Apache::OpenIndex - Perl Open Index manager for a Apache Web server


  PerlModule Apache::Icon
  PerlModule Apache::OpenIndex
  (PerlModule Apache::Language) optional
  (PerlModule Image::Magick)    optional


OpenIndex provides a file manager for a web sites through a web
browser. It is a extensive rewrite of the Apache::AutoIndex.pm
module which in turn was a remake of the autoindex Apache
module. OpenIndex can provide the same functionality as
AutoIndex.pm and can be used to both navigate and manage the web

OpenIndex has dropped the mod_dir support provided by AutoIndex.

In order to activate the file manager functionality, two things
have to happen. First, the proper http.conf directives need to
be placed into a <Location area> section. Second, there has to
be a directory stub (.XOI) created off of the directory where
the file manager is to be provided.

Within the ROOT directory stub (.XOI), a MARK sub-directory
(.XOI/.MARK) can also be provided to present a MARK directory
tree by the file manager. The MARK (.XOI/.MARK) directory
provides a physical directory where files can be managed,
unzipped, moved, copied, deleted, and renamed. New directories
can be created with the mkdir command. The MARK directory can
be mapped to any path location on the Apache server or to any
site path location.  To activate the MARK directory access  
the "mark" directive needs to be set to '1'.  The ROOT (.XOI) 
directory is actually a fake path of the site's root directory. 
For example to access "http://www.site.com/bob/" the following 
URL would be required:


This would in turn would display the file manager for bob. To
Bob, the ROOT directory appears to be his actual web root

If the above description does not make sense, just follow the
examples provided, and perhaps it will become clearer once you
see some results.

Since a URL fake path (.XOI) is provided, authentication and
authorization can be used to only allow authorized users to
have access to the OpenIndex module.

In short, you will no longer need to use ftp to upload and
manage the web site files. Since OpenIndex is web based, you can
use all of your other Apache functionality, such as SSL,
proxies, and etc.
The best procedure to get OpenIndex loaded and working is to first
have the Apache mod_perl and autoindex modules loaded and
working properly. Then remove the httpd.conf 
"AddModule autoindex" 
directive and add the Apache::Icon and Apache::OpenIndex module 

Loading the Modules

The following describes what httpd.conf directives you need in
your httpd.conf file to load OpenIndex and it's companion modules.

First or all you must have mod_perl loaded, with the following:

AddModule mod_perl.c

You will also need to load the following mod_perl modules, with:

  PerlModule Apache::Icon
  PerlModule Apache::OpenIndex

in your httpd.conf file or with:

   use Apache::Icon();
   use Apache::OpenIndex();
in your starup.pl file.

Configuration Guidelines

It is best to put the OpenIndex directives is in a <Location area>
section of your httpd.conf file, because it is the highest
priority Apache httpd.conf section. This way, other directives
will not get in the way of (ahead of) OpenIndex during the Apache
request processing. Apache 1.3.x the directive section priorities
are (in increasing order):


Here is an example of a <Location area> directive:

    <LocationMatch /.*/\.XOI>
	SetHandler perl-script
	PerlHandler Apache::OpenIndex

Notice that a regular expression Location form was used. This
will provide a file manager for each 1-level deep
sub-directory of the site's document root which have a
.XOI stub directory in them.  For example:

If a browser in turn accesses:


The OpenIndex file manager would be activated for "/friends/bob".

Even though the .XOI directory is a fake reference for the real
directory tree, it must exist in order to activate the file
manager. If a ".XOI/.MARK" directory is also present, and the
"mark" directive is set to '1', access to any locatoin on the
Apache server can be managed.

