[](https://travis-ci.org/tarao/perl5-Twiggy-Prefork-Metabolic) # NAME `Twiggy::Prefork::Metabolic` - Metabolic preforking AnyEvent HTTP server for PSGI # SYNOPSIS $ plackup -s Twiggy::Prefork::Metabolic -a app.psgi # DESCRIPTION `Twiggy::Prefork::Metabolic` behaves the same as [Twiggy::Prefork](https://metacpan.org/pod/Twiggy::Prefork) except that a child process (a worker) won't stop listening after reaching `max_reqs_per_child` until all accepted requests finished. In other words, the child process never refuses a new connection arrived before restart. `Twiggy::Prefork::Metabolic` infinitely accepts new requests as `Twiggy` does without getting stuck even if there are more requests than `max_workers` x `max_reqs_per_child`. This is like `Twiggy::Prefork` with `--max-reqs-per-child=0`. It also restarts child processes as `Twiggy::Prefork` does if the process has idle time after reaching `max_reqs_per_child`. # SEE ALSO [Twiggy::Prefork](https://metacpan.org/pod/Twiggy::Prefork) # LICENSE Copyright (C) INA Lintaro This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. # AUTHOR INA Lintaro <tarao.gnn@gmail.com>