (texhax.32) unix: postscript built-in fonts from *? (texhax.33) unix: tex version of * man pages (a response) (texhax.33) unix: remote execution of * tex (texhax.49) unix: * dvi2hplaserjet (texhax.57) unix: tex for pyramid 4.0 * (texhax.83) unix: * spell filter for tex files (texhax.85) unix-tex: texhax digest v87 #86 re: ftping * (texhax.90) unix-tex: is the * newsletter accessable to bitnet users? (texhax.97) unixtex: * upgrade (texhax.19) unixtex: * for ftp (texhax.28) unixtex: * (texhax.86) unixtex: re: * (by ftp) (texhax.89) unixtex: more on * distribution (texhax digest v87 #90) (texhax.95) unknown: returned mail: user * (texhax.84) unwanted: * expansion of underscore (texhax.81) upcoming: * tug meeting program (texhax.46) update: dvi driver family * (texhax.15) update: dvi family * #7 -- version 2.07 announcement (texhax.30) update: vortex distribution * (texhax.43) update: tib * (texhax.51) update: bibtex * (texhax.62) update: nelson beebe dvi driver family * #9 (texhax.66) update: public account * (tex dvi family version 2.08) (texhax.72) update: aston archive * (texhax.82) update: tex * (texhax.98) updates: tex distribution and * : what's the recommended procedure(s)? (texhax.105) updates: * to the latex style collection (texhax.64) updates: distribution * (texhax.96) updating: possible bug in count register * (texhax.100) updating: re: possible bug in count register * (texhax.100) updating: possible bug in count register * (texhax.97) upgrade: latest tex * (texhax.100) upgrade: unixtex * (texhax.19) upgrade: mf * error. (texhax.23) upgrade: textures * (texhax.79) upgrading: * to tex v2.1 and metafont v1.2 (texhax.51) upper: ps * case greek (texhax.23) upside: * down and mirrored 'e' (texhax.37) urgent: latex macros and horizontal mode-an * query (texhax.87) use: mathematicians * amstex or latex? (texhax.33) use: mathematicians * amstex or latex? (texhax.33) use: are there device drivers which * pk format? (texhax.45) use: re: are there device drivers which * pk format? (texhax.48) use: bogus space after * of a created environment (texhax.63) useful: some * contributions to latex-style (texhax.56) user: texhax 86/14 re: plea from a novice tex * (texhax.02) user: latex for the -ms macros * (texhax.27) user: returned mail: * unknown (texhax.84) users: latex style repository for uk * (texhax.10) users: tex * group 1987 course schedule (texhax.46) users: latexstyle collection for bitnet * in europe (texhax.56) users: new files available at interact@dtupev5a for bitnet *. (texhax.59) users: a quickie shell file for tabular latex * (texhax.62) users: bitnet * of latex style collection note (texhax.84) users: * mailing to tex-l. (texhax.88) users: attn: princeton university tex * (texhax.94) users: is the unix-tex newsletter accessable to bitnet *? (texhax.97) uses: is there a dvisun which * pk fonts? (texhax.65) utah: .pk fonts with * dvi family (texhax.43) utilities: ibm printer * (texhax.05) utilities: ibm * (texhax.06) utilities: ibm * (texhax.06) utilities: new *. (texhax.14) utilities: re: new * (texhax.17) utilities: re: new * (texhax.17) uts: tex on * (texhax.11) uuencode: @file request * (texhax.64) uuencode: @file request * (texhax.76) v1.2: upgrading to tex v2.1 and metafont * (texhax.51) v2.1: upgrading to tex * and metafont v1.2 (texhax.51) v7.2/7.3: bug report for dvi2ln3 * (texhax.91) v87#96: ms-dos web (texhax * and v87#98) (texhax.101) v87#97: international phonetic alphabet (texhax *) (texhax.101) v87#98: ms-dos web (texhax v87#96 and *) (texhax.101) values: metafont mode_def * for a lzr-2665 printer (texhax.87) variable: * number of parameters to macros (texhax.30) variable: * number of arguments (texhax.32) variant: * environment. (texhax.74) variations: theses macro * for latex (texhax.28) various: re: * tex vs. mac flames (texhax.34) various: re: * tex vs. mac flames (texhax.34) various: * from v87 #92 (texhax.94) vax: dvi to postscript from * vms (texhax.13) vax/vms: dvi to postscript on *? (texhax.03) vax/vms: mf bugs & fixes (* specific) (texhax.09) vax/vms: * pxl files (texhax.30) vax/vms: gftopk change file for * wanted (texhax.65) vax/vms: tex on * 4.5 -- a problem (texhax.80) vax/vms: enhancements to kellerman & smith distribution of * tex (texhax.82) vax/vms: verbs vs