== Noteworthy SL Changes Since Last Release of SL 7 == NOTE: This section documents changes made to SL specific packages since the last SL release. + This section does not list changes inherited from Upstream unless absolutely necessary. .SL Install DVD The 4.7Gb install disk for Scientific Linux 7 has been discontinued. .OpenAFS With SL 7.3 OpenAFS has been updated to version 1.6.20 the latest upstream stable. .sl-release There is a new Scientific Linux End User License Agreement (EULA). The EULA now contains information about the U.S. Government contract under which Fermilab produces Scientific Linux. .anaconda-addon-org_scientificlinux_contexts The Scientific Linux context plugin has been altered to be less aggressive in its use of network resources. Several isolated crash reports and unexpected network bugs have been addressed. Now Context Data should only be fetched for users selecting context items. // vim: set syntax=asciidoc: