Bulk copies data into a Sybase  table.  Data  sources  can  include  a)
 another Sybase table, b) the results of any sql, c) the  return  values
 from a perl subroutine called repetitively, or d) a  flat  file.  Comes
 with robust error reporting, handling, and intercepting and  perl  call
 back hooks to intercept  data  before  it's  sent  to  the  server  and
 after (if errors.)
 Also comes with a command line wrapper, sybxfer.

    use Sybase::Xfer;
    my %switches = (-from_server=>'CIA', -to_server=>'NSA', -table => 'x-files');
    my $h = Sybase::Xfer->new( %switches );
    my %status = $h->xfer(-return=>"HASH");
    print "xref failed. $status{last_error_msg}\n" unless $status{ok};
    sybxfer -from_server 'CIA' -to_server 'NSA' -table 'x-files'  
    if [[ $? != 0 ]]; then print "transfer problems"; fi

INSTALLATION (the usual)
   perl Makefile.PL [ LIB=<alternate installation> ]
   make test
   make install

   Requires Perl Version 5.005 or beyond

   Requires packages:

   my e-mail: stephen.sprague@morganstanley.com

Version 0.62  01-MAR-2003  It Lives!!!
* added switch --textsize for use with 
  bulk inserting text/images.
  (rocco ditaranto & jon freeman)

* fixed binary/varbinary/image/timestamp column 
  xfer bug.  (rocco ditaranto)

* added switch --packetsize for potentially
  increasing bulk insert performance. 

* fixed bug with Sybase::ObjectInfo.pm where
  allownulls was always returning true.
  (chris anecelle)

* fixed bug with misreporting a float that
  underflowed/overflowed was due to non-numeric
  data.(Harjit Johal)

* made Xfer.pm warnings (-w) compliant.
  (Jun Wu)

* fixed bug with specifying shortcut switches 
  -T & -D for both source and target.

* removed dependency on DBD::Sybase. Seems it
  didn't play nice with Sybase::CTlib under some

* fixed bug with xferring identity columns and
  requesting the target server to create new ones.
  ie. xfer now undef's the corresponding value.

* xfer now explicitly extends the input record
  with undef's if it's shorter than the target

   * new switch --method {bcp | insert | sybbcp}  
     (andrew lowery)

   * new switch --filter "{ regex[N] => '[!] /expr/',
                            firstrow => n,
                            maxrows  => n}"

     if regex specified w/o N, then it is applied to each
     column of each row. if regex is specifed with N it is
     applied to that column only where N is the column number
     in target table.  (khalid taha)

   * db2 support 

Version 0.53  07-NOV-2001
* added "sysUser=>u, sysPwd=>p" to the -truncate
  and -drop_and_recreate_indices switches.
  This is useful if the bcp needs to be run under a
  different user than the truncate/create indices
  user.  (abhijit subhedar)

* added optimization to -delete, -truncate, and
  -auto_delete logic to skip operation if target
  table empty. (joe melillo)

* added logic to -from_file s/t if file ends in .gz/.ZIP
  to pipe through zcat. (khalid taha)

* added new switch -from_file_pack_format 'format'. Where
  format is passed to the unpack command to determine the
  fields to transfer to target. This switch is mutex with
  -from_file_delimeter. (mark dootson)

Version 0.52  10-SEP-2001
* corrected more errors in deadlock retry logic (Tom Cornell)
  a) {ok} hash status wasn't properly set
  b) rows transferred to target incorrectly set
* -from_file can now accept a reference  (Graham Ward)
  if reference subclassed from IO::File then xfer will
  read input from it. Useful for reading from sockets.

Version 0.51  15-JUN-2001
* added -to_database documentation (Suresh Balakrishnan)

* added use 5.005. (Merijn Broeren)

* added new option -timeout [secs] (Ron Isaacson)

* added new option,
  -drop_and_recreate_indices | dari [syts:server.database]
  instructs xfer to drop the indices on the target table 
  before the transfer begins and to recreate them after
  the transfer is complete. 

* defined scalar return context of method xfer as follows:
  0 = success w/o any hitches
 >0 = success w/ n number of rows not transferred
 -1 = aborted. unrecoverable error
 -2 = aborted. interrupt signal
 -3 = aborted. timeout signal

* added above scalar return code as 4th element to 
  list return context. ie. array is as follows:
  [0] = num rows read from source
  [1] = num rows transferred to target
  [2] = last known error message
  [3] = scalar return code

* new switch added. -return=> 'HASH' | 'ARRAY' | 'SCALAR'
  default is SCALAR if called in scalar context and 
  ARRAY if called in list context. This is backward
  compatible default behavior. However, if HASH is specified
  the method will now return:
    {rows_read}        = number of rows read from target  
    {rows_transferred} = number of rows transferred to target
    {last_error_msg}   = last error message encountered   
    {scalar_return}    = scalar return. see above.
    {ok}               = 1 if all rows were transferred regardless
                         of retries or warnings along the way.
                       = 0 if not

* added 'Xfer info' portion to std out. This echoes
  -from_table, -to_table and logs pre-xfer activities
  like deleting rows, truncating table, dropping indices

* can now specify -to_table as:
  where source = 'Sybase' is the only supported source right
  now. -to_table settings override -to_server, -to_database

* fixed double mapping bug when using -from_file_map. Also,
  can now use -from_file_map with any source.

* fixed bug with -retry_verbose (Ilya Shulimovich)

* fixed bug when using -from_file and
  file had trailing null fields. (Thomas Boccafola)

* rigorous deadlock testing performed by Ilya Shulimovich (i think)

* huge thanks to Ron Isaacson for enlightening me on many
  various perl oddities and for volunteering to help me 
  with more releases of this module. Hell, he's even starting
  in own xfer module that'll stretch past this one.

* documentation on error handling expanded. 
* added documentation in the bugs section that -to_tables
  residing on Sybase Openserver's are not supported for the
  target table.
  (Peter Somu)