You will probably want to provide authentication and
authorization for the .XOI fake location. For example, I have
used Apache::AuthenDBI and Apache::AuthzDBI with the following
additions to the same <Location> as above:

 PerlAuthenHandler Apache::AuthenDBI
 PerlAuthzHandler  Apache::AuthzDBI
 AuthName DBI
 AuthType Basic
 PerlSetVar Auth_DBI_data_source  dbi:Pg:dbname=webdb
 PerlSetVar Auth_DBI_username     webuser
 PerlSetVar Auth_DBI_password     webpass
 PerlSetVar Auth_DBI_pwd_table    users
 PerlSetVar Auth_DBI_uid_field    username
 PerlSetVar Auth_DBI_grp_field    GID
 PerlSetVar Auth_DBI_pwd_field    password
 PerlSetVar Auth_DBI_encrypted    on
 require group webgroup friends propellers

If you only want to provide the AutoIndex functionality, just place the
following into either a <Directory area>, or <Location area>
directive and don't bother to create the .XOI directory.

 SetHandler perl-script
 PerlHandler Apache::OpenIndex

Mod_perl does not provide configuration merging for Apache
virtual hosts. Therefore, you have to maintain a complete set of
OpenIndex directives for each virtual host, if any of the virtual
host configurations are different.
File Permissions

When using OpenIndex as a file manager, understanding and
implementing the file permissions is the hardest concept. First,
you need to have a good understanding of your operating system's
(OS) file permissions.

OpenIndex can allow groups of users to share the same web server
file space (tree), such that individuals can be prevented from
changing each others files and directories. An "admin" group can
also be specified, which allowes certain users to be able to
modify all the files and directories within the tree, as well
as, assign GID access to the files and directories.
File permissions are controlled by a group ID (GID) provided by
an authorization module for the user. It is assigned to the
files and directories that that user creates. 

An Apache environment variable must be set prior to each OpenIndex
request. This environment variable would normally be set by an
authorization module.

For example, the Apache::AuthzDBI module (presented above) can
provide an environment variable "REMOTE_GROUP" which contains
the group ID of the authorized user. The following OpenIndex
directive tells it which environment variable contains the
user's GID for the request:

    OpenIndexOptions GIDEnv=REMOTE_GROUP

For example, if the authorization module sets the environment


OpenIndex would set the GID for that user to 1000. If the GID is
valid (for Apache and it's OS), all files and directories created by
that user will have their GID set to 1000.

HINT:  If you set the "OpenIndexOptions Debug 1" directive, the
environment variables will be listed along with other debuging
information.  You can then spot your GID environement variable
set by your authorization module in order to verify it's
existance and OpenIndex operation. 

An admin directive can also be specified which enables a user
with the specified admin GID to access and control all files and
directories within the current file manager directory (.XOI)

In summary, if the following directives are provided:

  OpenIndexOptions GIDEnv=REMOTE_GROUP
  OpenIndexOptions Admin=1000
The GIDEnv directive tells OpenIndex which environment variable
contains the GID (REMOTE_GROUP in this example). [This variable
would have been set by an authorization module.] If the GID for
the user happens to be 1000, then that user will have "admin"
privleges and it's commands (SetGID).

The operating system (OS) rules still apply to all of the GID
operations. For example (OS=UNIX), if Apache's program ID (PID)
is 100 and a file is owned by user 200, Apache can not change
the GID of file unless the Apache process is also a member of
the GID 200 group.

If a "group name" (instead of a number) is provided, the GID
name is looked-up in the /etc/group file in order to obtain the
numeric GID. This is very UNIX like and my not work for other
operating systems.

HINT: Any environment variable can be used to contain the
GID. Therefore, you can trick the authorization module into
coughing up a GID by using the REMOTE_USER (user) environment
variable and then simply create a group with the same name. 
Don't forget to make the Apache's process user ID (PUID) a
member of the group (in /etc/group). 

AutoIndex Functionality

When a .XOI directory is not present in the URL, OpenIndex will
function like AutoIndex. Note that the .XOI directory name can
be changed with a directive. This is explain later on in the


The display options (directives) are a composite of autoindex,
AutoIndex, and OpenIndex's own module directives.

The original module directives are maintained by OpenIndex, so
that any existing directives that you may have, can be used to
maintain the status quo.

autoindex DIRECTIVES

Apache normally comes with mod_autoindex C module. A number of
it's httpd.conf directives are provided when Apache is

Documentation for autoindex can be found at:


An incomplete (no Alt directives) and a very brief description
of the autoindex (used by Apache::Icon) directives is
provided below.

