Date:	  29 Jun 89				Message No:	017

To:	  TeX implementors and distributors

From:	  Barbara Beeton

Subject:  TeX 2.991, cosmetic change to MF.WEB, METAFONTware

There has been a fair bit of activity since my last message, which I am
only now able to report.  So this message will contain an overview of
changes and details of the most important, and I hope to complete the
details in a second message within a few days.

Two more bugs have been uncovered (both by Frank Mittelbach) and fixed.
TeX is now at version 2.991.  Here is Knuth's explanation of 2.99:

    What was the error in versions \le2.98? You could write
    and get the message "This can't happen (display)."
    [The new version inserts \endgroup for you.]

There was no neat explanation of the changes for 2.991, but Knuth did
provide the following information:

    And it means TeX version 2.999. (Assuming that this one holds up
    until the TUG meeting, I'll renumber it version 3.0 at that time.
    If another bug occurs, I'll go to 2.9991 and wait until nine
    more are found!)

    The files that have changed (and presumably need UNDEKing) are
	TEX.WEB, various .CH (version number only),
	ERRATA.TEX[tex,dek], TEX82.BUG[tex,dek],
    and also MF.WEB[mf,sys], TRAP.LOG[tex,sys] for a cosmetic change to MF.

(Note that 2.999 was changed to 2.991, so we won't have to add another
digit quite so soon if another bug is found before the TUG meeting.)
The installation of all these files on Score is not yet complete (the net
connection between the AMS and Score has been broken more than it has
been available for the past month, and some of the installation is simply
not possible using Kermit); I will have an update with the next message.

As he has done several times before, Knuth closed the errata file with the
content as reported in the list dated 20 February 1989 and distributed
with TUGboat 10 #1, and started a new one.  The previous collection has
the file name ERRATA.FOU, and the current one is ERRATA.TeX.  Since this
is still quite small, I am including the entire file.

Knuth has completed his long-promised review of the METAFONTware software,
and the definitive sources of GFTYPE.WEB, GFTOPK.WEB, GFTODV.WEB and
MFT.WEB have been published in a Stanford CS report.  There is also a
change to PLAIN.MFT.  I don't have the report number or price, but will
get it for the next message.  I will also save the details of the changes
for the next message.

Finally, you may have received the information already, but if you haven't,
Score will be unplugged on August 31.  Members of the TUG board and others
are trying to find a new home for the "canonical" TeX system.  There are
several candidates, and perhaps it will be possible to keep more than one
site current for public access.  More news when available.


Additions to TeX82.BUG

353. $$\begingroup\halign{#\cr}$$ caused confusion (Mittelbach, 7 Jun 89)
@x module 1130
mmode+halign: if privileged then init_align;
mmode+halign: if privileged then
  if cur_group=math_shift_group then init_align
  else off_save;

354. Conflict in global array dig with .5\ifdim.6 (Mittelbach, 20 Jun 89)
@x module 450
@!k:small_number; {number of digits in a decimal fraction}
@!k,@!kk:small_number; {number of digits in a decimal fraction}
@!p,@!q:pointer; {top of decimal digit stack}
@x module 452
begin k:=0; get_token; {|point_token| is being re-scanned}
loop@+  begin get_x_token;
  if (cur_tok>zero_token+9)or(cur_tok<zero_token) then goto done1;
  if k<17 then {digits for |k>=17| cannot affect the result}
    begin dig[k]:=cur_tok-zero_token; incr(k);
done1: f:=round_decimals(k);
begin k:=0; p:=null; get_token; {|point_token| is being re-scanned}
loop@+  begin get_x_token;
  if (cur_tok>zero_token+9)or(cur_tok<zero_token) then goto done1;
  if k<17 then {digits for |k>=17| cannot affect the result}
    begin q:=get_avail; link(q):=p; info(q):=cur_tok-zero_token;
    p:=q; incr(k);
done1: for kk:=k downto 1 do
  begin dig[kk-1]:=info(p); q:=p; p:=link(p); free_avail(q);

355. (I sincerely hope that there won't be any more)


Differences between TeX 2.98a and 2.991


**** FILE TX:<TEX.WEB>TEX.WEB.15, 1-37 (2458)
% A reward of $163.84 will be paid to the first finder of any remaining bug.
**** FILE TX:<TEX.NEW>TEX.WEB.1, 1-36 (2456)
% Version 2.99 catches $$\begingroup\halign...$$ (June 1989).
% Version 2.991 catches .5\ifdim.6... (June 1989).

