NAME Algorithm::SISort - Select And Insert sorting algorithm DESCRIPTION This module implements a sorting algorithm I saw in BIT 28 (1988) by Istv�n Beck and Stein Krogdahl. This implementation is mainly intended to try out the Inline module by Brian Ingerson. The algorithm is a combination of *Straight Insertion Sort* and *Selection Sort*. While *Insertion Sort* and *Selection Sort* both are of complexity O(n**2), *Select and Insert Sort* should have complexity O(n**1.5). For more usage information, read the Algorithm::SISort pod documentation. INSTALLING Installing this module is as easy as unpacking the tar archive, cd'ing to the extracted directory, and running: perl Makefile.PL make make test make install And if you are using the CPAN shell, it's is as easy as going: perl -MCPAN -e shell install Algorithm::SISort Note, that this module requires Inline v. 0.40 or newer. The perl Makefile.PL step will detect if any components are missing and issue a warning, and CPAN should download install any dependencies automatically. BUGS Bug-reports are very welcome on the CPAN Request Tracker at: AUTHOR Hrafnkell F. Hlodversson, COPYRIGHT Copyright 2001, Hrafnkell F Hlodversson All Rights Reserved. This module is free software. It may be used, redistributed and/or modified under the terms of the Perl Artistic License. See