These directives are processed by Apache::Icon.pm which
provides icons to Apache::AutoIndex and Apache::OpenIndex.

* FancyIndexing boolean

    The FancyIndexing directive tells OpenIndex to present a
    robust display which can include permissions, an icon, name,
    date, size, and description for each file and directory. All
    of the following autoindex and AutoIndex directives require
* HideExt boolean

    The HideExt directive tells OpenIndex to not display the
    file extention within the index display.
* HeaderName file file ...

    Inserts a list of files displayed at the top of the document
    After Apache 1.3.5 the filename can be a relative URI.  If 
    the file name extention is '.html' it will be sent as is.

* IndexIgnore file file

    A list of files not to be displayed. The files can specify
    extensions, partial names, wild card expressions, or full
    filenames.  Multiple IndexIgnore directives add to the list.

* IndexOptions [+|-]option [+|-]option ... 
    There are several options. Please refer to the above URL:
    for the complete list.

* IndexOrderDefault Ascending|Descending|Extension Name|Date|Size|Description

    IndexOrderDefault takes two arguments. The first must be
    either Ascending, Descending, or Extension indicating the
    direction of the sort. Only Name can have the Extension
    specified, which will sort on the file extension.  The 
    second argument must be one of the keywords: Name, Date,
    Size, or Description. It identifies the primary sort key.

* ReadmeName file file ...

    A list of text files that will be displayed to the end of the
    document.  If the file mime type is text/html it will be sent
    as is.
* AddDescription "string" file file...

    The file description displayed for the given file (file name
    wild cards).

* AddIconByEncoding (alttext, url) MIME-encoding MIME-encoding ...
    The file icon (alttext, url) to be displayed according to
    the MIME-encoding (mime-encoding).
* AddIconByType (alttext, url) MIME-type MIME-type ...

    The file icon (alttext, url) to be displayed according to
    the MIME-type (mime-type).

* AddIcon (alttext, url) name name ...

    The file icon (alttext, url) to be displayed according to
    file name extension.

* DefaultIcon icon

    The file icon to be displayed if no other icon can be found.
    (default icon)


* IndexOptions Thumbnails

    The listing will include thumbnails for pictures. Defaults to

* IndexOptions ShowPermissions
    Print file permissions. Defaults to false.

* IndexHtmlTag tag attributes

    This directive specifies the tag's attributes that will be
    inserted into the tag.  For example: <TAG attributes>

* IndexHtmlText tag text

    This directive specifies the tag text that will be inserted 
    within the tag.  For example: <TAG> text </TAG>

* IndexURIHead value

    Value should be the uri (absolute or relative) of a resource
    that would be inserted right after the <BODY> tag and just
    before anything else.

* IndexHtmlFoot value

    Value should be the uri (absolute or relative) of a resource
    that would be inserted right before the ending </BODY> tag
    and after everything else.

* IndexFrameTail value

    Value is a string that will be inserted after the main frame.
    The Frame option has to activated in order for this to work.
    The main frame contains the index table and is always inserted 
    into the frameset.  A NOFRAME tag is also always included.

* IndexHtmlStyle value

    Value is a string that will be inserted inside the <Style>


* OpenIndexOptions Admin n

    Sets the admin GID to n. If the user's GID equals the admin
    GID, the "SetGID" command will be provided and file access
    control will be provided for all files and directories in
    both the MARK and ROOT directory trees.
* OpenIndexOptions Debug [0|1]

    If set to 1, the listing displayed will print debugging
    information if the user is set to Admin. The default is 0.

* OpenIndexOptions Frames [0|1]

    If set to 1, the output will use HTLM horizontal frames.
    The default is 0.

* OpenIndexOptions Menu command1 command2 . . .

