This is ACOMPAT.BIB, a BibTeX database file for the `adaptable' style
family, written by Hans-Hermann Bode (HHBODE at DOSUNI1.BITNET), that contains
compatibility definitions for use with standard styles. Use acompat as the
very first item---even before jourfull or jourabbr---in your \bibliography
command when you have to typeset your new databases---relying on the
adaptable styles---with the standard styles.


First, we declare the \abfull switch that is defined by the adaptable
styles. Here, it is unconditionally set to true which might not fit your
needs (in this case, say \abfullfalse instead of \abfulltrue).



Next, the strings for edition numbers are defined.



Finally, we have to set up strings for certain ``chapter'' names.



That's all there is to it. Now you can use your new databases with the old
styles as well.
