NAME Apache::AuthenN2 - Authenticate into the NT and NIS+ domains SYNOPSIS #httpd.conf <Location> AuthName "your nt or nis+ account" AuthType Basic PerlSetVar NISPlus_Passwd_Table PerlSetVar NISPlus_Group_Table PerlSetVar NT_Domain domain_name PerlSetVar NT_PDC primary_server PerlSetVar NT_BDC backup_server PerlAuthenHandler Apache::AuthenN2 require group eng require user john larry </Location> DESCRIPTION A quick fix to allow two otherwise incompatible populations in the enterprise (windows users and unix users) authenticated access to restricted applications offered via apache. Authenticate to an nt domain; failing that, try a nis+ domain. Note that this scheme is quite permissive. Either a valid nt username/password, or a valid nis+ username/password will allow access. This causes double exposure to poorly selected passwords. The nt part requires the Authen::Smb module. When Authen::Smb supports group authentication, I will add it to this module. The nis+ part requires the Net::NISPlus module. AUTHOR valerie at savina dot com (Valerie Delane), originally based more or less on code shamelessly lifted from Doug MacEachern's Apache::AuthNIS and Micheal Parkers's Apache::AuthenSMB. COPYRIGHT This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. SEE ALSO mod_perl(3), Apache(3)