    Allows you to add and remove commands from the menu.
    The default menu is: "Browse", "Upload", "Unzip", "Delete",
    "MkDir", "MkFile","Copy", "Move","Edit","Rename","Help". 
    If the first command is preceded by '+' the following 
    commands will be added to the existing list of the menu.
    If it is preceded by '-' they well be removed from the list. 
    The  sign can only be used as the first argument, while the 
    remaining arguments are a list of the items to either add 
    or remove.   If no sign is provided the menu list is replaced 
    by the list provided.

* OpenIndexOptions AdmnMenu command1 command2 . . .

    AdmnMenu allows you to modify the admin command menu. When
    a user is an admin, as defined by the:
    "OpenIndexOptions Admin" directive, the AdmnMenu is provided.
    The default menu is: "SetGID", "Revoke", and "Debug".  Note 
    that the "Debug" command only is displayed if the: 
    "OpenIndexOptions Debug 1" directive is also provided.
    If the first command is preceded by '+' the following 
    commands will be added to the existing list of the menu.
    If it is preceded by '-' they well be removed from the list. 
    The  sign can only be used as the first argument, while the 
    remaining arguments are a list of the items to either add 
    or remove.   If no sign is provided the menu list is replaced 
    by the list provided.

* OpenIndexOptions Root Directory
    When operating in the AutoIndex mode, this option allows 
    you to specify the root directory where OpenIndex will not
    display the "Parent directory" item (the root).  The 
    string is compared with Perl regular expressions.

* OpenIndexOptions FakeDir Directory
    Sets the FakeDir directory stub name from which the files
    can be managed. The default is ".XOI". You should probably
    consider changing this value to something else if you do not
    want people probing your web site. You may want to prefix
    the name with a '.' in order to hide it from view.
* OpenIndexOptions MarkDir SubDirectory
    Set the mark subdirectory stub name of the where OpenIndex
    stores the Mark directory files. The default is ".MARK".
    Note that this is the fake name used to reference the MARK
    directory.  The MARK directory can be designated to be 
    anywhere on the web server.
* OpenIndexOptions MarkRoot syspath
    Set the rooted MARK path location to "syspath".  The path is
    from the Apache server's root path, that is it must contain
    the initial '/'.  It can allow the client to get to any file
    on the web server.  The browser client will not be able to 
    go below this directory.
* OpenIndexOptions TextLen n
    Sets the text entry field of the command form to length n.
    The default value is 49.  The "SetGID" text length is
    almost one-half this value (default 25).
* OpenIndexOptions EditMax n
    Sets the maximum edit file byte size to n.  This is the
    maximum file size that can be edited.  The default value
    is 131072 bytes.
* OpenIndexOptions PostMax n
    Sets the http maximum post byte size to n.  This is also
    the maximum file size that can be uploaded.  The default
    value is 4,194,304 bytes.
* OpenIndexOptions umask n
    Allows you to set the umask for the files and directories
    created.  Generally n is an octal number starting with a '0'.

* OpenIndexOptions Help URL
    Sets the URL of the user help command.  The default URL is:
* OpenIndexOptions language [0|no|off]
    Tells OpenIndex not to use the Apache::Language module to
    translate messages. ('0', 'no', or 'off')  Defaults 'off'.
    When enabled the Apache::Language module must be loaded.
    Make sure if you set language on that you load the 
    negotiation module and either use the Multiviews option
    or the *.var method. 
* OpenIndexOptions GIDEnv name    
    If an authorization module provides an environment variable
    (name) with the user's GID, the GIDEnv directive tells
    OpenIndex which variable contains the GID for the current
    request. The GID is then retrieved from the environment
    variable and is applied to the user's commands. For each
    command the source GID is checked to make sure that the GID
    matches each file and directory created. If a name (not a
    number) is provided, it is looked up in the /etc/group file
    to obtain the GID number.
* OpenIndexOptions UserEnv name    
    An environment variable can be specified which holds the
    user name of the request.  If 'Basic' authorization is being
    used, the user name will be recovered from Apachei, regardless
    of what ever is specified for 'UserEnv name'.