% A reward of $163.84 will be paid to the first finder of any remaining bug.

**** FILE TX:<TEX.WEB>TEX.WEB.15, 1-176 (9644)
@d banner=='This is TeX, Version 2.98' {printed when \TeX\ starts}

@ Different \PASCAL s have slightly different conventions, and the present
**** FILE TX:<TEX.NEW>TEX.WEB.1, 1-178 (9759)
@d banner=='This is TeX, Version 2.991' {printed when \TeX\ starts}

@ Different \PASCAL s have slightly different conventions, and the present

**** FILE TX:<TEX.WEB>TEX.WEB.15, 1-8674 (379174)
@!k:small_number; {number of digits in a decimal fraction}
@!v:scaled; {an internal dimension}
**** FILE TX:<TEX.NEW>TEX.WEB.1, 1-8676 (379290)
@!k,@!kk:small_number; {number of digits in a decimal fraction}
@!p,@!q:pointer; {top of decimal digit stack}
@!v:scaled; {an internal dimension}

**** FILE TX:<TEX.WEB>TEX.WEB.15, 1-8694 (379933)
begin k:=0; get_token; {|point_token| is being re-scanned}
loop@+  begin get_x_token;
**** FILE TX:<TEX.NEW>TEX.WEB.1, 1-8697 (380101)
begin k:=0; p:=null; get_token; {|point_token| is being re-scanned}
loop@+  begin get_x_token;

**** FILE TX:<TEX.WEB>TEX.WEB.15, 1-8698 (380151)
    begin dig[k]:=cur_tok-zero_token; incr(k);
done1: f:=round_decimals(k);
if cur_cmd<>spacer then back_input;
**** FILE TX:<TEX.NEW>TEX.WEB.1, 1-8701 (380328)
    begin q:=get_avail; link(q):=p; info(q):=cur_tok-zero_token;
    p:=q; incr(k);
done1: for kk:=k downto 1 do
  begin dig[kk-1]:=info(p); q:=p; p:=link(p); free_avail(q);
if cur_cmd<>spacer then back_input;

**** FILE TX:<TEX.WEB>TEX.WEB.15, 1-12335 (535118)
else if (term_offset>0)or(file_offset>0) then print_char(" ");
print_char("["); j:=9;
**** FILE TX:<TEX.NEW>TEX.WEB.1, 1-12342 (535426)
else if (term_offset>0)or(file_offset>0)
then print_char(" ");
print_char("["); j:=9;

**** FILE TX:<TEX.WEB>TEX.WEB.15, 1-20761 (890803)
mmode+halign: if privileged then init_align;
vmode+endv,hmode+endv: do_endv;
**** FILE TX:<TEX.NEW>TEX.WEB.1, 1-20769 (891112)
mmode+halign: if privileged then
  if cur_group=math_shift_group then init_align
  else off_save;
vmode+endv,hmode+endv: do_endv;


MF.WEB changes


**** FILE PS:<TEX.MF>MF.WEB.7, 1-21 (1236)
% A reward of $20.48 will be paid to the first finder of any remaining bug.
% (This amount will double again in 1989.)
% Although considerable effort has been expended to make the METAFONT program
**** FILE PS:<TEX.NEW>MF.WEB.2, 1-21 (1236)
% A reward of $40.96 will be paid to the first finder of any remaining bug.
% (This amount will double again in 1990.)
% Although considerable effort has been expended to make the METAFONT program

**** FILE PS:<TEX.MF>MF.WEB.7, 1-17420 (721418)
  help1("The expression above should have been a number > 3/4.");
**** FILE PS:<TEX.NEW>MF.WEB.2, 1-17420 (721418)
  help1("The expression above should have been a number >=3/4.");


ERRATA.TeX (complete file, as of 25 June 1989)

% Bugs (sigh) in Computers \& Typesetting

\input manmac
\output{\hsize=29pc \onepageout{\unvbox255\kern-\dimen@ \vfil}}

  Jan\or Feb\or Mar\or Apr\or May\or Jun\or
  Jul\or Aug\or Sep\or Oct\or Nov\or Dec\fi
  \ \number\year}