symbols for defining * tex (texhax.85) vax/vms: change files for * tex (texhax.86) vax/vms: re: verbs vs symbols for defining * tex (texhax.87) vax/vms: re: change files for * tex (texhax.89) vax/vms: re: verbs vs symbols for defining * tex (texhax.90) vaxstation: previewer for * (texhax.105) vaxstation: dvi previewer for vms * (texhax.69) vaxstation: dvi on * 2000 and file archives (texhax.86) vaxstation: * previewer, plus comments on font-finding and sub-sampling (texhax.99) vaxstation/gpx: previewer for * ii (texhax.46) vaxstations: dvi previewer for vms * (texhax.69) vaxstations: previewer for *? (texhax.95) vbox: * question (texhax.96) vbox: easy and automatic * width setting (texhax.98) vdu: latex and * output (texhax.40) ventura: dvi -> * publisher ? (texhax.48) verbatim: combining * and center (texhax.102) verbatim: * environments (texhax.24) verbatim: latex * mode (texhax.25) verbatim: bug (?) in * for ?` and !` (texhax.38) verbatim: bug (?) in * for ?` and !` (texhax.38) verbatim: semi * mode in latex (texhax.49) verbs: * vs symbols for defining vax/vms tex (texhax.85) verbs: re: * vs symbols for defining vax/vms tex (texhax.87) verbs: * vs. symbols -- a solution (texhax.90) verbs: re: * vs symbols for defining vax/vms tex (texhax.90) version: latex * numbering (texhax.19) version: more on * numbering (texhax.19) version: problems with new * of amstex.tex (texhax.26) version: unix * of tex (texhax.26) version: dvi family update #7 -- * 2.07 announcement (texhax.30) version: tex * of unix man pages (a response) (texhax.33) version: a modified * of the rose ln03 driver (texhax.44) version: sv2 * of dvi2ps (texhax.46) version: public account update (tex dvi family * 2.08) (texhax.72) version: tex bug -- * 2.5 (texhax.78) version: dvi driver family * 2.10 released [01-nov-87] (texhax.91) versions: tex for sun: free * available (texhax.04) versions: new * of amstex, tugbot.sty (texhax.25) versions: how to create preloaded * of tex and metafont. (texhax.31) versions: how to create preloaded * of tex and metafont. (texhax.31) versions: tex * of unix man pages (texhax.32) versions: c * of tex (texhax.48) versions: gf/pk/pxl * of iptex, dvipr available (texhax.50) via: kstfonts.......tex text * (texhax.102) via: ...............tex text * (texhax.43) video: invers}ie * (texhax.20) view: another * of document indexing (texhax.77) violations: access * in vms tex (texhax.87) virtex: vms * (texhax.33) vm/cms: dubious weave behavior under * (texhax.47) vm/cms: gftopk on * (texhax.47) vm/cms: dubious weave behavior under * (texhax.52) vm/cms: * questions (texhax.53) vm/cms: * questions (texhax.53) vms: dvi to postscript from vax * (texhax.13) vms: * change file (texhax.15) vms: * change files (texhax.17) vms: looking for * ffe.exe program (ln01) (texhax.18) vms: filter for tek 4014-->impress for * (texhax.23) vms: filter for tek 4014-->impress for * (texhax.23) vms: gftopk changes for * (texhax.28) vms: * virtex (texhax.33) vms: tex 2.01 and latex for * (texhax.45) vms: * tex file formats (texhax.46) vms: tex 2.0 driver for qms 800 on * (texhax.48) vms: * tex file formats - a comment (texhax.51) vms: * change file for dvidoc (texhax.54) vms: * tex source? (texhax.57) vms: dvi-to-ps for * (texhax.60) vms: dvi2ps on * (texhax.63) vms: dvi previewer for * vaxstation (texhax.69) vms: dvi previewer for * vaxstations (texhax.69) vms: re: textyl for * (texhax.71) vms: makeindex now works under * (texhax.75) vms: * tektronix 4010 preview (texhax.76) vms: re: * tektronix 4010 preview (texhax.78) vms: access violations in * tex (texhax.87) vms-tex: different problems with * and ln03's (texhax.92) vms-tex: different problems with * and ln03's (texhax.95) vol: tugboat * 8 no 3 article: floating figures at the right... (texhax.104) volume: * 86 issues to go offline (texhax.60) volunteer: latex-style looking for a * (texhax.08) vortex: ~~~~~~~~*... (texhax.39) vortex: * (texhax.43) vortex: * distribution update (texhax.43) vortex: * adds x previewer (texhax.70) vortex: * (texhax.76) vt200: previewer for * (texhax.74) vt240: * and dvitovdu (texhax.86) vt600: driver for am-varityper * postscript laser printer (texhax.93) want: * ibm graphic char font (texhax.92) way: re: right * to do mathematical operators (texhax.63) way: re: right * to do mathematical operators (texhax.63) way: right * to do mathematical operators (texhax.63) weave: dubious * behavior under vm/cms (texhax.47) weave: * formatting problem (texhax.50) weave: dubious * behavior under vm/cms (texhax.52) weave: * and tangle on ms-dos (texhax.96) weave: * and tangle on ms-dos (texhax digest v87 #96) (texhax.98) web: ms-dos * (texhax v87#96 and v87#98) (texhax.101) web: re: * for ms-dos (texhax digest v87 #96) (texhax.101) web: tex/pascal formatter/prettyprinter (a la *?) (texhax.27) web: mac * testers, please note... (texhax.29) web: mac * testers, please note... (texhax.29) web: * for ada? (texhax.51) web: * (texhax.67) web: re: * (texhax.67) web: * for tex? web for mf? (texhax.68) web: web for tex? * for mf? (texhax.68) web: * (texhax.69) web: re: * (texhax.69) web: mweb ( * for modula-2 ) (texhax.84) web: ada/tex * (texhax.98) weird: response to * alignment (texhax.07) weird: * behaviour with \newtheorem in latex 2.09 (texhax.104) what's: tex distribution and updates : * the recommended procedure(s)? (texhax.105) what: * is the situation with "newer" latex releases? (texhax.16) whatever: tex template (or *) for lse? (texhax.48) when: loss of characters * using newcommand (texhax.32) whole: the * bib (texhax.01) whole: re: the * bibliography (texhax.03) whole: latex figure occupying a * page (texhax.101) whole: latex figure occupying a * page (texhax.98) whose: copyright status of ctex and common-tex: * copyright ??? (texhax.80) wide: * page numbers (texhax.82) width: dvi2ln3 patch for uniform line * (texhax.97) width: easy and automatic vbox * setting (texhax.98) widths: negative column * in \halign -- bug or feature? (texhax.103) will: * textures work with big screens? (texhax.84) windows: x * previewer (texhax.49) wiscvm: bitnet & * (texhax.07) wish: bibtex * list (texhax.08) wish: re: bibtex * list (texhax.09) wish: bibtex * list (continued) (texhax.26) wish: re: bibtex * list (texhax.28) wishes: bibtex * and browsing (texhax.31) without: \write * expanding tokens (texhax.75) without: more \write * token expansion (texhax.77) wolfgang: re: * appelt's puzzle + general remark (texhax.52) won't: publishers that * take 8.5 x 11 (texhax.51) word: spreading the * (texhax.51) words: stretching/shrinking *, implicit kerning (texhax.81) work: how do i get dvi2ln3 plotfile to *? (texhax.67) work: will textures * with big screens? (texhax.84) works: makeindex now * under vms (texhax.75) workstation: tex on the macintosh or sun * (texhax.52) write-white: metafont * mods (texhax.51) write-white: re: metafont * mods (texhax.51) write-white: * (texhax.55) write-write: fonts for * printers (texhax.49) writing: latex .aux * error query (texhax.95) wysiwyg: * tex (texhax.18) wysiwyg: re: * tex (texhax.23) wysiwyg: * tex, tex environments, incremental tex (texhax.32) x-11: * dvi previewer available (texhax.93) x9700: * support (texhax.38) xdvi: .pxl files for * (texhax.53) xerox: dvi to * print server? (texhax.104) xerox: re: wanted dvi driver for * 4050 or 9700 printer (texhax.24) xerox: wanted dvi driver for * 4050 or 9700 printer (texhax.24) xerox: wanted dvi driver for * 4050 or 9700 printer (texhax.24) xerox: tex support for * 9700 printers (texhax.35) xerox: * 9700 drivers (texhax.45) xerox: re: * 3700 driver (texhax.61) xerox: fonts not loading and * 2700 ii fonts (texhax.84) xerox: * 2700 mvs driver... (texhax.97) xhmeia: * anonymous ftp (texhax.27) xwindows: * previewer (texhax.46) yet: * another qms driver (texhax.103) yet: * another dvi to ps program (texhax.51) yet: common tex (not *) (texhax.63) yet: * another tex bug! (texhax.71) yogh: metafont code for eth, *, thorn ... ? (texhax.68) yogh: re eth, thorn and * (texhax digest v87 #68) (texhax.73) you: help! how do * selectively print some .dvi pages? (texhax.61) you: re: help! how do * selectively print some .dvi pages? (texhax.61) you: re: help! how do * selectively print some .dvi pages? (texhax.64) you: this is how * selectively print some pages of a .dvi file (texhax.65) your: * question re. slitex (texhax.76) ytex: * -> plain tex (texhax.52) ytex: * sources (texhax.54) ytex: * -> plain tex (texhax.57) zeroes: slashing * (texhax.68) zeroes: re: slashing * (texhax.70) zeros: re: slashing * (texhax.68)