* OpenIndexOptions Revoke [1|0]
    A boolean value which tells OpenIndex to check the file
    "revoked" in the root fake directory (FakeDir) for users and
    groups that will not be allowed to execute commands. This
    file is maintained by OpenIndex for the admin user through
    "Enable" and "Disable" commands provide in the Revoke form.
    Note that Apache will need to have read and write access in
    this file ("revoked") and root fake directory (.XOI).

* OpenIndexOptions Mark [1|0]
    A boolean value which tells OpenIndex to use and process the
    MARK (mark) directory (tree), if it exists. ('1', 'yes', or
    'on') Default 0. If the MARK directory does not exist, it
    will not use it :-).

* OpenIndexOptions NoTitle [1|0]

    If set to 1, the header title will not be displayed.
    The default is 0.

* OpenIndexOptions NoCache [1|0]
    A boolean value which tells OpenIndex to have the expire time
    of the http header to zero so that browsers will not cache 
    OpenIndex's output. Default 0.

* OpenIndexOptions Import package subroutine limit_arguments

    "This is are real cool directive!"  It allows yot to add
    new commands and routines to OpenIndex.   Look in the 
    OpenIndex/OpenIndex directory and you will find an external
    command "MD5.pm".  This command calculates and displays
    the MD5 hash of the files selected, stores them in the
    file entered into the "Destination" form text field, and
    displays the results.  This directive can provide the
    full subroutine name including the '::'s.  For example,
    for the MD5 command the following directive is used:
      OpenIndexOptions \
	import MD5 MD5 before=>MD5before after=>MD5after \
        back=>MD5back min=>1 max=>0

    NOTE: that the escape character '\' is used to indicate
    that the the line continues.  Do not use the '/' character
    in your conf file.
    The interesting arguments are as follows:
    The first argument is the package name that contains the
    subroutines.  If it is not fully specified with '::' it
    is preappended with "Apache::OpenIndex::".

    The second argument is the menu command name of the 
    routine.  The command is added to the menu  by using 
    either the 'Menu' or the 'AdmnMenu' directive.

        Is the name of the subroutine to run just before the
        menu command subroutine (Apache::OpenIndex::MD5before in 
        the example).  This command allows any initilalation
        work to be done before the main command.  The main
        command (Apache::OpenIndex::MD5 in the example) is called
        once for each file/directory item selected from the
        directory index listing within the browser window.
        This is the subroutine executed just after the last
        item is processed.  This routine will normally do
        cleanup of anything required from the before routine.
        This subroutine is executed after a SUBMIT from the
        menu command.  It is a call back routine that depends
        on the 'proc' HIDDEN field from your HTML form.  The
        'proc' should contain the cmd name.
        Is the minimum number of items that must be selected 
        by the OpenIndex user.
        Is the maximum number of items that must be selected 
        by the OpenIndex user.  A value of 0, means there is no
        maximum number.
        This tells OpenIndex which argument contines the source 
        string for the command.  Normally this is the list of
        items from the directory index listing.  However, you
        can use any input you like by perhaps setting an @args
        string in the before=>routine.
        This tells OpenIndex which argument contines the destination
        string for the command.  Normally this is the text in
        "Destination" text form field.  However, you can use 
        any input you like by perhaps setting an @args string 
        in the before=>routine.
        This tells OpenIndex to check and make sure that a value
        is contained in the argument.  The default is to have
        an item selected from the directory index listing.
        Requires that user is the admin user inorder to execute
        the commands submitted. 

* OpenIndexOptions Always package subroutine arguments

    "This is another real cool directive!"  It allows yot to 
    specify an external command to run before each OpenIndex
    managed page is processed.  This is where you would hook
    in a quota check routine and so forth.  The arguments
    are only for use by the command specified.


Generation of thumbnails is possible. This means that listing a
directory that contains images can be listed with little reduced
thumbnails beside each image name instead of the standard
'image' icon.

To enable this you simply need to preload Image::Macick in
Apache. The IndexOption option Thumbnails controls thumbnails
generation for specific directories like any other IndexOption


The way thumbnails are generated/produced can be configured in
many ways.  A general overview of the procedure follows.