\def\rhead{Bugs in {\tensl Computers \& Typesetting as of \today}}
\def\bugonpage#1(#2) \par{\bigbreak\tenpoint
  \hrule width\hsize
  \line{\lower3.5pt\vbox to13pt{}Page #1\hfil(#2)}\hrule width\hsize
\def\buginvol#1(#2) \par{\bigbreak\penalty-1000\tenpoint
  \hrule width\hsize
  \line{\lower3.5pt\vbox to13pt{}Volume #1\hfil(#2)}\hrule width\hsize
\def\slMF{{\manual 89:;}\-{\manual <=>:}} % slant the logo
\newdimen\nsize \newdimen\msize \newdimen\ninept \ninept=9pt
\newbox\eqbox \setbox\eqbox=\hbox{\kern2pt\eightrm=\kern2pt}

\noindent This is a list of all corrections made to {\sl Computers \&
Typesetting}, Volumes A--E\null, since 20 February 1989. Corrections made to
the softcover version of {\sl The \TeX book} are the same as corrections to
Volume~A\null. Corrections to the softcover version of {\sl The
\slMF\kern1ptbook\/} are the same as corrections to Volume~C\null.
Some of these corrections have already been made in reprintings
of the books. Some of these corrections affect the indexes and
mini-indexes of Volumes B~and~D in ways not shown here.

% volume A

\bugonpage A116, lines 11--15 (6/7/89)

\danger If you have two or more |\topinsert| or |\pageinsert| commands in
quick succession, \TeX\ may need to carry them over to several subsequent
pages; but they will retain their relative order when they are
carried over.  For example, suppose you have pages that are nine inches
tall, and suppose you have already specified 4~inches of text for some
page, say page~25.  Then suppose you make seven topinserts in a row, of%

\bugonpage A318, line 19 (3/3/89)


\bugonpage A385, line 8 (5/14/89)


\bugonpage A464, line 10 (5/15/89)

displays, 87, 103, {\it139--145}, {\it166--167},

% volume B
\def\\#1{\hbox{\it#1\/\kern.05em}} % italic type for identifiers
\def\to{\mathrel{.\,.}} % double dot, used only in math mode

\bugonpage Bvii, top two lines (4/21/89)

{\it {\sltt WEB} documentation for four utility programs that are
often used in conjunction with \TeX: {\sltt POOLtype}, {\sltt TFtoPL},
{\sltt PLtoTF}, and {\sltt DVItype}.}

\bugonpage B2, line 32 (6/20/89)

{\bf define} $\\{banner}\equiv\hbox{\tt\char'23}$%
{\tt This\]is\]TeX,\]Version\]2.991\char'23}\quad
$\{\,$printed when \TeX\ starts$\,\}$

\bugonpage B118, lines 2--4 (3/2/89)

{\bf begin if\/} $\\{cur\_level}>\\{level\_one}$ {\bf then}\par
\noindent\hskip20pt{\bf  begin} \\{check\_full\_save\_stack}; \
\noindent\hskip20pt$\\{save\_level}(\\{save\_ptr})\gets\\{level\_zero}$; \
 $\\{save\_index}(\\{save\_ptr})\gets t$; \ \\{incr}(\\{save\_ptr});\par
\noindent\hskip20pt{\bf  end};

\bugonpage B182, line 13 becomes two lines (6/20/89)

$k,\\{kk}$: \\{small\_number};\quad
 $\{\,$number of digits in a decimal fraction$\,\}$\par\noindent
$p,q$: \\{pointer};\quad
 $\{\,$top of decimal digit stack$\,\}$

\bugonpage B182, line 15 from the bottom (6/20/89)

{\bf begin} $k\gets0$; $p\gets\\{null}$; \\{get\_token};\quad
 $\{\,$\\{point\_token} is being re-scanned$\,\}$

\bugonpage B182, line 11 from the bottom (6/20/89)

{\bf begin} $q\gets\\{get\_avail}$; $\\{link}(q)\gets p$;
 $p\gets q$; $\\{incr}(k)$;

\bugonpage B182, line 8 from the bottom (6/20/89)

\\{done1}: {\bf for} $\\{kk}\gets k$ {\bf downto} 1 {\bf do}\par
{\bf begin} $\\{dig}[kk-1]\gets\\{info}(p)$; $q\gets p$; $p\gets\\{link}(p)$;
\noindent\hskip20pt{\bf end};\par

