TLV::Parser - A module for parsing TLV strings


    use TLV::Parser;

    $tlv = TLV::Parser->new( { tag_aref => ['80', '5F', '9F01'], l_len =>
    2, } ); $tlv->parse($tlv_string);

    # Alternative: no l_len is passed in. The default l_len is 2. $tlv =
    TLV::Parser->new( { tag_aref => ['80', '5F', '9F01'], } );


    The TLV::Parser module, provides a simple interface for parsing TLV
    (Tag-Length-Value) or (Identifier-Length-Contents) strings. It takes in
    a hashref as the input: tag_aref points to the reference to the array
    of tags, and l_len is the number of bytes defined for the length
    segment in TLV.



      Creates a new TLV::Parser object with the hashref as the input.
      tag_aref, which points to the array of tags, is mandatory. l_len,
      which is the number of bytes defined for length segment, is optional
      with default value of 2.

      Parsing TLV string can be done by continuous regex or by cut the
      'tag' segment from tlv string and compare it against the defined
      tags. This module is using cut and compary method, so it stores all
      the passed in tags into a hash, also store the set of the length of
      the tags in a hash.


      Parses the specified TLV string and store the result in the object
      itself. If the TLV string cannot be parsed completely, it will store
      the remaining segment and store error message 'parsing incomplete'
      'result' => '... ...', 'remain' => '... ...', 'error' => 'parsing
      incomplete', After parsering, TLV (tag, value) pairs hash are pointed
      by 'result' in the object.


    Guangsheng He (何光胜) <>


    Copyright (C) 2024 by Guangsheng He (何光胜)

    This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
    under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.8.8 or, at
    your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.