For each directory containing pictures, there will be a
.thumbnails directory created in it that will hold the thumbnails.
Each time the directory is accessed, and if thumbnail generation
is active, small thumbnails will be produced, shown beside each
image name, instead of the normal , generic, image icon.

That can be done in 2 ways. In the case the image is pretty
small, no actual thumbnail will be created. Instead the image
will resize the HEIGHT and WIDTH attributes of the IMG tag.

If the image is big enough, Image::Magick will resize it and
save (cache) it in the .thumbnails directory for the next

Changing configuration options will correctly refresh the cached
thumbnails. Also, if the original image is modified, the
thumbnail will be updated accordingly. Still, the browser might
screw things up if it preserves the cached images.  


* IndexCacheDir dir

This is the name of the directory where the generated thumbnails
will be created.  Make sure the user under which the web server
runs has read and write permissions. Defaults to .thumbnails

* IndexCreateDir 0|1

Specifies that when a cache directory isn't found, should an
attempt to be made to create it. Defaults to 1(true), meaning if
possible, a missing cache directories will be created. 

* ThumbMaxFilesize bytes

This value fixes the maximum size of an image at which thumbnail
processing isn't even attempted.  Trying to process a few
very big images could bring a server down to it's knees.
Defaults to 500,000

* ThumbMinFilesize bytes

This value fixes the minumum size of an image at which thumbnail
processing isn't actually done. Since trying to process already
very small images could be an overkill, the image is simply
resized with the size attributes of the IMG tag. Defaults to

* ThumbMaxWidth pixels

This value fixes the maximum x-size of an image at which
thumbnail processing isn't actually done. Since trying to
process already very small images would be an overkill, the
image is simply resized with the size attributes of the IMG tag.
Defaults to 4 times the default icon width.

* ThumbMaxHeight pixels

This value fixes the maximum y-size of an image at which
thumbnail processing isn't actually done. Since trying to
process already very small images would be an overkill, the
image is simply resized with the size attributes of the IMG tag.
Defaults to 4 times the default icon height

* ThumbScaleWidth scaling-factor

Preserved only if there is no scaling factor for the other axis
of the image. 

* ThumbScaleHeight scaling-factor

This value fixes an y-scaling factor between 0 and 1 to resize
the images. The image ratio will be preserved only if there is
no scaling factor for the other axis of the image. 

* ThumbWidth pixels

This value fixes a fixed x-dimension to resize the image. The
image ratio will be preserved only if there is no fixed scaling
factor for the other axis of the image. This has no effect if a
scaling factor is defined.

* ThumbHeight pixels

This value fixes a fixed x-dimension to resize the image. The
image ratio will be preserved only if there is no fixed scaling
factor for the other axis of the image. This has no effect if a
scaling factor is defined.


The thumbnail support needs to be tested. It was provide with
Apache:: AutoIndex, but I have not tested it yet.
Some minor changes to the thumbnails options will still have the
thumbnails regenerated. This should be avoided by checking the
attributes of the already existing thumbnail.

Some form of garbage collection should be performed on thumbnail
cache or the directories will fill up.


perl(1), L<Apache>(3), L<Apache::Icon>(3), L<Image::Magick>(3) .

Please send any questions or comments to the Apache modperl 
mailing list <modperl@apache.org> or to me at <perler@xorgate.com>


This code was made possible by :

Philippe M. Chiasson

<gozer@ectoplasm.dyndns.com> Creator of Apache::AutoIndex.

Doug MacEachern 

<dougm@pobox.com>  Creator of Apache::Icon, and of course, mod_perl.

Rob McCool

Who produced the final mod_autoindex.c I copied, hrm.., well,
translated to perl.

The mod_perl mailing-list 

at <modperl@apache.org> for all your mod_perl related problems.


George Sanderson <george@xorgate.com>


Copyright (c) 2000-2001 George Sanderson All rights reserved.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. 

Copyright (c) 1999 Philippe M. Chiasson. All rights reserved.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.