Ephraim Nissan <E . Nissan @ gre . ac . uk> (email mangled to prevent spamming)
School of Computing and Mathematical Sciences at the University of Greenwich, 20 Wellington Street, Woolwich, London, UK
This is a bibliography of publications of Ephraim Nissan. The companion LaTeX file nissan-ephraim.ltx can be used to typeset this bibliography.
computing, linguistics
Author Comments:
At version 1.03, the year coverage looked like this: 1979 ( 1) 1985 ( 5) 1991 ( 8) 1980 ( 0) 1986 ( 1) 1992 ( 7) 1981 ( 1) 1987 ( 11) 1993 ( 4) 1982 ( 1) 1988 ( 5) 1994 ( 5) 1983 ( 1) 1989 ( 6) 1995 ( 11) 1984 ( 1) 1990 ( 4) 1996 ( 18) 19xx ( 1) Article: 19 Book: 1 InCollection: 8 InProceedings: 24 Manual: 1 Misc: 2 PhdThesis: 1 Proceedings: 11 TechReport: 24 Total entries: 91 This file is available as part of the BibNet Project. The master copy is available for public access on ftp.math.utah.edu in the directory tree /pub/bibnet/authors. It is mirrored to netlib.bell-labs.com in the directory tree /netlib/bibnet/authors, from which it is available via anonymous ftp and the Netlib service.