package Verotel::FlexPay; use strict; use warnings; use base 'Exporter'; use Digest::SHA1 qw( sha1_hex ); use Params::Validate qw(:all); use URI; use Carp; use utf8; our $VERSION = '3.4'; our @EXPORT_OK = qw( get_signature get_status_URL get_purchase_URL get_subscription_URL get_upgrade_subscription_URL get_cancel_subscription_URL validate_signature ); my $STATUS_URL = ''; my $FLEXPAY_URL = ''; my $CANCEL_URL = ''; my $PROTOCOL_VERSION = $VERSION; =head2 get_signature($secret, %params) Returns sha1_hex signature for the given parameters using L<$secret>. Signature is an SHA-1 hash as hexadecimal number generated from L<$secret> followed by the parameters joined with colon (:). Parameters ("$key=$value") are alphabeticaly orderered by their keys. Only the following parameters are considered for signing: =over 2 version, shopID, saleID, referenceID, priceAmount, priceCurrency, description, name custom1, custom2, custom3 subscriptionType period trialAmount, trialPeriod cancelDiscountPercentage =back =head3 Example: get_signature('aaB', shopID => '123', custom1 => 'xyz', custom2 => undef , ignored => 'bla' ); returns the SHA-1 string for "aaB:custom1=xyz:custom2=:shopID=123" converted to lowercase. =cut sub get_signature { my $secret = shift; my %params = @_; %params = filter_params( %params ); return signature($secret, %params); } =head2 validate_signature($secret, %params) Returns true if the signature passed in the parameters match the signature computed from B<all> parameters (except for the signature itself). =head3 Example: validate_signature('aaB', shopID => 123, saleID => 345, signature => '30a671fd2ab5a7580c3ecc279e092eef35a97ff1' ); returns true as the signature passed as the parameter is the same as the signature computed for "aaB:saleID=345:shopID=123" =cut sub validate_signature { my ($secret, %params) = @_; my $sign1 = lc(delete $params{signature}); my $sign2 = signature($secret, %params); return ($sign1 eq $sign2) ? 1 : 0; } =head2 get_purchase_URL($secret, %params) Return URL for purchase with signed parameters (only the parameters listed in the description of get_signature() are considered for signing). =head3 Example: get_purchase_URL('mySecret', shopID => 65147, priceAmount => '6.99', priceCurrency => 'USD'); returns "" =cut sub get_purchase_URL { my ($secret, %params) = @_; return generate_URL($FLEXPAY_URL, $secret, 'purchase', %params); } =head2 get_subscription_URL($secret, %params) Return URL for subscription with signed parameters (only the parameters listed in the description of get_signature() are considered for signing). =head3 Example: get_subscription_URL('mySecret', shopID => 65147, subscriptionType => 'recurring', period => 'P1M'); returns "" =cut sub get_subscription_URL { my ($secret, %params) = @_; return generate_URL($FLEXPAY_URL, $secret, 'subscription', %params); } =head2 get_subscription_URL($secret, %params) Return URL for upgrade subscription with signed parameters (only the parameters listed in the description of get_signature() are considered for signing). =head3 Example: get_upgrade_subscription_URL('mySecret', shopID => 65147, subscriptionType => 'recurring', period => 'P1M'); returns "" =cut sub get_upgrade_subscription_URL { my ($secret, %params) = @_; return generate_URL($FLEXPAY_URL, $secret, 'upgradesubscription', %params); } =head2 get_status_URL($secret, %params) Return URL for status with signed parameters (only the parameters listed in the description of get_signature() are considered for signing). =head3 Example: get_status_URL('mySecret', shopID => '65147', saleID => '1485'); returns "" =cut sub get_status_URL { my ($secret, %params) = @_; return generate_URL($STATUS_URL, $secret, undef, %params); } =head2 get_cancel_subscription_URL($secret, %params) Return URL for cancel subscription with signed parameters (only the parameters listed in the description of get_signature() are considered for signing). =head3 Example: get_cancel_subscription_URL('mySecret', shopID => '65147', saleID => '1485'); returns "" =cut sub get_cancel_subscription_URL { my ($secret, %params) = @_; return generate_URL($CANCEL_URL, $secret, undef, %params); } ################ PRIVATE METHODS ########################## sub generate_URL { my ($baseURL, $secret, $type, %params) = (@_); if (!$secret) {croak "no secret given"}; if (!%params) {croak "no params given"}; $params{version} = $PROTOCOL_VERSION; if (defined $type) { $params{type} = $type; } # remove empty values: my @sorted_params = map { (defined($params{$_}) && $params{$_} ne '') ? ($_ => $params{$_}) : () } sort keys %params; my $url = new URI($baseURL); my $signature = get_signature($secret, @sorted_params); $url->query_form(@sorted_params, signature => $signature); return $url->as_string(); } sub signature { my ($secret, %params) = @_; my @values = map { $_.'='.(defined $params{$_} ? $params{$_} : "") } sort keys %params; my $encString = join(":", $secret, @values); utf8::encode($encString); return lc(sha1_hex($encString)); } sub filter_params { my (%params) = @_; my @keys = grep { m/ ^( version | shopID | price(Amount|Currency) | paymentMethod | description | referenceID | saleID | custom[123] | subscriptionType | period | name | trialAmount | trialPeriod | cancelDiscountPercentage | type | backURL | declineURL | precedingSaleID | upgradeOption )$ /x } keys %params; my %filtered = map { $_ => $params{$_} } @keys; return %filtered; } 1;