\bugonpage B332, lines 11 and 12 from the bottom (4/8/89)

{\bf begin if\/} $\\{cur\_align}=\\{null}$ {\bf then}
$q\gets\\{link}(\\{cur\_align})$; \ {\bf if\/} $q=\\{null}$ {\bf then}

\bugonpage B466, line 5 becomes three lines (6/7/89)

$\\{mmode}+\\{halign}$: {\bf if\/} \\{privileged} {\bf then}\par\noindent
\hskip20pt{\bf if\/} $\\{cur\_group}=\\{math\_shift\_group}$
 {\bf then} \\{init\_align}\par\noindent\hskip20pt
{\bf else} \\{off\_save};

% volume C
\def\\#1{\hbox{\it#1\/\kern.05em}} % italic type for identifiers

\bugonpage C259, lines 16 and 17 from the bottom (5/14/89)

|screenchars|; \ |screenstrokes|; \ |imagerules|; \ |gfcorners|; \
|notransforms|; \ |input| \<filename>.

% Volume D
\def\\#1{\hbox{\it#1\/\kern.05em}} % italic type for identifiers
\def\to{\mathrel{.\,.}} % double dot, used only in math mode

\bugonpage Dvi, bottom two lines, and top lines of page vii (4/21/89)

{\hsize=29pc \tenpoint
\textindent\bull ``\MF\/ware'' by Donald~E. Knuth, Tomas~G. Rokicki, and
Ar\-thur~L. Samuel, Stanford Computer Science Report 1255 (Stanford,
California, April 1989), 207~pp. \ {\it The {\sltt WEB} programs for
four utility programs that are often used in conjunction with
\slMF\kern1pt: {\sltt GFtype}, {\sltt GFtoPK}, {\sltt GFtoDVI},
and {\sltt MFT}.}

\bugonpage D67, in the July 1987 printing (4/7/89)

[Delete line 7, which has a redundant `{\bf if\/} $r=p$ {\bf then}';
  move line 8 to the left 10 points for alignment; and restore the following
  line (which was deleted by mistake after line 8):
  $\\{node\_size}(p)\gets q-p$\quad$\{\,$reset the size in case it grew$\,\}$
  These corrections are needed only in the reprinting made July, 1987.]

\bugonpage D228, in the July 1987 printing (4/7/89)

[Delete lines 14--15, which were inserted erroneously from a previous errata
list; and restore the following lines (which were deleted by mistake):

{\bf begin} \\{double}(\\{max\_coef}); \
\\{double}(\\{x0}); \
\\{double}(\\{x1}); \
\\{double}(\\{y0}); \
\\{double}(\\{y1}); \
{\bf end}

These corrections are needed only in the reprinting made July, 1987.]

\bugonpage D248, in the July 1987 printing (4/7/89)

[Delete line 16, which begins with `$d\gets\\{take\_fraction}$';
and restore the following line (which was deleted by mistake after line 22):

{\bf if\/} $d<\\{alpha}$ {\bf then} $d\gets\\{alpha}$

These corrections are needed only in the reprinting made July, 1987.]

\bugonpage D389, line 10 (6/20/89)


\bugonpage D510, in the July 1987 printing (4/7/89)

[Move the 7th-to-last line, which begins with `\\{internal}[\\{fontmaking}]',
one line down, and indent it to the right by 10 more points.
This correction is needed only in the reprinting made July, 1987.]

% volume E

\bugonpage Exiii, bottom four lines (5/5/89)

{\hsize=29pc \tenpoint
\textindent\bull ``Metamarks: Preliminary studies for a Pandora's Box of
shapes'' by Neenie Billawala,
Stanford Computer Science Report 1256 (Stanford,
California, May 1989), 132~pp. \ {\it Lavishly illustrated studies in
parameter variation, leading to the design of a new family of
typefaces called Pandora.}

\bugonpage E401, bottom line (5/16/89)

{\bf \def\_{\kern.04em\vbox{\hrule width.3em height .6pt}\kern.08em}%
{\bf penlabels}$(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8)$; {\bf endchar\/};
[some points and labels are missing at the tip of the tail on page 400]


Now here are some that I will make soon!


[ end of message 017 ]