SMS::Send::KR::Aligo - An SMS::Send driver for the SMS

    version 0.005

        use SMS::Send;

        # create the sender object
        my $sender = SMS::Send->new("KR::Aligo",
            _id      => "keedi",
            _api_key => "XXXXXXXX",
            _from    => "01025116893",

        # send a message
        my $sent = $sender->send_sms(
            text  => "You message may use up to 90 chars and must be utf8",
            to    => "01012345678",

        unless ( $sent->{success} ) {
            warn "failed to send sms: $sent->{reason}\n";

            # if you want to know detail more, check $sent->{detail}
            use Data::Dumper;
            warn Dumper $sent->{detail};

        # Of course you can send LMS
        my $sender = SMS::Send->new("KR::Aligo",
            _id      => "keedi",
            _api_key => "XXXXXXXX",
            _type    => "lms",
            _from    => "01025116893",

        # You can override _from or _type

        # send a message
        my $sent = $sender->send_sms(
            text     => "You LMS message may use up to 2000 chars and must be utf8",
            to       => "01025116893",
            _from    => "02114",             # you can override $self->_from
            _type    => "LMS",               # you can override $self->_type
            _subject => "This is a subject", # subject is optional & up to 40 chars

    SMS::Send driver for sending SMS messages with the Aligo SMS service

    DO NOT change this value except for testing purpose. Default is

    The agent value is sent as the "User-Agent" header in the HTTP requests.
    Default is "SMS-Send-KR-Aligo/#.###".

    HTTP request timeout seconds. Default is 3.

    Required. Aligo API id for REST API.

    Required. Aligo API key for REST API.

    Required. Source number to send sms.

    Type of sms. Currently "SMS" and "LMS" are supported. Default is "SMS".

    Delay second between sending sms. Default is 0.

    This constructor should not be called directly. See SMS::Send for

    Available attributes are:

    *   "_url"

    *   "_agent"

    *   "_timeout"

    *   "_from"

    *   "_type"

    *   "_delay"

    *   "_id"

    *   "_api_key"

    This method should not be called directly. See SMS::Send for details.

    Available parameters are:

    *   "text": SMS: 0 ~ 90 Byte, LMS/MMS: 1 ~ 2000 Byte

    *   "to": Number of the receiver

    *   "_from": [OPTIONAL] Registered number of the sender. Use this
        parameter to override the initial attribute value.

    *   "_type": [OPTIONAL] "SMS", "LMS", "MMS". Use this parameter to
        override the initial attribute value.

    *   "_delay": [OPTIONAL] Delay second between sending sms. Default is 0.

    *   "_subject": [OPTIONAL] 1 ~ 44 Byte only for LMS/MMS. Default is to
        use the first part of the "text" as a subject.

    *   "_epoch": [OPTIONAL] Reservation scheduling to send sms. Based on
        Asia/Seoul time zone. Default is to send sms from the fly.

    *   SMS::Send

    *   SMS::Send::Driver

    *   Aligo REST API <>

  Bugs / Feature Requests
    Please report any bugs or feature requests through the issue tracker at
    <>. You will be
    notified automatically of any progress on your issue.

  Source Code
    This is open source software. The code repository is available for
    public review and contribution under the terms of the license.


      git clone

    κΉ€λ„ν˜• - Keedi Kim <>

    This software is copyright (c) 2021 by Keedi Kim.

    This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
    the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.